Senioritis Series

By Steve McSheffrey

Published on Oct 1, 2011


Don't like gay sex or too young to legally read where you are? Go away.

Rico's brother Luis starred in The Rent for a time and his brother Diego's story started off Adult Education. Gus and Jacob also have siblings who were in The Rent but hopefully I managed to make this enjoyable on its own...

Senioritis: Rico Violations

"Check out the hottie, Rico." I just roll my eyes. Sometimes I'm glad that Joey suggested the new kid needed my watching out for him more than he does. Jacob Sumner is new in town. His mom remarrying to Mister Tyler. I kinda know them what with Thomas Tyler being friends with one of my umpteen brothers. Jacob's pretty way out there gay so he needs looking after. My brother Luis could have used that. I only found out Luis was gay after our dad tried to kill him for being gay and I couldn't watch out for him. I can make sure no on else gets bashed. I was trying with this guy on the wrestling team but he pointed out that as the new kid Jacob needed it more than me. You watch TV and think being gay is all accepted and cool but it's not. The bashers just have to make sure the right teacher is the one that finds out. "I'd make him blonde though. Almost blonde doesn't cut it but those green eyes? Yum! That bod just screams basketball too." Eye Roll #812 of the day.

"Jacob, that body screams basketball `cause you saw him practicing with the team." And would have taken another shower to really scope him out if I hadn't stopped him. Thank god Jacob's sport is track. Jacob would piss off a couple of teammates if he had group showers with baseball or soccer and those are sports you need even the homophobes having your back.

"He's smoking and you know it." I don't say anything but do give Charles another look. Yes, he does look hot but Joey won't ever hear me say shit like that. "Rico, we had this talk. You can admit a guy is hot without me thinking you're a closet case."

"Jacob, I have zero trouble admitting the guy has a really good body and that he's good-looking. I can't call him hot without thinking he's hot. He's not. Christine Hall? That's hot." This gets the face from Jacob that I knew it would. Christine has decided against all logic that Jacob would make the perfect boyfriend. I have to admit I might be encouraging her a little. Jacob's so out there and overconfident. Having a stalker who looks like a super model is good for him. "You could do worse than Christine, Jacob."

"You could do worse than that ball player," he snaps back. "Tell you what, we'll make a deal. If I do a woman, you gotta do a guy." I start to joke but damn if Jacob doesn't sound serious. I don't know what I would have said if this afternoon's object of Jacob's obsession didn't come over.

"Hey, Rico. You doing okay?" The first impulse is to give a smart ass answer. There's only so many times I can talk about my dad trying to kill my gay brother or my mom vanishing with Luis and the other brothers still at home for their safety. This guy, though, probably actually cares and isn't just saying something because it's too huge a deal not to say something.

"About everything except family, sure. No, that's not true. Diego was the only family really there for me before and I still got him. You gonna tell me I should be coming back to church now, Charles?" I tease.

"Would that be so bad?" Jacob is right around us like a little terrier on crack. Heh. He looks real surprised I know Charles. His fault for not asking. "I'm Charles Carter. You on the wrestling team with Rico?" Jacob is at a loss, I can tell. He's all about audaciously flaunting himself. You learn that within a minute of meeting the kid. Charles being polite and full of good manners throws Jacob. What Jacob considers a smoking hot bod definitely has to be helping Jacob get all tongue tied. Jacob stays all quiet while me and Charles talk about quasi friends I have at his church from all the years my mother had dragged me to Sunday church and then forced youth group on me on Wednesdays. I did enjoy most of it but it's all been ruined by my mother. Just thought of going to her church and doing any activities they might have just makes her abandonment real raw. Charles doesn't get that, going on about the friends that miss me and how I must miss them an d it has nothing to do with his dad being the Reverend Carter.

"Dude, chill out. That's his mom's church and she's the one that vanished on him. She took off with three of his brothers and not only doesn't Rico know where they are, no one's told him if Luis is okay, or how he'd recovering. Nothing." Wow. Jacob really does the right thing, even if he's probably blowing whatever chance he'd have of getting in good with Charles. For me.

"Really? Rico, no one's told you anything?" My face answers for me, I guess. "They're in New Jersey with my mom's cousin. She had an abusive husband too. Luis still is going through surgeries but Berto and Hugo are okay and Luis will be. I think he had some internal injuries and that's why the more surgeries. Oh, Stevie says Berto and Hugo going nuts `cause your mom has banned cell phones and internet but they're okay." I can't help it. I hug Charles right then and there. I might even cry a little bit but Charles turns us so if anyone sees, they don't see that. He takes out his phone as soon as I step back.

"Stevie, is Mrs. Castro around? Good. What about the boys? Can you put him on? Trust me, Stevie. Please? Hey, dude. It's Charles. Hold on a sec." Charles hands me the phone. "It's Hugo."

The conversation is great! Hugo tells me he thinks Mama has gone nuts and I find out she's lied to them about being in touch. She told the guys me and Diego are in constant danger and Papa's tried a few deadly revenge things. I assure him Mama has not called any of us and that no one's even heard from Papa since the day he beat up Luis. Hugo begs me to find a way to get him home. What can I do? I promise him I'll try to talk Diego into that and I'll call him back through Stevie. He has no problems promising to only tell Berto. He thinks Luis likes the new situation so won't tell him.

"Thank you, Charles," I start but before I can really say enough, his mom pulls up and he has to take off. Me and Jacob get in his car but we just sit Jacob has some ideas.

"Diego will never get custody. You know that, right?" That sounds a bit harsh but then I get what he means.

"Oh, you mean his extra job. Yeah, too many people know about that, I guess. If Mama gets a lawyer he'll use that against Diego." Diego would probably freak that I know he's been making ends meet by being on a gay for pay website. Never seen it but Jacob went there when I told him about it. I had questions but no way did I want an image of Diego with guys burned in my brain. Jacob assures me Diego is hot (his favorite word I think) but it's pretty clear he's a straight guy.

"There might be a way around that. We scrape up enough money for your brothers to get a bus or a plane home and send it Western Union." He means he'll scrape up the money. Diego won't let me get a job until I graduate and I can't ask him for money to liberate our brothers with. I just have Jacob drop me off at home. We don't talk, not even about the frivolous shit we were going on about pre-Charles. He drops me off and thus starts a very boring long weekend of having yet another thing not to talk to Diego about!

(The second is whatever the hell goes on on the third floor of our new place. I'm pretty sure what Jamie's little clubhouse is used for but Diego has banned me going up there or talking about it.)

I'm not sure about Jacob's plan, despite the texts he sends me telling me he has the money we need. There's an omen Tuesday morning when I finish showering for school and finally come out of my room. There's two cops there, one plain clothes and the other looking like a bull in blue. My first thought is that Diego is in trouble and I rush over to join them. The cops clam up.

"This is my brother, Enrico, sirs. If it has to do with my father, he should hear it too. Rico, Officer Walton says they think they've found Papa." Diego looks as nervous as I feel. Are we gonna be told Papa went to Mexico like I thought but he's coming back to start in on all his ungrateful sons? I'm just as much a target as Diego and that would mean Mama's right and we can't get Berto and Hugo back here. Papa was always good at fucking up our dreams so this would be just like him.

"Not think, Diego. We know." The detective knows Diego? I can't help it but think of that gay site. Does Detective Walton work there too? He looks straight but what do I know? I'll have to ask Jacob. Miriam Pappos was out hunting with her daughters a few days ago and came across a body in the woods. She recognized a medallion and identified the deceased then and there as Juan Castro. Tests just came back that confirmed that fact."

"Papa's dead?" I don't even realize I've sat down on the couch until Diego does the same thing, grabbing one of my hands.

"I know, Rico. We wanted a better father, not a dead one." We stare at each other for a moment and know we can't say what we're thinking with cops here, that dead is good enough. I also swear Diego still looks worried. "How did it happen? Do you know? Was Papa sneaking back into the country?"

"No, your father's remains indicate that he's been dead nearly the whole time we've had an APB out on him. As for how, best guess is that he was heading north to hide out. Mrs. Pappos says your father knew some of you boys had been taken up to their cabin. She seems to think Juan would have enjoyed using her property to hide out from the police." That does sound like Papa. At least Diego has finally relaxed. The Pappos family was hated by Papa nearly as much as cops and most of his own sons. "We can't be certain how he died, boys. Animals and weather have been at the body but a ranger I know up there has a pretty good guess. Williams has a very good track record on these things. He says it makes sense that your father hitched most of the way and hiked the rest. Either stone gave way and he slid or he was spooked by animals and went down a cliff. If he didn't die in the fall, animals would have seen to that soon enough. Whatever way it happened, he went quick." I can see both cops agree with us that quick was more than he deserved. Diego shows them out, asking questions about if we have paperwork to deal with and such. Turns out Mrs. Pappos has had her husband, Diego's lawyer in trying to get his daughter back, already handling all that. Papa will be cremated and she'll dispose of the remains. Wanna bet she flushes him? I would.

The Pappos parents show up instants later with the age appropriate sons. They must have been alerted by Detective Walton and been waiting in the huge ass driveway this place has. That means Diego gets his best friend Michael checking out how he's doing and I get one of my least favorite classmates, his younger brother Gus, feigning concern for me. I try sneaking back to my room to call Jacob but Gus follows me. I find out when I feel his huge hands grip my ass hard.

"Gus, I'd have to be a lot more grief stricken than this to finally let you fuck me." Gus has been joking for ages that he wants to take my black cherry and I stopped thinking it was a joke long ago. "Why are you here?"

"When I can't stand you except as a piece of meat?" Gus throws himself on my bed, legs spread wide and gropes his crotch. "Sure you don't want to take care of this for me? I haven't gotten laid in twelve hours!"

"Where do I send the condolence card? There's somebody out there having morning after regret on an Olympic scale." Gus cracks up but I swear he's hard as a rock in his jeans thanks to that hand. Even if I were tempted at all to bend over for him, the size of that lump would scare me back to straight in a heartbeat!

"That's good, Castro. I'm stealing that one." I just stare at Gus good then. Gus can't stand quiet I've found out. "I'm here `cause if I wasn't here to go off with you so you could be comforted, you'd have to deal with Mom and pretend you're even a little broken up that shit heel of a dad got himself killed. She can't really wrap her head around as bad a parent as your dad was. The only shame here is that he didn't do it closer to home so you'd know sooner. No, it's a shame too Missy was the unlucky one to find his body." Wow. Gus does get it. I would have lost that bet.

"Still not letting you fuck me," I say in place of thanks. "Though I would fuck you. That football player ass is just asking to be dicked." And that definitely isn't joking. To put Gus in his place forever? Yeah, I'd cross to Jacob's side of the street for that and enjoy it. I try to put that in my eyes and maybe Gus gets it. Maybe he just wanted to shut up finally. Who cares? We head back out and there's some small talk but I decide to have some fun. I try to do it all while in my head picturing what it'd be like to fuck Gus right in front of everybody. Gus looks angry and a little worried but that's why I'm doing it. They leave finally, almost colliding with Jacob on the doorstep. I don't think he's ever met Michael before but his eyes sure go wide when he sees him. Weird `caus even if an ex-girlfriend told me the Pappos brothers are put together like real life Greek gods, Jacob's never seemed to go for the darker types. Live and learn, I guess.

"Hey, Diego. Any problems with using Papa's death as an excuse to skip school?"

"Rico, you're eighteen and technically emancipated. You just make sure you don't wind up skipping too much. If you flunk out I'm flying both sets of twins in to help with the ass kicking!" Diego hugs me hard and whispers, "It's okay to mourn a little bit. He was still our father." And then Diego is out the door after Michael, leaving Jacob to make a declaration that sounds like escaping helium more than his usual voice.

"Oh my god, that was another one of the guys from the Gay For Play site!" It takes me a sec but my brain translates finally that Jacob saw Michael doing guys on line too. Jacob wasn't stunned by Michael's sheer masculine beauty. He was sideswiped by picturing what he'd seen Michael do online. Jacob produces a bowl and some killer weed and we adjourn to the balcony to partake. It's safe enough back here for that.

"Huh. I guess we know where Diego found out about the site." I almost ask if Diego and Michael have been paired on the site but decide I don't need to. Of course they have. If that site didn't exist and you told me to pick one friend of Diego's I could see him going gay for, it'd be Michael. I bring him up to date on what happened and he understands how I've gone from undecided on the plan to committed.

"Bus tickets are cheaper and need less ID than planes so I priced those. I'm thinking we prepay your brothers' tickets online for them to pick up and we Western Union the spending money they need. I don't know if they have their old IDs but both can be done with a question added that we'd tell them. Last chance to back out `cause I already got Del to sign off on the release to use money from my savings." He cuts me off when I try to object. "Look, Rico, I know I put on a brave act but do you have any idea how freaked out I was starting a new school Senior year? It's the whole reason I went out for track. I figured I could make friends quicker that way. It didn't work, by the way. The only thing that saved me from being the wildly gay outsider role was you deciding I needed a bodyguard. What I got was a better friend than even Robert back home and I'm making friends at school that wouldn't have come near me otherwise. They all figure if Rico likes me I can't be too bad. Using some of Grandma's money to help you and your brothers is the least I can do. It'd be mean of you to stop me." What can I say? It's a hugging moment and one that kinda goes a little off track. It's probably the pot and the Lifetime moment but pretty soon Jacob melts into me. Before I can stop him our lips meet and I'll admit it. I kissed back. Jacob's got some serious skills at kissing but I stop it when I feel his hand starting to move. I'm not hard but I can't guarantee I'll stay that way if Jacob's hand is as talented as his tongue.

"Oh my god, Rico! I am so sorry. It was the pot, I swear it." Jacob is all panicky and I am so seriously tempted to slap his face to get him to calm down. Trouble is, once I finally have an excuse to start slapping the guy I don't think I'll want to stop!

"Chill, Jacob. I kissed you back, didn't I? Consider that your thank you for all of this. Now, are you gonna be alright doing phase two?" He thinks so and Phase Two starts with calling Charles and catching him in the car on his way to the religious charter school he goes to. He doesn't have to promise to tell his mother Papa's dead. She's the one driving so I hear him pass it along. Next up is using the number for his cousin Stevie. They're three hours ahead but I luck out. It's an in service day for teachers in their school district so Stevie just has to hunt through the house for Berto.

"Berto, you there?" The kid went completely radio silent when I told him Papa's been dead about as long as he's been gone. Was Berto gonna turn out to be the one son that missed him? "You okay, dude?"

"Don't worry, Rico. I was just thanking God for answering our prayers. Can we come home now?" That's when I tell him about me and Jacob's idea but I tell him we're gonna hold off for a bit.

"Let's see if Mama does the right thing for a change. She should know by dinner time about Papa. If she still lies to you, we'll buy you the tickets and you can come home without her. Me and Diego will take care of you just like always." The rest of our talk is all about how Luis is doing. Turns out he's even got his first real boyfriend, a guy at the hospital having physical therapy after some car accident. No way will Luis want to come home but Berto promises he'll check. Maybe Mama did do the right thing by him but she sure didn't do the right thing by the rest of us. She never really did. Papa was just as bad to her as he was to all his sons but Mama turning to drink meant that she didn't ever protect us. Shouldn't a mother do that? She only stopped drinking when she became a grandma but I know Diego didn't forgive her and I don't think I can either. Jacob hears all this for the first time once I'm off the phone with Berto.

"You know my mother just married Jude's dad, right? It's complicated. Not bad complicated like with your family but not great either." Jacob puts on serious face, which by the way he doesn't more than once a week tops, so I just listen. "Dad's parents built this huge ass construction firm but he disappointed them by being like this super genius and eventually a college professor. The only thing my grandfather's business ever gave him was a best friend for life and a first wife he got pregnant when they got drunk. That's how the world got Lucas Sumner and his mom died of a brain thing right after he was born. Maybe during. Details change when they retell it."

"Anyways, mom had a baby a few months before that and was in the hospital `cause her husband had just died. Alcohol was again involved and the result was me. She gets some credit. She didn't marry Dad right away but she says it got tougher than she'd ever expected being alone and pregnant with a baby already. They got married before she left the hospital after I was born." Oh, so many jokes I could make but Jacob still has serious face. "They weren't unhappy but they were never happy either. They just were and my other older half-brother and Dad never got along. Ever. I guess that worked out okay. David moving out here meant Mom met Del but there was more drama between then and now."

"I guess the other part started when Grandpa died and Dad had to take a sabbatical from the college to keep things running. There was that best friend, Mitch Harper, Uncle Mitch to us all growing up. He'd been Dad's best friend back in the day but they drifted apart some starting with Lucas. His dad had been Grandpa's right hand man building the company and Mitch was gonna run it for Dad, but they had to work out details. Mom says by that time she and Dad were more like roommates than husband and wife and David skipping college and moving to Phoenix to get away from Dad almost ended things then and there. Glad they didn't. I was out and proud by that time and having fun seducing as many older straight guys as I could. I even managed to bag David's boyfriend, the guy's brother, and Lucas. At one go." That gets an eyebrow. Jacob just went up a few notches on the kink-o-meter, I think.

"Well, it all hit the fan this year. Mom met Del when Dad agreed to let Del's twins stay with them. They zoomed through high school as super geniuses and got into the school he's back teaching in. Del and Mom say they knew they were in love by the time he and the twins went home."

"So that's kind of a happy ending, right? I'm sure your dad will find someone. Doesn't sound like he could have been any more happy than your mom."

"Well, thing is, it was Dad who asked Mom for a divorce. You notice how both times I told you Dad had gotten a woman pregnant he'd gotten drunk? It was `cause Dad was doing a crap job of dealing with the fact he and Uncle Mitch had it bad for each other. They had sex, Dad got drunk, knocked up Lucas' mom. Mitch didn't speak to dad until the night Dad got widowed, they wound up doing it, and that's how Dad wound getting drunk with grief stricken Mom." I just stare at Lucas. It sounds like a lot better situation than I have with my folks but it is nowhere near normal. Has me wondering if my new bud was this outrageous before his father came out of the closet. Shit like that has to make a guy act out. "Mitch and Dad finally talked it all out when Dad took his sabbatical to set up Mitch to run the company. Mitch was already married with kids when they did it that first time so Dad had always assumed it meant something different to Mitch than to him. Mitch always figured Dad kept impregnating women because he didn't want him and stayed married until he got widowed too. Dad dragged his feet not wanting to hurt Mom, Mom dragged her feet not wanting to hurt Dad, and he beat her by doing it during dinner on the day she was finally gonna do it after dinner."

"Wow. She take it okay?"

"I heard some of it while it was happening. Mom was upset when she thought Dad cheated on her with Mitch when she was true to her vows but he didn't. She's been nothing but happy that Dad's as happy as she is."

"Dude, that is some seriously fucked up shit." And Jacob looks seriously pissed I'd say that. "Look my father is-"

"Was." I choke up a little. Come on, he was my father!

"Okay, my father was a complete and total bastard and a drug dealer and criminal and used us and Mama like punching bags but we knew what he was. You came home one day and every single thing you knew about your father was wrong!" Jacob opens his mouth like he's gonna argue and then just sags like I've deflated him.

"Yeah, I don't know how to deal with him any more. I didn't want to spend my senior year here but I couldn't stay there in that house with him." Jacob looks a little like he's gonna cry. "Can I crash here tonight? Mom's got ESP or something and she'll be all over me about Dad if I go home like this." No probs there. Jacob's mood gets a lot better and we're heading out for a swim when Diego and Michael come back. Jacob's probably too smitten with Michael to notice he's been maneuvered to go out to the pool with him so me and Diego can be alone.

"More bad news?" Diego usually looks real happy go lucky to people. Okay, there was him not getting out of bed for a while after Sue left with the baby but me and my other older brothers and friends next door to where we used to live fixed that. Normal Diego has a thing with his eyes that if you watch close you can see something's bothering him. He's been doing that since him and Michael walked in. "You didn't, um, kill Papa yourself or anything, right?" Diego's startled.

"No. He was dead when I dumped him where Michael's mom found him." Diego goes into detail about that day, just leaving out who papa fought with in an alley. Diego's protecting some dad of one of our friends and there's three who were always there for us. Trouble is, I can't picture any of those three screwing around with Luis and needing to be kept out of the details of how Papa died. I agree though that Papa dying from hitting his head during a fight isn't worth ruining anyone else's life. "God, Rico. You have no idea how good that felt to finally tell someone. I knew the next day I should have told you, could trust you with all that shit, but it seemed too late, you know?"

"I'm always here for you, D. That's never gonna change.

"And I think if you need to talk this shit out with someone, I'm okay if you trust Jacob. I've always wanted you to have a friend like Michael and I think that kid is it." Right away that makes my mind flash to doing online gay porn with Jacob. I have no clue what my give away is when I'm thinking but guess what? Rico knows what it is `cause I get pestered right away about what I was thinking. I decide not to lie and tell him that I've known how he really makes money for a long time now. I throw in that Jacob figured out about Michael today. Diego's freaking a little but when he hears Gus told me about the site last year but I've never seen it, he relaxes. The news that Jacob is the one I had join the site to confirm what Gus said gets Diego looking out the window at him and Michael and it's a real appraising look. I so don't want to know what he's thinking.

"So if it's not Papa, what's up?" Diego sighs.

"We have money trouble. Gay For Play does pay well but there's only so many Manuel Suave videos they can put up. I got laid off from the construction site today and I know Jamie's paying for Mister Pappos to sue Sue, heh, for custody but it's getting expensive. I'm not comfortable with basically being supported by a high school kid with a trust fund." We talk a bit about options and Diego has another surprise: "Oh and Berto has a big mouth. He called me on the way back here. You and Jacob were really gonna pay for Berto and Hugo to fly home without Mama knowing?"

"D, they're miserable! Luis is doing okay they say but they jumped at the chance to come home and stay with us." Now I can see the reason money's such a huge issue. Diego's gonna have to let me get a job, that's all there is to it. I won't be getting any scholarships and it's not like I have any dreams college can help anyways. I like to draw and I'm good at it but what can I learn at a fancy art school?

"Berto told Mama though. I wasn't kidding about his big mouth. Me and her got in a screaming match. She says she doesn't care that Papa's dead and that she'd have to be too if we think we're taking her boys away. Turns out she knew about Gay For Play too `cause she said there was no way a maricon was gonna have any more of her normal children."

"Fuck her. I don't know about Hugo but I know Berto doesn't care about that shit. He was there when Gus blew your secret and just shrugged his shoulders and said so what. Mama doesn't know how to really love anything but the bottle." He smiles but it takes a great big hug, the first I think I've ever given the guy, to make it reach his eyes.

Okay so the plan fell through but Mama couldn't stop me talking to my brothers. I did Western Union them some money but that was so they could have cell phones, even Luis. He sounded great! Yeah, he's totally in love with this guy Todd but Luis thinks Berto and Hugo should come home too. He says Mama's drinking again and she treats him like his being gay meant Papa should have beat on him. It was just the beating to death Mama thought was wrong. Luis thinks she wouldn't have even run off with them if she'd known sooner that Luis was gay.

Earning money's the other thing the next couple of weeks is full of and Jacob finally joked that I should just make Gay For Play a family business. Or he says he was joking. Jacob was looking at me like I look at a girl when he said it. I blame the dream on that.

What dream, you say? Oh only the one where I do gay porn. Gus was in it too. Me and him were in this studio that was just a huge ass bed. Gus dressed in a wife beater and board shorts and his crotch is tented out obscenely. Wow. I don't think he's that big when I'm awake. It looks like it's a good ten inches and thick, with a spreading leaking spot. Me, I'm in a skimpier version of what I wear wrestling and I'm horny but soft. Softish. And eager to get on with it.

Diego is the director. I know this because he's in a chair and wearing a hat like a director from a cartoon. Only Diego's naked and Michael is between his legs sucking his cock. Diego doesn't even act like he knows Michael's doing it.

"Why is he soft? Fluffer! We need to fix that!" Diego calls out and Jacob comes rushing up. He's dressed in just a sparkling jock strap and he practically skips to my side. The legs on my kit are looser in the dream so Jacob reaches right in and fishes out my cock. With just a wink to me and not a word spoken, Jacob leans over and starts giving me a blowjob. Now I've had a few BJs in high school and it felt just as good as any but in my dream I was out of control blown away by Jacob's work! I kept moaning typical porn star dialog at him until he sat up and my cock was now as hard as it had ever been in real life.

"My turn," Gus announced and stood to strip down. I shrugged out of my kit too and when Gus lay back on the bed I joined him. Without even seeming to think I straddled Gus' bigger body, my mouth going to his angry red dickhead while aiming my foreskin at his. It was a wild sixty-nine and I blame Jacob for the taste that filled my mouth. Jacob always shares too much info and once he had told me it was having a very big finger in your mouth with cum tasting like salty blood. Whatever. Dream Rico thought it was the hottest thing ever and as hard as I was fucking Gus' face I was sucking on that huge prong of his.

It felt like Gus and I fed each other hot cock for hours before Diego called cut. I looked up to see Michael was now sitting in the director's chair and Diego was sitting on Michael's cock. Diego wasn't even winded though he was bouncing up and down on Michael the entire time he spoke through the bullhorn.

"Fuck him, Rico. Show that asshole who's boss!" Real life Gus is a complete asshole but the last guy who I'd think of as a bottom boy. Yes, it's a universally known secret that he fucks guys but that's it. No one would think he sucks dick or bends over. Yet Dream Gus is a whore on the end of my cock and I am driving it into him as hard as I can. It's like I'm punching him with my cock and Gus is moaning and telling me it's heaven. Next in the dream I feel Jacob getting in the bed behind me. I feel Jacob's cock start pressing against my virgin hole and the moment it starts really entering...

I wake up and I'm in the middle of the hardest cum I think I've had solo.

So what is this dream telling me? I've had it every night for days and it always ends with sheets that need changing. Does it mean I secretly want to have sex with Gus and Jacob? That my contribution to making money is a gay for pay website like Diego?

Only time will tell...

Next: Chapter 4: Senioritis 4

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