Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 16, 2003


A third chapter. I want to thank those who responded to my story thus far. I would also like to thank my editor Bill.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003.

Sensual Boys, Chapter 3: A Trio and a Horse

"Remember guys that authors like feedback. The amount of feedback I get determines how willing I am to write. Even if you only send me or other writers a one sentence e-mail saying 'good story, keep writing' that would be considered good feedback. It would also ensure that stories you like continue. So write to Me and to other Authors whose stories you like!"

Jamie woke early and went through the same general routine he had the day before. As he sucked on his seven-inch cock, he imagined that it was Sebastian sucking him off instead of himself. With imagines of Sebastian's smooth skin and blue eyes, Jamie came into his mouth. He rested on his back for a few minutes with a satisfied expression on his face before he got dressed for school.

He wore baggy blue jean shorts, a green shirt, and didn't bother to confine his hair deciding to let it hang free. He was in a good mood and was already smiling as he walked to the bus stop. He got there early so he had to wait for Jacob and Jared to arrive. When the two boys got there, they chatted with Jamie for a while before the bus arrived. Jamie told Jared all about his time with Sebastian after they took their usual seat. Both boys got a hard on from the story, but neither could do anything about it on the bus.

"Congrats on finding a boyfriend, dude. Me and you are still going to get together right?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, I talked about it with Bastian, actually. He agreed to share. Hey, what would you say to joining in with me and him sometime?" Jamie replied.

"Shit, that might be hot dude. Fuck, think he would go for it?" Jared said.

"Yeah," Jamie replied.

"Awesome dude," Jared said.

They talked some more about what the three boys could do together. The bus ride was soon over and Jamie had to adjust himself to hide his hard on as he got off the bus. He grinned at Jake who seemed to be having the same problem. Jake walked over to Jamie.

"Hey, seems we have a similar problem," Jamie said when Jake got within talking distance.

"Yeah, Jen got me worked up this morning like always. Fuck, that girl kills me. I really need to get off bad, dude," Jacob said.

"Well, I could help you out," Jamie said tentatively.

"For real? How? We're at fucking school, dude," Jacob said.

"Come on, follow me. I have an idea, "Jamie replied.

He nodded and followed Jamie. They made their way quietly into the school building and Jamie headed towards one of the out of use classrooms. It was the same one he had caught Chris and Daniel bullying poor Sebastian in. When he was helping Sebastian, the day before, he had noticed that there was a storage room in the back of the classroom. He motioned Jacob into the room and looked around to make sure no one noticed them before following. Jamie walked to the back of the room and opened the door to the empty storage closet. Jacob followed him nervously.

"Dude, are you sure about this?" Jacob said softly.

"Yeah, we are safe. Besides you said you needed to get off," Jamie said with a grin.

They went into the storage room and shut the door behind them. Jamie reached for the buttons on Jacob's jeans and undid the zipper. He pulled Jacob's jeans down to mid-thigh. He got on his knees face to face with the horny jock's eight-inch farm boy cock. Jamie didn't waste time, but quickly wrapped his lips around the bloated cock head and began sucking. He licked up the pre-cum and used his hand to jack Jacob's dick in time to his bobbing mouth.

"Hurry, dude. Oh man, that feels good. Play with my balls," Jacob told Jamie.

Jamie used his hand to play with Jacob's balls as he deep throated the thick piece of meat. He used his free hand to unbutton his own shorts and took out his cock. He was jacking his thick dick like mad, as he bobbed up and down on Jacob's cock.

Pre-cum soaked Jamie's cock head as Jacob's cock slid back and forth across his tongue. His left hand was rubbing Jake's balls while his right was jerking off his own cock. Jacob grabbed Jamie's head and tangled his fingers in the long auburn hair.

He fucked Jamie's mouth quickly, but steadily while Jamie used his tongue to add to the stimulation. When Jamie didn't gag, Jacob tried going deeper. Soon he was shoving his entire eight inches in and out of Jamie's gripping throat. Jacob was reaching the point of no return as he fucked Jamie`s face.

"Get ready, I'm almost there," Jacob said.

Jamie only grunted in acknowledgement. He couldn't speak for the cock in his mouth. It was the vibrations from Jamie's grunting that finally set Jake off. He shot a good six shots of cum into Jamie's slurping mouth. Jamie swallowed hard so as not to miss any of it and suck on Jake's piss slit to get the last few drops. He used his mouth to clean Jake's dick off before releasing the deflating cock.

Sucking Jake's cock and being face fucked had gotten Jamie really horny. As soon as he stopped sucking Jake, he sat back on his ass and leaned forward. Jacob watched in shock as Jamie began sucking his own cock. It didn't take long for Jamie to cum and he swallowed his own cum with the same relish he had Jacob's.

"Holy shit! I can't believe you can suck your own damn cock dude! Damn!" Jacob exclaimed.

Jamie only grinned. He stood and the two boys quickly got their clothes on and in order.

"Jamie man, thanks dude, I really needed that," Jacob said as he stood looking out the closet door before stepping into the classroom. Jake repeated the same actions at the classroom door before proceeding into the hall.

"No problem, anytime," Jamie said as they walked from the classroom trying to act casual. Jacob grinned and waved goodbye as he headed for his own class.

Crystal caught up with Jamie as they made their way to their mutual first block class.

"Hey, you wouldn't believe how happy Sebastian seems since he met you. I had to listen to him talk about you for an hour last night or more," Crystal said with a grin.

"Yeah? I really like him too. He's so sweet," Jamie said with a grin.

"Oh, did you hear what happened to Chris and the other guys?" Crystal asked.

"No. What happened to the assholes?" Jamie asked.

"The teacher that broke up the fight is a friend of my mom. She called him after she found out the boys had been picking on Sebastian earlier that day. The teacher told her that the boys were suspended for the rest of the week! Also, if they do anything like it again they are out for the year. He even said how impressed he was with how you kicked their asses," Crystal said in a rush.

"Good, the fucking assholes deserved it. I am glad he didn't get me in trouble," Jamie replied.

"Yeah, that would have really sucked, "Crystal said.

They continued to talk about yesterday's events and about Sebastian. Crystal was happy about Jamie and Sebastian being an item. She even said that they made a cute couple. The rest of the class was passed without incident. Jamie did notice that people gave him a lot more respect today than they had the two days before.

Second block was gym class for Jamie. It was the first day that they would actually have to do anything. Being a short guy and knowing that he was pretty for a boy, Jamie was slightly nervous about gym class. He had seen guys from his class the two days before, but they hadn't had to change or shower together until today.

Jamie made his way to the gym. He had his gym clothes in his backpack and knew were the locker room was. He was one of the first to reach the locker room and moved quickly to his assigned locker. He sat down on the bench to take off his sneakers as the other students filed into the locker room.

When the final bell rang, the other boys began to move towards their own lockers. An older teen sat down not too far from Jamie. Everything about the older boy screamed jock. He was at least seventeen years old and had short black hair. He was six foot two inches tall and was very muscular.

Jamie couldn't help but look as the older boy changed. He noticed the short sexy goatee the boy sported. He looked on in awe as the massive arms, large pecs, and ripped abs came into view. He noticed the dusting of black hair across the boy's tanned chest, rippling stomach, and muscular legs. The boy's muscles were large and hard, but not grossly so. He moved with a causal swagger and Jamie thought he was extremely sexy.

He heard the boy talking to another boy. From what he could over hear, the boy's name was Darren "Horse" Scott and he was a senior this year. It also seemed that he was the quarterback of the school's football team. Some of the other boys, including Horse, began to notice Jamie looking at them. He might have been picked on had he not beaten the crap out of Chris the day before. As it was Horse decided to talk to him.

"Hey, your Jamie right?" Horse said. His voice was deep and mellow. There was a sexy quality to it that Jamie couldn't describe.

"Yeah," Jamie said.

"I saw you kicking ass yesterday. Those were some amazing moves you pulled. Where did you learn to do shit like that?" Horse asked curiously.

"Well I took a lot of martial arts classes as a kid. I guess they stuck," Jamie said.

"Your damn right they did. Shit, I guess. You're a modest fucker ain't cha?" Horse gaffed.

"I guess I am," Jamie said with a laugh.

"By the way, I'm Darren, but everyone around here calls me Horse," Horse said sticking out his hand to Jamie who shook it firmly further impressing the older boy.

"Cool, why do they call you Horse?" Jamie asked. He already had a good idea from the way the older boy's jeans bulged, but had to ask anyhow. Horse and his friends laughed.

"Wait until I get naked here and I think you will figure it out for your self," Horse said with another laugh. Jamie nodded.

Jamie watched as Horse pulled his jeans off and his eyes bulged when he saw Horse take his underwear off. Nestled in a bush of neatly trimmed black pubic hair and sitting atop two large egg sized testicles was a seven and a half inch flaccid penis.

"I think I get it now. I feel sorry for your girlfriend," Jamie said with his mouth hanging slightly open.

"Yeah, a lot of them can't handle it. Fuck, I have had a few girls dump me after they saw it hard," Horse said.

"So, not to be weird or anything, but how big does it get?" Jamie said as he got naked himself. He was trying to keep from getting hard. Horse was really turning him on. He was so casual and his body language oozed an unconscious sensuality that made Jamie's cock twitch.

"Last time I measured, ten and a half fucking inches," Horse replied.

"Shit, for real?" Jamie said.

Horse nodded and was pulling on his jock strap when one of his friends caught site of Jamie's own cock, which was slightly inflated from talking with and seeing Horse. It was hanging across his balls at about five inches long.

"Shit, Horse look," the other boy said loudly pointing at Jamie's crotch and causing several others to look at him as well.

"Damn, never seen something like that on a guy your age since I was your age," Horse said surprised at how well endowed Jamie was. Several other boys looked on impressed as well. Jamie grinned in response and actually blushed slightly.

"Well, it is what it is." Jamie finally.

"Don't let the girls see that or they will be all over you," one boy commented.

"Trust me, I don't plan on showing it to any girls," Jamie said quietly. So quietly, in fact only Horse heard him. As the other boys got dressed and filed out of the locker room Horse stopped Jamie and didn't speak until the last boy left leaving Jamie and him alone in the locker room. No one even thought to question Horse's actions. He was the school quarterback and a bit of a school idol so was able to get away with a lot.

"You know I heard that don't you?" Horse said to Jamie.

"Heard what?" Jamie said innocently.

"Your comment about not showing it to any girls. Are you a queer or something?" Horse said.

"I don't think it is any of your business," Jamie said as he tried to move around the much larger boy.

"Hold up, don't get so damn defensive. If you are its cool, dude," Horse said holding Jamie back.

"Uh huh, I bet it is. Is that some kinda joke?" Jamie said.

"Dude, listen. You look almost like a girl, shit, and I know what I heard. So fess up. I ain't gonna try and hurt you or tell the world on you. I'm serious I just want to know, ok?" Horse said with enough sincerity to convince Jamie.

"Fine, I am gay. There are you happy now? Why do you want to know anyhow?" Jamie said sounding a bit exasperated.

"Well, I will tell you after class. Don't worry, I ain't gonna tell anyone," Horse said before turning around and walking into the gym to join his friends. Horse treated Jamie like one of the guys throughout gym class. When some of the other guys asked him why he was nice to the girly boy, he told them that anyone that could kick ass like Jamie deserved to be treated well. Being who and what he was caused the guys to shut up any further protests.

Jamie surprised the coach and won some more respect from the other guys in class by being able to not only handle all of the exercises the coach put them through, but actually beat some of the older kids in races across the gym. All in all gym class went pretty well for Jamie.

Soon the class was ending and the coach told everyone to hit the showers. Jamie wasn't shy about changing and stripped naked like the older guys. A few of the other freshmen hid behind towels as they changed and wore underwear into the showers. Horse and Jamie chatted casually as they went into the shower. Horse surprised Jamie by taking a showerhead not far from his.

Jamie found that he actually liked Horse. He was nice, friendly, and extremely attractive. Most of the guys went through their showers quickly, but Jamie and Horse took their time. They talked the entire time. Jamie was wondering why on earth Horse was being so friendly to a guy that was not only a freshman, but also a freshmen that had actually admitted to being gay. As the last of the other boys left the showers Jamie decided to ask Horse what was up.

"Hey, not that I am complaining, but why are you being so friendly to me?" Jamie said.

"Well, I have this problem you see and I thought you might be able to help me out," Horse said.

"What kind of problem?" Jamie asked curiously. The two boys had finished their showers and were now standing in front of the lockers drying off.

"Well^Å shit dude, you gotta promise not to mention this shit to anyone. Even with your kick ass moves I am pretty sure I could pound you to a pulp," Horse said earnestly.

"Ok, I won't tell. Damn, what's so important?" Jamie asked.

"Well, remember how I said that I have had girls fuckin dump me once they saw me hard?" Horse said as he pulled on his street clothes.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with me?" Jamie said slightly baffled while pulling on his own clothes.

"Well, the guys don't know it, but the girls won't let me fuck them at all. They hang on me and shit. We go out, but as soon as they see what I am packing, they get all nervous. So, I was thinking since the girls can't or won't help me out that a guy might," Horse was now fully dressed. He was sitting on the bench with a mixture of nervousness and annoyance on his face.

"Are you serious?" Jamie said in disbelief.

"Yeah, your queer so I thought you might be interested in helping me out," Horse said look Jamie in the eye and causing Jamie's heart to beat faster.

"I figured most girls would like getting with a guy that was hung," Jamie said still a bit baffled, because he didn't think Horse would suggest what he seemed to be. Jamie leaned over and began doing up the laces of his shoes.

"Fuck, they all say it's too big, dude. Most won't suck it and those that do don't do it long enough. The chicks that actually spread their legs for me say it hurts too much and wimp out before I get off," Horse said.

"I see. This involves me how?" Jamie said finally catching on, but not believing it. He sat there staring directly at Horse.

"Well, I thought maybe you might me able to handle it," Horse said tentatively looking at Jamie.

"You're joking right?" Jamie said even though he was expecting it he was still in shock.

"Not really. Fuck, I am a horny guy. If I could find a girl that could get me off I wouldn't think about this, but fuck I am getting desperate you know what I am saying?" Horse said.

"Yeah, I understand what you are saying, but I can't believe you're saying it," Jamie said.

"Well believe it because I am being totally fucking serious here, dude. So, think you could help a buddy out?" Horse said.

"I probably could, but want exactly do you think want me to do for you and were would we do it?" Jamie asked.

"Well, me, my cousin Sean, and his little brother Eric are going camping this weekend. I was thinking you could come along. We're going to have two tents and you can share mine. Once the cousins are asleep you could help me get some relief," Horse said.

"Ok, that should work. Won't they think it's a bit odd that your bring someone like me along? I mean I don't look like the type to be hanging out with you," Jamie said.

"Well, fuck, they're my cousins. I don't think they will say anything. Besides, I can tell them I invited you to thank you for helping me with some schoolwork or some shit like that. They are easygoing guys. It will be cool. So, will you come camping and help a horny buddy out?" Horse said.

"Ok, I will. You still haven't told me what exactly you want me to do to help you out," Jamie said.

"You will see when we go camping. Fucking trust me alright?" Horse said.

"Alright, but I hope you can handle doing this and don't freak out on me," Jamie said.

As they walked into the gym, and out into the halls, the two boys worked out the rest of the details for the weekend trip. Horse was going to pick Jamie up Saturday morning after his cousins got there. The four of them would then take Horse's four-wheel drive to a camping site up in the mountains somewhere to the west of town.

After splitting up Jamie went to his main locker. Sebastian was standing there waiting on him with a smile.

"Hey, babe," Jamie said while grinning, which caused Sebastian to giggle and blush.

"Hey," Sebastian said softly.

Jamie gave Sebastian a quick peck on the lips when he was sure no one was looking. Sebastian turned a deep crimson and looked around quickly. His face was split into a huge grin the entire time though.

"Come on lover lunch a waits," Jamie said with a laugh. Sebastian laughed as well and the two walked side by side to the lunchroom. After getting their food, they headed towards the table Crystal and Kenneth always sat at.

"Hey, love birds, what's up?" Jared said teasingly causing Crystal's elbow to be shoved into his side.

"Hey guys," Jamie said while Sebastian nodded somewhat shyly. They sat down and chatted idly while digging into their food.

"So what are you two doing today?" Crystal asked while looking at Jamie and Sebastian.

"I am not sure. I was kinda hoping Bastian would come over after school again today," Jamie said.

"Yeah, I asked mom already this morning just in case," Sebastian said.

"Great," Jamie said smiling.

"Me and dumbass here are going into town after school we could drop you two off if you like," Crystal said.

"You want to?" Jamie asked Sebastian.

"Yeah," Sebastian replied.

"Good, it's settled then," Crystal said.

They continued to talk and get to know each other better. Sebastian seemed to loosen up after a while and began to talk animatedly with Crystal and Kenneth. Crystal later told Jamie that she had never heard Sebastian speak so much.

The rest of lunch and school went by quickly. Jamie caught Jared in the hall and told him he wouldn't be riding the bus home and why. He told Jared that he would call him over to the house if Sebastian were cool with what they talked about on the bus earlier that day.

Crystal and her brother met their boyfriends in front of the school after the last block was over. They walked together to Kenneth's car, which was rather nice for a teen, but not overly nice. Jamie and Sebastian held hands in the back seat on the way to Jamie's house. Crystal commented on how cute they looked, which caused Jamie to grin and caused Sebastian to blush. All of them giggled at how embarrassed Sebastian was including Sebastian.

When they arrived at Jamie's house, Jamie and Sebastian got out of the car. Jamie pulled Sebastian to him and planted a hot kiss on his lips right in front of Kenneth's car causing the couple inside to hoot and whistle. The couples laughed and then waved goodbye to each other. The two boys walked into Jamie's house and up the stairs to Jamie's bedroom holding hands.

"Sorry about the kiss, but I couldn't resist," Jamie said with a snicker as he wrapped his arms around Sebastian.

"Sa'right, I liked it," Sebastian said leaning in and giving Jamie an equally hot kiss.

They made their way to the futon and sat down. They made out for a few minutes before Jamie pulled back.

"Hey, remember me mentioning Jared?" Jamie said.

"Yeah," Sebastian said.

"Well I told him about what we did and he wouldn't mind having some fun with the both of us if you're interested," Jamie said.

"Wow. Really? Awesome. When?" Sebastian said.

"Now if you want. All I have to do is call him," Jamie said grinning and squeezing the hard on in Sebastian's pants.

"Do it," Sebastian said. Jamie leaned in and kissed Sebastian passionately before reaching for the phone and calling Jared to come over. He told the older teen to come on in and that they would be up stairs waiting on him.

"Hey, want to give him a surprise?" Sebastian said boldly.

"What do you have in mind?" Jamie asked.

"Well we could get naked and be laying on the bed all spread out when he walked in," Sebastian suggested tentatively.

"You really want to?" Jamie said surprised that the shy boy wanted to do something like that.

"Yeah, I bet it will really surprise him," Sebastian said grinning.

"Yeah, come on lets do it," Jamie said.

The boys stood up and stripped each other. It took them longer than normal because they kept sneaking kisses in-between removing clothing. By the time, they had finished undressing and gotten into bed they were both hard and leaking pre-cum.

When Jared walked into the room the first thing he saw, were the two boys laying naked on their backs. Their hard ons were sticking up from their crotches at an angle and their faces were grinning wickedly.

"Damn," was all Jared could get out.

"You like?" Jamie asked.

"Hell fucking yeah," Jared said. He moved towards the two boys so that he was standing at the foot of the bed staring down at them.

Jamie with his dark hair and tanned skin beside the fair skinned and blond Sebastian was a beautiful and sexy contrast. It had an obvious affect on Jared whose cock was rock hard in his shorts.

"Strip for us," Sebastian said boldly while staring avidly at Jared's cock.

"Yeah, Bastian wants to meet the monster," Jamie said with a smirk.

Jared grinned and stripped in record time. He crawled in-between the two boys and lay down on his back with his arms spread. His thick nine-inch uncut cock was already drooling pre-cum into his belly button. Jamie and Sebastian cuddled up against Jared's sides. Their hard cocks were rubbing against the older teen's slightly hairy thighs.

Jamie and Sebastian looked at each other and grinned. Jamie leaned forward and began sucking on one of Jared's nipples while Sebastian began working on the other. The two boys seemed to work in tandem. Jared's large hands held both boys' heads to his chest as he moaned. The boys humped Jared's thighs as they teased Jared's sensitive nipples.

Almost as one, they began moving upwards. They sucked and nibbled on the taunt flesh of Jared's well-formed neck. Their tongues flicked across Jared's ear lobes as their hands roamed his chest and washboard abs. Jared was squirming beneath the dual onslaught and loving every second of it.

Jamie stopped and looked at Sebastian. They leaned forward and kissed passionately right in front of Jared's face. Jared watched hungrily as the beautiful boys sucked on each other's tongues and tweaked his nipples with their soft fingers.

They soon broke their kiss and began licking and kissing their way down Jared's torso much too the older teen's delight. As they neared his cock head, they grinned at each other and began licking at the pool of pre-cum on Jared's stomach. Their nimble tongues flicked around and all over Jared's cock head. Soon they were licking and kissing on Jared's cock head together.

Jamie's hand held Jared's shaft up with the foreskin pulled off the head and Sebastian stroked Jared's balls. Jared looked down and watched, as the two boys seemed to be kissing with his large purple cock head between them. The sensation of two mouths on his cock head was driving him wild.

"Oh fuck, yes, damn, fuck," streamed from Jared's mouth as his hands found the younger boys' cocks and began to caress them.

Sebastian began sucking on the head of Jared's cock while Jamie licked his way down the thick shaft to suck Jared's nut sac. Jamie and Sebastian both had a hand wrapped around the thick shaft, which they used to squeeze the thick cock in a rhythmic fashion.

"Fuck, oh fuck, I am getting close, shit," Jared said suddenly.

Jamie pulled up and stopped altogether and Sebastian did the same. "Having fun?" Jamie asked Jared mischievously.

"Fuck," was Jared's reply.

Jamie motioned for Sebastian to move back up the bed. " Bastian, straddle Jared's chest," Jamie said.

Sebastian only grinned and did as Jamie asked.

"Jared, suck Sebastian's dick, "Jamie said causing Jared to look shocked and Sebastian to grin.

"What?" Jared asked as if he didn't understand what Jamie had said.

"Why should you have all the fun? Besides, if you suck us I will give you my ass. If you don't we can always stop," Jamie said with a wicked grin.

Jared looked at Sebastian's cute chubby six inch pink headed cock and grinned. He opened his mouth and pulled Sebastian forward. He began to suck on Sebastian's cock while his fingers began to probe around Sebastian's ass. Sebastian was leaning over Jared's head when he jerked suddenly. Jamie had gotten behind him and had lain across Jared. His cock was rubbing against Jared's while his tongue was squirming against Sebastian's asshole.

Jared gripped Sebastian's soft white ass and pulled the cheeks apart for Jamie. Jamie ground his hips into Jared's cock. Their cocks slipped and slid together in the pool of pre-cum. Sebastian was trembling from Jared's sucking mouth and Jamie's squirming tongue.

Jamie slid up Jared's body rubbing his slick seven-inch cock across Jared's abs and up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian and pressed his body to the younger boy's back. His cock rested in the crack of Sebastian's milky white butt. His lips found Sebastian's neck and he sucked on it gently before leaning towards Sebastian's ear.

"Baby, I want to fuck you," Jamie whispered.

Sebastian pulled out of Jared's mouth and pressed back against Jamie. "Do it," Sebastian said huskily.

Jamie moved off Jared's chest and pulled Sebastian along with him. He stood beside the bed and had Sebastian lay on his back on the bed with his legs dangling over the side. He kissed Sebastian passionately and then looked at Jared.

"Get up and get behind me. I want you to fuck me while I fuck him," Jamie said. He reached for Sebastian's legs and placed each one over one of his shoulders. He spit in his hand and rubbed it onto and into Sebastian's quivering asshole. Jared stood and moved behind Jamie.

Jamie stared into Sebastian's eyes before locking mouth against Sebastian's. As Jamie thrust his tongue into Sebastian's pouty lips, he was also pressing his thick cock head into Sebastian's tight young ass. Jared stood beside Jamie and watched as Jamie's cock head popped into Sebastian's body. Sebastian shook from either pleasure or pain and moaned loudly around Jamie's tongue.

Jared spit on his on cock and stood behind Jamie. Jamie spread his legs with his cock head stuck up Sebastian's ass. Jared lined his bloated purple cock head up with Jamie's searing hot ass hole and pressed forward. The pressure pushed Jamie deeper into Sebastian. Jared's cock head popped through Jamie's anal ring causing both boys to gasp.

Jared thrust forward hard driving his entire nine-inch cock into Jamie's waiting ass and forcing Jamie to enter into Sebastian completely. They all three seemed to groan as one for a moment. Jamie began to grind his ass against Jared's thick invading member, which in turn ground his own cock into Sebastian's ass. Jamie slowly pulled out of Sebastian, which thrust his ass back onto Jared before thrusting his cock into Sebastian's ass once more.

Jamie repeated his thrust over and over again. Each time he pulled out of Sebastian he impaled himself on Jared's cock. Jared soon got use to the tempo and began to thrust forward as Jamie thrust back, which pressed Jamie hard into Sebastian. The pace continued to build as the three boys worked in sync. Jamie was pounding into Sebastian. His thighs were slapping against Sebastian's ass, while Jared pounded into Jamie`s own ass.

The assault on his prostate gland combined with the tremendous heat and pressure around his cock soon drove Jamie over the edge. He jerked and then slammed into Sebastian burying his cock as far into the younger boy as it could go. Jared began to power fuck Jamie as the younger boy stiffed and convulsed beneath him. The contractions around his cock and his powerful fucking soon had him convulsing along with Jamie.

As his orgasm subsided, Jared quickly pulled out of Jamie. Jamie just finally broke the kiss he had held with Sebastian for the entire time. He quickly slid down Sebastian's body and engulfed the younger boys cock. His talented tongue and soft lips went to work furiously sucking on the younger boys throbbing cock. It didn't take long before Sebastian moaned and shot his load into Jamie's eager mouth. After Sebastian came the three boys piled into the bed. Jared was in the middle again.

"That was unreal," Jared said. Jamie and Sebastian nodded in agreement. The two young lovers were both laying with their heads on Jared's chest. They were all breathing heavy, but relaxing quickly. Jared had his arms around both boys. He rubbed their backs affectionately as they all recovered their energy.

"Hey, I don't know about you two, but I am sweaty. I could use a shower, "Jared said after a while.

"Yeah, me to. I have a big bathtub want to take a bath together?" Jamie asked Jared and Sebastian.

"Sure," was Jared's reply. Sebastian only nodded and grinned.

The three boys stood together and walked naked into the bathroom. Their limp cocks dangling between their legs. Jamie went to the bathtub and turned on the faucet. He adjusted the water and then put the stopper into the drain. Jamie reached for Sebastian's hand and they got into the bath together. Jared soon followed and the boys sat in the warm water as the bathtub filled.

Jared reached for the soap and rags Jamie had lain out. Together the three boys soaped up each other's body. What started out as a bath was turning into a something else entirely. Jared was massaging Sebastian's body with his soapy hands while Jamie was doing the same to Jared. Soon their cocks were all hard again.

Sebastian turned to Jared and moved his mouth towards the older teens. Jared was surprised when Sebastian kissed him, but quickly returned the kiss. Jamie was jacking off as he watched his boyfriend and his friend making out. Jamie rubbed his body against Sebastian's and sucked on the young boys ears as Jared and Sebastian continued to make out.

Jamie turned Sebastian towards him and began sucking on Sebastian's tongue. Jared reached for both boys' cocks and began to jack them off. Jamie and Sebastian turned to Jared and they each wrapped a hand around Jared's thick cock. They jacked Jared off together while Jared jacked them off.

Jared leaned forward and kissed Jamie. Jamie kissed him back and turned to kiss Sebastian. Soon they were sharing a three-way kiss and jacking each other off. Surprisingly the three seemed to approach orgasm together as their legs rubbed against one another and their hands stroked each other's cocks. They broke their kiss and all three moaned. Sebastian was the first to cum shooting a surprising about of cum into the air between the three boys. Sebastian's hot cum landed on Jamie's cock setting off his own orgasm.

As Jamie and Sebastian both came, they both stopped jacking Jared off. Jared hadn't cum yet. Jamie and Sebastian looked deeply into each other's eyes and then looked over at Jared's throbbing cock. They leaned over together and sucked on Jared's cock taking turns taking the thick head into their mouths while the other licked the upper part of the shaft. Jared grunt and began to shoot with Sebastian's mouth around his cock head. Sebastian moved after the first two shots to let Jamie suck Jared's cum as well. Between the two of the Jamie and Sebastian took Jared's second massive load of cum.

The three boys grinned at each other and finished bathing quickly. They helped each other dry off before returning to Jamie bedroom.

"Hey, want to go swimming?" Jamie suggested.

"What about suits?" Sebastian asked.

"Who needs them?" Jamie said smirking and headed towards the door nude.

Sebastian and Jared looked at each other and grinned. The three boys made their way naked and giggling down the stairs into the basement. Jamie's mom only laughed when they passed causing all three boys to crack up. Soon they were in the pool horsing around and having a good time.

They swam for over an hour before Jamie's mom hollered out from the first floor deck that she had fixed supper. The boys were starving after sex and swimming and quickly dried off and wrapped towels around their waists before heading upstairs. In the kitchen, they found a nice meal of spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread.

Jamie, Sebastian, Jared, and Jamie's mom, Dora, chatted as they ate. Jared and Sebastian found Jamie's mother to be amusing and really affectionate. She treated the boys like her own and even teased them about walking around naked. After supper, Jared went home. Jamie and Sebastian went to Jamie's room and sat on the futon naked while making out and occasionally watching TV until it was time for Sebastian to go as well.

Next: Chapter 4

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