
By P G

Published on Dec 3, 2003


Legals: This story did not happen. The characters are based on real people, but the events are straight from my dirty mind. Enjoy

"Oh God yes!" I yelled as the thick pole pushed into my ass again and again. I gasped as i felt the short pubic hairs against my ass cheeks, a sign that he was in to the hilt. His dick made wet sounds at it pushed over and over into my worked ass.

We had been fucking for hours. I had cum twice already from Max's big 8 incher inside me, and was well on my way for a third. Max still hadnt cum, and was on the stamina run of a lifetime. So there i lay on my stomach on Max's bed, face down as he slowly fucked me with his enormous skills. I dont know how he did it, but whenever he fucked me he made me feel so...indescribable. He could hit that spot inside me seemingly at will, and i was subject to its power.

I changed position a bit. I rose up so that i was kneeling, with Max still fucking me from behind. He reached around me, rubbing my sweat-slick pecs.

I moaned and moaned as i drove backwards, meeting Max's hips on each thrust. He kissed and sucked the back of my neck and my shoulders. The feel of his burning lips was soft, and loving. His big, strong, sweat-covered chest rested on my back, and one hand reached around and rubbed my stomach and chest. The other hand was on my right hip, guiding the fuck. He licked my left ear a bit, teasing me. He moved down and kissed the back of my left soulder, right on my Phoenix tattoo. Each kiss timed perfectly with his driving into me, and i knew i was going to cum again.

"You like that?" He asked, breathing heavy. His lusty tone was sexy as shit.

"Oh god, i love your big dick, give it to me." I said, and impaled my self fastrer on him. I grabbed my dick and screamed that i was cumming.

"Me too" Max gasped, and drove into me harder and faster. He gasped and moaned in my ear, and warmth blossomed within me. My own jizz shot up high, hitting my chest and stomach, and Max's hand that was on them. The tight squeezing of my ass caused Max's orgasm to extend itself, but at last we both lay on the bed together. He slid out of my ass, and it felt cold and empty. He was the first guy to make me enjoy being fucked, and god did i love it. My ass missed him after he left.

It had been 3 months since the night when i met Max's family. We had a happy and healthy relationship, and were coming up on our 4 month mark. Christmas and New Years had passed and i was now in the second semester of my freshman year of college. Life was wonderfull, i had good grades, my job was great, i had advanced to Green in Jiu Jitsu, and i was in a wonderful relationship.

The words "I love you so much" snapped me from my reverie. Max held me to his warm, soft chest, and i cuddled to his neck. Life was good.

I was walking back from the bathroom in Max's dorm the next day, and i heard yelling.

"What the fuck man! I sick of this! You said we could share, that we could all have some fun." 'What the Fuck?' i woundered. The voice was coming from Max's room, it was Mich. What was the problem?

"I know you decided you had a thing for that cute little thing, but now its time to cut the crap and get on with the plan! You had your fun, now its time for mine." Thats when i remembered, and i realized that they were arguing about me.

"No Mich. This isnt a fun little thing for me. This is my relationship. I love Matt, i am happy. He knows about the original plan. If he wanted that, than he would say so. If he wanted to, than i would be fine with it. But i wont ask him, and i most certainly will not make him sleep with you and the others." Max said. He sounded angry, but under control.

"Fine. But of you dont ask him, i will."

"No, you wont. You would regret it." Max said, ice in his voice. with that i saw Mich exit the room and go down the hallway in the opposite direction. He never saw me. I walked into the room, and Max was pacing.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Fight with Mich. Dont worry about it." He said, quickly calming down. "Lets go get some breakfast, and ill walk you to class." His smile was unturndownable.

We had a nice breakfast, we were joined by a couple of my friends. They all love Max, and are really happy about us. Max walked me to my lecture, gave me a kiss, and told me he would see me tonight.

Anatomy lecture was duller than usual that day. I must have fallen asleep a dozen times. Luckily, proffessor let us go about 10 minutes early, so that made me happy.

At the end of the class, i stumbled out the door and left the building. It was dark out already, due to it being late winter. The cold bit into me, and i held my coat tight to me. I took the fastest path back to my room, which is a straight line. This takes me off the usual paths, and across a field with trees. Despite the dark and cold and the trees, i dont feel nervous, i walk this way all the time. I was about halfway across the field when i heard my name from behind me. I turned around, and was treated with a powerful punch in the face. The force of the blow coupled with the cold and stunned me. I spun around, and saw a person now on the other side of me. Dazed, i managed to duck his swing. The duck gave me time to get my head back together. Man number 2 swung again, which i blocked, and kicked him in the stomach twice. I turned to run as he fell, but Man number 1 got me from behind, and got me into a full nelson. I struggled, but he was much larger and stronger than i was. I was stuck, there was nothing i could do from there, and he could break my neck easily.

I looked around, and found that there was now a third mystery man. I couldnt identify any of them, they all wore hoods and ski masks. I opened my mouth to ask what they wanted, but a shot to the gut prevented the words. My stomach turned and i felt sick. White flickered before my eyes as i was hit again across the jaw.

"NO!" someone screamed, and all three of my assailants whirled to see who spoke. There was Max, coming from the direction i had walked from. He must have gone to walk me back to class, and i missed him since we got out early. "Let him go." He said, speaking very firmly.

"But hes so pretty" The man holding me said, rudely licking my neck.

"Let him go NOW" Max drew closer, and the two unoccupied men spread out to opposite sides of him. His jaw was set, his eyes aflame.

"No." Said my holder, kneeing me in the back of the leg, making me drop. I looked up to Max. He moved like lightning. The two other men moved in on him. It didnt take long, they were both down, one screaming in pain. My captor dropped me and jumped back as Max flew towards him. Max changed directions faster than i thought possible. Man 1 took 6 punches to the face in 3 seconds, Max grabbed his hand and twisted. I heard the revolting wet cracking sound as it snappped.

Max kicked his opponent down, swooped to pick me up, and sprinted across the field towards the dorms. He carried me in his arms, but he didnt seem to be slowed by the weight at all. That was right about when i passed out.

I opened my eyes, and was blinded. White light, white walls, i was not happy. I opened them again, and there was Max. His dark hair was a mess, his cheek was bruised and his green eyes were deep with concern.

"Hey there." He said, his voice very soft, very loving. It made me feel better to hear it.

"Hospital?" I asked.

"Always to the point. No, its the medical walk-in on campuss."

"How am i?"

"They took some x-rays, they should be back any minute with them. As if on cue, a man and a woman walked in. The man was a doctor, the woman his nurse. They put up x-rays on the wall. There were x-rays of my face, chest, and ribs.

"Do you need anything for pain son?" The doctor asked. He was an older-looking man, with silver hair that made him look distinguished and intelligent rather than ancient. I liked him immediately.

I shook my head. "I dont like meds, and it isnt too bad right now." Ironic, i know, since i work in a pharmacy, but there it is. The doc nodded, understanding.

"You have a cracked rib Matt. You have a very bruised abdomen, but luckily there was no damage to the organs there. There is a micro-fracture along your jawline as well. Could have been alot worse. Im just going to give you something to put around your ribs for a few weeks, and im going to tell you to be very careful eating for ther next week. Your wounds should heal fast and well as long as you are nice to them." He said, smiling at the end.

Some more warnings, a police report, and a trip to the pharmacy later, Max helped me back to my room. The walk was short and quiet. Once in, i layed down on my open futon. Brent wasnt there, and i breifly wondered where he was. Max sat down beside me and looked at me. he still looked worried.

"Thank you." I said. "You may have saved my life, i can't thank you enough." Max just smiled, knelt down and kissed my forehead.

"I would never let anyone hurt you. Now go to sleep." He said, as he caressed my face with his hand. I layed my head in his lap, and fell into a much-needed sleep. I felt warm, safe and protected.

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P.S I apologize for the long times in between chapters, but i realy am going as fast as possible witht the free time i have. Hope you liked it!

Next: Chapter 12

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