
By P G

Published on Oct 30, 2003


Disclaimer: This story did not happen. All the characters inthe story are based on real people, but names have been changed, and the events are false.

I woke up to a slight jostling. I didnt want to wake up, as i felt incredibly comfortable. As i slipped back into consciousness, i felt that there was something moving under my head. It was thick, and warm. I opened my eyes, and thats when i rememebered where i was. I was in Max's bed. The thing under my head was his arm. Max lay beside me, with one arm behind my head, and the other over my chest, holding me. His eyes were open, and he was looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. He had the most peaceful and happy smile on his face. He leaned forward and kissed me on the forhead, and ruffled my hair a little. He stroked my face with his finger, and i almost cried. It was such a beautiful scene.

"Im sorry to wake you up Matt, but i have to go to class, and i didnt know what time your classes are." Max said, breaking the peaceful silence.

"I dont have class until 3:30 on tuesdays" I said.

"Ok, well you can stay here if you want, i will only be gone two hours or so." With that, Max slipped out of the bed, got ready for class and left, giving me a kiss on the cheek on the way out. I promptly fell right back to sleep in the space still warm from Max's body.

An unknown amount of time later, i was woken by a slight jostling. I felt the strangest feeling of deja vu, and then i felt a warm body slid into bed beside me. I was on my side facing the wall, so he slid right up behind me and spooned me. I felt a big dick resting against my ass, god it seemed even bigger than before. His arm went around and touched my chest, and his chest nestled on my back, his chest hair tickling my skin.

'Wait. Chest hair?' I thought.

My eyes flew open, and i spun in the bed. I looked at the person naked beside me in bed, and i looked into the dark, almost black eyes of Mich. He smiled and said "Well, looks like Max caught quite the prize last night." He started to touch me more, and i struggled to get out of the bed. Unfortunately, i had to climb over Mich to do it. He pulled me down on him, and my hand touched his dick. My eyes grew wide, it was huge!

"You like that dont you?" Mich said with a snicker. "You'll like it even more soon." I launched myself out of the bed, threw on my clothes, and dashed out of the room. I nearly flew down the hall i was moving do fast. As i turned the corner, i collided with someone, and we both went down in a pile of limbs and books.

"Im sorry" we each said at the same time. I looked up, and saw that i hadf managed to run into Sensei Max. "Whats wrong Matt?" he asked. He looked extremely concerned. I told him about Mich as i helped him pick up the school things he had dropped in the collision. His eyes grew wide, and his _expression darkened. He looked angry, i had never seen him angry. Frankly, it was terrifying. I knew that he could take out anyone he wanted to if he was mad. He was exceedingly strong and fast, and was an exceptionally skilled fighter.

His _expression softened, and then he looked sad. "Lets go, i need to talk to you about something." He led me out, and we walked in silence towards the edge of campus. I was so upset, i didnt know what was going on. Did i do something wrong? Why was he angry? I soon found out.

"I fucked up Matt." Were the first words out of Max's mouth. I was very confused. Before i had a chance to ask, he continued. "That first night when i kissed you, it was planned. It didnt start out like it is now. Some guys and i, some of whom you know, we wanted you. You were the hottest freshman we had ever seen, and you were skilled enough in the jiu jitsu class, that we knew you could be the next to join us. We wanted to bring you in, we all wanted to fuck you. We noticed how you looked at me, so we decided it would me me who got you in. So thats when i started the games. But, it didnt go as i planned. I had so much fun with you. You fought back with the game, and you caught my attention in my heart, and not just my cock. So thats why i asked you out. And things have been going so well since then.....i was hoping you would never know the original reason why i started in on you. I told Mich and the others this, and that they were to leave you alone. I fell in love with you, and now i want a relationship with you. I dont want to share you with the group, and i dont even want to be in the group any more. I fucked up, i fucked up so bad. I love you Matt, im sorry"

He sat down and started to cry then, and my heart ripped. I felt a little used, but mostly, i didnt care about the original intent of Max's moving in on me. I was more touched that he cared so deeply for me, and that he felt so truly sorry. I knelt down beside max and hugged him. I told him how i felt, that i wasn't angry with him.

We stayed there for an hour, talking about what happened, and when we got up to head back, i think we both felt closer. I left Max at his dorm, since i had to attend class. "ill call you afterwards, we can eat together, and talk some more." i said. He nodded, hugged me again, and went inside. "Oh, and dont kill Mich!" I yelled after him. I swore i saw his shulders move in a chuckle.

So after an eventful morning, i had to sit in an ordeal of a writing class. I could not keep my attention on my professor, i kept drifting away trying to figure out what to do about max. I still didnt entirely understand the situation. I asked some questions at dinner after class.

"So it was some kind of sex club?" I asked, trying not to sound angry, since i wasnt.

"Kind of. Its a group of 6 guys, including Ryan and Mich and myself. We are all trianed in martial arts, are all good looking guys, and we just love sex. Everyone wanted a piece of you, so it was my job to seduce you into a......a gangbang." Max revealed, in a low voice. My eyes widened.

I was shocked, to be honest. But, also to be honest, it was kind of a hot thought. I mean, if sensei max, ryan, and mich were anything to go by, it was 6 hot guys who wanted to play with me. And seriously, who hasnt thought about a little group action in their life?

Shaking myself out of it, i assured him that it was ok and that i was not mad. I did not however, mention that the thought was kind of hot.

After dinner, Max came up to my room. He met Brent, and the seemed to get along well. It makes sense, they are both fun-loving guys who had all the confidence in the world. The three of us sat around my room chatting, and at one point Michelle (brents gf) joined us. A short brown haired girl with way too much energy, she demanded to be entertained. So we popped in a movie, Not Another Teen Movie, and proceeded to laugh our asses off for the next hour and a half. Max and i sat on the couch, nice and close, it was a realy great time.

After the movie i walked with Max back to his dorm. We sat on a bench outside his dorm and chated a little bit. He moved in and kissed me, first on the lips, and then deeper with his tongue. His hand touched the back of my neck, his heat banishing the chill of the air. He slid closer to me, and put his hand on my thigh, rubbing it in circles. The warmth of his hand seeped through the cloth of my pants, and started to awaken The Gods (dont laugh, lol). I put my hands on his chest and felt his muscles. God, they were so hard and firm and war, i just loved to run my fingers over them. Max was rubbing my fully hard dick by now, through my pants. I moaned, and was muffled by the kiss.

Thats when Max stopped, stood up, kissed me on the forehead, and said "Bye," dashing inside. I was left there on the cold bench with a raging, dripping hardon, with the most suprised look on my face.

"Dick" i thought, as i walked back to my room, laughing at how he had once again pulled a fast one on me. The boy liked his games. And so did i. I would play any game he wanted to play with me

Next: Chapter 9

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