Senioritis Lake Trip

By Kelly Cooper

Published on May 11, 2005


More of my cure to a bad case of Senioritis.

I had passed out, I was drunk enough that when I shot, I was gone for awhile. I did remember the girls laughing and joking with each other. And there were enough good things said about my anatomy and production that I was pleased with myself. I was also thinking to myself, I just got jacked off by a dude, a guy, a male, my bud!

It had been a long time since we did anything with each other. We were little kids with little pink wee-wees and interested in butt holes as much as anything else. Mike and I got to see each other naked all the time, in the football locker room and the several times we would just change in front of each other in each other's rooms. I admit, I do look. I do a little comparing to see how I stand up to the other dudes. And it really is a little more curiosity too. I really hadn't thought about doing very much with other dudes.

The next thing I remember I was rolling off the counter and having to piss in the worst way. I didn't mess with trying to find the bathroom, the door to the back porch was a whole lot easier to find. I just stood out there and let it fly, whew! I felt so much better. I came back in and the girls were on the couch or recliner or sitting in front. Sara was on the couch, Lauren was sitting between her legs, both were wrapped up in little blankets from the couch. Ashley and Megan were in similar position, only Megan was on the floor and her head was in Ashley crotch, more than a little bit friendly. They had some girly looking pink sleeping bags with some cartoon girl on it. And Nicole was in the recliner, with just a pillow on her lap.

I could see a total of 4 tits, plenty to make me smile. Nicole's weren't covered at all and that got my attention. And as I was looking, I realized I could see under the pillow. Nicole was fingering herself, not doubt about it. That had me focusing even more.

The girls were telling me what I just missed. They were saying that I missed Lauren eating out Sara and Megan tonguing Ashley. They were telling me how good it was, and how they were yelling and screaming. They said their pussies were so wet and hot. They were so happy and giving me so much detail that I wasn't really believing it. At least my head wasn't believing it, my dick didn't care that much and was on the way back to boning up.

And then I realized that Mike was there, somewhere. I looked behind me and there he was in a kitchen chair, slowly jacking off. He had on such a shit-eating grin that I was starting to think the girls might just have done a little show. But he was complaining about too much blanket, too much pillow. And he told me that I cum hot. That got me thinking again that a guy really did grab my dick and wank me. A boy did jerk me. A jock wearer beat my beat and I think he stuck a finger in my ass!

I grabbed another Bacardi fruit something and I went for the couch. I flopped down between the two on the couch. I was sitting in the middle of four naked girls, and I liked it! As I was talking to them, all their eyes were on my dick. I kept my legs wide open so they could see. I also flexed my dick again so that it bounced up and down. They did like that. I've always been good at that, I more or less practice that when I'm at home and just watching TV or something. I flex so that my dick will bounce to music or look like its talking with the guys on TV.

I was trying to convince the girls that I didn't get to see anything and that they had to trade places anyway. I wanted to see Sara licking on Lauren. I know Mike wanted to see Megan get eaten out, and Megan was the one agreeing with me. She kept a hand between her legs and rocked back and forth. I know she was ready.

The girls kept saying that they already did and I was there so I should have enjoyed it. If I wanted to see more, I would have to do more. I wouldn't give, I wanted to see them do something. I was whining enough that Nicole got up cussing, dropped the pillow, and I saw the bushiest bush I have ever seen. Actually, my bush spotting has been pretty limited, mostly on the internet and a few girls. Nicole moved Lauren out of the way. I got watching Lauren get up and go get another drink. She looked like a naked super model. She had such long pretty legs and a cute and full butt that I just stared. She had big nipples and nice handful-plus tits. She saw me looking at her and blushed and tried to cover up, but she liked it.

Then Nicole pushed Sara's legs apart and stuck her head right down in her pussy. I could see it! She had her tongue going right along the middle of Sara's pussy. She would do long strokes with her tongue and Sara would moan low and long. Nicole would flick her tongue and Sara would jump around and suck in air in little quick puffs. It made me put my hand on my dick, like I had to hang on to it or it would jump off me and bury itself in the nearest pussy.

I heard Megan tell Ashley that I was cuming again. I knew I wasn't but it made me look. I had some real precum oozing out the tip of my dick. I explained quickly that it was just precum. I wanted to go back and concentrate of the pussy eating. They wanted to know more about it and it got Nicole interested enough that she looked at and studied my dick.

I wanted to see more. But I got the same thing about that I had to do more.

There were several suggestions, from running around the house naked, which was fine with me, I was needing to piss again. And then there was a lot of pressure for me to suck Mike. Ok, I had thought about that from time to time, but actually doing it was something else. Then promised me that if I did it, one of the people there would suck mine. Things started to equal out in my head. I figured it was worth it to suck Mike if I could get sucked and get to see them do more with each other.

Mike liked the idea too. He was staggering over to me, dick held out in front of him, leaning back his shoulder, and just about begging me to do it.

I thought about it, looked around the room, saw a whole bunch of tits, saw some girl pubes, and decided that I was drunk enough to make it happen. The girls sat up so they could see better. I swear Megan was going to cum right then and there. Nicole got her hand back under the pillow and into her pussy.

Mike inched up to me, I grabbed his dick. That itself was an amazing feeling to me! It was the first big ol hairy dick I had ever touched. It felt so strange. I felt like it should be my dick in my hand. And he was hard, his skin was sliding very easily over his shaft. I lined up my mouth with his dick and started going for it. I had to stop once, the girls thought I was teasing them, Mike thought I was teasing him. I was just trying to get brave enough to do it. I leaned up, I could smell all the musk and scents coming off his dick and balls. My lips touched the tip of his dick and Mike jumped back. I tried again and I put more mouth on his dick. And it hit me like I was cuming, I think I may have even cumed a little.

It was nasty! It tasted like old cum and sweat. There was something a little meaty about it, like raw steak. I tasted some of the lake we had been in that day, and some of the sunscreen we were using. It was nasty, but I wanted to taste more of it. I was moving my tongue around and looking for more of the taste. Before I even realized it, I had his entire dick in my mouth. I felt those fuzzy balls on my chin. His scrot is more fuzz than balls. Mike grabbed my head and pulled me so that his dick would go in all the way. I didn't have to worry about choking.

I heard the girls cheering and laughing. They were commenting on how much both of us were liking it. They said enough things that I was laughing a little. Mike was pulling my hair then and telling me not to bite. I think the laughing was making me hit his dick with my teeth. I backed off. And even though it took me a minute to focus, I saw this wet hard dick right in front of my face. I was so amazed that I was sucking a dick. That I had a peter in my mouth. That I was licking a willie. And this was more than some cute little wee-wee, this was a hard, musky, full blown boner. Then I thought, I need to shave his balls next time.

I was so glad I was drunk.

I was enjoying it, more than I thought I could. Mike was really enjoying it. His hips were humping, his hands moving me head back and forth, and he was talking but I really can't remember what he was saying but it was good sounds. I let my hand go up and play with his balls. There really were balls inside all that fuzz. I played with them as he got closer and closer to cuming. As I felt them start to suck up into his body, I remembered what he did to me a little earlier when he jacked me off. I snuck a finger back toward his hole. His legs split a little wider. I found his hole and I was going to press on it just like he did me. When I pushed, my finger went way in! Deep inside his butt. I was so amazed that my finger went inside him so easily that I didn't notice that he was starting to cum.

I got a big mouthful of cum. I felt like I was going to drown. I pulled off of him and watched him shoot a couple more times. I had my mouth open, trying to let the cum run out of my mouth and trying not to touch it with anymore of my mouth than I had too. I had never tasted my own cum! I would try but always back down as soon as I shot. I put my fingers in my mouth to scrap the cum off my tongue, and then realized they tasted like shit.

Oh, that was all I could take. I jumped up, ran out the door, started spewing before I made it to the edge of the porch and then threw up everything I had in my stomach. It felt like I had sucked orange juice up my nose. As soon as the heaving stopped, I felt pretty damn good. I stayed bent over for a second. Sara came out to check on me. She was completely naked too and she leaned on me. I could feel her pubes on my butt and her tits on my back. And she was rubbing me, trying to make me feel better, and it was working. Her rubbing was all the way down on my butt cheeks. Right then, I realized how much I liked having my butt cheeks rubbed!

We went inside, I washed my hands and face and rinsed my mouth out. Then being a good drunk, I grabbed another drink, watermelon this time, I think. Sara stayed close to me the whole time. I went to adjust myself and my dick had crawled up inside me, I was completely limp, but my balls were still hurting.

We went and sat down. There was a little laughing and such but there was a lot of sexy type talk. Well, Mike was just so happy, he sat there and purred and moaned. He kept saying that he got his dick sucked. And by his best buddy in the whole world. He crawled over and got some tittie off of Megan, who was really needing attention to her pussy.

I was tired and about to fall asleep on the couch. Sara pulled me up and took me with her into her bedroom. The bedroom and bed that she was sharing with Lauren. Nicole, Ashley, and Megan shared two beds in the other room. Sara laid me down in bed and then crawled in. She snuggled up against me. She put one leg up on top of me and I could feel her wet pussy against my hip. I took her hand and put it on my butt so she could rub there. I was desperately trying to stay awake so I could take advantage of that. And I barely noticed, at least at first, the tits that were pressing against my chest. I was a happy boy.

And just before I drifted off to sleep, I felt Lauren slide in next to me on the other side.

This is another good spot to stop right now. I did get some good feedback telling me that I should keep going, so I did this. They emailed me at So I would really like more emails to tell me what people think. I could keep going if people think its good enough. So, by emailing me at they could encourage me to do that. Please tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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