
By P G

Published on Apr 25, 2004


Legals: This story did not happen, though some of the characters are real people. The rest is all in my sick, sick mind, :0p

Chapter 16: Life and Love

I awoke to pain. Pain came at me from everywhere, seemed to be pouring into me from outside of me. I opened my eyes only to be temporarily blinded from bright overhead lights. My head felt foggy, most likely from some sort of pain medication.

"Oh good, you're awake" said a kind voice from my side. I looked over to see an adorable young nurse. He had light brown hair kept short, and steel blue eyes which helped chase away some of my pain. He smiled to me and me and went on "You were asleep for a long time, I was beginning to worry."

My voice felt like sandpaper in my mouth. "Who are you?" The nurse smiled his cute dimply smile and told me that his name was Craig. "Max. Where is Max, how is he?" Craig looked confused for a moment and then said "Oh, the guy you brought in with you. He is resting down the hall, you can go see him in a little while, but I'm supposed to keep you here awhile. You got pretty banged up, we want to make sure you are ok before we let you wander around by yourself." He patted me on the shoulder, trying to reassure me not to worry.

I started to rise, trying to sit up. As soon as my head moved from the pillow it began to swim and throb, and I let myself fall back to the bed. "Pee" I said, shaking my head.

"Oh, let me help you." Craig said, helping me to sit up. "You have some medication in your system, and we think you suffered a minor concussion from the fight." He got my feet on the ground, and we started to walk over to the bathroom. Craig supported my weight by putting one of my arms over his shoulder, wrapped one arm behind my back to my left side, and kept his other hand on my stomach, supporting me. We got to the bathroom and Craig stood me before the toilet. I fumbled with the hospital gown, but started to lose my balance. "Let me" said Craig. He stood behind me, and leaned me against him. I felt a nice build through his shirt. He then put his arms around me, one to pull up my gown, and the other grabbed my cock and pointed it towards the toilet. "Go ahead" he said in my ears, his voice dancing in an amused tone.

So I went. I went a lot too, as I had probably slept for a good day. As I pissed, Craig held my dick in place with his right hand. I leaned more into his strong frame and closed my eyes, feeling drowsy. His left hand started to rub my stomach and the space above my cock. His hand went higher to rub and squeeze my pecs. "You have a nice soft fuzz on your chest" he whispered in my ear, and then licked it teasingly. I finished pissing and my dick started to harden from the touching. Craig's right hand stayed on my dick, but was now wrapped around it instead of holding it. He ground his crotch into my ass, which was rather exposed from the hospital gown. He had a nice piece, normal length, but real thick, and it felt nice rubbing against me.

"You stink cutie, I think I need to give you a bath." Craig then led me over to a tub, and lowered me into it. It filled quickly with warm water, and I laid back in the tub. He took a sponge and dipped it into the warm, soapy water, and proceeded to wash me. He washed my face gently, and paid lots of attention to my chest. Craig paused for a moment to pull off his green nurse scrub shirt, revealing his smooth, well built chest and flat stomach. He sat on the edge of the tub and washed my body some more. In my drugged and pained state, I couldn't stop him while he played with my now fully swollen dick.

But cute nurse Craig wasn't planning to rape me. No, he pulled his green pants down, and beat his thick dick slowly as he touched me and played with me. He finally shot his load onto his chest, moaning softly. He cleaned up, dried me off, and helped me back to bed, where I promptly passed out again.

I woke again when the doctor arrived. By now I was lucid, the drugs had faded and I could think clearly. Craig stood back behind the doctor with a shrewd, cocky grin on his face, and grabbed his thick flaccid cock obscenely through his pants. This amused me greatly, and turned me on a little.

Dr. Lebowitz told me my long list of injuries. "In addition to your concussion, you have a broken wrist, two cracked ribs, a number of major sprains in our toes and fingers, you pulled almost every muscle in your right arm, and there are some bad bruises and cuts scattered through your body. That must have been one hell of a fight. We will keep you here for a day or so, to make sure there are no more serious problems, and then we will send you home." With that, the doctor walked out, on to other patients.

I got up from bed and started to walk towards the bathroom. Craig walked ahead of me, god he had a hot ass, and made to open the door for me, and most likely join me inside.

"I don't think so Craig. You're cute, but I have a boy." He looked sad and gave me a puppy face, but he didn't press it.

Inside the bathroom, I leaned against the sink, staring down into it. I looked up into the mirror, and was shocked at what I looked like. My skin was pale, and I had a large bruise on the side of my face, a result of a solid kick from Ryan no doubt. I had a dark scab on my lower lip, where it split badly, and a long, deep cut on my forehead, stitched together. There were a number of other cuts and bruises on my face as well. I looked down and saw that my left hand and wrist were in a brace. There were large purple bruises on my forearms from blocking and being blocked. My knuckles had all bled and scabbed, and a few were swollen and purple. I lifted my hospital gown to see more bruises on my chest and legs, and a large dark one on my stomach. My feet were bruised and my toes swollen from kicks. Basically, I was a huge mess.

Max. The word resonated in my brain and all other thoughts ceased. I rushed out of the bathroom, past Craig, who was attending other patients, and into the hallway. I looked into each room, rushing as fast as my beaten body would move. Then I froze in the doorway of the 4th room.

There he was. He lay on his back, asleep in his white bed. I walked towards him and saw the extent of his wounds. His beautiful tanned face had a wicked bruise beside his left eye, and another lining his jaw. His wrists were badly cut from the handcuffs. I couldn't see anything else, so I went to get his chart to find out his condition.

"What are you doing?" A hard voice demanded as I reached for the chart at the foot of Max's bed. I turned to see a stern looking gray haired woman, another nurse.

"Please, he's my boyfriend. I just wanted to know how he was. Please." I began to tear up, and her expression softened.

"You can't see his chart. But I will tell you. When he came in, he was in bad shape. His jaw was dislocated, but that has been reset. The hits to his stomach caused some internal bleeding. All the damage was repaired and he will be fine, but it would have been very bad if you hadn't gotten him here when you did. You saved his life." She gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder, and left me to be alone with him.

I also endangered it, I thought. I took a chair beside Max's bed, and took his left hand in mine. Even now, his body was warm, delightfully warm. I stroked his cheek, making sure to avoid any bruises. I kissed him on the forehead softly, and just sat with him and watched him sleep.

Max's Perspective

I woke up again, I couldn't seem to stay asleep with the pains in my abdomen. I felt something on my hand and looked over to see Matt asleep, with his head on my bed, and holding my hand. A smile blossomed on my face, to see him here with me, even though he clearly needed rest too.

He looked so peaceful lying there, asleep. Aside from the wounds, that is. I knew when he woke there wouldn't be peace in his eyes for awhile. It would take time for such a gentle, nice guy to handle the pain he had caused other people. It would take him awhile not to be afraid of himself, of his power. And I knew he would blame himself for my injuries, but I did not hold him responsible. The nurse had told me that it was because of him that I am still alive. I ruffled his hair a bit.

"Wake up hero."

Matt's Perspective

I woke up, feeling a hand in my hair. I looked up, and saw Max awake, looking at me and smiling, though I could see some pain in his expression. Understandable.

"Hey." He said, running a finger along my cheek. His finger traced line of warmth along my face.

"I'm so sor.." I began, but Ma put his finger to my lips, silencing me.

"Shhh." He said. "Don't. You are not responsible, and if you apologize, I will beat you up." He said, grinning.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"As well as could be expected. The docs are gonna keep me here for like a week, until my internal stitches fade. School called, said that I would e excused from finals. I should get assaulted every year." He said, grinning more. I smiled, loving his ability to be lighthearted even after such a trying event.

"Max...I think I need to quit Jiu-Jitsu." I said, not knowing how to soften it for him. I didn't want to make him unhappy or to rob us of what brought us together in the first place, but I had to.

"No, you are not." He said firmly. This caused me to stop stammering for an explanation for a moment. "You are going to go back, train, and someday soon, teach beside me. My eyes grew wide and a sudden flash of al the night's events flew through my mind, and I recoiled in horror.

"I know you are afraid. Afraid of yourself. But you will never get over it, unless you face it, and learn control. If you face your fear of yourself everyday, learn to control your strength and your skill, then you can finally be free." He said, and I knew that he was right.

"Ok. I'll do it." I said, and we hugged, very gently, but as much as possible in our respective conditions.

It has been over a month since the fight, and I can't wait for even more time to distance me from it. School is now over, though I had to take my finals, unlike Max. I have been starting back at training, with Max's fellow instructors, as he cannot yet go back to his duties as Sensei yet. As the time passes, I am growing less afraid of myself, of my dark side. My control is increasing slowly, and I soon hope to test again for Jiu-Jitsu, advancing a belt. In about 6 months I will be of high enough rank to teach beside Max.

He came today to watch me train with one of the professors at the dojo. As I drove him back to his house, he told me how proud he was of how well I was doing facing my fears.

Back in his room in his house, I pulled off my Gi top, and went to change into regular clothes. As I walked to my bag with clothes in it, I felt hands on my back, warm hands. The hands slid around my sides, and onto my front, rubbing my bare torso. I felt a hard body on my back. I turned around inside the hug, and kissed Max, softly. He kissed me back, the fire of his mouth washing over me. His hands, now on my back, pulled me tight to him. He rubbed my back with one hand, and squeezed my hard ass with the other, eliciting moans from me.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked him. We had not engaged in sex since the fight, due to Max's injuries. In response, he ground his crotch into mine, immediately causing my dick to spring to its full 7.5 inch size. I ran my hands along his muscular sides, taking his blue shirt with me, and pulling it over his head. As I threw it aside, I reveled in his beautiful body. I had almost forgotten the shear wonder of it, the blazing heat of it as I touched his soft skin. We kissed some more, and he held me tight against him, one of his hands slipping inside my loose black Gi pants. These soon fell to the floor, leaving me in my tight gray boxer briefs.

Max slowly walked me backwards until the backs of my knees hit his bed, and I lay down on it. He lay atop me, kissing me, rubbing the muscles of my arms and chest. My hands groped the smooth, hard expanse of his back, and then went down to pull his gray sweatpants from him, leaving him in only his black boxer briefs.

Max moved from my mouth to my neck, kissing and licking it softly, teasingly. I giggled a little and said "We've never had sex in your home bed before."

Max chuckled at this and said, between teasing licks at my neck, chest, and nipples, "I know. But its time for you to join the list of boys who have been had here. I lost my virginity on this bed." He worked his way down my stomach with his hot tongue as he continued, "Hot little number, blonde, blue eyes. He squealed as I fucked him over and over that first night together." He told his story in an erotic tone, continuing to lick my stomach as he rubbed my dick through my underwear, which he then tore off. "He was fun, but nothing compares to this" he said, as he suddenly engulfed my dick in his mouth.

My back arched and I gave a gasp and moan as the warm wet sanctuary wrapped around my swollen member. Max worked my dick as he rubbed my stomach and chest with his left hand, and started to rub my hole with the fingers of his other hand. Max drove his fae into my crotch hard, deep throating me. The moment his finger slipped into my asshole, my dick exploded all over me, showering my chest with cum. My eyes rolled back into my head in the intensity of the orgasm.

Max didn't stop though, he sucked, and sucked, and he fingered me for several minutes, despite my squirming from the over stimulation. Before I knew it I was rock hard once again, and moving my hips up to drive my dick into the back of my boy's throat.

Max got up then, and straddled me, sitting on my stomach. He pulled his underwear off, and his fully erect, fat, 8" dick flopped onto my chest. He leaned forward and fed it to me. He put the fat head of it against my lips, and I eagerly licked at it. I leaned my head forward to get more, and he teasingly pulled it out of my reach. He did this twice more until he finally let me suck it in. I loved the taste of it, and I had missed it these past weeks of healing. My lips stretched from its wide girth as it slid into my mouth, and into my throat. It was warm, and so hard, I absolutely reveled in it. Max gyrated forward a bit, fucking my mouth gently, slowly.

After several minutes of service, Max pulled out of my mouth, and turned me over. I lay on my stomach, and he laid down atop me, his strong chest on my back, heating me up even more. By now we were both quite sweaty, and my back became very slippery where our bodies contacted.

Max slowly pushed his way inside me, going extra slow because of how long it had been. I gave a deep moan of pleasure and satisfaction when his hips came forward and I felt him inside me to the hilt. He laid down atop me, letting me get adjusted to his large invasion. When I was comfortable, I wriggled my tight little ass back into him, pulling moans from his mouth, directly into my ear.

He pulled out slowly, and slid back in just as slow. As he started to fuck me like this, slowly, lovingly, he was kissing my neck, and my shoulders. He made love to me there, for nearly an hour in his childhood bed. He made love to me gently, and kissed my neck and shoulder, all the while keeping me wrapped in his strong, muscular arms. Our bodies moved in perfect unison, drenched in sweat and bathed in the light of the sun from the window, glowing a golden hue. He kept his arms around me as I twisted my head and kissed him deeply, softly, lovingly, as we came to a mutual, simultaneous climax, a culmination of the mingling of our bodies, minds, and souls.

The End

I hope that everyone enjoyed the story. I decided to stop it now, since I think its cuter if they live `happily ever after'. I intend to write another story soon, entitled Phoenix. I don't know how soon it will begin, but if you see the title, and you like my writing, check it out.

Questions, comments, queries, suggestions for Phoenix, send em to I really enjoy hearing from readers :0)

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