Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 20, 2003



Chapter 9

ACCEPTANCE -------------------

"Jacob?!" Jake's Mom called to him from downstairs. She always calls him Jacob. Jake hates the name. He was sitting at his desk, doing homework. "What?" he yelled back.

Edna Chambers appeared at his door. "Jacob, I have to leave. The paperboy is supposed to come by for payment. Here, I've made out a check. Be a dear and give it to him, ok?" She handed him the check.

"Sure Mom, no problemo." Jake took the check and put it on his desk.

"Thanks, Jacob." Edna kissed her son on the head. "Bye."

"Bye Mom."

Thirty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Jake went downstairs and opened the door. A young guy, Jake thought he knew him, stood at the door.

"Hi. I..ummm, I'm Scott and I...ummmm....deliver your paper."

"Hi Scott." Jake said. This boy is fine! Jake thought. "You are the paperboy?" Jake asked him.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I was expecting a younger boy, you know, like 12 or something." Jake told him.

"I...ummmm....lots of...ummmmm..people say that. are Jake, right?"


"I....ummmm....thought so. I...ummmm....have you....I are in one of my classes." Scott waited for Jake to say something...anything. He was nervous and knew he was stuttering. Scott had dreamed about meeting Jake and here he was, talking to him. "Mr. Stallin's English?" Scott asked him.

Jake realized where he'd seen the boy before. "Yeah, hey. I know you. You're the guy. The smart guy who takes all those advanced classes." Scott nodded while Jake told him this. "Yeah, now I know who you are. Hi Scott," Jake said and held out his right hand.

"Hi, Jake." Scott said, shaking his hand. " you have...I mean...ummm...I need....ummmm..your Mom usually gives me a check."

"The check! Oh, yeah right. I have it." A thought ran through Jake's mind. He dismissed it. But then, it came back. This time, Jake let the thought play through his mind and Jake liked what he saw there. "I have the check on my my room. Come in, and I'll get it for you."

"Th...thanks." Scott said with butterflies doing cartwheels in his stomach while he entered Jake's house. Jake closed the door behind him. Scott looked at Jake nervously.

"Come on," Jake motioned to Scott. "Its just up the stairs." Jake walked up the stairs slowly, letting his butt swing side to side not far from Scott's upturned face, who followed. "By the way," Jake said. He stopped, leaned against the wall and looked down at Scott who was just inches from Jake's leg. "I have a problem and maybe you can help me."

"What?" Scott said nervously with his eyes level with Jake's crotch.

"I'm taking Elementary Analysis and I'm stuck on one problem." Jake said looking down at Scott. Jake casually grabbed his crotch. He saw Scott's eyes drop from his face, watching his hand.

"I could help you with your problem." Scott said looking up at Jake.

"I bet you can," Jake said. Then Jake started back up the stairs and led Scott to his bedroom. "Here, look at this," Jake said sitting down at his desk. "I solved for x getting 3 as the answer. So what do I do next?"

"Easy," Scott began. "Just put 3 in for x and solve for y."

"Huh?" Jake said, feigning ignorance. He got up and offered Scott his chair.

Scott sat down and leaned over Jake's homework. "Just put 3 in for x and solve for y." Scott said, finishing the problem. "See? Solving for y gives you....6." He looked up at Jake who was leaning over Scott's shoulder. Their lips almost touched. Scott stared at Jake's mouth. He wanted to kiss him. His dick began to harden.

Jake looked at Scott. With his lips just an inch from Scott's, Jake leaned in further and kissed him. It was a quick kiss, just a tap. Scott moved a hand up to Jake's shoulder. He grabbed Jake and pulled him to his lips. They kissed again. Scott's lips where thick and supple, Jake noted as he ground his face into Scott's. Scott grabbed Jake harder and Jake opened his lips, letting his tongue find Scott's lips. Scott opened his mouth and Jake pushed his tongue into the boy. After a few seconds, Jake stood up and stepped back a few steps. Jake reached down to his waist. He grabbed his shirt and lifted it up, exposing his stomach to Scott. Then he pulled the shirt up and over his head and then tossed it on the floor. Jake stared at Scott and flexed his chest.

Scott stood up then, taking his shirt off, also. Jake watched as Scott's body came into view. Scott's chest was thin but there was some definition to his pecs. His nipples where dime-sized and very pink. His small, hairless chest led to a flat stomach and just over his pants, Scott's navel had a small amount of dark hair around it. He stood up and let Jake look at him. Scott was nervous still, and his breathing came in quick, small gasps. He looked at Jake, with his tremendous chest staring back at him. Scott took two steps towards Jake. "You look good." he said.

"You can touch me if you want to." Jake told him.

Scott closed the difference between him and Jake. He came to Jake and placed a hand on Jake's chest. "Wow." Scott said feeling Jake's body. Jake remained motionless as Scott ran his hand down Jake's stomach and gripped his crotch. He looked at Jake then, "Can I touch this?"

"You can do more than touch it," Jake said and pushed Scott to his knees. Scott rubbed Jake's crotch and then kissed his naked stomach. Next, he leaned back and looked up at Jake as he unbuttoned Jake's pants and then pulled the zipper open. Jake watched, fascinated, and rubbed Scott's shoulders. Scott pulled Jake's pants open to find Jake's cock was already hard, making a huge tent in his boxers. Scott pushed on the cloth and Jake's cock slid out of the fly, standing completely erect.

"Damn, its so big! Just as I had imagined it would be." Scott said to Jake. Then Scott took the thick dick head into his mouth and started sucking on it.

"That's it, Scott, suck my dick. Yeah. Ahh yeah." Jake watched Scott sucking on his dick, taking most of the shaft into his mouth. This guy has done this before, Jake thought. Jake stood over Scott for several minutes, letting him suck his dick. Finally, Jake reached down and pulled Scott up to his face. He kissed Scott. "You've done this before," Jake said.

"Yeah, a few times." Scott kissed Jake's neck and shoulders.

"I can tell." Then Jake reached down and felt Scott's bulge. Scott groaned against him. Jake quickly unbuttoned Scott's pants and shoved a hand inside them, grabbing his cock.

"Fuck!" Scott said when Jake held his hard cock. Jake leaned down and began to suck and chew on Scott's nipple. As he did this, Jake forced Scott's pants down and his cock sprang free. Jake walked Scott to the edge of his bed and then pushed him down on it. The boy fell and lifted his legs. Jake grabbed his pants and pulled them off him, tossing them away. Then he grabbed his legs, pulled Scott to him and then kneeled down on the floor with Scott's cock in his face. Jake went down on him, taking the entire shaft into his mouth until his nose was buried in the boy's bush. Jake grabbed Scott's chest and pinched his nipples.

After just a few minutes, Jake felt Scott's cock jump in his mouth and a huge wad of cum dropped on his tongue. Jake swallowed the cum and sucked more from Scott's full nuts. Then Jake stood up and jumped on the bed. He kneeled next to Scott and began to jack himself off, holding his cock over the boy's chest. Jake came then, shooting his semen all over Scott who watched Jake's cock shoot out blast after blast of hot cum all over his chest. Jake turned to Scott and he took Jake's still hard dick into his mouth and sucked him dry. Finally, Jake pulled his dick from Scott's mouth. He climbed off the bed and found Scott's pants. "Get dressed. My folks will be home soon." He tossed Scott's pants to him and then dressed himself. "Can we do this again," Scott asked Jake once they were both dressed.

"I don't know." Jake replied. "Here is the check for the papers." Jake handed him the check and Scott stuffed it in his pant pocket.

"Are you and Lee Dearborn still together?" Scott asked.

"You know about that?"

"Everyone knows about you and Lee."

It figures, Jake thought to himself. Goddamn Chad Beamer.

"So are you guys" Scott asked again.

"Yeah so do me a favor and don't tell anyone about this, ok?"

"Sure. Ok." Scott said but Jake wasn't convinced.

"I tell you what..if you can keep your mouth closed about this, maybe..and I said MAYBE we could, you know, do this again sometime." Jake regretted what he had done.

"Ok. I can do that. Hope to see you, soon, Jake. You were..ummm I mean, you ARE hot."

"Thanks, Scott." Jake opened his bedroom door and led Scott downstairs.

"Bye." Scott said and left.

About an hour later, Jake's Mom returned from the grocery store. Jake heard her come in. Then he heard her calling for him. Jake got up from his desk, stretched his back and yelled to her he was coming. He went downstairs, to the kitchen. "Get the rest of the bags from the car." She told him.

"But Mom, I'm doing homework."

Edna yelled at Jake. "I said to get the rest of the bags and bring them in here, right the hell now!"

"Yes ma'am." Jake said. What got up her ass? Jake wondered as he left to get the grocery bags. When he had brought in all the bags, Edna was chopping vegetables. Chopping them hard. "That's the last of them, Mom. Do you want me to put them up?"

"NO!" she yelled back at him. Then, "Just leave them, I will do it!"

"Ok." Jake said and started to leave.

"Do you have anything planned for this evening?" she asked him without looking.

"Well, I was supposed to meet Lee. We were thinking about seeing a movie."

"Not anymore, you aren't! I want you to go upstairs, finish your homework and wait for your father to get home. We have something to talk about."

"What? What do we have to talk about? Have I done something wrong?"

"Jake!" Edna began. Then she stopped. She took a deep breath before continuing, "I want you to GO up to your room and STAY THERE!"


"GO UP TO YOUR ROOM! NOW! AND CALL THAT LEE BOY AND TELL HIM YOU CANNOT SEE HIM TONIGHT." Then she added, "OR EVER AGAIN!" Edna turned to the counter and began to mutilate a carrot with the knife.

Jake stood there, totally stunned. OH FUCK! "Everyone knows about you and Lee." That's what Scott had said. OH FUCK! OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK! Jake was shaking all over and his heart was thumping wildly in his chest. OH FUCK ME! Silently, he left the kitchen and went up to his room.

Jake's mind was a tornado. Questions without answers swirled in his head, confusing him, making him unable to decide what to do. Should he call Lee? Should he deny everything? Should he call Lee? Should he just tell the truth? Should he call Lee? What would he tell Lee? Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Finally, Jake decided to call Lee. At the least, he had to tell him he couldn't go to the movies. "OR EVER AGAIN!" Those words echoed in his brain.

Jake's hand shook as he dialed Lee's number. Thankfully, Lee answered the phone. "Hi Lee."

"Hey Jake, I was just about to call you to see what movie you wanted to see." Jake started to say something but nothing came out. "Jake? Are you there?"

"I..ummm...can't go tonight."

"Why not?" Lee asked. Something wasn't right with Jake's voice, he thought.

"I just can't."

"Jake, is something wrong?"

A tear ran down Jake's cheek. "Yeah, something is wrong."

"What? What is it, Babe? Did someone die?"

I wish I was dead, Jake thought. "No, just something. I..I..I don't know."


"I have to go, Lee."

"Jake, tell me!"

"I don't know. I'll call you later, if I can. I'm sorry."


"I have to go, Lee. I have to hang up. I'm sorry. Bye." Jake hung the phone up and wiped the tears from his eyes. He sat on the bed. He looked at the clock. It was almost three hours before his dad got home. It was the longest three hours of his life.

Jake heard his Dad's truck pull into the driveway. He heard him come into the house, slamming the door, like he always did. Jake went to his bedroom door and listened to his parents downstairs. He heard their voices, he heard some words but the conversation was muffled. After an hour, Jake heard his father approaching the stairs. He slipped back to his desk and pretended to be doing homework. Soon, Robert Chambers appeared at his door. "Jacob," Robert began. Jacob, he called me Jacob, Jake thought. Dad always calls me Jake, except when I'm in trouble, then its Jacob. I'm screwed, Jake thought, I'm soooo screwed. "Come downstairs, we need to have a....discussion."

"Y..yes, sir." Jake followed his dad downstairs to the living room where his mom was sitting on the sofa with a drink in her hand. He sat in a chair opposite her with his heart thumping in his chest. Robert Chambers fixed himself a drink.

"I'd like to start, Robert," Jake's mom said. Robert nodded and Edna turned to Jake. "Jacob, I want to apologize for yelling at you. I was mad but not at you. I was upset and pissed off at that Betty Beamer." To her husband she said, "I hate that bitch!" Robert nodded understanding and then gulped a good portion of his drink. And now back to Jake, "I saw her at the grocery store and tried not to let her see me, but she did. She came up to me and asked me how I was doing. And I said, ok. And then she asked me how we were coping. And I asked her, 'coping with what?' And she said, 'coping with having....... a son who is gay." Edna blurted out the last line. She put a hand to her mouth and single tear ran down her face.

Jake sat there, humiliated. He lowered his head when he saw his Mom sobbing. Robert Chambers came over to his son and squatted down in front of him. "Jake, your mother is upset but not about you. She's upset because she heard something that hurts her, but the real reason she's upset is because she heard this news from someone else. If she had have heard it from you, she wouldn't be so upset. Now, just for the record, are you gay?"

Jake slowly looked up his father. "Yes....I....ummm...think so."

"Are you sure?" Edna pleaded.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure."

Edna sniffled and wiped the tears from her face. "Ok, Jake. Ok. These are the last tears I'll cry over this. I love you, Dear."

Jake looked at his Father. "I love you, too, Jake. Nothing you could ever do or say will change how your Mother and I love you."

"Thanks, Dad. Thanks Mom." Jake felt better, a little. "I just want you guys to be proud of me." Jake told them.

"We are, Jake." Robert Chambers said, "We are very proud of you, son. Never forget that." Jake hugged his father then.

Edna came to them and Jake hugged her, too. "Yes, Jacob, we are very proud of you." He felt better, just a little bit more.

His dad left them. He picked up Edna's glass and along with his, refilled them and sat down on the sofa with his wife, facing Jake. "Betty mentioned Lee. Is he, is that what they are called?" Edna Chambers asked.

"Yes and yes." Jake said. Then he told them about Lee, leaving out the sex, of course. He told them about Lisa and Aaron, too. He told them about the fight with Chad. He told them everything. After everything was said and all questions answered, Jake asked one question of his parents. "Am I still able to see Lee?"

"Yes, oh yes, of course," Edna told him and his father nodded. Then his Mom got up and announced dinner would be served in ten minutes.

"We'll be right there, Dear," Robert told his wife. Robert waited until she had left the room before asking Jake a question, "Jake, I want to ask you one more question." He leaned to Jake, looked at the door to the living room making sure Edna wasn't able to hear him. "Are you and Lee having sex?"

Jake was shocked his Dad asked such a question. But he answered, "Yes, we are."

"Is it good?"

"DAD!" Jake whispered. Jake started to say something more but Robert interrupted him.

"I'm only asking because sex should be good. If you are doing it with someone you really care about, it should be good. Sex is good. And good sex is even better."

Blushing, Jake said, "Its good."

"That's my boy!" Robert Chambers clapped his son on the back. With his arm around Jake, he led him to the kitchen where Mom served a fantastic meal. The best Jake had ever eaten.

After Jake helped his Mom with the dishes, he called Lee.

"Hi, Lee."

"Jake! What's going on? I've been worried about you."

"I know and I'm sorry but everything is ok. Well, sort of ok."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"Sit down, this is going to blow your mind....." Jake told Lee about his Mom's talk with Mrs. Beamer and then the talk he had with his parents. Although Jake was happy his parents are accepting him and allowing him to continue to see Lee, he was concerned about Lee and what he will have to do, or not do.

After Jake finished talking to Lee, Lee sighed. There was a long pause from Lee's end. "I guess there is only one thing for me to do," Lee said finally.

"And that is?" Jake asked.

"I guess I need to have a talk with my folks."


"Well, Steven is still at work and Mom is watching TV. I guess I could start by telling her."

"You once mentioned you thought she would understand, having a lesbian for a friend and all that."

"Saying it and doing it are two different things."

"Would you like for me to come over and be with you?"

"No, I think I need to do this on my own. Shit! I don't want to do this! But I don't see any other solution. If your mom found out, chances are my mom will find out also."

"Yeah, probably," Jake agreed.

"Well, fuck, Jake. Let me get this over with. Fuck."

"Call me, ok?"

"Sure babe. I love you, Jake."

"I love you too, Lee."

Lee turned the phone off and then went downstairs to ask his Mom if they could talk.

"Mom, this is kind of hard for me to say, but I want you to hear it from me first."

"Ok, Lee. What's on your mind, Dear?" Pat Bradley said.

"Mom, I'm...ummmm...I"

Pat sighed. "Oh hell, Lee you scared me. I thought you were gonna tell me something horrible."

"Huh?" Lee asked sounding confused.

"Lee," Pat sat forward and embraced her son. "I wondered when you were going to tell me this."

" knew?!"

"Well, I suspected."

"But how?"

"Oh come on Lee. I wasn't born yesterday. You never dated a girl, never even talked about liking one. You hang out with Jake all the time. He sleeps over, in your room, even. Now how many of your male friends have their male friends sleep over, at your age? And in the same bed? Did you think I was fooled by the sleeping bag on the floor?"

"You knew about that, too?"

"Moms always know, Lee."

" how do you feel about it?"

"About you being gay? Its ok. As long as you are happy. I just want you to be happy. Now about Jake sleeping over, well, I was concerned at first but then, I thought what the heck, its not like you're going to get him pregnant."

Lee giggled. "No, I don't think that's going to happen."

"Lee? Does Jake make you happy?"

"Yes, he does. I think I love him and he says the same about me."

"Good. That's good."

"What about Steven?" Lee asked.

"To be honest, we've discussed it already." Lee nodded. "And it was he who talked me into letting you have Jake sleep over all the time. I think he is sort of glad you won't be getting a girl pregnant and ruin your life just as its really beginning."

"I guess I should tell you there is someone at school spreading rumors about me and Jake."

"Jake and I." Pat corrected him.

"Jake and I." Lee said, rolling his eyes. He smiled at her.

Pat shrugged her shoulders and said, "Screw 'em."

"Mom! I've never heard you talk like that before!"

"Well, you are an adult now so we can talk like adults."

"I told you about the rumors so you will know and be prepared."

"I appreciate that. I guess I should call....what's Jake's Mom's name?"

"Edna. Edna Chambers."

"Edna. I should call her; maybe invite her to lunch or something."

"I think she and Jake would appreciate that very much. Mom, I love you." Lee hugged his mom for the first time in a long time.

She hugged him, too, with a tear rolling down her cheek. "I love you, too, Lee."

"I'm going to call Jake, ok?" Lee got up and started to leave.

"Lee, just one more thing." Lee stopped and looked back at his Mom. "From now on, leave the sleeping bag in the closet. I'm tired of picking the damn thing up." She winked at him.

"Oh. Yes, ma'am." Lee said, smiling. "Good night, Mom!" Lee shouted from the stairs.

"Good night, Lee!" Pat Bradley yelled back. She sighed and wiped the tears from her eyes. He's all grown up, she thought to herself and wiped another tear from her face.

Next: Chapter 10: Senior Year 10

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