Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on Jul 11, 2005


My sister and I have always been able to talk about sex with each other. We haven't done anything with each other, at least not directly. Its just not that exciting to me. But I'm not that sure about her. She has pestered me to look at my shaved pubes from about 2 minutes after she found out I did it. I have since let her see it and do quite of bit of inspection. That is the first time that I knowingly exposed myself to her since she and I took a bath with our two boy cousins and a girl cousin at our granma's, many many years ago.

Once my sister convinced me into showing her my bareness, she was after me to help her convince her current boyfriend to do the same thing. I would have thought that high school sophomore girl would have really liked her boys with pubes. They haven't had that many for that long. My sister saw many hairless dicks as she was growing up. I know she played with boys in garages and behind closed doors. She wasn't all that bad really but she got a little bit of a rep when she walked through the 7th boys locker room. She claimed that she and the other girl were pushed in there and had to go through the other door since they were holding it. She told me it was a dare. A dare that she originally thought of and went with the girl she dared.

I came home, I was fairly quiet when I came in the house, I left off the TV, music and computer. I heard my sister talking to a boy in her room, both of our doors were open. I was just on my bed, I still had a hangover from the night before. I heard the boy ask where I was and that he was going if I wasn't going to show up. I listened a little more and I kinda knew what they needed me for. I got up, leaned on the doorway and said hi.

My sister looked up and smiled, and two boys turned around and looked at me.

Ryan was my sister's boyfriend and they had his little brother Tyler with him. The did hang together a lot. I knew their big brother, he was a teammate and going to be a senior the next year. Tyler looked a little nervous, Ryan looked like he was tired of my sister's BS and was ready to get things over with. I sat down on one of her beds and asked what was going on.

We talked a little bit and then my sister asked Ryan and Tyler if they knew what I had done. None of the three of us knew what she was talking about. She had to explain a little more, she finally said I shaved all my pubes. Ryan and Tyler shook their heads like that was a cool thing to do, about equivalent as getting the double meat double cheese bacon burger.

Then she asked me to describe it. She asked about how it felt in the shower, while wearing shorts and letting the wind blow, and how underwear rubs and all that. Its stuff she had already got me to tell her about. I started telling them and I wasn't getting into detail, at first anyway. When Ryan started to really listen, I got really telling. My sister kept saying that I should show them. I ignored her but she hardly ever backs off on something she wants.

Well, I asked Ryan if he wanted to see. Tyler was nodding before Ryan. I stood up and pulled both underwear and shorts down. It had been a few days since I shaved and I had real good looking hair there. It was only about an 1/8th of an inch and looked pretty cool. Fortunately, I was about ¼ hard. Hard enough that I looked like I had some decent equipment but not hard enough that I was all boned up just by talking to them. Both boys stared at me. They got up close and looked. I told them that I could get even slicker. They didn't ask but I showed them that I shaved my balls and underneath too.

I was starting to bone up and I put it away. My sister got me telling how good it felt. And then she went right into telling Ryan that he really needed to do it. I got more on my sister's side, I said that I was worried about shaving them off (like I was able to worry when they first came off). I said I was really proud of my pubes and I really liked how they felt. And Ryan agreed. And I said that I would have been very worried if I had to show up at practice or in the school shower. And Ryan agreed. But I said that if he did it now, there would be all kinds of time for it to grow back before school started. And my sister agreed.

As my sister did more talking, I showed them one more time. My boner had gone down enough for me not to worry about it. Ryan came up with reasons not to do it. The last one was about how he never shaved anything. And my sister volunteered me. That is when I got a boner that stayed. And finally Ryan and Tyler agreed. I don't think that any of the convincing was aimed at Tyler.

We went into my bathroom. I got out a new razor, got the Edge, and told him to pull off his shorts and sit on the counter. He looked at my sister, she said she wasn't going anywhere, she wanted to see and besides, she had seen it before. He pulled his shorts and underwear off, cute boxers that were going to really feel good after the shave. His shirt covered all of him, even when he hopped on the counter, his shirt was covering his dick. I made him hold it up and later take it off completely.

Ryan wasn't short on equipment. I had never noticed it before, I really hadn't looked at the bulge he had and I didn't have a chance to ever see him naked. He was a little boned up, he still had a little ways to go. And he had a big ol thick bush of pubes. All centered above his dick and smooth skin beyond that. I stood there and looked a little too long. It was a cute big dick, cut, and like you see in drawings.

I told him to get a handful of water and get it wet. He did and his dick was on the rise. I got a squirt of gel in my hand. I started to make it into foam on his pubes. His dick was in full blown boner. I could tell he was trying to concentrate to make it go away. I was professional about it, I told him that it didn't matter if it was a girl, or him, or a guy doing it, he was bound to get a boner. I also told him that if he didn't get one, I was going to make him get one, the shaving works better that way. It doesn't but I would have made him get a boner anyway.

Tyler was standing close and watching. He was also pinching his dick. I figured he was just boned up and horny. Ryan looked at him and told him to go piss. He turned around took two steps and started pissing in my toilet. Ryan and my sister thought it was weird that he would piss in front of my sister. I reminded them that Ryan's dick was there for everybody to see, and we couldn't even see Tyler's while he pissed. (I do got to remember not to talk to younger boys when they piss, their aim goes to shit).

I started my shaving, I took a few strokes and then automatically reached out and grabbed Ryan's dick. He jumped. I apologized. I said I was going to have to touch it to shave it. He nodded. As I was shaving the top, I had his dick all in my fingers. It was rock hard underneath the smooth soft skin. The ridge where his head started was so definite. It was about 10 degrees hotter than the rest of his body. I could feel his heartbeat in his dick, and it was pounding fast. I was paying a lot of attention to the shaving but it was hard to concentrate with a boner in my hand.

I pulled a little on his dick to stretch the skin. I did a little more stroking than I needed to but enough that it wasn't noticed. I was close to my work. I am so nervous when I shave myself and I was more shaving someone else. I could feel Ryan's breath of my head, it was pretty uneven and it was almost like when a boy jacks off. I was looking at a dick longer than I usually do my own.

A little bubble of precum showed up at the tip of his dick. That was really when I was thinking about my dick. I had it pressed up against Ryan's leg. All of a sudden I realized I had been grinding my boner into his leg. I immediately thought about the barber where most of us get our haircut. He is always grinding into our arms, hands, or legs.

I was really concentrating as I was getting Ryan to move his legs around. I got pulling on his ball sack and pulling the skin on his legs tight. Each time I put on more gel, he would jump and suck air in and saying that it was stinging or cold. I was about done when I watched a long string of precum leak out and go all the way to the floor. I had to explain to all of them what it was. I hadn't seen precum like that myself.

I let him wash off and found one more little spot I had to take care of. I had a big handful of his dick in my hand as I got that spot. I swear he was about to shoot right in my hand. I saw his balls drawing up like he was going to shoot. I wanted to make him but I also wanted to be cool and not make him.

I let his stand up, he stood there rubbing all over where his pubes were. Tyler rubbed on him. My sister rubbed on him. He felt all under his balls.

He looked up and smiled. I took a towel and waved it at his balls. I made him notice how it feels in a breeze. Tyler got a little too personal and Ryan slapped his hand away. My sister was on the verge of drooling. Instead of making his dick look like a little kids, like Ryan was afraid of, it looked even bigger.

For several minutes we all admired his bare dick and balls. My sister wanted me to drop my shorts and compare. I wasn't real thrilled about that.

I was going to have to explain my load of precum and boner. And I really didn't want to compare that close, I didn't want to look so much smaller than the kid.

Ryan started pushing for Tyler's turn. Tyler wasn't as ready to do it. I didn't realize when we started that I was going to do his too. I wasn't real sure if this junior high kid had any pubes to shave. Tyler was acting shy and reluctant. He kept saying that he wanted to do it. I think he would do anything his big brother did. But he also said that he didn't want to do it with everybody there. That was working out, my sister and his brother weren't really wanting to stay in there. Ryan was looking awful desperate to shoot and my sister was sure looking like she wanted to help.

They left and I cleaned up the fuzz and soap. I had been thinking that I should have started with scissors to cut off most of the hair to start with, it was just a big mess in the razor. I had never started with that much hair. I was going to start with scissors with Tyler. Tyler started unbuttoning his shorts, he took them off and stopped for a second, standing there in his gray boxers. I asked him if he was ready. He said yeah, but told me not to laugh. I asked him about laughing at what. He said not to laugh at his dick.

Before he pulled his boxers off, he asked me if he could see mine again. I had a good boner going and I really didn't want him to see. But I told him that I would show him if he didn't laugh, at my dick. That did get both of us laughing. I pulled my shorts and underwear down, and my boner sprung up.

He did laugh, I knew he would. He said that we all had boners. And I asked to see it, to prove that he had one.

And off came his boxers. He had a little version of his brother's boner. It was probably 4 inches long, smooth clear skin, pink head, and the ridge of his head was like carved, it was that sharp. His balls were hanging and each one very visible in his sack. I was watching as he went to the counter and slid up on it. I was looking at his dick and balls and hadn't even noticed his pubes.

He had some, but they were wispy little things just above his dick. The first thing I thought about was that I wasn't going to need to go get the scissors. And then I thought that was a good idea because then I wouldn't have to run naked into the kitchen to get them. But then it wasn't going to take that much to shave him at all.

He was shivering like it was cold. He was half hiding his dick but trying to keep his hands away so I could do it. I probably should have been hiding my dick. Or should have at least put my underwear back on. Tyler was watching my boner more than anything. I took a glob of gel and told him to move his hands. He did and as I touched him he jumped and I felt a little jolt of electricity go through me. I turned the gel into foam. I really stroked his dick a lot more than I needed to. When ever I touched his dick, his legs would open wider.

I rinsed the razor one more time and as I moved toward his dick, he grabbed it and told me to wait a second. I smiled and waited, and moved again when he said it was ok. But he stopped me again. He was shaking really bad and I saw a tear in his eye. I know enough not to ask a boy if he is crying but I asked him what was wrong. He said he really didn't want to do it. I told him that I would be very careful and even if I cut him, nothing valuable would fall off. I was trying to be funny.

But he said it wasn't that. He said the didn't want to lose his pubes. I told him I understood that. We talked a little bit about how cool it was to finally get them. I was one of the last kids to get mine, I was so amazed back then. I remember that I was so excited the first time I found a real pube that I showed my camp counselor. I'm sure he was straight but he still looked and was proud for me. Of course, in the news letter the camps sends out over the winter, there was something about that. He was clever about how he wrote it, it was something about how I was proud about the watermelon seed sprouting in the patch.

Anyway, we had just about decided that shaving Tyler was not the thing to do. But Tyler hadn't completely given up on the idea. He asked if he could actually touch where I had shaved. He promised not to touch my dick. I thought that was cute and funny. That is why I did let him touch. I stepped back, boner in all its glory and Tyler rubbed his hand over the stubble. He saw that some of the pubes had gone up my dick and he asked about those and if he could feel them too. He asked me if those got in the way when I fucked a pussy.

I took his hand and told him that I did my balls too. His hand then went all over my balls. And back around to my dick, where he asked if I was getting precum too. He took one finger and smeared it around the tip of my dick. I told him that if he was going to touch me like that, he was going to have to finish me. He smiled and that was about the last of the talking.

His fingers went along my shaft. He was feeling every part of my dick. He lifted my balls and then back to my dick. I started playing with his.

My fingers were stroking his dick. When his hand went to my balls, mine went to his. They weren't little kid balls, not that I know how they feel, other than what mine were. But they weren't huge either. I stood there and he sat on the counter and we were really playing and stroking. I was stroking him in good rhythm. He wasn't that bad. He leaned his head on my chest and that made it a lot easier to do it all. He asked me if I wanted to cum. I said I really needed to. He said that he was about to. I told him that if I made him cum, he had to keep going.

I went fast. He stopped stroking me and held on to my shoulders. He bounced a couple of times on the counter and then moaned. Out shot about 3 loads of cum. Not real huge loads but the did shoot out. I had never seen another boy shoot that close up, It is cool seeing it shoot out of that little hole.

He kept saying, just a sec, just a sec. And then he started pulling on my dick again. I ended up moving around and had my back to him. He reached around and started stroking. I could tell he had been practicing, he was very good at it. My dick was so juicy with precum that it was making that sloshing sound. We were laughing at that.

I could feel that cum building up, I got serious about how it felt. He could tell I was close and said so. I tried to hold it but then I shot. It feels so good to shoot and not be the one stroking. He knew just when to quit too.

As soon as we could, I cleaned him up. He still had shaving foam between his legs. And then we put on just underwear and went looking for our siblings. (I never say siblings but that is a good word). My sister's door was only about half closed and we looked in. There on the end of the bed was Ryan. He was on his back, his butt right on the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor. And his soaking wet, semi-hard dick was bent over to the side. His balls were so visible without pubes hiding them. My sister was kissing his balls and the area where his pubes used to be. Ryan was still breathing hard and not moving. My sister didn't even flinch when she saw us, just smiled and gave Ryan a big long lick on his dick and balls.

This isn't really a senioritis story but I thought I would tell it. Email me if you hated it, liked it, loved it,

Next: Chapter 9

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