Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on Aug 5, 2005


Let me know if this is any good, please please please . . . . .

I had let my pubes grow back. They are not full blown curlies right now. Its more like a patch of soft brown hair, just laying there without curling.

It does feel good when my hand is running back and forth over it. I just haven't shaved or anything. I don't know if I'll let it grow back completely, shave it again, or keep it like it is. Its how ever weird I want to look when college starts in about 3 weeks.

I have been trying to convince my girlfriend Sara into treating me to a little anal fingering. I have tried to convince her when sober and when drunk, she just won't do it. I've tried getting us drunk enough at least 3 times, once I almost passed out from being too drunk. Another time, I thought that she was drunk enough to do anything, she wanted me to do a bunch of stuff (I did everything I could) but she never would finger me. If she was worried about it being dirty, I went out back, got between the bushes and the fence and used to garden hose to clean me out.

A tip, you do not need the hose turned on very high.

I got so cleaned up that there was nothing but pure water coming out of me. It was also a great way to get cool. It was over a hundred that day and by the time I was through, I was cold from the inside out. But Sara still wouldn't do it.

And I tried to convince Mike. I got him drunk a few times too. He just didn't want to mess with me or he was going to do stuff with his girlfriend.

The closest we came was sitting at his house and watching cable and jacking off.

I was doing more fingering myself and it did have one good thing. I got to where I was able to get the head of my own dick in my mouth. I used to could do that when I was much younger but I hadn't even tried it for years. I got to admit that I love how I taste.

But I got to write about the other night. I was over at Mike's with Megan and Sara. We bought wine coolers rather than beer. They are fine and taste alright but its horrible getting sick on them. We were all pretty buzzed. I was trying to get us talking about sex and doing stuff. I wanted to be fingered by someone that night.

Then Mike's older brother came in. Lee was a pretty good football player in high school but was not big enough to play in college. He was always working out all the time. The jobs in the summer he wanted were hard, like swinging a sledge hammer breaking open tanks or lifting pipe, stuff like that. He was really strong and looked like a lifter. He even got more that way in college. He was going to be a junior. He spent a lot of time in the weight rooms there. I also think that he is taking steroids, which is what got me in trouble.

We were all sitting around drinking. Lee does drink a lot. And if I say it, that is a hell of a lot! The girls were admiring his body, which he loves. He was showing off for us. I said a few things about him taking steroids, other than giving me a dirty look, he ignored me.

Lee got us talking about sex, getting us to tell him that we had done it with each other. And to him that meant me and Mike. I think he knew that anyway. But I started giving him shit that Mike learned it all from him. Which was true but Mike wouldn't tell me everything about it. As the conversation all got mixed up, I said something about how small Lee's balls must be because of all the steroids. He pulled his shorts to the side and flashed us with his junk. The girls screamed and giggled. Mike told him to put it away. I was further convinced that they were small because of how tight his shorts were. There was no way he could pull manly sized balls out the leg of those shorts.

I heard the girls whispering and talking about what they saw. Megan didn't think Lee's balls were nearly as hairy as Mike's. Sara thought they might be, if they were as big.

I wasn't making many friends with the way I was talking. I was accusing Lee of butt fucking Mike. Both of them got pissed at me. I said I at least knew they had been finger fucking each other. And that the girls knew that it was true. Lee denied it. But I told him how else would Mark know how to do it to me.

More talk about ball size and then Lee challenged me to show my balls, so they could compare. I was drunk enough that I did it. It seems like I do that a lot. Mine made his balls look like the hairy balls of a ten year old boy. I also went from a quarter hard to full boner as I had my shorts pulled down. I go shit from that, but I enjoyed it.

And I gave Lee shit for his size. He grabbed my arm and twisted me down to the bed. He put a knee in between my legs and he was trying to crush my balls. I just laughed at him and that got him more pissed. Then he said that if I thought that he had been fucking Mark in the ass, then he should teach me how to do it. I was actually enjoying that threat. I had been so horny for so long and I had been thinking and dreaming of it all summer long.

As Lee held me to the bed, really with just one hand on my back, he and Mark argued about it. Mark wanted Lee to leave me alone, either shut up and get another drink or just leave. I think Lee was about to ease up when I said something stupid, "not only do you got mini-balls, you ain't got enough dick to do it anyway!" Not only did that get to Lee, Mark felt like it was so dumb that he went to Lee's side. But Lee does have enough dick. His dick is big enough that it makes his balls look even smaller. Not that long but it's a good hunk of meat.

Lee ordered Mark to get in the right spot. Mark got on top of me, my head under his belly. His head was right over my butt. And then I felt Mark grab my ass cheeks and pull. I puckered as the cold air hit my hole. Lee asked Mark if it felt different on that side, and Mark agreed it did. I probably could have gotten out from underneath Mark but I was letting them do it.

I could hear Lee stroking his dick and then he pushed my legs apart and got right up in there. Mark pulled my butt apart even more. I felt Lee's hot body press against the back of my legs. Then I felt his dick press right on my hole. I could feel my hole pucker and my balls and dick jerked back. Then he started pushing. It hurt, it hurt a lot. I kept saying, "oh shit, oh fuck, oh gawd, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh man, oh shit". It felt like I was being ripped open. It was burning and it also felt like I was bring crushed. I was telling him to stop, begging him to stop really. It was getting worse, the pain just increased. I started to try to get away when the real pain hit. All of a sudden, his dick went into me. I thought he was in there already but he was just pushing past my hole. When his dick went in me, I couldn't cuss anymore, I couldn't make a sound, I couldn't move. I opened my mouth like I was going to scream, I was afraid that I was going to pass out, and then I was more afraid that I wasn't.

I looked at Sara and she looked scared to death. She kept telling Lee and Mark to quit and get off of me. I would have agreed, if I could have breathed.

Lee pushed his hips into me, it didn't feel like his dick was sliding in and out, all I could feel was the ripping pain and the burning all around my hole. It felt like my hole was grabbing his dick and moving with it. Then he cussed and pulled out, there was a pop when his dick came out of my hole.

I thought that I had learned respect and wouldn't be giving Lee any more shit. But Lee ordered Mark not to move. And he ran out of the room.

Sara got in my face, under Mark's body. And she kept asking if I was alright, she was about crying. I had tears in my eyes. I told her no, that I wasn't doing good. She just about convinced Mark into getting off of me when Lee came back in. He told Mark to spread them again. He pulled my cheeks apart again. And I felt cool hit my hole. Lee went to get vasoline.

He slathered my hole all up. He got globs on his fingers and pressed it right into my hole. That felt much better. He was just barely hitting the right spot but it felt good to me. He went in my hole several times with more vasoline.

Then he dropped the can and told me to get my sorry ass ready. He lined up behind me and pressed again. That first pain of him pushing his dick into my hole didn't last long, it still hurt but I was so slicked up that his dick went into right away. That second pain, the one that made me paralyzed, was there again. I don't know if I was breathing for a while. And about me being able to get out from under Mark, I don't think so. Then it felt like the pain was being massaged away. I realized what it was, it was Lee humping my butt.

As his dick was sliding in and out, it was making the pain disappear, or more like dissolve. And I could very much feel his dick sliding in and out of me. I finally took a breath about the time everything was going black.

Lee ordered Mark to get out of the fuck out of the way and he slid back and sat on the floor in front of me. He had a huge shit eating grin. He said, "You wanted this, didn't you?" I was about to argue with him when Lee put his hands on my hips. He just about crushed my hip bones as he picked me up. His thumbs were pressed deep in my butt cheeks. I tried to put my hands underneath me and get my knees up on the bed but the more Lee humped, the wilder he got. I couldn't get set on the bed. I was being thrown around, I would put a hand on the bed and it would get yanked from under me.

I almost felt like a blowup doll getting fucked, I had no control.

Other than being scared of no control, it was all starting to feel better, I won't say that it felt great. It no longer hurt so much that I was praying to pass out. I know my dick was leaking precum but was also pretty small. I could actually get my hand on my dick and keep it there. No boner at all.

And Lee started getting wilder. He was really pushing me on and off him. He wasn't really humping but was using me to move on him. I was just trying to keep my face from rubbing on the bed. His body was slapping my butt and it sound like a spanking, it was that loud. I felt my balls getting slammed around.

Then it was like Lee was trying to slam his dick deeper in me, he slowed down. I heard him grunt and groan and then with my butt pulled all the way against him, I felt his dick shoot. I felt spasm after spasm run through his dick. I knew I had a full ass of cum. I'm not sure I felt his cum but the way his dick was twitching was great.

When he pulled out, I realized that I was so fucking horny, that I really needed to jack off or fuck something, just had to cum. I was right there where you jack off and quit just about the time your cum starts to build. That had a lot to do with the next smart thing that I said. I said, "I knew you couldn't last very long. You cumed in 10 fucking seconds. I must just excite you too much."

Lee couldn't do anything right away and he ordered Mark to do get over there and do me. I stayed there, just in case he could be talked into it. But Mark was arguing, he didn't want to do it, he didn't want to do it in front of his girlfriend. Lee talked to Megan about it but she was just really staring at me and at Lee's floppy wet dick. Lee hit Mark a couple of times, like brothers do all the time, and pushed him to the side of the bed with my butt. Lee stood above my head.

He then flopped down my back. He about knocked the wind out of me. He made sure that his dick was in my face. I could feel his wet dick on my face, it was smearing cum and vasoline on me. And I could smell cum, musk, and even my ass. Lee grabbed my butt cheeks and spread them and crushed them in his hands. He was looking directly at my hole and said something about how big and open it was now. He poked a finger or two in my hole as he argued with Mark. When Sara bent down, picked up and tossed Mark the vasoline, I knew Mark was convinced.

He even pushed a could more globs in my hole. Then I felt him line up with my hole. There was barely a pain when he first went into my hole but as he was pushing in deeper it started to hurt. Mark started getting into a rhythm and he would hit the right spot in me on most of his humps. I was having a hard time breathing because Lee was on top of me and he was concentrating on rubbing his junk on my face. Which I could see Megan and Sara watching that.

Lee did slide back on the floor and grabbed my arms and held on to them. His face was right next to mine and he kept talking to me about how I was getting fucked and I loved it and I would do anything to have him fuck me again and again.

I was feeling good. Megan said that Mark was going to cum, he could tell by his face. And she was right. I felt every orgasm, I could feel my ass fill up with cum. And the sound of him fucking me started to get more sloshy. I would have been very happy to quit right then and there. I figured I could jack off as soon as I got alone. Lee stood up and came around to my butt and looked. He made some comments about how big my hole was, he yelled at Megan and Sara to come look. They thought it looked gross, but then they thought it was gross when it was a cute little pucker.

I slid off the bed face first. I just wanted to recovery and then jack. I heard Lee jacking his dick, he was flopping it around. I sat up and leaned against the nightstand. Lee came over to me and grabbed my face. He told me that I had two choices, either suck his dick and eat his cum or get fucked again. Then he added a third choice, he said that if he didn't fuck me, he would fuck Sara. Oh, yea, she cussed, threatened to cut his dick off, all that stuff.

I told him he could fuck me again. I got up and walked around the bed, I could feel their cum running out of my hole and down my leg. He made me get in the same position and then made Mark get on top of me again. Only this time, he grabbed Mark's butt and placed him so that his dick was in my face.

It was much better smelling, I would have sucked it if I could, I was just able to touch the tip of my tongue to it.

One more glob of vasoline and then his dick slammed into me. He was doing better at hitting my good spot, I was also lifting up off the bed to get it hit. He humped and humped. He flopped down on Mark and I and rested, then went back into humping. He had to rest one more time. It was taking him forever. In the meantime, Mark had boned up again. It was right on my face. I was completely boned up and it was rubbing against the bed. I was concentrating on making me cum. Finally, but before me, Lee started to shoot. He tried to drive his dick all the through me. I felt his orgasms and a little bit of his cum inside of me. When he pulled out, he slapped his dick on my butt and asked me how I like that. Mark was in my face and told me to just shut up.

I looked at Megan and Sara. Even though both of them had their hands rubbing on their pussies, they looked shocked. And I still hadn't cumed and I was hurting worse from that.

Let me know if this is any good, please please please

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