
By peter johnson

Published on May 25, 2009


This story contains acts of a sexual nature between two consenting males. If it is illegal or offensive for you to read such material, please navigate away from this page.

This is the second and final installment of "Senioritis." Once again, comments, suggestions, and requests are much appreciated!

Senioritis (Part II)

Kyle pulled into Peter's driveway just as Peter was locking his front door. Peter grabbed his duffel bag filled with clothes and carried it to Kyle's open trunk. Once he had tossed his luggage in the trunk, he walked around the side of the car and hopped into the front passenger seat. Before Peter was even buckled into his seat, Kyle threw the car in reverse and the two headed for the highway.

Nothing had changed after the boys' encounter in the woods; they continued to talk and hang out as if nothing had happened. They both had graduation-related things to do, however, so they never got to see each other for long periods of time. To remedy this situation, after graduation Kyle had asked Peter if he would like to go up to his parents' beach house on Lake Michigan for a week. It would be a sort of end-of high school road trip, and the boys would stay on the lake for about a week. Peter had immediately agreed, ready to start being independent right after high school. And so, in late June, the two packed some clothes, swimsuits, food and movies and headed up north.

The drive went quickly despite its length. Kyle and Peter sometimes talked, sometimes joked, and sometimes sat in silence, enjoying the music on the radio and the beautiful summer day. They were soon turning down a shady dirt road that led through a patch of forest. The beach house lay with its back in the woods and its front on the beach. It was large, with numerous windows looking out on the lake, and secluded.

"We've pretty much got the beach to ourselves," Kyle said as he popped the trunk and pulled out his luggage. "We don't have any neighbors right next to us, and all of the houses around here are separated by a good chunk of woods. We'll sometimes see old couples walking down the beach, but never after dark. So we can pretty much do whatever we want--we've got the forest and house and usually the beach to ourselves."

Peter wasn't sure if Kyle was trying to imply something or if he was just imagining it. He certainly had been imagining lots of things in that vein lately; after climaxing with Kyle in the woods a few weeks ago, Peter's sexual fantasies had been centering almost exclusively on his friend. He decided that if Kyle was trying to make a subtle suggestion, he would just wait and find out. After all, they were going to be alone for a week--what would happen would happen. Peter grabbed his luggage, closed the trunk, and followed Kyle through the side door of the beach house.

The interior of the house was relaxing: lots of unfinished wood, lots of windows, and lots of lake themed things. It was rustic and spacious, perfect for a lazy week away.

"You can toss your stuff wherever you want," Kyle said as he followed his own direction and dumped his bag on the floor next to an old love seat in the living room. "There are bedrooms, but since it's just the two of us I figured we would just crash wherever we fell."

Peter followed Kyle's advice and dropped his suitcase next to Kyle's. He noted that there were two small bedrooms at the back of the house that looked out into the forest and one larger one on the side. There was one bathroom in the front hall and the kitchen, dining room, and living room were all connected. The noonday sun shown on the deck surrounding the beach-side and Peter gazed out of one of the many windows at the stairway leading down to the beach. "Dude, it's a gorgeous day out. I can't wait to get down on the beach," he said.

"I know, right?" Kyle replied. "I'm hungry as a bitch right now though. You wanna eat some lunch and then head down to the beach? We've got some inner-tubes in the basement if we wanna just float on the waves and chill out for a while."

"Sounds great," said Peter. The two of them transferred the contents of the large cooler they had brought--cold cuts, milk, pop, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc.--to the fridge, then made themselves some sandwiches.

When the two boys had finished eating, Kyle moved to his bag and pulled out a swimsuit. "Ready to head out?" he asked.

"Sure," Peter said. He pulled a swimsuit from his suitcase as well.

Kyle casually pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest and stomach to Peter, then began to unbutton and unzip his shorts. "I would rather not wear anything to go swimming, but it's still light out, so we kind of have to if we don't want the old folks walking down the beach to call the cops on us," he said as he dropped his shorts, followed by his boxers.

Peter drank in the beautiful sight that was his naked friend. Kyle stood completely nude for a moment before pulling on his swimsuit, displaying his juicy, soft cock and heavy-hanging balls. Kyle was apparently unfazed by his act of exhibitionism; he and Peter had seen each other naked many times before, and, more recently, they had done more than just see each others' dicks. Peter's cock inflated slightly before he tore his gaze from his friend and pulled off his shirt, shorts, and boxers as well. Once the boys were both naked, they each examined the other's body for a moment, taking in the young, firm bodies of each other.

Then the moment of desire and curiosity was gone; both boys pulled on their swimsuits and headed down to the beach.

The sun was warm and the beach was beautiful. Kyle and Peter ran into the water with inner-tubes and, after some playful splashing, they settled down to enjoy the sun and the water. Once the boys were thoroughly chilled by the lake and burned by the sun, they dragged themselves onto the beach and lay down to dry off.

Peter reached the shore shortly after Kyle and flopped down inches from his friend, who was already laying on his back with his eyes tightly closed. Peter took this chance to once again ogle Kyle's body, following the smooth, tan curve of Kyle's chest with his eyes, drinking in the definition of his friend's calves and thighs. His eyes lingered on the wet bulge in Kyle's crotch, and Peter found himself wishing he could just pull down that swimsuit and swallow Kyle's soft member. Soon the sun got the better of him, however, and he he drifted off to sleep, thinking about licking his buddy all over.

Peter awoke some time later to find that Kyle had rolled over in his sleep. Despite the fact that the two boys were lying on a beach that stretched for miles in two directions, Kyle had somehow managed to role in the direction of Peter, ending up with his right arm lying gently on Peter's stomach and his mouth inches from Peter's ear. Peter could feel the warm, sweet breath of his friend on his ear every time he exhaled; this, combined with the warm weight of Kyle's arm on his stomach, immediately stood his cock at full mast. Just as he was contemplating moving Kyle's hand a few inches lower and pretending that Kyle himself had done it, Kyle woke up as well. He sat up, yawned, and stretched.

"Sorry about that, man," said Kyle, sounding like he was not sorry at all. "I move around a lot when I sleep."

"It's cool," Peter replied, his voice cracking slightly. "I do too."

Then Peter saw Kyle's eyes drift to his painfully obvious hard-on. Kyle just smiled, nonchalantly grabbed his own crotch, and looked back at Peter's face.

"Wanna grab some dinner?" Kyle asked. "We've been out her for a really long time. The sun's almost setting."

"Sure," replied Peter, and the two boys went up the stairs to the beach house.

Peter and Kyle had more sandwiches for dinner, because neither of them felt like cooking out. By the time they had finished eating, the sun had set, and the sky was dark, except for a thin line of orange on the horizon. The air was still warm, perfect for a late swim.

"So what do you wanna do now?" asked Peter.

"Well, it's still pretty warm out. Wanna go take another dip in the lake? We can make a bonfire afterward and just chill on the beach," replied Kyle

"Sounds like a plan," said Peter. "By the way, you said that no one's around after dark, right? And that you like to swim naked usually? I'd be down for a little skinny dipping right now."

Kyle grinned: "You read my mind, man."

The boys quickly slipped out of their swimsuits and grabbed some beach towels, then headed down the beach house stairs. Kyle led the way, and Peter admired his friend's ass as he jogged down the steps. He also noticed that Kyle's thick penis no longer seemed to be totally soft as they bounced down to the beach.

Kyle and Peter decided to start the bonfire before getting in the water, as they didn't plan to stay in the lake for long and they would be close to shore. They piled firewood in the fire pit, doused the pile in lighter fluid, and tossed a match on it. They soon had a blazing fire, and the boys waded into the lake. They splashed around and dove underwater for a while, enjoying their new freedoms; they had graduated, they had some time away from their parents, and they were no longer constrained by clothes. Splashing eventually led to dunking, and Peter was soon rock-hard from all of the physical contact with his friend. Every time their slick skin rubbed together, every time Peter's hand brushed Kyle's ass, every time Kyle's hands slid up Peter's thighs, new shockwaves were sent through Peter's groin.

Then Peter lunged at Kyle, attempting to grab him from behind and dunk him. Kyle turned around, however, and suddenly the boys were locked in an embrace, both of their dicks completely hard. Their slick bodies pressed tightly together, frozen for a moment. Peter looked into Kyle's eyes, and Kyle grinned back at Peter.

"You ready to have some more fun, like we promised to in the woods?" Kyle asked jokingly.

Peter just nodded and leaned his face forward. The two boys kissed--tentatively at first, then iwth increasing passion. Peter thrust his tongue into Kyle's mouth as the two began to grind their wet bodies together, erotically grinding their rods together. Peter's hands slid down from their bear-hug position and settled on Kyle's firm ass, gently kneading squeezing Kyle's cheeks. Kyle's hands drifted to Peter's muscular, slightly hairy chest and began to gently play with his nipples.

After a short time, the boys broke their kiss and waded back to the shore, hand in hand. When they reached the campfire, they began to kiss again. Slowly, Kyle began to move his mouth down Peter's body, kissing his neck, chest, nipples, and stomach before finally reaching their destination: his cock. Kyle knelt down in the sand and glanced up into Peter's face, making sure that Peter wanted to do this. Peter matched his friend's faze and nodded. Kyle's lips parted and Peter's rod slid deep into the most pleasurable place it had every been. Kyle sensually bobbed his head up and down, working his tongue and lips over Peter's sensitive meat. Peter moaned and ran his hands through Kyle's short hair.

Peter was in ecstasy, but he desperately wanted to taste his friend's cock, to slide his tongue all over his body. He gently pulled his dick out of Kyle's moist, warm mouth and knelt down on the sand with Kyle. Then Peter pushed his friends backwards until he lay prostrate on the beach. Once Kyle was on his back, Peter went to work. He ran his tongue all over Kyle's chest, sucking on his nipples occasionally. After that, he slid his face down to Kyle's firm abs, luxuriating in sweet taste of his friend. Finally, Peter's mouth reached its goal; his tongue darted out and tasted the head of Kyle's juicy rod. He slid his mouth down the underside of the shaft and tasted Kyle's sweet balls, then moved back up to the tip of his friend's member and engulfed the head with his mouth. He slid lower and lower, bobbing up and down, causing Kyle to moan in ecstasy.

Peter wished he could suck on Kyle forever, but he couldn't; Kyle's moans became louder and more intense.

"I'm coming," Kyle groaned, and Peter continued to gorge himself on his friend's meat. Finally, it happened; Kyle let out one last moan, thrust his hips upward, and emptied his balls into Peter's waiting mouth. Peter swallowed all of the thick boy-cream, milking his friend's dick with his lips until Kyle couldn't stand it anymore.

"Dude, that was fucking amazing," Kyle breathed. "Your turn."

And before Peter could reply, Kyle had rolled him onto his back and began to suck his cock again with a vengeance. Peter could not withstand such an onslaught for long; he had fantasized about this situation for too long and was too incredibly willing to give his seed to Kyle. His body stiffened and a wave of pure pleasure washed over him, then another, and another. It seemed that his climax would never end, and he didn't want it to end--he just wanted Kyle's lips to stay forever about his cock. Eventually, the ecstasy abated, leaving Peter spent and Kyle full of his friend's cream.

Kyle slid his body up Peter's and lay atop him. The two boys were content and happy. They enjoyed the simple pleasure of being together, body to body, cock to cock.

Peter gave Kyle a soft kiss and said, "I'm really going to miss you next year. You're one of my best friends. And you suck a mean cock." Both boys laughed.

"Well, we have all week to enjoy ourselves," replied Kyle, grinning as usual. "And don't get all girly and sentimental on me, asshole; it'll ruin all of our fun. Let's just take it as it is."

"Definitely," said Peter, again kissing Kyle gently.

And they fell asleep together on the beach.

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