
By peter johnson

Published on May 22, 2009


This story contains acts of a sexual nature between two consenting males. If this offends you, please leave this page now.

This is my first time writing anything like this, so comments, suggestions, requests, and so on are always appreciated! Thanks!


Peter couldn't believe how slowly the hands were moving on the clock. He was only half-conscious, lulled into a daze by the history teacher's incessant droning. How could she not realize how freaking boring she was? Half the class was asleep...

And then they weren't. The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Most of Peter's classmates--sound asleep moments ago--were gone before the bell had stopped jingling. Peter gathered his things and stuffed them into his backpack, then headed out into the teeming hallways. He hurried down the school's central stairs to the first floor and nearly ran to the guidance office. He needed to turn some paperwork into his counselor: scholarships notifications, a college acceptance letter, other senior-related documents. He impatiently waited for the secretary to look up from her computer and handed her his paperwork. Then Peter rushed out of the office, hoping that the bus hadn't left him stranded at school.

It had, as usual. He had spent two minutes in the guidance office and the bus had left without him. He sighed and headed to the student parking lot, hoping that one of his friends--one with a car--was still there and willing to give him a ride home. He ran his hand through his shortly cropped, blond hair and ran through a list of possible rides in his head; Andy was probably making out with his girlfriend, Julia had to work, Maddie had to go to track practice, Justin had a moped. Kyle was probably his best bet.

Peter had known Kyle since shortly after the beginning of high school; they generally had the same classes. Kyle had short, brown hair and green eyes. He was a wrestler and ran cross country, so he was in very good shape, and he was of an average height. Kyle was a bit goofy and nerdy sometimes, but he was funny and he and Peter had always had fun together. They'd grown to be good friends over the years.

Peter looked fairly different from Kyle. He was tall, about 6'2", and blond, with hazel eyes that flashed golden in the sun. He played soccer, so he was in pretty good shape, though he wasn't as muscular as Kyle. He'd always admired Kyle's physique and wished that he could have a body like Kyle's.

Peter reached the parking lot and was glad to see that Kyle had not left yet; he was standing by his car talking to some of his wrestling buddies. As Peter approached, the wrestlers dispersed, heading for their respective cars.

"Hey, Kyle, what's up? Can I get a ride? I missed the bus again because of those stupid letters Mrs. Coe asked for..."

Kyle bumped fists with Peter and replied, "Man, that sucks. Sure, though, you can get a ride. I was going to stop and get some food on the way home, if that's cool."

Peter nodded, grateful that he didn't have to walk home. "Yeah, sounds great. I'm pretty hungry myself."

Kyle slid into the driver's seat as Peter walked around the car, tossed his bag in the backseat, and sat down in the front passenger seat. Kyle started up the car and the two drove off, heading down a relatively uninhabited road that was bordered occasionally by fast food restaurants and frequently by farms and woods. Kyle pulled up to the drive-through window of one of the fast food restaurants, and he and Peter ordered burgers, fries, and cokes.

"Do you want to eat here, in the parking lot, or do you want to go park in the woods? It's cooler in the woods, less sunlight," Kyle said.

"The woods are good, it's pretty hot," Peter replied.

"Whatever you say, hot lips," Kyle jokingly said, then headed back onto the road. Kyle often made awkwardly homoerotic comments like this, so Peter was pretty used to it. Lately, however, whenever Kyle lewdly waggled his tongue at him or rested his hand on Peter's thigh as a joke, Peter was finding himself oddly aroused. He had never thought of himself as gay, but whenever he saw Kyle's tongue he just wanted to suck on it and every time he felt Kyle's hand on his thigh, he secretly willed it to travel the last few inches to his groin. He's also found himself covertly checking out Kyle's butt when he stretched and ogling Kyle's crotch when he slightly spread his knees in class. More and more often, Kyle was creeping into Peter's dreams and, occasionally, his sexual fantasies. This particular comment got Peter thinking about Kyle's succulent lips and how much he would like to simply taste them. Or how nice they would feel pressed around his cock. Peter's dick began to swell a little; it wasn't noticeable, but his shorts definitely began to feel a little tight.

Kyle steered the car down a little side path into the cool shade of the forest and drove for a few more minutes, finally stopping the car in a shady clearing that was out of sight of the road. He and Peter grabbed their bags of food and got out of the car, moving to sit on a large, flat rock at the edge of the clearing.

The forest was quiet--the only audible sounds were the occasional bird call and the munching and slurping of the two boys. When they had finished their after-school snack, Kyle and Peter lay back on the rock and stretched out, enjoying the peacefulness of the shady spring afternoon.

Peter was the first to speak: "I can't believe we're graduating this year; it's going to be so weird not seeing all our friends every day. Being forced into the real world with just one or two people you sometimes see because they go to the same college as you. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Yeah, it's pretty weird, man," Kyle replied. "I'm so used to just seeing everyone every day, taking everyone for granted. I can't really imagine never seeing Justin or Andy or you after graduation."

"Yeah, you'll have to find some new guys to make creepy sexual advances toward, " Peter joked, playfully punching Kyle in the arm. He liked the feel of Kyle's warm skin under his fist. His cock twitched, growing slightly stiffer. It still was not noticeable through his thick cargo shorts, though.

"No, I could never have as much fun with another man as I have with you," Kyle said in a mock-sexy voice. He winked at Peter and licked his lips, causing another jolt to travel through Peter's dick. Peter realized that if he got much harder, his cock would make a visible tent in his shorts. He also realized that he didn't care very much; if Kyle got freaked out, it was close enough to the end of high school that they would never have to see each other again. That was unlikely, though; Peter and Kyle were both very comfortable with one another. They had seen each other naked in various summer camp showers and they both knew that getting hard was a natural thing that happened all the time.

"Oh, I know, you can't do better than me, " Peter said, playing along with the gay game. "Too bad you could never actually have this--all you'll ever get is a big tease from me." Peter winked back at Kyle, then lay his head back against the rock and closed his eyes.

"Yeah? Are you sure?" Kyle asked. "Maybe I'll just have to rape you then!" Kyle rolled over until he was laying on top of Peter's prostrate body and grabbed Peter's wrists. He had done this sort of play-wrestling with Peter many times.

There was something different about this particular wrestling session, however--there was a rock hard cock pressing into the right side of Kyle's stomach. Kyle paused for a second on top of Peter, and Peter waited for Kyle to freak out and lurch off of him; he didn't even bother to open his eyes.

Then, there was movement. But not the kind Peter had expected; rather than Kyle scrambling to get off of him, Kyle was experimentally rubbing his body up and down on the underside of Peter's covered shaft. Peter opened his eyes to find Kyle giving him the same playful grin as before.

"What are you doing, man?" Peter asked, hoping that despite the feigned fear in his voice Kyle would continue to dry-hump him.

"What? No one's around, no one will ever find out--it's just you and me, here in this clearing," responded Kyle. "What's wrong with having a little fun? It's not like we're gay--we're just having a little fun together." With that, Kyle shifted his body upwards until his rapidly stiffening member was lying on top of Peter's hard cock and resumed his rubbing.

"Okay, if you say so," Peter said uncertainly. "What kind of fun do you want to have with me?"

"Just go with the flow, whatever happens ought to be--fun."

Kyle continued to grind his hips into Peter's limp body, sending waves of pleasure crashing through both boys with each thrust. Both boys' members were now iron rods, bumping and rubbing in an extremely erotic dance. Kyle lowered his face, still covered in that joking smile. Peter looked into his eyes and could smell his friend's cologne, as well as a hint of sweat and sun. Both boys parted their lips, and suddenly they were tenderly kissing one another. Peter was finally tasting those juicy lips, that sexy tongue--he wasn't sure what was going on or why it was happening, but he was thoroughly enjoying it.

Eventually, Peter broke the sweet kiss and said, "Can I see you? Naked, I mean?"

"You've seen me naked tons of times, dumbass," replied Kyle, grinning. "Why would you even ask that?"

"Because I've never seen you naked and hard, let alone naked and hard and willing to mess around with me. It's a totally new perspective," Peter said.

"Oh, I see, you want my body, don't you," Kyle cooed. "Well, only if you say please."

Peter wasted no time in asking if he could please see Kyle's sexy, naked body. The dark haired boy stood up, still grinning, and slowly pulled his T-shirt above his head, revealing a muscular, smooth torso. Peter salivated over the contours of his abs, the muscles in his arms, and the pert pink nipples on his well-defined chest. Then Kyle unbuttoned his shorts and dropped them, as well as his boxers, to the forest floor, stepping out of them to stand in front of Peter completely naked. Peter admired his friends thick, firm thighs and neatly trimmed bush and lusted after the perfectly shaped, 7in rod that stood at attention between Kyle's legs.

Kyle gave his cock a few quick strokes, then said, "Okay, you're turn. Let's see what you've got."

Peter wasted no time in obliging his friend's request; he hopped up and quickly shed his shirt, revealing a slightly hairier chest that was almost as toned as Kyle's. His shorts were soon on the ground by Kyle's, allowing his dick to stand up at its full length of about 6in. Peter began stroking his own throbbing cock, and Kyle followed suit. They stood in front of each other, pleasuring themselves to each other's bodies, occasionally moaning and groaning.

Eventually, when Peter was reaching the point of no return, he asked, "Do you want to trade hands?"

Without answering him, Kyle grabbed hold of Peter's member with one hand and playfully tweaked his friend's nipple with the other, eliciting a moan. Peter quickly did the same to Kyle, only to be rewarded by a similar moan. The two high school seniors were in ecstasy standing in front of each other, stroking each other's cocks, occasionally brushing and rubbing their rods together.

Finally, Peter felt a familiar welling inside of him. He knew that he was about to shoot his load, and he wanted to do it on his friends cock and abs.

"Hey man, I'm about to cum," he said. "Let me shoot on you."

"Only if I can do the same to you," Kyle replied.

Both boys redoubled their efforts, giving each other pleasure neither of them had ever before felt. Peter's dick began to spasmodically contract just as he felt Kyle's begin to do the same. The two friends unloaded torrents of thick, creamy jizz at the same time, coating each other's hands, stomachs, and cocks. They continued stroking each other until their orgasms both began to fade, and then they milked as much semen as they could from each other's cocks.

Peter looked into Kyle's eyes and said, "Wow. That--was fun."

Kyle laughed and replied, "Told you so. Now let's get cleaned up and get back in the car. I still need to get you home."

The two friends grabbed some tissues from Kyle's car and wiped the fresh cum off themselves, then got dressed and climbed into the car.

As Kyle was turning the car around to pull out of the woods, he said, "I hope that we can do this again sometime, or something like it."

"Definitely," was Peter's reply.

And the two friends pulled back onto the main road.

Next: Chapter 2

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