
By P G

Published on Nov 12, 2003


Legals: The story did not happen. The characters are real and based on real people, but names and events have been changed.

Saturday afternoon, i left work at 2 o'clock. Work had not been fun at all, and people were just very difficult. I stopped at home to shower and changed, and then i headed out. The drive made me feel better, since i was going to Max's dojo. I was going to suprise him at work, since i knew he was done at 3.

I arrived at the dojo at about quarter of 3. I went in, and found the room Sensei Max was teaching in. I stood to the side, and stayed inconspicious. There were other people there on the sides, so i did not look out of place. The room had about 30 children in it, from age 8-12, and i was standing with their parents.

Watching the class was an experience. It was very different from the classes at school. First of all, the atmosphere was more formal. Sensei was much more informal at school, especially since we had class in the gym rather than a dojo, and because we were all students at the college with him. Here, he was God. He stood at the front of the class in his full Gi uniform, which i rarely saw. The black robe with the black belt, and the air of confidence around Max just radiated power and demanded respect.

I watched him conduct class, and handle the children. I could tell they adored him. I came from a large extended family with many little children, and i had never seen someone handle so many of them so well. Class concluded with the children in ordered rows, all facing Sensei Max. He bowed to them and they to him. Everyone knelt and undid theior belts. All of a sudden, the spell was undone and the small people became children again, and scattered. Many went to find their parents on the side of the room, others went to change, and still more left to wait for their parents to pick them up.

I waited to the side as parents talked to Max, all of them seemed so pleased with how the classes went. I heard some tell him how their child was becoming more confident, or more respectful, even more disciplined. Pride swelled in my hear to think of what he helped so many people with.

As the last parent left, Max turned and faced the wall. He knelt, undid his belt, and folded it neatly. He held the folded belt on the floor before him, bent forward and kissed it, saying a few words i could not discern. He loved what he did, i could see it glowing around him like a fiery aura.

Max stood and turned around, and saw me standing in the center of his dojo, the last person there. He looked tired, but when he saw me a huge smile blossomed on his face. He strode to me and gave me a big hug.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, still smiling.

"To see you. I had a crappy day at work, i was hoping i could see you tonight. You always make me feel better." I said, a hopeful smile on my face. His hazel eyes flashed, he was touched.

"Oh Matt, i would love to, but i promised my mother i would eat dinner with her and my brothers tonight." He said, sounding legitimately sorry.

"Oh, thats alright, i understand. I still got to see you, and thats good enough." I said.

"Wait. Do you want to....come, my family?" He asked. He sounded very nervous, which was out of place here in his dojo.

"I would love to." I assured him, and ruffled his dark hair.

"Great!" He sounded so happy, he even bounced a little, it was adorable. "Wait here, i'll change and we can head over.

I waited, and then once Max had finished changing, we jumped in his car. He lived fairly close to the dojo, so it took about 10 minutes to get there. On the way there he exlpained to me that we could be open while there.

"My family knows im gay, so dont be nervous about being who you are. I've told them all about you, and they want to meet you."

"Oh good" i said with a sigh of relief. I hated being secretive about my relationships. "You've only mentioned you mom and brothers though, what about your dad?"

"My dad's gone. He left when i was 8. We're better off without him though." He said. I had never seen him look so sad and solemn.

"Im sorry Max, i didnt mean to..."

"Its fine, dont worry about it. You needed to know at some point anyway." He interrupted.

Thats when we pulled up to a cute, white house. It was 2-floored, and had a patio in the front. A tall fence blocked off what seemed to be a rather large backyard. Max parked in the driveway, and we walked up to the front door.

"Won't your mom be suprised im here?" I asked.

"Nope. I called her after i changed at the dojo, shes looking forward to meeting you." He looked at me and said "dont worry, you'll be great. All you have to do is be yourself, and they will love you. They will love you because i love you." He smiled, and gave me a kiss. I felt alot better with his reasurrance, and touched by his feelings for me. but i was still nervous.

Max opened the door and yelled "We're here!" I walked into a large living room, with a deep red carpet and cream colored furniture. A thundering sound came from upstairs, and suddenly 3 short boys flew down the stairs and towards Max. The smallest had black hair, dark eyes, naturally darker skin, and was absolutely adorable. The other two were identical twins, and both looked exactly like Max, only younger. One more difference was that both had stunningly bright green eyes. I could only imagine how popular these two were with girls and boys at school. All four brothers looked alot alike, except that none of Max's brothers had the body he had. Though the twins looked quitre strong. Oh, and i forgot, all of them were quite short for their ages, just like Max, who is 5'5" despite being full grown.

"Matt, meet my brothers. This is Josh", gesturing to the smallest, "Hes 12. And these are the twins, Alex and Aarron. They are 16." , he said, gesturing to the gorgeous twins. I was suprised how young they were, they looked almost my age. I shook hands with all three boys, and said my hellos.

"Oh good, you're home" a soft, sweet voice said from the doorway to the dining room. I looked up and saw a short woman with long, brown hair, and a very happy smile. She didn't look old, but she had an age to her that i could see. It was most likely the result of raising 4 boys by herself.

She came over to us and swipt Max into a big hug. She kissed him on the cheek, and turned to me. "You must be Matt" she said, a twinkle in her faded green eyes. She hugged me too, and gave me a kiss on the cheek too. "Its wonderful to finally meet you, Max talks incesantly about you." she said, with a soft laugh.

"Its nice to meet you Ms. Borosche." I said.

"oh, call me Mom, please." she said, waiveng her hand as if to ward off my formality. I smailed and said "Ok mom." That seemed to make her very happy.

We spent almost two hours at the dinner table, having a very slow, very big, very good meal. I learned alot about Max's family. His youngest brother Josh was adorable and funny as shit. That kid kept me laughing all night. I suppose as the youngest of 4 you have to learn to be loud, and Josh certainly had. I learned that Alex and Aarron were in the 10th grade and on the swim team at their school. They were apparently very good, which explained the physiques they had. They looked the same, and liked the same things, but were rather different people. Aarron was open and outgoing, a very pleasant person. He was funny, though he got outshadowed by Josh in that area. He was also very smart, which i was gathering that all of the Borosche brothers were. Alex, though, Alex was quiet. He wasnt an unpleasant person, he was just quiet. he laughed at all the jokes, and talked when talked to, but not much else. 'Mom', was quite a fun woman. I could tell she had had a tough life, but she seemed to have a great outlook on things. She delighted in her son's jokes, and told proud stories of all her sons, especially Max.

"Mom, you don't need to try and sell me to him" Max said laughing.

"Dont listen to him, its always good to know your boyfriend's history, am i right?" She asked me, looking mischevious. Yes, i definitly liked this woman.

After a thoroughly enjoyable evening, Max and i took our leave. He had to drive me back to the dojo, because i had left my car there.

"I hope you had a good time tonight. They loved you" Max said. "Im so glad they liked you.." He looked at me, and he looked so proud.

"I had an awesome night. Your family is great."

"Yea, they are great. So what do you want to do tonight? its only 8 o'clock."

"Well, my parents are in Maine for the weekend. You could come home with me.....if you like..." I trailed off, a seductive mystery tone to my voice.

"Sounds good. You'll have the homefield advantage" He said.

"Looking for another game?" I asked.

"Always. And its always such a hot game with you...." He said, laughing.

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Next: Chapter 11

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