Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 15, 2003


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 8

JOEY ------

Lee drove Jake to Lisa's house. Lisa was having a birthday party to celebrate her 18th birthday. Her parents wouldn't allow any alcohol to be served; however, there was a large crowd. Of course, Aaron was there and he managed to sneak in some booze which he shared with Lee and Jake.

"Lee!!! Jake!!!! Nancy, Lisa's cousin shouted to them.

"Oh fuck, it's the slut." Jake said to Lee. Nancy came over and gave both of them wet, sloppy kisses on the cheek. Out of the corner of his eye, Jake saw Lee wiping his cheek but trying to be discreet about it. Beside Nancy was a young guy named Joey, about 16 years old Jake guessed, who turned out to be Nancy's cousin from another school district. Talking to Nancy, Lee and Jake realized Aaron wasn't the only one who spiked their punch. Nancy yapped on and on and on about school and how she hated it and how she wanted to get the fuck away from her overbearing father and alcoholic mother. Shit like that that Jake totally ignored, nodding occasionally as if he was really listening. Finally, she saw someone, screamed their name and stumbled away, grabbing Joey's arm. Nancy was downright drunk with poor Joey in tow.

As the party continued, Lee and Jake talked with their teammates and generally had a good time. However, Jake noticed Joey seemed to follow him and Lee around quite a bit. He also noticed Joey looking at Lee. He spied him eyeing Lee up and down, as if he was undressing him with his eyes. Jake didn't really mind, in fact, he would make a point to hold Lee's hand or put an arm around him whenever Joey was with them. Jake knew this was childish behavior yet it pleased him to see Joey seeing them together.

Joey was a hottie; Jake gave him credit for that. Jake guessed him to be about 6 foot tall. He had straight blond hair which was parted down the middle and the sides hung in his face. Joey was thin, not lanky kind of thin, just thin. He wore a long t-shirt over pants that seemed way to long and way to baggy and Jake wondered why guys dressed like that. Both he and Lee wore tight fitting clothes to show off their bodies. If it wasn't for the fact that Joey followed them around and kept checking Lee out, Jake would have taken him for totally straight, yet Joey's behavior made Jake wonder about his preference for girls or guys.

Sometime later, Lisa came up to Lee and Jake with Aaron on her arm. "I think someone spiked the punch!" She yelled at them over the music. On the CD player, Puddle of Mud was screaming about someone fucking hating him. Lisa was slurring her words.

"I wonder who would have done that!" Lee yelled back at her.

Instantly, she turned to Aaron. "Did you spike the punch?"

"Nope. Wasn't me!" he yelled back. "I have my own stash which I've chosen to share with a privileged few and that's it. It's probably Nancy. She is fucking blitzed!"

"Fucking bitch!" Lisa slurred. She grabbed Aaron and pulled him into the crowd. Lee and Jake laughed together.

"Let's go outside. I need some fresh air," Lee said to Jake. Jake agreed and they headed for the back door. Once outside, they saw John Peterson with his girlfriend under a tree sucking face. Lee and Jake left them to their privacy and found a quiet place alone. Within two minutes, they saw Joey come out of the door. "That guy is following us around like a puppy dog," Jake said to Lee.

"He is?" Lee asked. Jake had no time to reply for Joey came over to them.

"Fuck!" Joey said.

"What's up?" Lee asked.

"I don't know anyone here and my fucking cousin just left with a guy in HER car. Now I'm fucking stranded here."

"Nancy left with a guy? Now that's something new," Jake said sarcastically.

Jake and Lee talked with Joey for quite some time. Jake found he genuinely liked the guy. He seemed smart and funny. And Jake couldn't help but wonder what he looked like naked. Jake knew he loved Lee and that Lee was the only guy he wanted to be with, yet, Jake found he was attracted to Joey, if only in a sexual way. Also, he felt sad for him, having to rely on Nancy. He knew Nancy, and he also knew she was inconsiderate of others.

Lee yawned. It was close to 1 am and Jake was tired, also. They decided to go back inside and join the party. After a few minutes, Joey joined them again. Jake noticed he stood very close to Lee and his eyes seemed to be glued on Lee's chest. Hmmmm, Jake wondered. "Are you ready to leave?" Jake asked Lee.

"Yeah, I guess."

Nodding to where Joey was sitting all alone, "What do you want to do about him?" Jake asked Lee.

Lee considered the question for several seconds. He wanted to take Joey home with them but wasn't sure how Jake would react to that proposition. "Well, he doesn't have any way to get home...." Lee began.

"He could sleep on the sofa," Jake said, "or...."

"Or? Or what?" Lee asked him looking directly into Jake's eyes.

"Well, he is kind of cute."

"Ok, Jake what are you trying to suggest?"

"You know what I'm trying to suggest. However, it's just a suggestion."

Lee didn't say anything for a few seconds, then, "Are you sure you're ok with this?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm cool. It would be fun, don't ya think?"

"You and me and him, right?" Lee asked Jake.

"Right. Do you want to?"

"Do you think he'll want to?"

"Fuck yeah! I've seen the way he has been looking at you. I know that look. Yeah, he will." Jake said nodding.

"Ok, yeah. Ok. Go ask him."

"Cool. Go out to the truck and get it started. I'll meet you there."

"I love you, Jake." Lee said and kissed him.

"I know you do," Jake replied after the kiss. "Now go." Lee left and Jake walked to Joey. "Hey Joey," Jake said. "Do you need a ride? Lee and I can take to Lee's house. You can stay there, with us, until tomorrow then you can call your cousin and make arrangements to get home. What do you say?"

Joey thought for a second then said, "No, I can't. Nancy will be back soon."

"No, dude, I don't think so. She was pretty wasted when she left with that guy. I doubt she'll be back tonight and I know you don't want to be here all alone. Come with us. You can sleep on the sofa."

"But what if Nancy comes back looking for me?"

"Fuck her. Believe me dude, she won't be coming back." Jake waited while Joey considered this. Then he thought of something. "How old are you Joey?"


"A Freshman?"


"Want to have some fun with a couple of seniors? Lee wants you to come with us."

"He does?" Joey asked.

"Fuck yes! And I do, too. Come on, it'll be fun. I promise," Jake said putting a hand on Joey's thigh and squeezing. Joey looked down at Jake's hand on his thigh and then back up at Jake. Jake moved his hand up closer to Joey's crotch while looking at him square in the eye.

"Ok." Joey said.

"Great! Let's go!" Jake said and the stood up. Jake lead Joey through the roomful of teenagers. Along the way he ran into Lisa and pulled her with them. At the door, Jake had to yell into Lisa's ear to be heard over the loud music. "Lee and I are leaving!" he said and she nodded understanding. "We are taking Joey, too."

"Why?" she yelled back.

"Nancy left with a guy. She is drunk and probably won't be back to get Joey." Lisa looked at Joey then back to Jake. "If you talk to her, tell her where he is, ok?" She nodded.

"You are going to Lee's?" she asked.



"Have fun!" Jake yelled.

"I am!" Lisa yelled back and then Jake opened the door and left, pulling Joey with him.

"I told Lisa we were going to Lee's. She'll let Nancy know," Jake said to Joey once they were outside of the house.

"Thanks." Joey said to Jake. He followed Jake to Lee's truck. Lee had the motor running and the lights on. Jake opened the door and motioned for Joey to get in. Jake got in after Joey and slammed the door.

"I told Lisa we were leaving and taking Joey with us. She'll let Nancy know where he is," Jake told Lee.

"Cool," Lee said.

"Thanks for getting me outta there," Joey said. "I was bored."

"No problemo," Lee said and drove the truck out of the subdivision, heading home.

Once they got to Lee's house, he informed them that his folks are home so they should be quiet so as not to wake them. However, after tossing their jackets on the sofa and leading them up to his bedroom, Lee heard his Mother calling him. "I'll be right back, guys," he told them and walked to his parent's bedroom. Jake and Joey went into Lee's bedroom. Lee returned telling them his Mom heard them come in and that he told her he had a couple of friends staying for the night. "Its no problem, though." he assured them. Then Lee went straight to his closet and pulled out two sleeping bags and tossed them on the floor. Jake knew this routine; it's how he gets away with sleeping in Lee's bedroom from time to time. Only rule is one of them has to be in the bag by morning. This time two of the bags should be occupied, just in case.

"I gotta take a leak," Joey said and Lee motioned to his bathroom.

"What do we do now?" Lee asked Jake when Joey closed the bathroom door.

"Take your shirt off and follow my lead," Jake explained taking his shirt off, too. "He's got the hots for you in particular, let's use that to our advantage." Lee tossed his shirt onto the bed. Jake took a minute to admire his boyfriend's body. Every time he sees Lee bare chested, his stomach flips out and he is filled with desire. Jake walked to Lee and they embraced, kissing tenderly. Their nipples brushed against each other's. As their kiss continued, Joey came out of the bathroom. He stood there, embarrassed yet enthralled by the sight of these two muscular boy's embraced and kissing.

"Sorry, dude, you caught us," Jake said.

"No, its ok," Joey said, "I've just never seen two guys kiss before."

"Lee took off his shirt and, well, don't you think he has a nice chest?"


"Want to touch it? Lee, you don't mind if Joey touches your chest, do you?"

"No, not at all." Lee replied looking at Joey.

"Come on!" Jake said to Joey who hesitantly took the few steps to reach them. When he was only a couple of feet away, Jake reached out and grabbed Joey's hand. He brought it up to Lee's chest. Jake placed Joey's hand spread out on Lee's chest with how own hand over Joey's. "Go ahead, feel it!"

Joey was breathing hard already. His hand shook with nervousness as he let his fingers explore Lee's chest. Jake moved Joey's hand to Lee's left nipple. "Squeeze it. Feel how hard that fucker is? It's hard and supple at the same time. Ironic, huh?"

"Y..yeah." Joey whispered.

"Do this." Jake said as he brought Joey's fingertips to the nipple and rubbed them over the nip. "See? It's becoming erect. Awesome, huh?"


Then Lee reached out and grabbed Joey's other hand. "Jake's chest is fine, too. Here, feel his," Lee said and placed Joey's hand on Jake's chest. "Its sort of a different feeling because Jake has some chest hair and I don't. See how the hair circles the areola?" Joey nodded.

Now he had a hand on either boy's chest. His cock was rock hard in his pants. He became braver and let them maneuver his hands around their chests and then down to their stomachs. Then they let go of Joey's hands and let him explore on his own for several minutes.

"Lee?" Jake said, "Flex your arm, man." Lee did as instructed, flexing his arm making his bicep stand up like a small mountain. Jake grabbed both of Joey's hands. "Feel it. Feel his muscle." He placed Joey's hands on Lee flexed arm and watched Joey rub the bulging bicep. "What's that feel like, Joey?"

"It's like a fucking rock or something. Wow, it's so big!"

Lee grinned at Joey. "Thanks."

"Can I feel yours?" Joey asked Jake.

"Sure." Jake flexed his arm and Joey rubbed his hand over the hard muscle. "Well?"

"It's hard and big, too. Not as big as Lee's but incredible all the same."

"Thanks a lot!" Jake said feigning anger.

"Sorry. I didn't mean...."

"It's ok. I'm just fucking with ya." Jake said.

Joey removed his hands from Jake's arm. "You guys are great. I've never felt a guy's body like this before."

Lee reached over and pulled Joey's shirt up just a bit. "What do you have under here?"

"Oh, you don't want to see. I'm not muscled like you guys are," Joey said, pushing his shirt down out of Lee's grasp.

"Oh, come on." Jake said.

"Please, Joey. We want to see," Lee said.

"Well, I warned you," Joey said and slowly brought his shirt up revealing a flat stomach. Then he lifted it further uncovering his chest and the pulled it up and over his head. He held it one hand as Lee and Jake looked at him. Jake noticed he was blushing. "See, I'm kind of scrawny." Joey said.

"Not bad, Joey." Jake said. "Not bad at all, huh Lee?"

"Nope. Not bad. Good muscle tone and definition to the pecs, right Jake?"

"Right, Lee. Can we touch you?" Jake asked Joey.


Lee and Jake gently began to touch Joey's chest. They touched ran their hands over his chest and tweaked his dime-sized nipples. Joey suppressed a moan. Then they explored his stomach, rubbing the flat, taught muscles there. "Check out his stomach, Lee. I think it's flatter than your and mine."

"He's got a nice body, Jake." Lee said.

"Lee's right. No kidding, Joey. You do." And Lee wasn't kidding. Feeling Joey's body had caused Lee to become aroused. Lee looked at Jake and motioned down with his eyes. Jake looked down to see Joey had a sizeable tent in his pants. Then Jake saw Lee's fingers dip into Joey's waistband of his pants, just a fraction of an inch. Then Lee let them slip in further. Jake knew by now Lee must be touching the top of Joey's underwear. He moved his head to Joey's chest and while looking at Joey right in the eye, he surrounded Joey's nipple with his lips. He kissed him there, staring into Joey's eyes.

Joey's eyes closed to slits and Jake continued to kiss and suck on his nipple while teasing it with his tongue. All of a sudden, Joey gasped loudly. Jake looked down and Lee had his entire hand in Joey's pants. He had grabbed Joey's cock. "Are you ok with this, Joey?" Jake asked.

"Yes." Joey said and gasped again, tossing his head back. "Ah yes."

Jake heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper. He looked down again and watched as Lee pulled Joey's cock from his briefs. It looked to be about 7 inches long and slender. There was a thick patch of golden hair around the base. Lee opened his mouth. His wide, flat tongue wrapped around the glans. Joey grunted and hissed as Lee licked his cock from tip to balls.

Jake moved up and began to kiss Joey passionately as Lee started to suck his cock. Barely a minute passed by before Jake felt Joey trembling. He moaned into Jake's mouth, his body tensed up and then he began to pant uncontrollably. Below them, Lee was swallowing Joey's semen.

Then Lee stood up. His lips were smeared with the boy's cream. He grabbed Jake and kissed him, shoving Joey's cum into Jake's mouth. Jake sucked on Lee's tongue as Joey watched them silently. "Damn, you taste like honey," Jake said to Joey who blushed.

"He does," Lee agreed. Next, Lee backed away from them and unzipped his pants. Jake did the same. Both of them stripped their pants off and then moved to Joey who reached out to touch their stomachs while staring at the bulges their dicks made. He could discern the length of their dicks and the outline of the heads straining the fabric of their tight, white briefs. Lee grabbed Joey's hand and put it on his enormous bulge. "Squeeze it," Lee said and Joey felt Lee's hardon through is underwear. "That's it, man, mmmm that feels good!"

"OH wow!" Joey whispered. Then he grabbed Jake's erection, palming both of the guys' dicks at the same time.

"Have you ever touched a guy's hard dick, Joey?"


Lee backed away and sat on his bed, watching. Jake put a finger into his each side of his briefs and slowly slipped them down and in doing so, the waistband of his briefs pulled his cock directly down so the hairy base came into view first and then the rest of the shaft. Finally, the head slipped free and Jake's cock bounced straight up, throbbing once or twice before settling still. It locked into place, hard and stiff. "Touch it." Jake said.

Staring at Jake's cock, Joey reached out and wrapped his hand around it.

"Its so....hard! And hot!" Joey exclaimed.


"Well, you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do," Jake said smiling at him. Then Jake motioned at Lee who was laying back on the bed with his legs spread wide and a huge bulge in his briefs. God, he is sooo fine, Jake thought. "Come on," Jake said. "Get undressed, Joey. Time for some REAL fun." Jake slipped his briefs off and slid down on the bed, lying just left of Lee. Joey finished undressing and Jake motioned for him to lay on Lee's right. Lee scooted up completely on the bed. Jake and Joey moved with him each ending up at Lee's chest.

"Just do what I do." Jake instructed and began to kiss Lee's left nipple. Joey did the same to Lee's right nipple. Lee wrapped his arms around the boys and put his hands on their heads, running his fingers through their hair as he stared down on them. Jake put his left hand on Lee's stomach and began to rub him there. Joey used his right hand. Then Jake kissed up to Lee's neck and started sucking on him. Joey followed quickly. Both of them kissed Lee and sucked his neck and shoulders, then down to his biceps, kissing and licking each one. They kept their hands on his flat stomach, feeling it tighten and relax. Lee was groaning and moaning under them, moving around some. Next Jake returned to Lee's left nipple and waited for Jake who stopped to kiss Lee on the mouth. Once he was at Lee's nipple again, Jake pushed his hand over Lee's bugle allowing room for Joey, also. Then Joey imitated Jake as he saw him push his fingers under the Lee's waistband. "Go for it," Jake told Joey.

Joey pushed his entire hand into Lee' pouch and Jake watched as Joey's hand wrapped itself around Lee's stiff prick. "OH fuck!" Lee exclaimed, writhing under them. Jake sat up and pulled Lee's underwear off and then laid his head on Lee's thigh, to watch Joey's hand closer. Joey quickly moved to lay his head on Lee's right thigh. Lee bunched a pillow to support his head so he could watch. This was going to be good! With Joey holding Lee's shaft, Jake took Lee's cock head into his mouth and slowly sucked on it. Lee damn near lost it right then and there but he gritted his teeth and tried to think of something else. Jake moved down, taking more and more of the shaft as Joey moved his hand down, watching intently as Jake took most of Lee's eight-incher into his mouth and throat.

"Infuckingcredible!" Joey said.

Jake popped his mouth off the massive prick. "Your turn. Don't try to take it all, just a little bit or you will choke. Cover your teeth with your lips, like this, "Jake demonstrated and Joey nodded. "Don't rush, just go slow." Again, Joey nodded. Jake looked up at Lee who was watching, and smiled at him.

Slowly, Joey moved his mouth to Lee's waiting cock. He licked the tip, tasting the pearl of precum resting there. He swirled his tongue around the glans and then put his lips on it. Joey rolled his lips over his teeth and descended on Lee's shaft. Jake watched as the glans disappeared into Joey's lips then another inch, then another inch. Joey had about half of Lee's cock in his mouth, choked, backed off and did it again. Jake, again looked at Lee who was still watching intently. Joey slowly bobbed his head on Lee's cock, sucking as much of the hard shaft as he could into his mouth while trying not to gag. Finally, he eased off. There was a long thread of saliva connecting his lips to the cock and he sucked it into his mouth. "Oh man! That was awesome! Its alive! I can feel it throbbing and growing. This is fucking great!" He was grinning from ear to ear. "I want some more!" Joey said and went down on Lee again.

This time, Lee thrusted his hips up, matching Joey's bobbing head. Jake watched as Joey was able to take about three-fourths of Lee's cock before gagging. Joey pulled off and licked his lips, looking at Jake. "How did I do?" he asked.

"Well, Lee?" Jake asked.

"Not bad, not bad at all. Just watch the teeth, ok. Don't scrape." Lee replied.

"Ok, sorry."

"Ok, ball time. Suck his balls, Joey. Suck on his nuts, lick 'em."

Joey dived his head between Lee's thighs and sucked on his balls. He licked and kissed them, taking one the other into his mouth, again, being careful not to scrape with his teeth. While he did this, Jake sucked on Lee's cock again. He took the entire length into his mouth, meeting Joey's face at the bottom of Lee's cock. Soon, he let them fall from his mouth and joined Jake on Lee's cock. Both of them licked and sucked Lee's cock up and down, wrapping their tongues around the shaft and taking turns sucking the head. At one point, Jake noticed Joey was hard again and was stroking his cock while sucking on Lee. Jake pushed Joey's hand away, telling him to wait. Lee was moving around, panting and groaning. Jake knew he was close to coming. Pretty soon, Jake heard Lee going into overdrive and knew his orgasm was imminent. He timed it so Joey had Lee's cock in his mouth when Lee grunted loudly and his cock grew intensely hard. Pretty soon, Joey was rewarded with a large volley of cum in his mouth. Lee grunted and groaned, thrusting his hips up and up into Joey's mouth. Cum ran out of Joey's lips, down Lee's cock and into his bush but he continued to suck Lee off until his balls were drained and Lee relaxed on the bed, spent.

Finally, Joey moved his head up and swallowed. "That was fucking intense!" he shouted. Jake could see a large volume of cum on Joey's tongue. He kissed Joey and sucked his tongue just as he had done to Lee earlier.

"No shit!" Lee said sitting up. "Man that was great, watching the two of you gobbling my big dick!" Jake moved to him and put his head on Lee's chest, holding him tight. Lee wrapped his thick arms around Jake and kissed his head. "I love you, Jake." Lee said. He turned Jake's face to him and they kissed. After a few minutes, Lee yawned. "Fuck, I'm tired. Say you and I take the sleeping bags and let Joey sleep in the bed?"

"Cool," Jake said. "I'm tired too. Let's get some sleep."

Joey wasn't tired. He wanted to fool around more but didn't say anything. Lee and Jake got off the bed and Joey looked at their naked bodies, especially their cocks and balls, as they prepared the sleeping bags.

"Ummm, Joey...hit the light, ok?" Lee asked him. "See ya in the morning."

Lee and Jake crawled into one of the sleeping bags and cuddled together while Joey flicked the light off and got into Lee's bed. He lay awake for several minutes, reliving the experience knowing he would never forget this night.

Jake did not know what time it was when he awoke. There was early morning light coming in from the window above him. Lee was asleep next to him in the sleeping bag with his back to Jake. Jake moved closer to feel Lee's body next to him and to put his arm around the sleeping giant. From where Jake lay, Lee's broad shoulders seemed to tower in front of him although his own form was close to Lee's in girth. Jake gently lowered his hand to Lee' crotch. He found Lee's sleeping dick and his fingers entangled themselves in the thick bush surrounding it. A minute or so went by. Jake moved his hips closer to Lee. His cock touched Lee's butt. He dosed again and then woke up a few minutes later. His cock was hard, pressing into the Lee's ass. Jake reached down and adjusted his dick, laying it between the cleft of Lee's fleshy ass cheeks. He lay there, quietly enjoying the feeling of his erection. Again, his hand sought out Lee's crotch. He covered Lee's dick and balls with his hand. It was then Lee moaned softly and moved his hips back just a small amount so Jake's cock was now wedged into his ass. Jake felt moisture on the tip of his dick. Lee slowly moved his butt and Jake felt it rub his cock, making the moisture more pronounced. Jake moved his arm up to Lee's chest and hugged him tightly. Lee moved his legs, wrapping them around Jake's and then his calves caressed Jake's, the long hair of their legs rubbing together. Jake pressed his chest against Lee's back. He kissed his shoulder blades. A minute ticked by. Jake's cock was achingly hard. His balls felt full and sore. No relief for them last night had left him with blue balls he decided. Slowly, he moved himself down so the hard head of his dick was right at Lee's opening. Gently, he urged his cock into Lee's hairy ass cleft. Beside him, Lee moaned, it was almost imperceptible. Jake remained still. He could feel the expanding and relaxing of his cock head slowly moving itself deeper between the warm flesh of Lee's ass. Jake gently moved his hips forward until he could feel the tip of his dick at Lee's puckered hole. He reached down, then, and began rubbing the Lee's entrance with the head of his dick. Lee lifted his top leg and Jake pushed. He felt his cock head penetrate Lee, about a half-inch. He pushed again. Jake's cock head spread Lee's hole and Jake entered his lover's ass. Lee grunted; it was not a grunt of pain. It was a grunt of success. Jake held still, feeling Lee's ass contracting around his cock head, trying to expel the intrusion yet the ridge of Jake's glans prohibited it. It was then Lee spoke the only words either of them would vocalize for the next fifteen minutes. "Make love to me, Jake," he whispered. Lee rolled onto his stomach and Jake rolled with him, entering his lover completely. The love making began. It was slow and steady, just a few strokes in and then back out. They held each other tightly, Jake feeling Lee's large body under him while he wrapped his strong arms around his lover. He kissed and licked Lee's back, shoulders, neck and earlobes as Lee's ass arched up to meet the thrust his hard prick deeper and deeper into Lee's tight asshole. Jake held his cock deep in Lee's body, letting him feel every inch of his dick, his cock, his prick...his love. Lee turned his head to one side and Jake kissed him. It was a hot, hard kiss with each one breathing deeply against each others' mouths. Jake's fucking movements became harder yet not faster. He slid is cock deeper and deeper into Lee's mound of flesh, feeling every inch of his dick spreading Lee's insides. Jake felt his balls growing hard, his cock became more rigid than he could ever remember. He put a hand to his lips, coating them with a large amount of saliva and then reached under Lee. He wrapped his lubricated hand around Lee's hard member and stroked his lover's cock as he ground his dick deeper. All of a sudden, Jake's body went taught. He felt every cell in his body become electrically charged. And then....and then...and then...ahhh fuck! His cock grew hard, hard as marble. His body went completely rigid; he ground his cock deep into Lee's ass. Under him, Lee let out a muffled groan and Jake felt his palm being coated with Lee's sperm. Jake's cock erupted then, shooting a large load of cum deep into Lee's contracting ass. Jake continued to thrust into Lee until his balls emptied themselves of all available juice. He was breathing hard. Jake continued to fuck Lee until his stamina ran out and then he relaxed onto Lee, stroking his arms and kissing his shoulders. They lay together, coupled, until Jake rolled off Lee, allowing his cock to be released by Lee's well fucked ass. They held each other, kissing, as their breathing returned to normal and then, holding each other in their arms, they fell asleep.

From the bed, Joey had silently watched them while pulling on his cock. He came in his hand.

A couple of hours later, Jake awoke to find Lee was gone. He looked up and saw Joey sitting on the edge of the bed with a blanket around him. Jake could hear the shower running. "Hey Joey," Jake said.

"Hey," Joey said back to him.

"Lee in the shower?" Jake asked getting out of the sleeping bag.

"Yeah," Joey said then looked at Jake's crotch. He wanted to suck Jake's dick. "I'm waiting on him so I can piss."

Jake looked at him confused. "Why are you waiting, just go in there. Hell, come with me, I gotta piss, too." Jake walked into the bathroom which was steamed up with fog from Lee's hot shower. Joey followed him and both of the boys stood around the toilet and pissed. Joey took another look at Jake's dick. "Save some hot water for us!" Jake called out to Lee. Lee pulled the shower curtain back and peered at them. Joey noticed Lee's body and crotch was covered with soap.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"Pissing." Jake replied giving his dick a shake and then walked to the shower. Behind him, he heard the toilet flushing. Jake pulled the shower curtain open and stepped in the shower as Lee made room for him. He took the soap bar from Lee. "Come here," he said to Joey.

Joey walked to the shower and peered in. "Is there room for me?" Joey asked.

"We'll make room," Lee said to him. Joey stepped in the shower and Lee stood under the showerhead, rinsing himself off. Then he maneuvered the showerhead and sprayed both Jake and Joey, getting them wet. The hot water felt good to Jake and he pushed Joey between him and Lee. They stood in a single line with Joey in the middle. Then Jake began to run the soap over Joey's body.

Joey stood there, letting Jake wash him. He watched as Jake soaped his chest and stomach. Jake skipped his crotch and soaped Joey's thin and almost hairless thigh. Then Lee took the soap and covered Joey's back and ass, intentionally taking lots of time to soap his smooth butt before running his soapy hands over Joey's other thigh. Soon, they had Joey covered with soap and his cock was completely erect. Then Lee pointed the shower at him and rinsed his body clean.

Joey leaned back against the shower wall, letting the water rush over him. His cock jutted out from his body with his balls hanging below and his blond bush matted with water around the base of his 7 inch dick.

"Check out his boner, Jake!" Lee said. He took Joey's cock in his hand and pulled it down. He felt it throbbing in his palm and becoming harder. The head flared. Lee released Joey's dick. It flew up, made a slight splat sound when it bounced off Joey's stomach and then stood perfectly rigid for a second and then it relaxed some, slowly throbbing.

Joey grunted when his cock hit his stomach.

"Wow!" Jake said. "That fucking dick is hard!"

"Yeah, Joey is one horny bastard, aren't you Joey?" Lee said.

"Fuck, I'm so horny." Joey told them.

"Lee, do that again." Jake said.

Lee grabbed Joey's cock and pulled it down again, held it for a few seconds and released it. Joey's cock responded like before. Jake chuckled and Lee did it again. He pulled Joey's cock down and released it over and over, several times. Lee would let it stand up, completely rigid and just as it started to relax, Lee pulled it down again. Each time it hit Joey's stomach, he grunted. Finally, Lee let it stand hard and proud and then wrapped his hand around it and started stroking Joey's cock. Joey moaned.

Jake had one hand on Joey's chest, touching his nipples and one hand pulling on his own dick and balls. He looked at Lee who was still standing under the showerhead. The water streamed over his body and Jake wanted to touch him. Lee winked at Jake, grinning.

"Nice cock, huh, Jake," Lee said.

"Very nice cock," Jake said.

"Th..thanks, guys." Joey whispered.

"Want to suck his cock, Jake? He's got honey-tasting cum! I know! I tasted him last night!" Lee said to Jake. Then he turned to Joey, stuck out his wide, flat tongue and licked Joey from his chin to his eyes.

Jake moved his face to almost touching Joey's, he whispered in his ear. "Want me to suck your dick?" He pressed his body against Joey's.


"Yes what?" Lee asked, again winking at Jake. He continued to stroke Joey's dick.

"Yes, I want you to suck my dick," Joey said. Jake kneeled down beside Joey.

He had his lips at Joey's ear. "Cock! Say cock!" Lee demanded.

"I want you to suck my COCK!" Joey almost shouted.

Jake moved his face to Joey's crotch. Lee still hand Joey's dick in his hand and he pointed the head to Jake's lips. Jake flicked the head with his tongue and tasted Joey's precum. Jake rolled his tongue over the glans, inspecting the ridge. Then he nuzzled his face into Joey's nuts. He sucked on Joey's golf ball-sized balls and licked under them.

"Suck his cock!" Lee said to Jake as he pumped Joey's cock in Jake's face. Jake took the head of Joey's cock into his mouth and started to suck on it. Joey groaned.

"That's it Jake, suck this boy's cock!" Jake sucked Joey's dick as Lee pumped the shaft. His lips met Lee's hand before backing off to swirl his tongue around the glans. Lee would slap his face with Joey's cock and then Jake would continue sucking on it. Jake could see Lee's cock only a few inches from his face. It was hard and pressed into Joey's thigh. Jake could see a thread of precum stretching from the tip to Joey's thigh.

Joey began to breathe faster and faster. His cock became increasingly harder. Lee pulled his hand back allowing Jake to have the entire shaft in his mouth. In this way, Joey came, shooting his sweet sperm down Jake's hot mouth. He pulled off and let Lee pump the remaining drops on his upturned face, using Joey's cock to spread it all over his face. Jake stood up then and Lee pulled Jake towards him. Lee licked his face clean, kissing and swallowing as he did so.

"Like fresh honey, huh?" Lee asked Jake.

"Fuckin A!" Jake said to him.

"You guys are so fucking HOT!" Joey said to them and put an arm around Lee and Jake. "I don't want to go home."

"It sucks to be you," Lee said to him. "Fuck, I'm hungry. I wonder if Mom has breakfast ready." he said. Lee pulled the shower curtain open and stepped out of it. "See yall downstairs." Lee left Jake and Joey to clean up while he dried off and got dressed.

------------- More to come!

Next: Chapter 9: Senior Year 9

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