
By P G

Published on Oct 22, 2003


Legals: This story in untrue. The characters are based on real people, but all names have been changed. Enjoy. Yes, you have to, its part of the legal header.

There are few things as relaxing as coming home from a work-filled weekend and being able to have a nice slow dinner with a rediculusly nice and sweet man. Granted, max and i only went to the dining hall at the dorm, it was still nice.

"How was work this weekend?" He asked me.

"Long. They give me an insane amount of hours." I told him, and dove into my pasta. He laughed watching me eat. Hey, what can i say, i was hungry. "What did you do all weekend?" I asked him.

"I teach at the dojo mainly. No reason to stay at school in between."

"Yea, thats true. I cant believe you drive there during the week to teach after classes." I told him. "I can barely stand doing it just for the weekends. Thank god you teach our class here at school."

"I love what i do." I could tell he meant it. He always seemed immensely happy during class. He is one of those people that you know love to teach. "Oh, by the way, we're sparring in tomorrow nights class."

"Realy? Cool." We had never done full-fledged sparring during class, and i was excited. Though admitedly, i was nervous to have my ass handed to me.

Seeing this he said "You'll do great." That he could read my mind and assure me made me smile.

Monday night I got to class right on time. My classmates gave me congratz and slaps on the back, as it was the first class since i rose to orange. Since our class was once a week and so relaxed, many people didnt have belts at all, and the highest belt in the class was the three oranges and one green. That is, except Sensei, who was multiple times a black.

After our excersizes and stretches, we were paired up for spars. One pair would spar on the big mat in the center while the class sat on the outside. Our rules are basically that anything except bone breakers and strikes to the head are allowed.

First the beltless students sparred. These spars all were one-sided since the beltless were of extremely varying ability. They were varied do to the fact that most of them went to class and chose not to commit by gaining a belt.

After about an hour, it came to the oranges. The other two oranges (one of them was Ryan from lunch a couple weeks ago) sparred with each other. The spar was great to watch, as it was very even. But, at last Ryan pinned his opponent, and won.

"Matt, you will spar with Mich." Sensei Max said. 'Oh shit' i thought to myself. 'Hes green, why would sensei put me against him? Why not one of the other oranges who had been here longer?' It wasnt about to question Sensei's instructions, so i got up. I was quite expecting to lose, but i would try nonetheless.

We stand apart, facing each other. I bow to him as he bows to me. I take a defensive stance, and all doubt leaves me. When in this mode i dont feel, i only do. I rush Mich, block his defensive right hook, and catch a left jab to the chest. My being rather light, this sends me back a little bit. I had no time to think, as he came in with a kick from the right. Not only did i stop the kick, but i caught it under my arm. Mich must have expected this, and kicked me in the chest with the other foot, knocking us both down.

I tried to grab him and grapple with him, since i had more practice with that than anyone thanks to my private session with sensei max. But, Mich rolled out and stood, and so i stood also. I stepped, dove, and rolled. I came up right into a crouch in front of Mich and gave him one, two, three jabs to the stomach, and spun around taking his legs out. Taking advantage of being on the ground, mich took out my legs too, and rolled away to stand again. He seemed to be actively avoiding grappling with me. We went for each other at the same time this time. i blocked his shot and made my own. He blocked that shot, grabbed my arm and spun his like a windmill, locking me down. In suprise and a little panic, i kicked his leg, on the inside, above the knee. The nerve strike caused him to buckle a pit, and loosed his arm just enough. I reversed the spin, grabbed his hand, and gave him the kote gaeshi, spilling him on the ground. I went fast and put on a locking pin, and the win was mine.

I looked up, and remembered all the other people there. They were clapping, and Sensei Max was giving me a great big proud smile. I realized how winded and hot i was. I was gasping for breath, and sweat was streaming down my body. I quickly let go of Mich, and helped him up. We congratulated each other on a good match, and bowed again.

After class was over, i went over to sensei. "Why did you match me with the most advanced student?" I asked curiously.

"Because i knew you had a shot of winning. I needed to show the class that rank doesnt necessarily display who is superior in a fight. You did great, im realy proud of you." He gave me a big bear hig, and lifted me up a bit. I laughed, as it was such a cute thing to do.

Max and i walked back together, talking about class. Partway through the walk, i found that my leg hurt alot. 'Must have pulled it in the spar' i thought to myself. Since Max's dorm was closer than mine, i walked him there. I was about to kiss him goodnight and head home when he asked "Do you want to stay in my room tonight?" I froze. I turned around, and he was standing there looking nervous, with a cute nervous grin.

"Id love to. But wont your roommate mind?" The last thing i wanted to do was inconvenience someone.

"He spends most nights at his chicks room. She doesnt have a roommate, so its good for them." He answered.

"Who is your roommate?" I asked, since i didnt actually know.

"Mich." He said, laughing.

"Great." I said. Hopefully he wouldnt come back, since i bet he probably didnt want to see me at the moment. I limped up the stairs to Max's room (its on the 4th floor), and by the time we got there, my leg hurt alot.

Though i had been to Max's room before, i had never been inside it. I walked in, and i loved the place right away. The beds were bunked in the right corner, and next to them, making an L, was a comfortable looking futon. Across from those, to the left of the door, were two dressers, one of which had at TV atop it. On the right were shelves with food and other supplies, as well as a a microwave and refrigerators. Against the left wall were two computer desks. And in middle was a big, thick black rug. The walls were decorated with medals, awards, and a rack held all of Max's old Jiu Jitsu belts, from white on up. It was clean, and comfortable, and i felt welcome.

"I love your room" i said, limping into the door.

"Right after we each shower, im gonna look at that leg." Max said. He gathered up a towel and headed into the bathroom, which adjoined his room.

"Can I join you?" I asked, hoping for some fun.

"I would love you too, but the shower is seriously way too small." He said, sounding regretful. "ill be right back."

As i waited, i sat on the futon (god it WAS comfortable), and watched some tv. It was only about 10 minutes until Max walked out of the bathroom. I looked up and was given quite the treat. There he stood, smiling, wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. His hair was still damp, and hung on his face in locks, it was quite the sexy look. His body looked beautiful, and it was all there for me to oggle. Each muscle so perfectly defined, the smoothness of his body reflecting the light....

"Your turn" he said, smiling. He clearly enjoyed turning me on so much.

I got up, grabbed a towel, and headed into Max's bathroom. I undressed and stepped into the shower 'wow, this is REALY small' i thought to myself. He wasnt kidding when he said we wouldnt both fit.

I walked back into Max's room in my dark red boxer briefs. He greeted me with a whistle, and i walked towards the coch where he sat, still in his black underwear. He stood up and said "Let me rub that leg, looks like you pulled it good." He seemed genuinely concerned, and he gestured for me to lie on the rug. I laid down my towel, and lay face down on the rug, which was realy comfortable. Max knelt beside me, and put his hands gently on the back of my right thigh. He gently started ot knead the muscle, and it started to hurt again, but it hurt in that way that you know it is loosening up.

"I think that bad landing i made after he punched me pulled it" I said, trying to figure out when i damaged myself. He added some lotion, or maybe it was oil, i couldnt tell, to my leg, and continued to rub it. He rubbed the right thigh for a good ten minutes, and it felt fantastic. He moved down to the calf, which was also sore. He stopped with that part of my leg, and i thanked him for the help.

"Dont get up. Im going to do the rest of you. Consider it a reward for how well you did today." He said, and moved on to my left leg. Once he was done with the leg, he go up, and sat on my ass. He put some oil on my back, and rubbed my back and shoulders. I moaned as he massaged the muscles on the back of my neck. He just rubbed me until i felt looser than i ever have before.

"Sit up, will you?" He said. I got off my stomach and sat up, and he sat right behind me. He rubbed my back some more, and started to reachg around me and rub my chest. When he did this, he pulled me back against him, and the heat radiating from his chest made me feel safe and secure in his arms. He rubbed my chest and stomach, and then he pulled on the elastic of my red boxer briefs. I slipped them off for him, and he continued to work on my naked body. He rubbed my arms, my chest, my stomach. He moved down a bit, and rubbed the crotch area around my dick, which was rock hard and dripping at this point. He kept this up, rubbing my whole front, with me leaning back against his strong chest, for about 20 minutes, and he never once touched my dick.

"God, you are so hot matt," He whispers in my ear, and kisses my neck. "Do you remember what i told you about my wanting to try some new things?" He asked. I was confused for a second, then my eyes opened in realization. He wanted me to fuck him! My gorgeous, muscular Sensei wantred to give me his untaken ass. The thought nearly made me cum right then, without anyone touching my dick.

Max got up, and moved around in front of me. He took off his tight black underwear, and freed his big dick from its prison. It was rock hard and ready to play. He gently pushed me back, so was laying down on my back. He crawled atop me, and kissed me deep and slow. I found the bottle of oil and put some on my fingers. As we kissed, my left hand rubbed his back, and my right teased his hole. He gasped as i rubbed the entrance with one finger, making little circles around it. He rubbed my chest and kissed my neck, and i slipped my finger into his hole. He moaned loud, as i slipped it in and out slowly. We continued to kiss as i loosened him up, and slipped in more fingers.

I made sure to go slow, as i knew his ass was virgin and because it was immensely tight. But eventually i had 3 fingers slidding in and out of him, and he was moaning and leaking precum all over my stomach. He sat up, and i slipped my fingers out of him. He positioned himself over my dick, and i positioned my dick at his hole. Slowly, max aded weight to my dick, but still he remained closed. Suddenly, the head of my dick pushed into his ass, and he let out a groan.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, afraid he was hurt. He shook his head yes, and went down more. He did it slowly, but he never stopped, and slid my cock into his ass. My dick was overwhelming me, as it slid into the tightest hole i had ever had. The heat from his ass enveloped me as he slid my deeper into him. I wrapped my still-lubed hand around his big 8" dick and he gasped. He at last sat down on my crotch, all 7.5" inside him. I could tell it hurt him, and squeezed his dick. He gasped and smiled.

"Wow." He said. "It feels incredible." He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Your ass feels so good" i purred. He kissed me again, and started to rock on my dick. His forearms were on either side of me as we kissed, and i kept my hands on his narrow waist and guided the fuck. He broke the kiss, sat straight up, and started to fuck himself on my dick. His head was bent back and his mouth open as he slid all the way up, and all the way down, hard. His hands rested on my chest, and then he moved them up, and held my elbows to the ground with them. Sensei max feverishly pounded himself with my dick, and we both moaned in ecstasy. Suddenly he stopped, wrapped his legs around me, and spun. I had seen him do a similar move while grappling, and it was cool looking, but here is was just fucking HOT. The next thing i knew, he was on his back, and i was on my knees, cock-deep inside him. I leaned forward and kiss him, and he wrapped his legs around me. I started to fuck him, slow at first, but i then picked up the pace so that i was fucking him hard, like he had been fucking himself before. Due to the extended teasing of the massage, and the tightness of max's hole, i soon found ymself on the edge.

"Oh god, im gonna cum" I whispered to him. He kissed me, and thats when i exploded. The orgasm was the mist intense of my life. It was blinding, and i could no longer see the room. I moaned over and over and drove my dick into him hard, and then i stopped. I lay on his chest and breathed. His legs and arms were around me, our sweat-soaked bodies intertwined. I raised my head and kissed him passionately.

"That was, absolutely, by far, the best i have ever had." i told him. He gave me a huge smile of pride, and then flipped us again. He slipped my dick out of him, and sighed as it came out.

He got up, went around me, and said "Now i want your pretty mouth". An indescribeable lust was in his voice, and he bent over me, leading his big dick to my mouth. I took the fat head in my mouth, and he leaned over me. We were in a 69-like position, only with him up on his hands. He slowly bagan fucking my mouth, slipping a little more inside my mouth with each thrust. At about 7", i started having trouble. "Just relax," He told me, and i did. Slowly, with some considerable effort, he slipped all 8 inches into my mouth, and i felt his pubic hair on my chin, and his balls on my nose. He began to long-dickfuck my mouth, and i was loving it. His thick, hard pole slipped between my lips, through my mouth, and into my throat. The smell of his sex was potent, and i loved it. He began to moan, and so i took my hands and started to rub the globes of his ass. My finger teased the opening of his still-sensitive ass, and he moaned harder. He fucked my mouth faster, faster, and then said "im cumming". He shuddered and thrust into my mouth, gushing cum. He came more than ever before, and more than i had ever seen. When he came, there was cum leaking onto my cheeks and down my chin.

Max slippe dout of my mouth, picked me up, and brought me to his bed. He lay me down, and then layed down beside me. I kised him and put my head on his chest.

"That was absolutely incredible matt." He gasped.

"It was for me too." I said. With all the action, we were both exhausted, and i fell asleep on Sensei Max's strong chest, with his arm around me. Never before had i felt so happy.

Well, that was along one!

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Next: Chapter 8

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