Sensual Boys

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 5, 2003


This story is copyrighted by me James Ramsey.

This story is fiction. If your not suppose to read this type of story then leave.

Please excuse any mistakes.

Comments and feedback encouraged.


Sensual Boys, Chapter 1: Jamie, Jared, and Jacob

Jamie Alexander Waysa was new to this school, town, and state. He was an only child whose mother had waited until her mid thirties to have him. His father had died, from unknown causes, three months before he was born. He never really felt that loosing his father had left a void in his life. His mom loved him very much and tried to give him the best life possible. Even though she was still a very attractive woman and had a whole string of lovers over the years, she remained single for the most part.

Jamie and his mother had moved several times throughout his life. They had lived in California for seven years, Oregon for three years, Alaska for two years, and even Mexico for a year. Now, with Jamie turning fourteen, they had decided to move east to a small town in West Virginia.

His mother had degrees in a wide range of subjects and worked as a schoolteacher. She would be taking a new job at one of the local elementary schools. Jamie would be going to a large high school one town over from the town they lived in. While schoolteachers aren't paid much, it was plenty for him and his mom. They were both thrifty by nature and managed to get a lot more done, using far less money, than what most people could. Jamie's mother also had a secondary source of income from a part time internet job. She was a website designer and an occasional consultant.

Jamie's father had left them a rather substantial insurance policy, which they had spent gradually. The money left over from that policy combined with his mother`s dual income meant that they could afford a very nice house. The house they bought had two-stories plus a basement. They had started remodeling it as soon as they moved in, at the end of the school year. Over the summer, they transformed the house to suit their needs. They had finally finished the remodeling shortly before school was due to start.

The house was built into a hillside so that the back of the basement was above ground and faced the pool in the backyard. The basement was the same size as the first floor. It had a lot of empty storage space, but also had a garage, a utility room, a laundry room, a bathroom, a changing room for the pool, and a den complete with fireplace. The first floor had a large living room, the master bedroom suite, a half bath, a kitchen, a dining room, and a study. The second floor was smaller than the first floor by a little less than a third. Most of the second floor had been remodeled as Jamie's personal domain. He had a large bedroom, a private bath, a large walk in closet, and his own study.

There were also three covered porches, stacked on top of each other, one for each floor including the basement. The porches were recessed into the back of the house. The den, the living room, and Jamie's bedroom all three had fireplaces that sat between French doors that lead out onto the porches. Combined with hardwood floors and plush carpeting the house had a cozy and inviting feel to it.

Jamie was a rather unique individual. He was gifted in many ways. His appearance was striking and neither feminine nor masculine, but somewhere in-between. His hair was long and light auburn brown in color with natural highlights. It was very thick, silky soft, and reached midway down his back. His eyes were a clear forest green. They often seemed to glow with some inner mystery or mischievousness. They were framed by fine elegantly shaped eyebrows and long dark lashes. He had light golden brown skin that was practically blemish free. It had a reddish hue that combined with his high cheek bones spoke of Native American ancestors. He had full pink lips that turned cherry red when he was excited. Overall, he was a very attractive boy with an inherently sensual quality about him.

He had a slender build with just a hint of muscular definition. He stood about five foot three inches tall and weighed less than 100lbs. He had hit puberty at an early age, but his body showed few signs of the change. He remained hairless except for a small patch of pubic hair above his penis, which was soft and lightly colored. His voice was a light, almost musical, tenor. His movements were very graceful and could even be considered cat like. His hands were soft and ended in long delicate looking fingers. His slender frame enhanced the appearance of his well-proportioned bubble butt, his four-inch flaccid penis, and his large walnut sized testicles.

Though he was a short slender boy, he was far tougher than he appeared. He was well trained in several martial arts. He had also taken gymnastic classes for many years, starting at early age. The training had made him deceptively fast, surprisingly strong, very agile, and extremely flexible. They had also ensured that he was trim and quite fit. Several bullies had learned that size is not everything, thanks to Jamie.

Jamie's first day of school, in his new town, was Monday. He had gotten ready early. He dressed in baggy blue jean shorts and a comfortable black shirt. He had put his hair up in a ponytail and had neatly braided it. He had put a black braided leather necklace, with a crystal charm, around his neck and a leather banded watch on his wrist. A wide gold band with abstract engravings was placed around his ring finger and two gold loops were placed in each ear. After he had put his white ankle socks and black high top sneakers on, he was ready to go.

He walked down the stairs to fix himself a pop tart and get a soda. He was not one to eat much in the mornings. After he ate his small breakfast, he grabbed his black book bag and headed out the door. The walk to the bus stop was fairly short since it was almost directly in front of his house.

As he waited for the bus, he watched the other kids arrive. They came in small groups or alone until there were five other kids waiting on the bus at his stop. Two were pre-teens, a boy and a girl, around eight and nine years old respectively. There were also two other teen boys. One was fifteen and the other was seventeen. A girl around twelve, who seemed to be the younger sister of the seventeen-year-old boy, was also standing there. All the kids seemed to know each other and they spent their time talking amongst themselves and occasionally staring at Jamie, while they waited on the bus. Jamie simply kept a somewhat amused or perhaps indifferent expression on his face. He had also stolen more than a few glances at the two older boys' bodies when they weren't looking.

After they had all stood there for a while, the two other teen boys walked over to Jamie. Jacob, or Jake as most people called him, was the fifteen-year-old boy and Jared the seventeen-year-old boy had been friends for sometime, despite their age difference. Jacob stood around five foot ten inches tall while Jared stood a little over six foot tall. Both were masculine and confident boys with somewhat cocky attitudes.

Jacob had a definite farm boy look about him. His hair was sandy blond and his eyes were brown. He had a tan nearly year round from spending so much time outside without a shirt on. During the summers, he stayed with his grandmother and worked on her farm, but lived with his divorced dad during the school year. His body was covered in well-defined muscles from all of the farm work he did. He also played football and worked out at the school's gym. His body was lightly dusted with blond hair, including a blond happy trail, which added to his masculinity. He was a very sexy boy.

Jared was a basketball player with a lanky, but sexy body and well-defined muscles. His hair was jet black and he often spiked it. His eyes were a silver blue. His skin was naturally tan and smooth, which came from his Italian ancestors. His upper body and ass were relatively free of hair except for they sexy happy trail that leads to a neat pubic bush. He also had a medium dusting of hair on his legs and two patches under each arm. He was out going and far friendlier than many would expect a boy his age to be.

The two boys had been having a casual conversation about whether or not Jamie was a boy or a girl. From a distance, Jamie could pass as a girl, but only from a distance. Jared was of the opinion that Jamie was a boy while Jacob was positive he was a girl.

When they reached Jamie, Jared was the first to say anything "Hey dude, what's up? I'm Jared and this here is Jake."

Jamie had been looking in his bag for a book to read, but looked up with a smile when he heard Jared's country accent. He had also caught the scent of the teen's cologne. "Hey. I'm Jamie, nice to meet you," he said and stuck out his delicate long fingered hand.

Jared shook Jamie's hand and was somewhat surprised at the firm yet gentle grip he received as well as the velvety softness of the younger boy's skin. Jacob shook his hand also and said, "Hey."

Though they had figured out that Jamie was a boy after they had gotten a closer look at him Jared couldn't resist asking whether he was a boy or girl. "Hey dude, not to be rude or anything, but me and Jake here were wondering whether you were a boy or a girl. Cause honestly, dude, we can't tell," Jared said with a slight joking tone in his voice.

Jamie laughed softly and grinned widely. "No problem guys. I am asked that a lot. I am a guy and if you don't believe me I can always prove it," he said with a laugh and a mischievous grin while he made motions towards his crotch.

"Nah dude that's all right we believe ya. So what grade are you going to be in 7th or 8th?" Jacob said.

"Uhmm, neither actually. I start 9th grade this year. I have been told I don't look my age," Jamie said. He enjoyed the surprised look he got when the boys realized that he was older than he appeared.

"Cool, me and you are going to be in the same grade. Hey, here comes the bus," Jacob said.

"Hey, dude wanna sit with me on the bus? Jake here stopped sitting with me when he started dating Jen," Jared said.

"Sure. It isn't like I know anyone else to sit with," Jamie said in a way that showed his odd since of humor while he smiled.

The bus slowly pulled to a stop and the younger kids got on first. They were followed by Jacob, Jared, and Jamie. Jacob moved to the back of the bus to sit with a rather pretty girl that kissed him just about before he could sit down. Jamie and Jared took a seat several rows ahead of the couple who were already busy making out.

"Poor Jake, the girl teases the shit outta him and won't do more than give him a hand job. Fuck, that shit would drive me nuts! I don't know why he puts up with her," Jared said after he glanced back at Jake and Jen.

"I guess that explains the calluses on Jake's hands then," Jamie snickered while he made jacking motions.

"Yeah, watch when the boy gets off the bus. The boy will be sporting a major tent in his jeans," Jared said.

"So? You probably would be to if you were trying to choke some girl with your tongue," Jamie pointed out.

"Nah, it ain't my tongue that chokes the girls. Ya know what I am saying?" Jared said while he grabbed his crotch.

"What your dirty underwear do the trick instead?" Jamie said.

"Fuck you man. My underwear ain't dirty. It's the monster in my underwear that chokes the ladies," Jared said in retort.

"A Monster? I doubt you have much of a monster in those jeans. Maybe you a have a pencil though," Jamie grinned.

"Shit, you're fucked in the head if you think that. Shut up before I show you how much of a monster it is," Jared said.

"Oh? How would you do that, huh?" Jamie asked.

"I would shove it down your fucking throat. That's how," Jared, laughed.

"You aren't man enough, Jared." Jamie said.

The conversation might have continued like that for sometime, but the bus had arrived at the school. The kids had began filing out and Jamie noticed that Jacob did indeed appear to be a bit excited. "What did I tell you?" Jared said when he noticed where Jamie was looking. The boys shared a laugh before getting off the bus themselves.

"Well, hey, see you after school Jamie. Welcome to town and all that shit," Jared said before he headed towards a group of his friends.

Jacob and Jen had split up after getting off the bus, as Jen was a grade ahead of Jacob and Jamie. Jamie walked over to Jacob. "So, looks like you enjoyed the bus ride," Jamie said while he looked pointedly at Jacobs's crotch.

"Hell yeah, Jen is hot, but the girl is such a fucking tease. She does this to me all the time, dude. She is hardly ever willing to do something about it though," Jacob replied.

"Yeah, that's what Jared said," Jamie smirked.

"So you said were a freshman right? So do you know were orientation is?" Jamie asked.

"It's this way. Damn, I hate school, especially when my girlfriend has spent thirty minutes trying to give me blue balls. Come on, I'll introduce you to some of my friends," Jacob laughed.

The two boys walked over to were three other boys and a girl stood. "Hey Jake, whose the girl? I thought you were dating Jen," said a boy named Kenneth, who had his arm around a rather pretty girl named Crystal.

"Kenneth, you are such a fucking moron. This is my new neighbor Jamie. He is not my girlfriend," Jacob snapped with friendly venom in his voice.

Kenneth looked at Jamie. "Sorry dude, but with the earrings and the long hair, I thought you were a girl," he said with a surprised voice.

"Like I told Jake and Jared earlier. No problem. I hear the same thing all the time," Jamie responded.

"Well Jamie the guy that just stuck his foot in his mouth, if you hadn't guessed, is Kenneth. The girl under his arm is Crystal. That's Terry and the guy standing next to him is Donny." Jacob said and pointed out each person in turn.

"Nice to meet you guys," Jamie said and stuck out his hand and shook each one in turn.

"Damn, Crystal his hands are softer than yours!" Kenneth blurted out right before Crystal shoved her elbow into his side.

"You have to look over Kenneth, Jamie. His mom dropped him on his head as a baby," Crystal said while she looked at Kenneth with a bemused expression on her face. "It messed up the part of his brain that allowed him to think before speaking."

"Well that explains it then," Jamie and Crystal laughed.

A bell rung from the school building and the group of teens went into the auditorium where they found seats. "So where are you from Jamie? Your accent says you're not from around here," Crystal asked.

"Oh, I am from just about everywhere. Mom and me have moved around a lot. The last place I lived was California," Jamie said

"Why on god's green earth would you move here from Cali?" Crystal asked.

"Well me and my mom got a really great deal on a house here. She decided that we should finally settle down in a quite place since I am starting high school this year," replied Jamie.

The noise in the auditorium came to gradual stop after the principle asked everyone to be quiet. She explained the school rules and then called people up to the stage. Each person was given a packet containing a school map, class schedule, homeroom number, and other useful high school information. The first day of school was only a half a day for the students. They got out at noon while the teachers had to stay later for meetings.

The first day of high school was uneventful. Jamie got plenty of stares. Most were friendly. Several were curious. A few seemed hostile. The only remarkable event was when an older English teacher, who needed to get new glasses, mistakenly called Jamie, Ms. Waysa, and had to be corrected. The incident caused the entire class to laugh and the poor teacher actually blushed.

When school let out Jared spotted Jamie walking from the building and walked over to him. The two boys stood talking while they waited for the bus.

"Hey, would you like to come over my house today? Mom isn't home. She has teachers meetings at the elementary school so I will be by myself," Jamie said.

"Sure, that sounds cool. I need to call and tell my folks were I am at and all that shit, but it should be ok," Jared replied. Their bus arrived and the two boys picked out a seat together. "So, what's there to do at your house Jamie?"

"Well, we have a swimming pool in the backyard. I have a play station, a game cube, and a computer. My computer has a really fast satellite internet connection. I also have satellite TV with no parental blocks."

"No shit? Do you get any porn channels on it?"

"Yeah, I get several. Some are soft core stuff, but a few have some really graphic action on them."

"Why hasn't your mom blocked them?"

"Oh, she never saw any point in it. The channels are part of our viewing package. My mom isn't fond of censorship. She thinks it's silly."

"Awesome man, I wish my parents thought like that," Jared said.

"Hey, did I hear you mention porn?" Jamie and Jared turned to look at Jacob who set down next to them. Jen had already gotten off the bus at an earlier stop.

"Yeah, Jamie here has satellite and no blocks. I'm going over there when we get home," Jared said.

"Cool, mind if I join ya'll? I wouldn't mind watching a good porno or two," Jacob asked.

"Hey, the more the merrier," Jamie said with a smile.

The bus arrived at their stop and they trooped out with several other kids. The three boys walked up the driveway to Jamie's house. Jamie led the way. Jared took several nearly unconscious glances at Jamie's firm bubble butt as they walked.

Jamie punched the security code into the pad by the door and turned the key. "Welcome to Casa de la Waysa, me amigos" Jamie said as he opened the door. "My room is upstairs. Follow me. You can use the phone in my room to call your parents guys."

They had entered the house through the front door, which lead into a foyer and then directly into the living room. Jared and Jacob looked over the house after the three boys had taken their shoes off at the door. They both noticed the large river stone fireplace directly across the living room between two sets of glass doors that lead out onto the back porch. Jamie had turned left, towards the stairs at the back of the house, when he entered the door. He motioned for the guys to follow him.

As they made their way upstairs Jared again stole glances of Jamie's butt as it moved under his shorts. Though he had not admitted it to anyone, Jared considered himself to be bi. He had discovered several years back that it could be very fun to fool around with other boys. He had shared a tent with an older boy at summer camp and they had fooled around several times after smoking pot. However, Jared didn't do much to the other boy and mainly traded hand jobs for blowjobs and anal sex.

The first thing Jared noticed when he entered Jamie's room was its size. It looked to be nearly twenty-five foot long and at least twenty wide. As far as he could tell, it was the exact same size as the living room. The second thing he noticed was that it had glass doors and a fireplace in the same place as the living room. There was even a fake fur rug in front of the fireplace.

The room was decorated in shades of green. Green plush carpet covered the floors and thick dark green drapes covered the windows and glass doors. The furniture was all light oak. A green futon with an oak frame sat in the far right hand corner against the far wall. Next to it, to the left, was a large queen sized bed. Next to the bed were a nightstand and then two doors. At the foot of the bed was an oak foot chest. In front of the futon was a table. In front of both the bed and futon, but against the right wall was a large entertainment center.

"Damn, your room is huge!" Jacob said with a touch of awe in his voice.

"Yeah, it's great isn't it?" Jamie replied with pride.

"No shit," Jared said.

"The phone is there on the nightstand. If you need to use the bathroom it's through the door closest to the bed."

Jared went over to the phone and called his parents. He told them that he was not far away at the new neighbor's house and was going to be there awhile with Jacob and his new friend. His parents said that was fine and told him to be home for supper. Meanwhile Jacob had went into the bathroom to relieve his bladder.

Jacob stood in front of the toilet thinking about how much he would like to get laid. Jen had gotten him worked up again on the bus ride home. His five-inch flaccid penis started to inflate slightly before he finished pissing. As Jacob left the bathroom, Jared took his place. Jared's flaccid penis was six inches long, fat, and uncut. Jacob called his dad while Jared was pissing.

When Jared finished pissing, he tucked his cock back into his pants and walked back into Jamie's room. He saw Jamie and Jacob sitting on the futon. Jamie had let his hair go free and it hung around his face and shoulders. Jared was looking at Jamie thinking that the kid was really sexy when he noticed the sexual noises coming from the TV.

"Fuck! You weren't joking. Motherfucker, will you look at that. That's some hot shit," Jared said as he sat down on the opposite side of the futon from Jacob leaving Jamie in the middle.

"Yeah, it is. Don't stare too hard now Jared. Your pencil might poke a hole in your jeans," Jamie said.

"Fuck that shit. There ain't no pencil in these jeans boys," Jared said.

"Yeah, there is a twat instead," Jacob said.

"No, dumb ass, I have a fucking lady choker in these jeans," Jared said.

"Maybe a mouse choker," Jamie said.

"Shut the fuck up before I flop it out and smack the both of you with it," Jared said while grapping his dick through his jeans. The outline of his nine-inch long, thick and very hard, cock was clearly visible to Jamie who unconsciously licked his lips.

"You don't have the balls to do it Jared," Jamie said

"Wanna bet you little fucker?" Jared replied

"What that you have the balls to do it? Yeah, I bet you wouldn't even jack off with another guy in the room let a lone try to smack them with your baby dick," Jamie said.

"Oh yeah?" Jared stood up and pulled his shirt over his head showing his trim and defined body.

Jamie saw a sexy black tail of hair that started at Jared's belly button and then disappeared into the rim of his boxers, which could be seen above his jeans. Jamie's seven inch, uncut, and thick cock strained his shorts as he watched Jared unbutton his jeans and let them drop to the floor.

Jared sat back down, lifted his hips off the couch, pushed his boxers off his hips, and then pushed them down his legs. He tossed them with the rest of his cloths and then leaned back. He wrapped his hand around his dick and stroked it while looking at Jamie. "You see this? This is my monster," Jared said while he shook his dick in Jamie's direction.

"Fuck, if he's going to jack it, I am to. Shit, between this movie and Jen I could use some relief," Jacob said.

"Go for it, dude. I don't mind, I think I will to," Jamie said.

Jamie stood up and did a bit of a strip tease for Jared. A small gasp escaped Jared's lips when he saw the large cock that sprouted from Jamie's crotch and pointed up at the ceiling. Pre-cum seeped from Jared's cock head as Jamie sat down and stroked his smooth sexy young cock. Jacob stripped down as well. Jamie looked at him hungrily as his well-muscled body and thick muscular eight inches of cut farmboy dick came into view.

The three boys sat together jacking off for a few minutes before anyone spoke. "Hey guys, you know that there is a better way to get off don't you?" Jamie said.

"Yeah, but there ain't no girls here to helps us out," Jared said.

"True, but girls aren't necessarily required," Jamie said.

"What are you saying Jamie. You some kinda queer or something?" Jacob said.

"If I were what would you two do?" Jamie asked.

Jared and Jacob looked at each other before Jared spoke. "Hell, I don't know. Why what are you wanting to do?" Jared said.

"Well I could help you guys out you know," Jamie said while looking from one boys crotch to the others.

"What do you mean? Like jerk us off or something?" Jacob said.

"Or something," Jamie said.

"Shit, fuck if you wanna do something go for it, but if you tell anyone I will beat the shit out of you. That goes for you too Jake," Jared said.

"So what did you mean by the or something? Cause, I'm game, if Jared is," Jacob said.

Jamie didn't bother to explain, but leaned over and licked the large spongy head of Jake's cock. He used one hand to jack Jared off as he slowly engulfed Jake's cock head. Jacob groaned as he felt Jamie's lips slide across his cock head and bucked when he felt Jamie's tongue.

"Holy fucking shit! He's actually sucking you, damn," Jared said.

"Yeah, goddamn it feels good too. Jen did it once and it didn't feel half as good," Jacob said.

"Shit, dude give me some of that," Jared said.

Jamie grinned around Jacob's cock and gave it a hard suck before lifting his head off of it. He turned towards Jared. Jamie was on his hands and knees on the futon as he leaned forward and engulfed Jared's uncut monster. He used one hand to jack him off and the other to play with his balls as he began to bob his head up and down on Jared's thick shaft. He used his tongue to play with Jared's foreskin. His ass was pointed right at Jacob.

"Dude, you might want to get that out of my face before I do something to it you might not like," Jacob said to Jamie.

Jamie worked his way down Jared's shaft with his tongue and licked the older boy's large egg sized nuts before he turned to Jacob. "What do you have in mind?" Jamie said with a smirk as he started giving Jacob the same treatment he had just given Jared. Jacob's balls were bouncing in their sac as he ran his fingers through Jamie's soft hair.

"Fuck, I might just stick my dick up there if you put that in my face again," Jake said while moving Jamie's head back to his cock. Jamie surprised Jacob by taking at least six inches into his mouth in one go. Jacob could feel Jamie's throat contracting around his cock head.

Jamie pulled off Jacobs's dick and turned back to Jared in the same position that had provoked Jacob's comments. He tongued Jared's shaft while he wiggled his ass in Jacob's face. "It's in your face again. What are you going to do about it?" Jamie said. He took Jared's monster into his mouth and worked it into his throat. Jared stared in shock at what looked like a sword swallow's act as Jamie`s nose approached his pubes.

"Shit, you asked for it," Jacob said. He got up on his knees behind Jamie on the futon.

Jared lay sprawled in one corner of the futon with his eyes closed and his hands wrapped in Jamie's long hair when he heard Jake hawk spit into his hand. He sat up with his cock in Jamie's mouth as he looked up at Jacob. "Dude, are you gonna do what I think you are?" Jared said.

Jacob worked his spit across Jamie's tight hole. He could feel the heat radiating from Jamie's smooth body. He hawked more spit into his hand and used it to coat his cock. "Hell yeah, I warned him. He`s fucked now," Jacob said as he lined his bloated cock head up with Jamie's hole.

"Go easy at first. You're big and I need to get use to it," Jamie said as he felt Jacob pushing forward against his tight hole.

Jacob had to press pretty hard, but his cock head finally popped into Jamie's body. The heat and the tightness caused Jacob to groan as he eased his entire cock into Jamie's ass at once. Jamie was panting around Jared's dick causing it to vibrate. Jared lay back down and closed his eyes as Jamie began to suck his dick like he was starving.

Jacob held Jamie's ass and kneaded his firm yet pliable bubble butt. He began to fuck Jamie with slow short thrusts. He couldn't believe what he was doing, but had to admit that it felt great. He had never imagined something could be so soft and tight at the same. His cock was surrounded by a furnace like heat. He increased the length and speed of his thrusts as he felt Jamie relax beneath him.

"Mother fuck, this is amazing. Jared you gotta try this shit. It's da bomb man," Jake said with a loud groan as he began to really fuck Jamie's smooth ass. Jamie's ass was bouncing from the impact and he surprised Jacob by thrusting his ass back in time to Jacob's own thrusting.

Jared had sat up and gotten on his knees in front of Jamie. Jamie was lunging onto Jared's dick each time he pulled back from Jacob. Jared's cock kept sliding between Jamie's lips and across his hot tongue. The contractions around his cock head, when it drove its self in Jamie's throat, felt awesome to the teen. He began to fuck Jamie's mouth in time to Jacob's thrusts.

Jacob was speeding up and gripping Jamie's hips hard. Jamie couldn't move as Jacob began to fuck him like mad. Jamie was slurping Jared's dick and making deep moaning noises that sent vibrations through out his body and stimulated both of the other boy's cocks. Jacob made a deep hard thrust and held his cock buried in Jamie's ass as his whole body stiffened and he began to cum. With each spurt of cum Jacob thrust deep into Jamie and stiffend until he was spent. He slumped backwards pulling his spent cock out of Jamie's ass. It lay on his heaving stomach slowly deflating as he tried to catch his breath.

"That pant was `pant' da bomb," Jake said.

Jared meanwhile had pulled his dick out of Jamie's mouth. He stood up and pulled Jamie up with him. He then sat back on the futon with his cock stick up towards his belly button. "Jamie, come here. Think you can stand to take a ride on this monster?" Jared said while holding his dick up.

Jamie looked straight into Jared's eyes as he straddled the boy's legs. He reached behind him and lined Jared's nine inches up with his cum slicked hole. He touched Jared's cock head to his hole and slowly lowered himself onto the large uncut cock. His eyes remained locked with Jared's.

Jared grabbed the younger boy's head without thinking. He pressed his mouth hard to Jamie's mouth as he felt Jamie slamming the remaining few inches of his cock into his ass. Their tongues were fighting as they groaned into each other's mouth. Jacob was a bit shocked to see his best friend kissing a guy, but it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. He had kind of wondered about Jared for a while now because Jared didn't date as much or as often as he could have.

Jamie was running his soft hands all over Jared's body as they continued to make out. He was wiggling his ass around, which caused Jared to grind his thick cock into Jamie's ass. Jared's hands were rubbing their way down Jamie's back. When they reached the fleshy mounds they stopped. Jared used his hands to spread Jamie's butt cheeks apart and then lifted the smaller boy's ass a few inches off his lap.

With his hands still holding Jamie up and keeping the younger boy's ass spread apart Jared began to fuck upwards into the amazingly hot hole. When Jamie started moving up and down on the monster cock Jared stopped supporting him, but kept the boy's ass cheeks spread. Jamie was practically bouncing up and down on Jared's cock. Jared wasn't sitting still though he was shifting his hips so that his cock drove into Jamie at new angles each time the younger boy impaled himself.

Jamie's mouth moved from Jared's mouth onto the older boy's neck and ears. He was licking and sucking on the warm taunt flesh of Jared's neck while Jared was busy driving his throbbing cock into Jamie's tight ass. Jared prided himself on his sexual endurance and Jamie was amazed at how long Jared was lasting.

The two boys were a bit oblivious at this point and didn't notice when the phone rang. Jacob answered it. It was his dad telling him to come home. Jacob managed to get the two boys to stop long enough to tell them what was happening.

"Hey, guys. Come on stop for a second. Dad just called and I gotta go," Jacob said while shaking Jamie's shoulder.

"Oh, shit. Jake, I kinda forgot you were here. Dude, you aren't going to tell anyone about the, you know, kissing and shit are you?" Jared said when he finally stopped fucking long enough to process what Jacob was saying.

"Nah, dude, we're cool. I won't tell anyone. Whatever floats your boat, dude. Jamie I have to tell you your one hell of a fuck and a great cocksucker. You mind if I let you do that again every now and again?" Jacob said while giving Jamie a wicked grin and grabbing is already clothed crotch.

"Anytime Jake. Trust me I enjoyed it as much as you did," Jamie said with a grin of his own before turning back to Jared and grinding his ass into the older boy's cock.

"You all have fun," Jake said as he left the room and made his way out of the house towards his own home.

Jamie and Jared both mumbled bye while trying to suck on each other's tongues. With Jacob gone the two boys started up again. This time Jared stood up with Jamie still impaled on his thick nine-inch monster and carried the younger smaller boy over to the bed. Jamie wrapped his legs around Jared's waist and his arms around his neck. Jared laid Jamie down on his back and smiled down at him as he began to fuck into Jamie's ass in the new position.

Jamie had his mouth latched onto Jared's neck licking and sucking like there was no tomorrow. Jared laid down on the younger boy's body and began giving Jamie's neck the same treatment. He was driving his cock in and out of Jamie's ass in long hard thrusts. Jamie's cock was leaking pre-cum all over Jared's washboard abs and was rubbing across each bump of muscle in time to Jared's thrusts.

Jared's cock was really jabbing Jamie's prostate gland in this new position, which was causing the younger boy to squirm and make deep moaning noises. Jared could feel the smooth seven inches of uncut cock, which was rubbing against his stomach. It was turning him on knowing how much he was turning Jamie on.

Jamie suddenly gripped Jared's head and buried his tongue in the older boy's mouth. His cock jerked and began to coat the two boy's bodies in a surprisingly large amount of cum. Jared could feel Jamie convulsing beneath him. The throbbing anal muscles around his cock and the fact that Jamie was moaning into his mouth soon set Jared off.

He shoved his cock into Jamie with amazing force, which caused his cock to go deeper into the younger boy than it had before. Jamie screamed and Jared let out a long drawn out groan as red hot cum poured into Jamie's tortured bowels. Jared stiffened and shook as he came. The throbbing of Jared's cock caused a few more squirts of cum to shoot from Jamie's cock.

Jared lay panting on top of Jamie. His cock was still semi hard in Jamie's ass. Jamie was panting as well and he was using his ass to milk the last of the cum from Jared's spent cock. As Jared finally started to go soft, he slid out of Jamie and lay down on his back beside the younger cum filled boy. They lay together relaxing and cooling down.

"So did you enjoy it?" Jamie asked tentatively seeming shy now that they had both cum.

"Fuck," was Jared's only reply for several seconds before he turned his head to stare into Jamie's eyes. "Enjoy it? You got to be shitting me. That was fucking awesome dude. I don't think I have ever cum so hard in my life. You're something else I swear," Jared said while grinning and looking at Jamie with a mixture of newly formed affection and a bit of awe.

"Thanks, man you were great to. Shit, I am going to be walking funny tomorrow," Jamie said , which caused both boys to crack up laughing.

"Man, I am coated here. You fucking sprayed me when you got off dude," Jared said.

"Yeah, I got myself pretty good to. Hey, I guess we need to get cleaned up. Come on we can get a shower together if you want," Jamie said.

"Ok cool, let's go before I get glued to myself here," Jared said.

They stood up and walked into the bathroom together. Jamie got some towels and adjusted the water as Jared stood back and watched Jamie. Even though he had just gotten off watching Jamie still made is cock inflate slightly.

"Is this hot enough?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, you are. Oh, and the water feels good to," Jared said with a smirk while he pinched Jamie's ass.

"Shut up!" Jamie said with a grin and hopped into the shower. Jared joined him.

Jamie took soap and began washing Jared's body for him. Jamie turned soaping Jared's body into a sensual massage. Jared just stood there and relaxed with his cock half-hard from Jamie's soft hands rubbing all over his body. He leaned over so Jamie could soap up his hair before he stood under the water to get rinsed off. Once the soap was gone from his body, he reached for Jamie.

He poured shampoo into his hands and soaped up Jamie's hair. He used the other soap to clean Jamie's body as Jamie had for him. When he reached Jamie's cock, he noticed that the younger boy was rock hard again. "Shit, you're a horny litter fucker aren't you?" Jared said when he noticed Jamie's hard on.

"Yeah, I can't help it. With a hot guy running his hands all over my body? What do you expect?" Jamie said.

Jared chuckled and got behind Jamie. He reached around the younger boy and wrapped his soapy hand around Jamie's thick seven inches. He began to jack Jamie off while the water rinsed the soap from their bodies. Jared's half-hard cock lay nested between Jamie's ass cheeks as the younger boy moaned. It didn't take Jamie long to shoot a large wad of cum onto the shower wall. He nearly fell and Jared had to catch him as his knees went weak.

"Feel good little dude?" Jared said with a laugh.

"Hell yeah," Jamie replied.

They got out of the shower and helped each other dry off. Jared surprisingly even helped Jamie brush and dry his long hair. The two boys returned to Jamie's room and sat nude for over two hours getting to know one another before Jared had to go home.

Next: Chapter 2

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