
By P G

Published on Dec 3, 2003


Legals: This story did not happen. he characters are based on real people, but the names and events have been changed.

I'm pretty sure that it is part of a doctor's job to overestimate the time it takes to heal. But then again, i do heal fast. Not a week and a half after my incidnet in the field, the health staff told me i could return to my normal physical activities.

I was on my way to the university pool to do my swimming. I had recently re-started my swim exercise regimine from high school, and could now return to my usual routine.

I entered the locker room, and i was alone, like usual. It was early afternoon, and it was february, so there were usually few or no other swimmers while i was there. I shucked my jacket, my sweater, and my usual tight t-shirt. I stripped down ym pants and boxer briefs, and stood naked while i put my clothes away in a locker. I pulled on my swimsuit. I dont wear a skimpy speedo. I wear a black jammer, which is basically skintight black spandex from my waist to lower thigh, with a gold stripe down the sides. They left just as little to the imagination as speedos, but were much warmer, sleeker, and more comfortable. I tied the waist tight, and ran my hands along my thighs. I ran my hands down my ass, making sure there was no air or wrinkles inthe suit. This suit always made me feel extremely sexy, with the thighness and the small 29" waist.

Grabbing my towel and goggles, i went into the next room. The pool required that swimmers shower quickly before going in, to keep the pool clean. A minute or so later i walk out into the pool room. The floor was tiled a sky blue, and the large room smelled intensely of chlorine. I was the only person in the room besides the lifeguard, just the way i liked it. I put on my goggles and dove in. The cold of the water hit me, and i shivered. I floated around for a few minutes and adjusted to the water, and i started my 500meter warmup.

I grumbled to myself underwater about how much i hate long distance swimming. 20 laps of the pool later, i stopped to rest, and conisdered what to do for my main workout. I jumped as i heard a splash in the pool. It was just another swimmer, he had jumped into the pool a few lanes down. I saw a head of black hair pop above the water level, and go back under. 'breaststroke' i told myself. I went on with my workout and ignored my company.

A half hour into my workout, i realized that the other swimmer was following me, lap by lap, stroke by stroke, and always finishing with me. No matter how fast or slow i went, he would follow my exact pace.

"2 laps, free breast back fly, u wanna go?" i said, challenging him. He nodded, his face partway into the water, his black goggles leaving his __expression unreadable. We went off, and i set a blistering pace at the freestyle. I was a strong sprinter in the freestyle, but hardly the best. My opponent kept with me, and neither of us could overcome the other. At the end of the 2 laps, we switched to the breaststroke. He realy took off on me then, and i realized that this had to be his specialty stroke. I lost a good half a lap on him, and at the end, i was quite pissed. I flipped onto my back at the next turn, and tore up the pool. The backstoke was my stroke, i competed on a state championship level in the stroke in the 9th grade, i was good. I cut his lead in half by the flipturn, and i closed on him for the next lap. We hit the wall together, and came up into the butterfly stroke. We stayed togther to the wall, and i lost some ground on the turn. Thats when i put in all of my remaining energy. He was bigger than me, and the butterfly isnt a good stroke for a heavy guy. I used my entire body as a fin, and i gained. I gained, i lost, i gained, and it was over. I hit the wall a second before him, and i whooped.

We both clung to the side of the pool and caught our breath. I chugged out of my water bottle to rehydrate myself. The other swimmer pulled himself out of the pool, and stood by the edge, facing away. The water ran in rivers out of his jet black hairs. It ran onto his broad, strong shoulders. It ran from his shoulders down his tan, broad, V shaped back, and down into the black speedo that barely covered his bubble ass. His speedo was a little small, and the top of his ass was shown to the world. His arms were tight and well muscled, they flexed and shone in the light as he pulled off his goggles. "Good swim, you're very good" he said in his deep voice, and walked towards the shower room.

I stayed in the pool. breathing and drinking water for a few more minutes, then i pulled myself out of the pool. I realized that i never got to see the other swimmer's face, and i would never know if i met him again. It was too bad, i thought, he was a good workout partner.

I grabbed my water, my goggles, and my towel, and hit the shower myself. I was not suprised to find the shower empty, many guys preferred to shower at home instead of at the gym. As for myself, i turned on some very hot water. Seeing as nobody was there, I shucked my suit and tossed it to the side, near my towel. I loved the feel of the hot water on my very sore muscles. I hadnt realized how very tired i was until that moment. I relazed, and let the water and steam do their magic on my naked body. The heat of the room and my tired muscles made me extremely drowsy. I leaned on my right arm against the wall before me, and closed my eyes. I could feel myself drifting towards sleep.

I felt a ghostly touch on my shoulder. The sensation felt stronger, and i could feel that it was a hand on my shoulder. Arms wrapped around me an hugged me to a strong, well-developed chest. The warmth of the body made me feel good. 'this is a good dream' i thought to myself. Lips left soft kisses on my shoulders and neck, while the hands in front of my rubbed my chest and stomach. One hand drifted down and grasped my dick, which had swollen to its full 7.5 inches. He began to jerk me slowly, gently. I could feel his dick nestled in between my ass cheeks. It felt warm, it felt big and it felt good. I moaned as he jerked my dick, and i leaned my forehead against the tile in front of me.

The wall was shockingly cold. It shook me from my revirie and a realized that i was not dreaming. I was awake but i was still very very drowsy. I spun to confront my molestor, but the act made my dizzy, and i slipped. I would have fallen, but two men caught my arms, one on either side. They layed me down slowly, and knelt beside me. I felt dizzy still, i felt drugged. I looked up in front of me, and saw the man who had touched me. It was the swimmer. His jet black hair clung to his hansome face. His black eyes looked at my with intense desire. The water from the shower ran down his chest, through the light hair that spread across his well-developed pecs. The water ran down his pecs, following the black trail of hair to his rippled stomach. The rail of hair and water continued down and pooled into a black mass of hair which surrounded a penis of incredible size. It was wide, it was long, and it was hard and dripping for me. The man grinned and said "You like?" in his deep, lust-filled voice.

"Its very impressive Mich, but i think i should be going now." I said, and went to get up. The two men beside me grabbed my arms and held me to the ground. Mich moved fast, and sat on my legs so i wouldnt kick them. I looked to either side. On my right i saw Ryan, his light brown hair and red skin wet in the shower. He had a tight, strong body, brown eyes, and a hard dick between his legs. On my left was a man id never seen before. He had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a lightly muscled body of an angel. If i wasnt so angry and drugged i could have melted from his smile.

"Can you really tell me that you dont want to be a part of this?" Mich asked me, almost pleadingly. "How about i give you a sample.." Witht that he dropped forward and took my dick into his mouth. I tried to yell for help, but Ryan clasped his hand over my mouth. Mich's blowjob was incredible, his mouth creating a near-vacuum around my dick. The two men beside me rubbed my body all over, and my nerves were firing all over the place. Ryan and the blonde kissed above me, their tonguesgoing deeply into each others mouths. Watching hot boys kiss has always turned me on, and that was one hell of a show. I wished for nothing more than to be away from there, to be with Max and away from the boys forcing themselves upon me.

As if the gods were granting my wish, the whole thing stopped. Mich let my dickm out of his mouth, and stood up. Ryan and the blonde stood up and stood guard.

"Thats just a sample. If you just try it out, I promise it will be even better. I can suck even better than that. And you can get a feel of this 10 incher inside you." He said, crudly wagging his monster dick at me. With that they left, Mich sending me a quick "The drug will wear off in about an hour, dont worry."

I waited until i hear them leave, and i got dressed in a hurry. I ran to my room, threw myself on my bed and started to cry. I felt used, and i felt powerless. But what was worse than both of these was the fact that i was turned on by the thought of giving in. I felt like a terrible boyfriend to Max, because i was having infedelic thoughts. I grabbed the phone. The phone on the other end rang, and picked up.

"Max? I need to talk to you.

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Next: Chapter 13

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