Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on May 14, 2005


Another Senioritis Day.

I was falling asleep but it was hard with the way the bed kept moving around. It was like trying to sleep on the boat with skiers all around. All through the night, I would wake up a little and almost every time, I would feel a hand on my dick and balls. Sara was feeling me up while I was passed out. And I was really liking it. I just laid there and let her slide her hand over my dick and lift my balls up. As much as I liked it, I kept falling back asleep.

I woke up again and I heard whispering. Lauren and Sara were talking on each side of me. I heard Sara say, "Go ahead, feel it, you'll see." One eye opened at that, it was a little lighter in the room from the sun about to come up. I could see them leaning up on elbows so they could have a better look at my boner. I had definite morning wood. The sheet was only to about my knees and I was at full mast. I was trying to stay as still as I could. And I felt Lauren reach down and put her fingers on my dick. She didn't grab it, just let her fingertips slide up and down, along the side and the bottom side. Lauren and Sara discussed things and felt thing for a while. I was still falling back to sleep.

It seemed like a short time later when Sara was shaking me awake. I heard the clock radio playing and it was the alarm for them to get up. I couldn't understand how they could be using an alarm while on vacation. And couldn't understand how they could get out of bed when they had such a horny naked boy in their bed, willing to do just about anything. I was told they had to get up and go meet one of their aunts who lives nearby. They were going to the big mall in town. I knew malls didn't open until 10, so why were they getting up so early. It was after 10 already.

I got up, noticed for real that I was naked. And I had a boner that I could hang clothes on, if I could find any. And I had to piss, I almost went back outside, but I could see the old lady in the next house watering her flowers on her porch. I went the civilized way and went into the bathroom. I grabbed and old towel and put it around me. I went looking for my swim trunks. I saw Lauren going into the bathroom and noticed that she had on one of our football practice jerseys. It took me a second to remember who had that number. It just confirmed the rumors we heard back then about Lauren and Chris. It must have been real love, a dude in west Texas just doesn't give any girl his football jersey.

I found Mike passed out on the couch. He had clothes on. Even asleep, he looked like shit.

The girls were running in and out of the bathroom, trying to get pretty looking. I was looking all over for my trunks. There were Bacardi and Smirnoff bottles all over and a few beer bottles. I found bras and a single pair of panties. Shoes scattered all around. I looked around where we were playing cards. I know I had on trunks when I got here, but I didn't think they were in the house. I went to try to wake Mike up. And Ashley came out and told me that I needed to clean the porch.

God! It smelled like an elephant had shit fruit salad! I stood out on the porch, towel wrapped around me and the only thing I had on. The old lady next door waved and I waved back, but I was able to catch the towel before it fell off too much. She was talking to me about how nice a day it was and that the girls in the house were such nice people. She asked me if that was our boat, because she didn't hear it come in that morning. My brain was working a little bit when I told her that we were camping and we just came up to take a shower. When I used enough water to wash away the puke, I waved goodbye and stumbled back inside.

I was begging the girls to help me find my trunks. Mike was getting kicked off the couch. Finally, Megan helped me look and found my trunks in the kitchen sink, wrapped in an old dish towel. We were asked to leave so they could lock up but we could come back that afternoon or evening. There were a lot of giggles and devilish smiles.

Sara walked me to the boat and asked me if I was ok. She said that she didn't really want to make me do something that I didn't want to do. And it started coming back to me. I got jacked off by a dude and I actually sucked a dick! I told her it was ok but we could talk later.

It felt good to get on the boat and get it moving. We were going through a no-wake zone and Mike spoke for the first time that morning. I sure didn't want to look him in the eye. It was very awkward in that little boat, it sure did feel a lot smaller. When we got out into the lake itself, I asked Mike to stop for a second, and I bailed into the water. It felt so good to get watered down. I felt a whole lot cleaner. Mike jumped in the water right after me. We swam up to the back of the boat and hung on to the little platforms.

I wanted to say something so I tried to get cute. I said, "You sure were good at what you were doing last night." I thought I would get a "fuck you", or a "let's not talk about it", or "don't you say anything to anyone!", or a "I don't know what you are talking about!". Instead, I got a "That's what happens when you have big brothers." It made me turn my head quick and saw his smirk. I laughed a little and he splashed me.

I let go of the platform, dove down under water and came back up in front of him. I asked him what he was talking about. I have a big brother, and while I can say a lot of good and bad things about him, I don't think I have anything to compare to what Mike was talking about. The nastiest thing my brother and I did was pissing on each other when we were taking a bath together. That was a long time ago, back when we both could fit into the same bathtub.

Mike did a little story telling as we floated around in the lake. My boner returned but was hidden under the water. He said it wasn't all that much but he got played with over the years by his brothers. It didn't mean anything but he learned to do and enjoy a few things. He also told me that I give terrible head. I told him that it made him cum! And I felt myself cringe at being at least a little proud of the fact that I got him excited enough to cum. He turned to get in the boat and said, "Its cool, you will get better at it."

I laughed but was about to tell him to fuck off. I just got back in the boat and told him to hurry back to camp for food.

We got back, beach the boat and I went to check on Chase and Chad. I didn't think they were around but when I went to check on my pickup and get a shirt, I found Chase in my sleeping bag. And there was a lump in the bag that was too big for one person, I figured it was Chad. I had thoughts of them doing something like Mike and I did the night before. But when Chase woke up enough to ask me where in the fuck have we been, I saw long blonde hair attached to the head laying on his chest.

Chase had been successful in his hunt for `womanhood', his term since the 6th grade. Then did crawl out of the back of the pickup, they did have swim suits on, but the girl's bottoms were pulled out to the side. I got to see little blonde pubes around a nice little pussy. Even if it was just a quick shot.

Chase borrowed the boat to take the girl bake to her friends. I call her `the girl' because Chase couldn't tell us her name. I started cooking, I was starving. It wasn't all that hard to get the fire going, a little gasoline works great. Then I put on several hotlinks. They were done pretty quick, I wrapped white bread around a few, grabbed a couple of beers and sat down in my fold out chair. I was almost stuffing them into my mouth. I finished one beer, started on the other and fell asleep again.

I don't know how long I was asleep but my beer was as hot at the air and I had a pretty good sunburn. I still needed to crash, so I went to my pickup.

I got in the back next to Mike and I smelled something horrible. It was from my sleeping bag, where Chase and the girl had been. I thought that if this is what sex and fucking smell like, I might just skip it. I did wake Mike up and we got talking a little bit. Then I just asked him right out to tell me about his brothers. He wasn't real sure he wanted to but I convinced him that he could tell someone who had just sucked his dick!

He told me about when he was about 9 is when they all started playing around. It was mostly when his parents went out to the movies or dinner and left them all alone. Mike would end up getting sucked by one of his brothers every time. He learned how to jack off from his brother who helped him out several times. He never got fucked but they would stick fingers, pencils, hairbrushes and stuff into their butts. I got thinking of the several times I brushed my hair in his bathroom! Since his brothers were all gone from the house, he still jacked off with something in his butt, at least once in a while.

I asked him a few too many questions and he told me that was enough. I told him it was all cool with me and I wouldn't say anything. But I was also boned up again. I was so hard that my dick was actually itching and wanted to be played with. And I pretty much stayed that way until we left to go back to the girls. This time, none of that foo-foo fruity stuff, that got me too sick. Just pure beer. And it wasn't all that hard to get some more around the lake.

And I was also getting pissed about getting messed with the night before. First, I was promised to see girls going down on each other IF I got jacked off by a dude. Then, I was promised a lot more than that if I would suck a dick. I did get to see my girl friend's pussy played with but that wasn't way enough. I was going to get evened up that night. And Mike agreed to that. That night we went over to the girls. They were out but we got in anyway. It was a good thing that they were gone for a while, I was still hungry and they had a huge stash of poptarts.

Mike played with the cards. I did like those cards, they caused a lot of fun the night before. Mike asked if we should start with more poker. I said I didn't figure they would do it again and that was why I still didn't have anything on but my swim trunks. But if that is what we did, I didn't mind taking one for the team, I'd be naked quick.

The girls get back, they go get out of their shopping clothes, and then they want to go cruise the lake a while. It still light enough for a while. They have on what they are calling their fun suits compared to the suits they wore on the swim team. I did like those, they covered more but they showed just about everything. I could see pubes and the split in pussies. But these fun suits were not bad either, a whole lot of skin showed, especially a lot of butt.

We cruised by an area with a lot of kids about our age. Ashley and Megan wanted to cruise back by, they said there were some cute boys. Mike cut the boat around fast and the girls all lined up. Just as we were getting by the big group, the girls pulled their tops up, showing their tits. They shook them and hollered at the boys on the beach. Some of the girls on the beach flashed us back. And Mike gunned it and the girls fell in a pile. I sat there and loved everything I was seeing. There were a lot of naked tits all over the pile.

Mike got convinced to go back. This time Sara and Nicole arranged everybody. I was put on the seat on the side of the boat. The girls all squatted down to kinda hide behind the side of the boat. I saw tops come off. We got close to the beach and the other kids were yelling at us. Most of the girls on the beach were not real happy with us but the dudes were yelling and begging. When we were right there, the girls stood up and they surrounded me. They got as close as they could and started rubbing their tits all over me, mostly on my face. I was acting like I was in heaven and just enjoying it all. It wasn't so much acting! I got lost in a mass of tits and nipples. I had nipples rubbed on my lips, I know they weren't Sara's but that is all I know. I tried to close my mouth on them when they got that close but the nipples would pull out as soon as I got both lips on them.

And god! I was hoping there was somebody on that beach that knew who I was.

I wanted stories about me covered in tits to be all over town.

We were about to make another run when we saw the game warden. The girls got their tops back on, almost all the way on too! Mike and the game warden cruise the boats slowly by each other. Mike salutes and says, "Ociffer." He nodded and told us that it was probably time to get on off the water. I'm glad he didn't stop us, we would have lost all our beer and he would have accused me of stuffing a life jacket inside my trunks. I was so hard!

As soon as we got far enough away from the game warden, we all started laughing hard. They talked about the faces of the boys they flashed and the boys who flashed them back. I didn't notice that but my vision was very obscured. There was a little more flashing, for my benefit and also to get the tops back on straight. And they felt sorry for Mike, so Megan and Ashley pulled their tops up and rubbed up and down his back as he steered the boat. I watched as their hands slid inside the back of his shorts. Mike was on his toes as the hands in there moved around.

We got back to the canal and had to go slow and be respectable the rest of the way back to the house. Sara and Nicole whispered, I know it was about the big tent I had in my trunks. I'm not sure why they whispered about it, I couldn't hide it if I wanted to. We got the boat tied up, waved at the old lady next door who was checking on us, carried the cooler with the beer to the house just as it got really dark.

I walk into the house and the first thing that hits me is Nicole with here top completely off and she was trying to straighten it out. I watched those naked tits while I set the cooler down, got a beer and sat down on the couch. We were all sitting around and laughing and talking about our cruising. I agreed with the girls that all women should be able to go topless if they want to. Dudes get to do it, why not women. It was about the same thing, boys have nipples too. I told them that I didn't think I could even wear a bra if I was a girl, too much cloth and hooks and stuff.

Sara said that it was like wearing a jock. And I quickly agreed and as I was reminding them that I didn't have a jock on, Sara picked up the edge of my trunks and peeked inside. I bet she didn't see much.

Megan said she just didn't want to wear a top that night, and off came her top. She may be the shortest one of the girls but she got the biggest portion of tits. Not only were they big but they were round. Her nipples were pointing out not down and looked so perfect on those big round tits. I stared. I also adjusted myself and did a little dick rubbing, just `cause I had to.

Well, after making the rest of the girls feel bad about not being nice the night before and begging them to take their tops off they did. It was a real nice assortment. I saw all these the night before, but I was either too drunk to really notice or I was concentrating on other parts. I did love to see Lauren. She isn't skinny but her body makes a really nice line with the perfect curves. She was walking around topless with a little bottom that showed a lot of butt. Those were the tits I wanted to suck on the most.

We talked and laughed and they kept giving me beer. I was getting drunk again. And when we got back on the subject of girls going topless, the talk got to why boys couldn't go bottomless all the time. I knew. I knew they just wanted us out of our bottoms. Mike was stalling a lot more than I wanted, I was ready to pull them all off. I stood up and told Mike to get up and get them off. As I was standing there, a couple of the girls on the floor reached up and pulled on the legs of my trunks, they pulled hard enough to pull me down and then the trunks started to move. They weren't tied, I think it was my boner getting in the way and holding them up.

The girls change when there is a naked dick in front of them. Megan and Ashley cheer, Sara and Lauren smile but really look, and Nicole's hand is always around her pussy.

I stay standing up, my boner it bouncing around. We finally get Mike up and his shorts come off as he is standing up. They let him dance, actually dance, with just his jock on. Then that has to come off. I couldn't help myself, I was staring at his dick more than I was the naked tits. And as he bent over and showed his butt, I got thinking about being one of his brothers and playing with his hole and jacking him off.

The girls gave our dicks all kind of admiration. Then they compared how each of us looked. The first thing was the fur Mike had all over his balls compared to about 8 hairs on my sack. And they talked about who's was bigger. I felt their hands touch my dick as they measured but they said they really couldn't tell. Unless we put them side by side. We turned to look at each other and scooted up until our dicks were touching. We did a little sword fighting. I pushed out my hips until my dick hit his pubes and his dick was still a little ways from mine. The girls all inspected that.

And there were comments about the different shape and color of our dick heads. We put them together, Nicole rubbed just a fingernail along the top of my dick head and it made me shiver and squeeze out some precum. I shook it on to Mike's dick.

The girls did more comparing, some of it got really ridiculous, even to me as drunk as I was. But it got Mike and I to do stuff. They had us rubbing the underside of our dicks together. I wasn't really caring at the time about what anyone was thinking, I was feeling too good. Mike and I had our hands on each other's butts to help us move. His breathe was hot on my chest. The girls were quiet and watching. Nicole wasn't the only one with her hand on her pussy. And I decided that I was going to rub like that until I shot cum.

Then a cell phone went off. And Ashley cussed and told us to get quiet. She grabbed the phone and talked to her dad. It was the nightly checking call. They talked about going shopping with his sister, about how they did go to the lake, and how they were already home in the house. And that all the boys at the lake were being good. At that point, Megan started to rub her tits on Ashley's legs, Sara shook her tits in Ashley's face, and Nicole was acting like she was finger fucking herself. And Lauren was trying to hide the wet spot in her swim bottoms.

We were quiet long enough that we sat back down on the couch. Naked Mike on one side of me and topless horny Sara on the other. Sara was sneaking a grab of my dick as we waited for Ashley to get off the phone. It stayed a little quiet while after that. My dick got about half hard, just because it was staying boned up for so long. And Mike and I had to go take a piss. On the back porch. We leaned on each other to keep from falling over. I was boning up as I pissed, it was pretty cool to be touching that much was we pissed. And Mike said to me that he was so ready to finish when we were rubbing that if I wanted to, we could finish when we got back to camp. About that time, I was finished pissing, either out of piss or I was way too hard to let anything flow out.

I was trying to figure out what was happening to me. There was a room full of almost naked women behind me and I was thinking about getting it a boat so that I could rub dicks with a guy, a dude, a boy, a man, my best bud. This was the shit that we used to give to each other in the locker room and while hanging. It was meant to embarrass or make other dudes feel bad. And now I was going to do it. Then I realized that I was standing on the porch all by myself.

I went back in the house and the couch and chair were full of people. I laid flat on my back on the floor. My dick was pointing to the sky. And I heard a few comments. I closed my eyes and was waiting for the floor to stop spinning. I felt Sara slide beside me. She put her leg up on mine and I could tell exactly where her pussy was by the incredible heat coming from it. She whispered in my ear that she thought I was so sexy. She rubbed her leg up and down me.

Mike and Megan were kissing and feeling each other up on the couch. Lauren and Nicole got up and said they were going to bed and left, turning off the lights in the room. Ashley sat there and was quiet for a little bit and then she got up and slammed the bedroom door.

And then my balls were grabbed. Sara had her hands all over my balls and dick. She was running her fingers through my pubes and pulling them up. She would jack me a little and then play with my dick head. Her fingernail would play with the piss hole and it would make me shiver.

I was all over her tits, mouth and hands. I know I was doing good with my tongue, she was moaning just right. I also got into her panties. My hand went down there and she spread her legs open. I so rarely get there that I thought she must have been really tight because I couldn't find the opening with my fingers. Then she moved my hand down and I felt this incredible wet and hot spot. My fingers made that sloshing sound as I played with her pussy. And I found her clit! I had her off the floor as I fingered it.

I knew she liked it so I kept that up and she started jacking me off for real. I was holding on to my cum but I couldn't last as long as she did. I started shooting, I could tell Megan and probably Mike were watching. I kept fingering her and before too long, I felt her cuming. She got even wetter and everything tensed up. My finger was getting squeezed and I wasn't about to take it out. She yelled a little, moaned a lot, called my name several times, and then relaxed. We stayed like that for a little bit.

We heard Mike and Megan finish what ever they were doing.

Sara said she had to go to bed. I got up and was following her but she stopped me and told me that I couldn't sleep with her that night. She told me where the extra pillows were. And Mike and I started to divide up the couch.

Before I get into that, I should stop for now. Again, I really hope people like this story. I know a lot like the parts one and two. I know I was also boring at the start but I was telling a story. So please email me at please. Tell me what you think. And for those that asked, not mini is not the size of something. Its related to my last name, if you can't figure it out, email me that too.

Next: Chapter 4

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