Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on Jun 5, 2005


It was a couple of weeks after we got back from our lake trip and I was just about recovered. I was getting called Hot Link Boy. Even by people who didn't go to the lake or had any idea why they were calling me that. But that didn't stop people from making up stories why they called me that.

I had been doing a lot of thinking over the last couple of weeks. I blamed a lot on getting drunk but there things that I did that I wasn't real sure why I did them. But when I was thinking about them, I really enjoyed doing them. Well, at least most of them. And most of the time, I was jacking off while thinking. Either the thinking got me jacking or while I was jacking, I got thinking.

It was a little hard to meet Mike the first day at school after we got back.

I wasn't sure what he was going to say or how he was going to act. I was a little cautious when we said hey the first morning. He acted like nothing really happened, other than a good time at the lake. He never said anything about us, meaning what went on between him and me. He told stories to others about other parts of the trip and made them sound a lot more exciting than I remember them. They might have been more exciting if I wasn't so drunk at times.

But alone, when I followed him home, we talked a little more. He still didn't offer much but he would answer my questions. Most of my questions were about what his brothers did to him and if he liked it. I was interested in all that but I was saying some of it, kinda hoping we would start to do more. Mike's answers were short. I really couldn't get him to get into the details. Until I got him talking about a trip they took as a family. All the boys were in a cabin, it was raining and there was nothing to do. Mike got out of the way and watched as his brothers wrestled and fought. They were making the loser do stuff, lick balls, kiss ass, get tea-bagged, and other stuff. Just as the story was getting good, his mom came in and that was the end of him telling. I had a good boner going by that time. Mike says he will tell me the rest soon.

With the end of school getting closer and closer, all the groups were having parties and such to celebrate. What else would the swim team have but a pool party. Mike and I got invited. It was after school, at the school pool. Mike and I stole jocks and gym shorts from the football team and used our old lockers. We walked through the halls of school to get to the pool. It seemed strange to walk through with just a jock and shorts, it felt like walking through school naked.

We showed up, and it was mostly swim team but you could tell the invited guests. They were the ones not in speedos. We found Sara and Megan and the other girls. We swam a little, ate the junk that they all brought, danced (or at least moved to the music), and were having a pretty good time. The girls, Mike and I were hanging on the ropes in the pool and got talking about people. I had been noticing all the speedos and how they fit people. We got talking about that.

The boys on the swim team couldn't think they could be hiding anything. You could see the lump in every speedo. I could even see the pink of one boy's dick through the fabric. One little hot stud of a guy, all muscles, past by my face once and not only could I tell where his dick was, but I could make out a vein that was running in it. A couple of other boys had a white patch that ran at an angle in their suits, school colors. One dick was laying right in that angle like it was made white to show it off.

And there were nipples all over the place. The water was cold enough to get every girls' nipples hard. Mike and started to point it out to each other, until it was just too many to count. The girls speedos were tight enough that I could make out pubes. And several girls had that camel toe showing.

Mike asked the girls what happened when the guys got boners. The girls agreed that it happens a lot. That they try to ignore it or hide it, or most of the time they just stay in the water. They said they had seen a boner on every boy on the team. I asked about how they hid it when they couldn't get in the water, like during meets. We were told that the boys try to take advantage of that. They get in circles ---- yeah, I know, I was thinking circle jerks, but ----- with the boys from the other team. They tell dirty jokes or sexy stories, trying to get the other boys hard. That way, when the other team has to go race, the boys are more worried about their boner showing, or causing too much drag in the water.

I thought it was a good idea but then Megan said that she always saw just our boys in that circle. That was a setup line that they all knew. The more we talked about that, I was glad I was in water and that I had on loose gym shorts.

After a while, Megan and Mike separated and were floating around, hanging on each other. Sara and I were alone along a wall in the pool. I had my feet on the bottom, my back on the wall and Sara was kinda sitting on me. I know she was feeling my boner, she would slide her pussy back and forth over it. A couple of times when her hip bone would hit my boner, I would jump a little and make a face. Sara would get a huge smile and make a little sexy noise. Of course, she would also do it when one of my balls would get caught and get smashed. I would jump from pain and she wouldn't know the difference and smile.

I was shivering after a while and it was getting late. They ran us out of the pool, but it was still too early to just go home. If I went home right then, I would have been jacking a pruney dick all night. Mike and I ran to get our clothes, didn't bother to change back into them and followed Megan and Sara to Megan's house.

Megan had a great house, it was just outside the city on property that she could have had horses. It had a tennis court, pool, a little house by the pool, great audio system through out the house and outside. Her bedroom was about the size of my entire house. There was a playroom for her and her brothers that was on the other end of the house from the other non bedroom parts. It was set up to let them sneak to the pool and tennis court without ever going through the house.

To just tell more, Megan's dad wasn't around. He was officially "away", which meant he was away for 2 to 5 years in jail. He didn't kill anybody or anything but he did something at the bank he ran and got caught. I don't think its even going to be 2 years now.

We all pulled up to go in the back, through the playroom. Megan ran through the house to see if anyone was home. I got under a blanket, they had the AC down so low that MY nipples were getting hard. Sara sat next to me on the huge beanbag or love sack. Mike ran down the hall, separate from Megan. He had been there plenty of times. He came back with a bottle of vodka and what I thought was tequila but it was Reposada, which I swear means Warning, it will kill you, in Spanish.

After Megan got back, and a couple of shots of each, we all got talking again. Sara was running her fingers over my nipples and belly button, threatening to go lower, which I was wishing so hard that she would. She knew it and just was messing with me to make me wait. We did talk about the lake trip. We got a little more detailed about what happened, and that got mixed in what we were talking about earlier at the pool. About seeing through the speedos, about shaving, legs and other places, and boners and nipples.

I brought up about how Nicole looked like she has never shaved her pubes. Sara said that it did get embarrassing when her pubes would stick out of her suit. A little more talk and I was saying how nice Megan's and Sara's pubes looked. They not only thanked me but talked about how they trim them and all that. Mike was boned up and rubbing through his shorts. And Mike and I agreed that Lauren had the best looking of all we had seen. That got the girls talking about how she had somebody do her pubes. I for one couldn't understand that. Its not like one of the other girls did it for her or a boyfriend. I was thinking that I could do it. It was someone she paid, right there in town! I would do it, especially if I got paid. I might even do it if I paid.

The talk got around to Mike's pubes. I knew the girls had been talking about his since the lake. They compared him to me. I hadn't paid a whole lot of attention to his pubes over the years. I had seen him naked almost every school day since 7th grade. I had done my looking to compare dick size and shape and checking out pubes above his dick. I hadn't noticed how furry his balls were. At the lake, I found out that they were covered by tight kinky pubes. He was hairy all over, his legs were hairy and that hair just blended into his furry balls.

My balls are pretty naked. There may be a dozen hairs on my sack and barely any in the crease between my balls and legs. My hole is a little hairy, it makes like a target ring around it.

The girls started saying that Mike needed to shave his balls. They used some of the logic that we talked about the swimmers shaving. I spoke up too much trying to get him to do it and I got brought into it. Mike was getting talked into shaving, if I would do it. I figured I could shave my balls in about 10 seconds. Sara argued that I didn't "have any balls!" She meant that I didn't have hairs on my balls. I took her hand and made her feel my balls. She was laughing and apologizing. But she also kept her hand on my balls. She would squeeze a little as she talked.

We each hit the reposada again and Mike agreed he would shave his balls, IF I shaved my pubes. Shaving my balls was no big deal but my pubes is another. I was trilled when they first started showing up. I liked the way they looked. I wasn't embarrassed by them when I walked around the lockerroom. When I went to sleep, my hand would usually sneak in my underwear or pants and get into my pubes. (that made for a bad bus trip in my Soph year, I'll `xplain later). So, I really didn't want to lose them. It took like 13 years to grow in, I didn't know how long it would take to grow back. I even thought about how I would explain it to my college roommate that next school year.

Its amazing what I can be talked into.

Megan ran down to the bathrooms and brought back razors and shaving cream. Mike got a cute little pink razor. I got Megan's little brother's razor, who can not be old enough to shave for real. The girls were quiet and staring as we pulled down our shorts and jocks. I was boned up and I was flexing my muscles there so that my dick spun around and jumped up and down.

Sara's eyes were following my dick. I held the shaving cream in my hand and waited. I watched as Mike soaped up his balls.

We counted to 3 and Mike took a smooth pull on his. I waited and pleaded not to do it. Since Mike had started for real, I had no choice, if I was a man, I had to go ahead. I felt like crying when I took the first stroke. The second stroke was like seeing an old friend drive away in the back of the family car. I was making a mess on a towel but I could see a lot of pink skin show up under the shaving cream. I took of a huge amount of pubes. When I got to the detail part, I added more shaving cream. I thought to myself about how good that shaving cream was and that wanted some for my own. It was also a little tingly.

I was really concentrating on my pubes. I had to move the razor around to get the hairs in the creases and sides. I was also a little surprised how my pubes I had growing on my dick itself. I was very careful with those. I wasn't even watching Mike. When I was down, I wiped off all the spots of shaving cream. I looked over at Mike. He was bent back, leg open and spread and he was getting the back of his balls.

I thought, "oh my god, how small are those things!" As the fur was about gone, I could really see his balls. They were very pink, wrinkled and very tight. His dick was only about half hard and was leaning and bending to the side. I just watched as he finished up. The girls cheered and yelled and clapped when he was through and showing off. When he stood up, his pubes looked normal. It was when he pulled his dick up or something that I could really see his bare balls. I could tell that Mike liked the feeling and the attention.

Then they started paying attention to me. I stood up. My bare boner was sticking straight out. It looked a lot bigger and at the same time, much smaller. I really liked how it looked. It made it look so hard. I flexed my muscles again and my dick was flying all over. I swung my hips back and forth. I felt the cool air hit me there. It felt very different.

Megan said that I looked like her youngest brother, like 9 years old. Sara said I looked like her cousin and his little friend. Mike laughed and pointed and boned right back up completely. They all got a very good and close look. I was so excited that I was starting to leak precum. As I was standing there, a streamer of precum reached the floor. They all saw it but nobody said anything. I walked over to a mirror and looked, I did look like a little boy. At least, a little boy with a big dick.

I noticed the little mole I have. I almost forgot about it. I remember we used to ball it my pee-pee button. When I was a little kid, my mom or babysitter or whoever would push it and I would pee. I mean when I was a real little kid in diapers and such. I think that is how they got me trained. But then I would even play that game when I got older. I just forgot about it once my pubes covered it up.

All of a sudden, a huge thought went through my head, I was walking around naked with them all watching, AND I was really enjoying it. I wanted to get the girls naked but right then I was happy to be naked and looked that. It was also good to be looking at Mike's naked dick.

For the next several minutes, we were laughing and looking and I was jumping all over the place. It felt so good to have hands on my bare skin. I was trying to keep from jacking off. I was so horny that I needed to jack off, or fuck, or get sucked. I was concentrating on getting the girls to show us what they have. And to show how they shave their pubes. I figured once I got them to shave them a little, I could get them to shave them all off.

The arguments got about how it looked like I had a lot more hair off than Mike did. It would only be fair if Mike had to shave off his pubes. He didn't argue much about that. After seeing my bare pole, I know he wanted his like that. He thought it was only fair that I shave my balls ,,,,, and hole. I'm pretty flexible, but I can't shave there!

It did take some more of the reposada, but I agreed. Mike and the girls would help me, actually do the shaving. I got on the love sack, with my head down and my legs up in the air. Then a big plop of shaving cream hit me between the legs. I felt Mike's hand rub it around, his hand would rub over my hole and I could feel it clinch up. I couldn't tell what they were doing exactly but they were all very close and pulling skin and pointing out hairs. That is such a weird feeling to have 3 people looking right at my balls and hole, so closely. I heard some `oops' and such, and I felt a pinch now and then but no blood.

I felt Mike's hand pull the skin tight and it move close to my hole. Then he poked a finger right on my hole. I jumped. They laughed. Another finger there, a bigger jump. More laughing. The razor was put down. And Mike's finger played around my hole more and more. I could feel him pushing right on it. The girls got quiet. I closed my eyes and held on. I was about to tell him not to do it when I felt the first part of his finger actually go in my hole. I made a huge noise as I sucked in air in reaction to that. He wiggled the tip of his finger and it was making me squeak and wiggle.

Then he pushed hard and slow, I first felt his finger bend inside me. Then more and more of his finger sliding inside. I wasn't sure if I could hang on like that. I had handfuls of the chair in my hands and it was hard to breathe. Mike slipped his finger out, I wanted it back in! He scooped up more shaving cream and pushed that back in my hole. This time, his finger went easily into me. I know my hole was opened up pretty good. He was working his finger in and out of me.

Then he pushed his hand right up against my butt and wiggled his finger around. When he found the other end of my dick, I made a noise that I have never heard before, not just out of me, but ever heard. It was kinda like electrocuting a cat.

I was moaning, squeaking, cussing, sweating, grinding, panting, and a whole lot of other good stuff. Just moving his finger, it was like he was jacking me off. It was almost like I was cuming. I could feel a cum building up. But Mike stopped finger flicking and started humping his finger in and out of me. It felt great but it also let me relax a little. And it backed off the need to cum. My hole was also tingling from the shaving cream. And then Mike hit it again. He found that same spot and he was building a cum again. He stopped two more times. I was soaking it sweat and I would have down anything if he would just make me cum right then.

I heard him tell one of the girls to stroke my dick. And he fingered it through my hole. He got pretty wicked with his finger. The stroking helped. It wasn't very long at all and I was shooting. I was growling and yelling. I don't do that when I jack off. My back was arched up. Mike said he could feel the cum running through my dick. I bet I shot 2 dozen times before I collapsed.

I didn't want to move, I'm not sure I could move. I just laid there with my dick twitching, cum on my belly and chest, and my hole flexing. I wanted to be held. I was calming down. I could hear them all talking but not paying a lot of attention to them. I fell asleep.

I better quit here again. There was more that happened that night. I still like hearing if this was any good. Email me at Let me know what you think. If people want, I will at least write about the rest of the things that happened that night.

Next: Chapter 6

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