Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on Jun 18, 2005


I really want to tell about the feelings since I got my pubes shaved off. I'll get back to telling about the night it happened later. Its just been a little weird and I'll probably tell some really stupid stuff about myself but I think I want to.

The first morning I woke up after getting shaved I really wasn't thinking about it. I just ran my hand inside my underwear like I do most mornings. I was just going to scratch and free up my morning boner. My fingers slid over bare skin with no pubes and I jumped. It was like the memory hit me all of a sudden, I had no pubes! And it was a dude who shaved them off. And oh yeah, I had a finger up my ass! A dude's finger. But I got no pubes!

I didn't get up, I threw the sheet off of me and pulled my underwear down and just looked. There was my dick, looking longer than usual, and looking really pink. I know it was my own dick but I was studying it like it was something new. It was twitching with my heartbeat and then I started to wag it, like making it hit my belly. I was very entertained by my hairless cock. But as entertaining as it was, I had to jack. I was doing one of those speed jacks but instead of closing my eyes or thinking of somebody else, I just watched my dick. I was shooting pretty quick. My hot cum went running down my dick and hand. It felt good to smear it around where my pubes used to be. It made it very slick there.

All that day and several days afterward, I would bone up. Even more than normal. It was more like when I was in Junior High. I would get a boner in the morning, on the bus to school, another one in 3rd period, one around lunch, right before football practice, and then at least one or two more after I got home. I think that is pretty normal for a Junior High boy. I still bone up a lot but not nearly as out of control as back then. But the thought and feel of no pubes got me boning up just about that bad.

Even when I was just standing around, it felt like a cool wind was blowing on my dick. And walking made everything tingle down there. And then there was the times that I would be talking to people. It was the normal BS'ing with the guys and I'm thinking, "I got no pubes and I'm talking to you. You should see them." That was enough to bone me up. When I was around Sara and Megan or even Mike, who knew I was bald there, it was even worse. Sara kept teasing me about it and Megan was talking to me like I was a little boy. She kept comparing me to a little boy.

When I got home, I stripped down and scratched. From walking around the first day, it irritated the shaved area. I had little red bumps that itched like shit. And I figured I needed to do what you do after you shave, put on some aftershave. DON'T ever ever do that! Unless you want to feel like somebody just dumped a frying pan full of oil on your nads! That old Culkin movie was right about the reaction, as soon as hit my bare area with the aftershave, my mouth opened up to scream, noting came out right away, and then I screamed loud enough to screw with every dog in the neighborhood. Oh my god, that hurt! I just grabbed the skin and squeezed hard. It finally eased up but I thought I was going to have to stay naked for the rest of the night.

With all that stinging, it didn't do anything to get rid of the red bumps. My mind started to work a little bit. I remembered reading about stuff you put on your face to keep the red bumps down and keep from burning. This was from a magazine the my mother and aunt got me for my birthday in my junior year. They thought I needed some help in my clothes and style. Yeah, I used it to pick out clothes and stuff like that. I headed for the drugstore that afternoon. Buying the Nivea was like I was buying something sexual, I almost didn't want to buy it because someone would see. With a boner in my pants, I went up to the counter, I was going to be cool. Until the drugstore guy tells me that I need to be careful with the Nivea. I immediately thought that it might burn too, or shrink my dick, or something like that. Instead, he told me that using it would make my zits worse. Worse! I barely had any, maybe a few starting, but not enough for him to care. Then I remembered it was for my pubes, or where my pubes used to be. I got no pubes!

The Nivea actually worked pretty good. It also felt slick as cum when I was putting it on. But the bumps just about disappeared and it was getting smooth but a little stubby. The pube area was getting stubby, not my dick getting stubby.

And then this is where I tell how queer I was. I picked up my cap and gown for graduation. No one was home, I tried it on, with just my underwear on. My friends and I had been daring each other to just wear underwear or nothing at all during graduation. I think that each of them actually liked the idea but I knew that none of them would do it. I pulled my underwear off and walked around the house with just the gown on. Even if it had been a couple of days since my pubes were removed, I was still pretty slick there. I loved the feeling of that smooth gown material and a naked dick.

I walked around like that, and ran back and forth in the house. I even went out back and let the wind blow up my gown. Of course, I ended up jacking. Not in the gown, I didn't need dried white on the dark gown . I was doing the same thing the next night. I took off my gown and stayed naked and just messed with stuff in my room. I didn't hear him come in but my dad stepped into my room. It wasn't really that big a deal to me for him to walk in on me naked, it just hadn't happened in a while. But then he looked and yelled, "Boooy, what the hell did you do to yourself?!? Where's your hair? Jesus Christ!"

I didn't have a quick answer. In fact, I really didn't have and answer. I was trying to think what to say when he just cussed again and left the room.

I was about to skip jacking off, I figured he would be back with a lecture or to see more. I did hold out from jacking but as soon as the rest of the family was busy after dinner, I went to jacking.

Later that night, my sister comes in my room. She'll be in 10th grade when school starts back up. She get close to me and asks, "Can I see it?" I really didn't know what she was talking about. I thought she was talking about the bottle of Jack Black I --- uh --- acquired for graduation. As I was reaching for it, she corrected me as to what she wanted to see. She heard my dad tell my mother that I shaved my pubes off. She wanted to see!

Now, I hadn't really done anything with my sister before. Yeah, a little playing around when we were real little kids but we used to take baths together then too. I think I had seen her naked running through the house twice, and it really didn't do much for me. I know she had that many and more sightings of me, with her girlfriends sneaking a peek. And when they were involved, it was a little more planned than by accident. But normally my sister wasn't all that excited about it.

Now normally, I would have told her to suck a rope or just ignored her. But I was so thrilled and proud of my naked dick with no pubes, it made me want to show her. We backed into my bathroom, didn't shut the door and I lowered my shorts. She was drooling! As she was staring at my dick, her mouth was open and she couldn't blink. And as she is looking, my dick starts coming up. Like with each little heartbeat, my dick got harder and stood up. I just let her see my boner. I would have thought it was maybe the first time, but recently, I have heard some stories that I didn't know about, probably will write about those sometimes.

She was reaching out and asking if it was smooth. I'm sorry, I just couldn't let her touch it. But she asked if anybody else did it with me, She even asked about a boy in my class who she has a huge crush on. I don't remember the last time I saw that boy naked but she asked about him too. I think it was before he had any pubes, anyway.

When my pubes started growing back in, I really liked the stubble look. When my pubes were only about a ¼ inch long, they really looked good. It was much different than a full bush of hair and looked older than just a bare pink dick. It also felt good to rub my fingers up and down on them. Even though I liked them that way, I cut them off again. I couldn't believe it, I was almost crying when they were first being shaved off and now I was doing it again. I like it completely bare, but I also spent graduation gift money on a razor with the adapter to leave the stubble, and at different levels.

I know Sara likes me bare. She actually saw me limp, it doesn't happen that much. I am hard when ever we start something and even after, after I shoot, I stay hard. But it involved a swimming pool and a lot of time to do things. And coming out of the pool, all limp, I really did look like a little boy. I was pretty small. She did say I looked like her little brother. I think he is nine.

I also think that I want to go ahead and finish her pubes. We made a cool patch above her pussy. Its in a triangle but tight and small. Her pussy lips themselves are naked. I want to fuck right after we both shave.

During graduation, I had a huge boner. It was as much from thinking about what I did with the gown in the house as anything. And even under the gown, you could tell I had a boner. On the video of graduation, you can see my boner tenting out my gown, and now that is on CD forever.

And I have used the gown around the house, when nobody else is here. I will jack off with it still on, its no big deal if I shoot on it now. So that is what I wanted to write about my no pube dick. At least what I'm willing to write about ;-) I know this really wasn't much of a story but let me know if anybody out there liked it. Email me at I will start writing about the rest of the night when the pubes came off. And if you think I was itching, Mike's bare balls are much worse.

Next: Chapter 7

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