
By P G

Published on Oct 17, 2003


Legal shit: This story did not happen. The characters are based on real people, but all names are changed. The events are a figment of my imagination.

I opened the door to the sight of my life. There stood Sensei Max, looking hot ass hell. He wore a loose, thin black shirt, buttoned with three buttons. The top of his chest was visible, and the shirt opened to show the bottom of his stomach. He wore black pants and sneakers too. He had a big, nervous smile on his face, and a red rose in his hand.

"Suprise" He said. I was thunderstruck. What was going on? I had just started to realize that Sensei and I was only being toyed with, and now here he was at my door, dressed to kill with flowers? It took a moment for my brain to reboot.

"Can i come in?" Sensei Max asked, as I still hadnt said anything. Snapping from my thoughts, i told him "Yes, please do."

"I love your room. Its so, different." I looked around at the strange and random collection of posters and other things on the walls. My roommate and i got along great, best firnds since elementary school, but we had different tastes. Posters of death metal bands wared with Star Wars (yea, mine), radndom interesting quotes on sticky notes, and the Simpsons (we both had that one).

"Thanks" I said, and sat on the futon. Sensei sat beside me. "I cant believe you're here" I told him. "I didnt know what was going on with us."

Sensei max smiled, gave me the flower and said "Im not sure either, but i would like to try and find out." As i accepted the flower, our hands touched. His skin was very warm, and soft. We leaned together, and kissed again. This time, I didnt just lay there dumbstruck. As we explored each others mouths, Sensei placed a hand on my shoulder, behind my neck. The kiss was the softest, sweetest, most loving kiss i had ever had. The kiss broke, and I opened my eyes slowly, released from the trace-like spell of his mouth. We smiled at each other, and the look of happiness in his eyes was pure and genuine, as was mine.

Breaking the silence, Sensei asked "What exactly did you do to me? My dick hasnt been soft in two days." I laughed, having forgotten the discomfort i caused him.

"Viagra. It should wear off tonight" I reasured.

"Oh thank god. Ive had to jerk off a dozen times these past days from it, plus form all your spectacles. Im starting to get a little sore." He laughed lightly.

"Im sorry. I just had to get you back for that lunch fiasco." He laughed again.

"Dont apologize, that was brilliant. Your willingness to play with me was part of the reason i finally came over here." He smiled at me again. "Since you first came to class i wanted you, but only recently did I realize you might be interested back. So, i started the game to see. i hope i was right."

"Do you even have to ask?" I pulled him to me and kissed him again, hard. My hand slipped under his loose flowing shirt and i felt his chest. It amazed me how hard it was, like metal, and yet how warm and soft it was. "Ive always wanted to touch your body." I told him. With a huge grin, he leaned forward and soon I lay on the couch, with him atop me, us still kissing. His hand went through my hair and mine felt the muscles of his back. I felt bold and reached further down and cupped his ass. They were hard toned muscle. 'does he have any fat?' I wondered. I didnt think so.

Sensei moved his hand under my shirt, and rubbed my stomach. It tickled, and it turned me on badly. Sensei ground his crotch into mine, and our hard cocks rubbed together. Things were heating up fast, and then he stopped.

"Wait. This isnt right. Im still under the influence of the drugs. I dont want to do anything until they wear off. Besides, dont you think we should go out first?"

"Yea, your right" i agreed, breathing heavy from all the action.

"Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked. A hopeful grin was on his face that i could never refuse, even if i wanted to. And i didnt.

"Of course I will." I answered. Sensei Max breathed a sigh of relief. Did he expect me to say no?

"Great." I should go now, cuz I dont want to slip and just take you right now. I want to do this right with you Matt. We arranged a time, I gave him a kiss, and he left. I looked at the flower in my hand, and had trouble beleiveing what happened. I had a date with the man of my dreams! I could hardly contain myself, i ran around my room, looking for a vent for my energy.

The door opend again, and Brent walked back in. Excitedly, i told him about mine and Sensei's date. Us being best friends so long, he knew about my gayness, and barely registered it as an oddity anymore. He knew about my crush on Sensei, but i hadnt told him about the strange events of the past week, since i didnt know what was going on.

"Thats awesome man, congratulations. This has been quite the night for you hasnt it?" thought about that. It was a great night for me. I got my new belt, and a date with the hottest guy ever.

"Remember, no Queer Sex on my bed." He said, an impish grin on his face. He did like to bust me, i knew he didnt have anything against gays.

"I dont want your Straight Sex germs on me and my hot guy." I shot back, with an equally playful smirk.

Thankfully, i only have 3 quick classes Wednesday morning, because I was too excited about my date that night. While my Chem proffessor rambled about ethalpy and my Bio proffessor rambled about god-knows-what, all i could do was wonder what that night would be like. I could hardly eat at lunch. This was partly cuz i was so nervous, but mostly because I would stop talking about him to my friends. They all pretended to get angry, but i knew they were happy seeing me so excited. I rarely get that excited.

At 7 i was dressed and ready. I wore deep blue dress shirt, with only the middle three button done, and the sleeves rolled up. I had a white shirt on underneath it, and a nice pair of khaki pants. No sooner had i finished my hair that the phone rang.

"Matt's Room" I answered.

"Hey Matt, its Max, you ready?"


"Great, comon outside then." Confused, i grabed my wallet and went outside. I was pretty suprised he didnt come get me. When i got outside, i saw him standing next to a beautiful silver car. He wore a shirt similar to the one last night, only this one was a deep red. It looked fantastic on him, and went very well with his dark hair, eyes, and pants. He opened the door for me as i approached. I was shocked. 'Where did he get this?' I asked myself. "You look incredible" he told me then he kissed me before i got into the car, and closed the door. He got in the drivers side and started driving.

"Where to?" I asked, unsure of what to talk about.

"A cute little place. You'll love it." He gave me a smile, and i knew he loved to play. That explained the spectacles of the week before i suppose.

We got to the resaurant, which was suprisingly close. As we waited for our dinner, we talked about all manner of things. I actually found him to be far funnier than i expected. And i learned that his happy attitude wasnt a facade he put on for his classes, he realy was that nice.

"I have to tell you, you did incredible last night at your test. You will be able to rise rank very fast if you learn at this level all the time, i guarantee that." He told me.

"Well thank you." i responded. "I just hope i only ever rise due to my ability, and not because of any relationship we have." It kind of killed the mood for me to say that, but i knew the issue was on our minds.

"Im sure you've thought about this already, but i do need to tell you that you should probably get a new Sensei if we are going to date. I just dont know how well it would go over with the rest of the students to see you rise in rank, and for us to date. We both know u deserve it, but it looks bad."

"I agree. But, you are the best teacher. Your the Soke-Dai, second in command of the whole system, who could replace you?"

"My teacher could, the Soke."

"No. You are an excellent teacher, and I want to stay with you. Ill tell you what, lets agree on something. Inside the dojo, we are student and sensei, nothing else. Keep Jiu Jitsu sacred. How about that?" I asked.

"Agreed. Your so smart."

"Thank you Sensei" The constant compliments were really making me blush.

"Ok, definatly call me Max, unless its in the dojo." I smiled and agreed.

After that somewhat awkward conversation, we resumed having a great dinner. Seriously, I had never had such a good time on a date. Granted, my experience was limited, but still, i had a fantastic night.

We headed back to college after dinner, and he wlaked me to my room.

"I had a great time tonight Max" I said.

"I did too Matt" He replied, and kissed me. We stood in the hall kissing for a few seconds, until the door to my room opened.

"Aww!" My friend and my roommates grilfriend Melissa yelled out. "That was so cute!" Sensei and i turned shades of red.

"I have to get going." He said, and made a hasty exit.

"Sorry, i didnt mean to scare him away" she apologized. I laughed and assured her it was fine. She headed off to her dorm, and i went inside my room. Brent drilled me for a few minutes, and eventually he was satisfied.

"You give him head yet?" he asked, grinning. I did my best to look appaled.

"Of course not, what do you take me for?" i said in mock insult.

"A whore." He said, laughing hysterically.

I lay down on the futon and thought about the date. It had been the proverbial 'magical evening'. I thought it was realy cute of him for wanting to wait before we did anything physical, despite us nearly going at it the night before. Still though, i couldnt wait. I had been wanting to get with Sensei Max since i started Jiu Jitsu, and now i was close. Time would give me what i wanted, i suppose.

I left to go take a shower, humming the tune to 'walking on sunshine' (i know, im cheesy). I take the shower furthest from the door. I dont know why, but thats my favorite one. I undress and get in, loving the feel of the hot water on me. I realy love showers. I always loved water, whether it be pools, showers, or even rain, so i always looked forward to bath-time. Thinking about Max made me horny, and i started to rub my body. Rather quickly, my dick grew to its full length of 7.5 inches.

Suddenly, the shower curtain opened. There was Sensei Max, in the smallest towel id ever seen. His gorgeous upper body was bare, and i drooled at the sight of it.

"Care for a hand?" he asked, devilish grin on his face.

Hope u liked it. Questions, comments, suggestions to I like comments! :0)

Next: Chapter 5

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