Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 10, 2003


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 7

AFTER THE GAME --------------

After the last football game of the season, the team is on their way home from the game. The guys are not in the best of moods. Lee is particularly upset because during the game, he fumbled the ball and the opposing team picked it up and ran for a touchdown, scoring the winning touchdown.

Aaron is pissed, also. He got sacked 4 times and had words with his offensive linesmen, including Jake, after the game.

Seniors sit in the back of the bus. Its a perk for being seniors. John and Aaron are in the back seat and directly across from them are Jake and Lee with Lee nearest the window. He's sulking. Its going to be a long hour drive home, Jake thought.

After a half hour, Jake asked Lee, "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"No, not really," Lee replied.

Then Jake thought of something. He leaned to Lee and whispered in his ear, "If I suck your dick, will that make you feel better?"

"Don't be stupid," Lee whispered back. "Not here."

"When we get home? Can I suck your dick then?"

"I'm tired. I'm going straight home and then to bed."

"Can I go to bed with you?"

"No, my folks will be there."

"I'll be real quiet when I suck it."

"No, I just told you my folks are home."

"I can suck you off in your truck."

Lee didn't reply.

"We can park at that place and I could suck your dick then. I want to suck your cock, Lee."

"Not tonight, Jake. I'm real tired."

"Come on. I need some protein!"

Again, Lee didn't reply. Jake looked around to make sure no one was looking. He put his hand on Lee's crotch. Lee pushed it off. "Stop."

"I really wish you would let me suck your dick, Lee. I like sucking your big, fat dick. I want to put my warm, wet mouth around your hard dick and suck it. I love the feeling of your cock on my tongue."

Lee said nothing but he squirmed in his seat.

"We could park at that place. I'd take your cock out of your pants and suck on it until its hard and then you can fuck my face. I know you like fucking my face, don't you Lee?" As he whispered, Jake had his lips next to Lee's ear. He licked it. Lee pulled away, slightly.

Jake continued, "Mmmm I want to suck your cock, Lee. Its been sooooo long since I've sucked you off. I really want to suck your cock, man."

Again, Lee squirmed but said nothing.

"Getting hard?" Jake asked. "I wish I could touch your cock right now. I'd like to feel it getting hard in my hand or in my mouth. I love feeling it grow as I suck on it. I want to suck your nuts, too, man. Ahhh yeah, suck those big, juicy balls." Jake looked around. No one was looking. Aaron seemed asleep and John was looking out of his window. Jake put his hand on Lee's right thigh. Lee didn't push it away. Jake squeezed. "I love these big thighs wrapped around my head as I suck your big dick," he said. "We can go parking and you could take your shirt off and I'll suck your nipples, just the way you like it." Jake squeezed again and then let his hand sneak over to the pouch of Lee's sweatpants. Jake could easily feel Lee's cock semi-erect dick through the material. "Mmm, I like this big dick."

Lee pushed Jake's hand away. "Please, Jake. We can't do this, not now."

Jake knew Lee was right. He was taking big chances. He conceded to not touch Lee but he could still whisper in his ear. "Ok, then when we get home, we can go someplace and I will suck your hot cock. Would you like that, Lee? Would you like a nice blow job tonight? Want me to suck it fast or slow? Huh, Lee? Suck it nice and slow? Or suck it hard and fast, cram my face in your crotch and deep throat your hot cock? Is that how you want it?"

Lee didn't say anything. But he didn't say no.

"Remember the last time I sucked your dick? You fucked my face, man. You busted a huge load of cum right down my throat. Some dribbled down my chin. You could do the same thing."

This time it was Lee who looked around before adjusting himself. "Damnit, Chambers," Lee whispered, "now I'm hard."



"Is your big dick standing up between your legs?"


"Precum oozing out, yet?"

"No, I don't think so."

"I like eating your precum. It tastes like honey, Lee. I like feeling your cock throbbing on my tongue and feeling the precum oozing out of the slit. I like stroking your dick, making it spit on my lips, too." Lee was trying not to squirm. "I like sucking your cock and looking at your face as I do it. You are so fine when I'm sucking your cock. I like looking at your big, broad chest and huge nipples."

"Oh fuck, Jake."

"I want to suck your cock tonight, Lee. I want to push my face in your thick, hairy bush and rub my nose in it with your hot dick next to my face. I like watching the head grow bigger and bigger right there, just inches from my eyes. You have a nice cock, Lee. I want to suck it. Suck it hard. I want you to put your hands on the back of my head and force me down on your big, fat, hard, juicy COCK!" Jake emphasized the last word but still kept his voice to a whisper. He licked Lee's earlobe again.

"Yes, Jake. Yes." Lee whimpered.

"I want to suck your cock, Lee. I want to suck your big dick! I want to suck your big dick and eat your sperm. I want to feel your muscled arms holding my head on your juicy prick. I want to feel you body thrusting up into my face, driving your cock into my throat. I want to suck your big dick and drink your jizz. I want you to fill my mouth with your hot cum and then..and then..I'll swallow it. ALL of it. Swallow all of it and feel it run down my throat while your cock throbs on my tongue and my lips are wrapped around your thick shaft with your bush in face."

"Oh shit, Jake." Lee was panting now. "Fuck, man, I'm hard. I'm so fucking hard."

"Can I touch it? Please, let me feel it. Please. No one will see. Please, let me touch it?"

Lee didn't say anything. Jake looked around as Lee silently pulled his shirt out of his sweatpants and untied the drawstring. Jake checked to make sure no one was looking and deftly put his hand on Lee' bare stomach. Ahh, that fine hard stomach! And the hair around the navel..Ahhhh. Jake looked at Lee who was making sure no one was watching as Jake pushed his hand under the waistband of Lee's sweatpants and underwear. His fingers grazed across Lee's hard cock head. He gently squeezed the glans and ran a finger over the slit. He felt a hot drop of precum coat his finger. Quickly, Jake released Lee's cock and brought his fingers to his mouth. Lee watched as Jake licked his fingers, relishing the taste.

"That's all you get, for now." Lee said as he looked around while pushing his t-shirt back into his pants and retied the drawstring. "But later, you'll get the rest," he whispered.

"Are you going to let me suck your big, fat dick?" Jake asked seductively.


"Are you going to fuck my face?"

"Yes, oh fuck yes. Count on it."

"Are you going to shove your big dick down my throat?"


"Hold the back of my head while I suck your dick?"


"Come down my throat?"


"I can hardly wait." Jake said and licked Lee's earlobe again.

Once they got back to the school, Jake rode with Lee who was taking him home. It was near midnight and the streets were mostly deserted. Lee knew a place near Jake's house that looked private. About a mile from it, Lee pulled Jake down to his crotch. "Finish what you started, Chambers." he said.

Jake wrapped his mouth over the mound of cock meat hidden in Lee's sweatpants. He chewed and sucked on the big bulge. Then he worked the drawstring free and slid a hand into Lee's crotch. He grabbed the pulsing prick and held it as he mouthed the huge head through the cloth. As Lee pulled off the road and parked in a secluded area, Jake managed to haul Lee's cock out and began to suck on it.

"Ahh yeah, Jake. Suck my prick! Fuck yeah!"

Jake mumbled "Mmm Mmmm Mmm" as he sucked the Lee's spear-headed cock. Lee's cock was so hard, it felt like skin over stone in Jake's mouth.

After a few minutes, Lee pulled Jake up and pushed him to the passenger side floor. He moved over to sit in front of Jake and opened his legs. Jake leaned into Lee's crotch and began vigorously sucking on his hard prick. He grabbed Jake's head and held him there.

"Suck it! Suck my big dick! Yes. Yes. Suck it! Take it all! Take it all down your fucking hot mouth! Pull my nuts out! Suck on them! That's it boy! Suck my balls! Yeah, ahhh yeah! That's it man!" He looked down but all he could see was the back of Jake's head, bobbing up and down on his dick. He held Jake like this for several minutes.

Then, Lee grabbed Jake by the hair and pulled him up. He shoved his tongue into Jake's mouth and kissed him with lust. Next, Lee found the door handle and shoved it open. "Get out!" he demanded. Jake scrambled out of the truck, closely followed my Lee who led him out of the truck and around to the front bumper. The truck obscured them from being seen from the road.

Lee leaned against the front of the truck, pulled the front of his shirt up and hooked it behind his head It framed his upper body beautifully. Lee's chest was illuminated by the half moon gazing down on the teenagers. Jake stood and watched as Lee shoved his pants and underwear down to his ankles. He motioned to Jake who dropped to his knees directly in front of Lee's hard prick. He gazed up at Lee who grabbed his dick and slapped it on Jake's face, over and over. Jake hungrily lapped at it, licking and kissing. Lee grabbed him by the back of his head and forced Jake onto his cock. "Come on fucker! Suck my dick! Suck it! Suck it, you motherFUCKER! Suck my COCK!" Jake had his arms around Lee's thighs, holding onto his ass. He felt Lee holding him into his crotch and took Lee's dick all the way down his throat. He gagged and choked as Lee pulled him off and then shoved him back down on his cock. "Suck it! Suck MY DICK! AHH FUCK! AHH SHIT!" Lee grabbed his cock and stroked it on Jake's face. Cum flew out in thick jets into Jake's hair and across his face and eyes. Then, Jake started sucking on it again, sucking Lee's cock as Lee grunted over him until he was spent. He let go of Jake then who fell back, panting. Jake cleaned his face off with his hands and licked the sticky goo from his fingers.

"Feeling better, now?" Jake asked.

"Yes. Fuck, yes." Lee panted. "Fuck yes."

Jake stood up and unbuttoned his pants, pulled his cock out and began to masturbate. Lee dropped his knees and watched Jake furiously stroking his cock. "I want to come on your chest!" Jake said through clenched teeth. Lee puffed his chest up and out as Jake drummed his cock over Lee's broad chest.

"Come on me," Lee encouraged Jake. "Come on my chest. Shoot that fucker all over my body. Shoot that hot load, man! Do it! Do it Jake!"

"Ahh Ahh Ahh!" Jake panted. "Ahh fuck! Ahh fuck!!" He was pumping his cock with great intensity and then came. "Ahh yeah! Ahh yeah!" Jake shot his load over Lee's chest. Huge drops of semen shot out and ran down Lee's pecs. One stream in particular landed directly on Lee's left nipple. It rolled over the areola and then paused on the tip before dripping to the flesh of his stomach. Jake came over and over, coating Lee's chest with a great amount of teenaged sperm. Lee watched Jake's cock erupting over him. He enjoyed watching Jake come all over him.

Finally, Jake was done. He stepped back a couple of paces and caught his breath. Lee ran his hands over his body, rubbing the semen into his skin. Then he pulled his shirt off and cleaned himself. Next, he pulled his sweatpants up and tied the string. Then he walked to the truck and tossed the shirt into a bag. I'll add my own DNA to it later he thought to himself. Then walked to Jake who was zipping his pants. He kissed Jake in the moonlight.

"Can you stay with me tonight? My parents won't be home until tomorrow." Jake asked.

"I'll have to call my folks but I don't think it'll be a problem."

"Ok, man, yeah I'd like for you to stay with me."

They got in Lee's truck and drove to Jake's house. They got there and as Jake grabbed the large bag with his football gear, he said to Lee, "You can leave your bag in the truck."

"No," Lee said, "I want to take it with me. I have an idea."

"What is it?" Jake asked.

"Just wait." They went inside and went straight to Jake's room. Once there, Lee closed the door and tossed his gear bag on the bed. He spun the zipper open and pulled out his sweaty football uniform jersey. "Get your's out," he said to Jake. "Why? What are we going to do?" Jake asked pulling his shirt off.

"Just put your uniform on, jersey and pants, don't forget the jockstrap."

Realization hit Jake. "Oh, ok. Yeah!" he said. "Too bad we don't have the pads."

"Yeah, but what the fuck. I've always wanted to do this," Lee said as he pushed his sweatpants down and then his underwear. He found his sweaty jock and put it on while Jake did the same. Then Lee put his sweaty, dirty uniform pants on, tied the fly string and then slipped the jersey with #46 imprinted on the chest and back. The shirt hung sloppily on him without the shoulder pads to take up the slack. Jake put his uniform on also, #82 for him. They stood and looked at each other from a few steps away.

Lee backed up a step or two, then he said, "Three point stance! Hut!" The boys took position directly in front of each other. "On three! Hut! Hut! Hut!" On three they charged at each other and grappled before Lee took Jake down. "PUSSY!" Lee chastised Jake.

"Fuck you!" Jake said to him.

"You wish!" Lee shouted back at Jake as he backed up again and hit a three point stance. Jake did the same.

"On three!" Lee said. "Hut! Hut!" Jake charged on two instead of three, hoping to catch Lee off guard. He hit Lee and pushed up, crashing him into the wall behind Lee. Their faces were inches apart.

"I got you, Dearborn!" Jake said to him.

"OFFSIDES!" Lee yelled. "Penalty!" Jake held him pinned to the wall and grinned in his face. Finally, Lee pushed Jake away who retreated to his side of the room, panting. He hit the stance again. Lee did the same.

"On two!" Jake said. "Hut! Hut!" The boys crashed into each other and grappled. Lee grabbed Jake's crotch and squeezed.

"OH FUCK!" Jake grimaced and fell to one knee as Lee held onto his balls. "Goddamn you!" Jake yelled at Lee who released his nuts. Lee was surprised at Jake's reaction because he hadn't grabbed him very hard.

"I'm sor..." Lee began but Jake suddenly reached up and grabbed Lee's body. He twisted his stance and tossed Lee on the floor and tackled him, throwing his whole body onto Lee's.

"You're down, fucker!" Jake said to Lee, grinning.

Lying under Jake, Lee said to him, "You're a sneaky little fuck, Chambers?"

Jake grinned at Lee and then grabbed his crotch to find Lee's cock totally hard. "You like this shit, huh Lee?" Jake said, holding onto his crotch.

"Fuckin' A!" Lee replied.

"Fuck yeah! This is cool! We should have done this on the football field that time." Jake got up then and Lee stood up next to Jake.

"Turn around, Jake." Jake did as instructed. He felt Lee's hands on his ass. Lee was feeling Jake's butt through his uniform. "Fuck, Jake, you don't know how long I've wanted to do this. Every time I see your ass in this uniform, all I want to do is rub my hands over your hot ASS! Damn, your ass is HOT in your uniform." Lee continued to fondle Jake's ass in his uniform.

"And I thought I was the only one who felt that way," Jake said to Lee. "Turn around." They exchanged positions and Jake felt Lee's ass, running his hands over the taught uniform which hugged Lee's bubble butt like a second skin.

"Damn Jake, I'm getting a woody!"

"Let me see!" Jake said to Lee who turned around and Jake could see Lee's cock outlined in his uniform. He reached out and rubbed his palm over the bulge. As he did so, Lee lifted his shirt and Jake could see Lee's hard stomach and then his nipples. Jake leaned over and began to eat them. Lee dropped his jersey over Jake's head as he chewed on Lee's nipples. From under Lee's shirt, Jake asked, "Don't you think football would be so much better if the guys didn't wear shirts?"

"I've never thought about that, but you have a point, Jake." Lee said, then he added. "Fuck, naked football would be hotter."

"Just jockstraps?" Jake asked from under Lee's shirt, licking Lee's left nipple.

"Yeah, just jocks. That would be hot." Lee said. He was breathing faster now. In his pants, his cock was intensely hard and Jake was still rubbing it. Then Jake lowered himself to his knees. Lee pulled his shirt up to watch. Jake grabbed the drawstring of Lee's pants with his teeth. He looked at Lee and leaned back, pulling the tie undone. Then, Jake smiled up at Lee. He lowered himself to Lee's pouch. Lee's cock was pointing downward in his sweaty jock. He was hard and produced a big bulge with the head outlined in his jock. Lee watched Jake lick his erection. Then Jake worked Lee's cock out of the side of his pouch and licked the huge head. "Mmmmmm," Lee moaned. Jake took Lee's cock head into his mouth and sucked on it. "Ahh fuck, Jake! That feels good, buddy. Suck my dick through my jock!"

Jake looked up at Lee. "Your sweaty jock smells incredible!" Jake told him. He sucked on Lee's cock and ran his hands over Lee's hard ass. A finger found Lee's hole and Jake touched him there. His finger slid into Lee which made Lee's cock throb on his tongue. Jake leaned back and whispered to Lee, "Fuck me, Lee. Fuck me with your big dick!" Jake leaned forward and let Lee's cock rest on his face.

"You want this big dick up your tight ass, Jake?" Lee asked.

"Yes," Jake said while licking Lee's cock. "Fuck my tight ass, man."

"Stand up." Lee told him. Jake stood up and Lee grabbed Jake by the shoulders and turned him around. "Show me that fine, tight ass, Jake."

Being limber from all the football exercises, Jake bent completely over until his head was showing between his thighs. He watched Lee rubbing his cock. Then he saw Lee haul his cock out of his jock and stepped toward him. Jake felt Lee's cock rub on his butt through his football pants. "Fuck, your ass looks sooo good, especially with my dick on it," Lee said.

"Fuck me," Jake said. "Fuck me, Lee."

Lee pushed Jake onto the bed, flat on his stomach with his hips at the edge of the bed and bent so his knees rested on the floor. Jake's ass was right in Lee's face. He leaned over and drove his face into Jake's uniformed ass. He ground his lips and nose all over Jake's butt while squeezing his thighs. Jake moaned loudly and pushed his butt against Lee's face. Then Lee reached up and pulled Jake's pants down, exposing his sparsley hairy butt. Lee kissed Jake's ass, taking in a mouthful of flesh and sucking his lips on it. He did this to one cheek and then the other while licking the deep cleft between them. Jake's breath hissed between his clenched teeth.

"Ahh fuck yeah, Lee! Eat my ass, man!" he said, looking back to see Lee's face buried in his butt. Lee's head sped quickly from side to side as his tongue probed Jake's hole. Next, he ran his lips and tongue directly up and down Jake's ass crack, licking the hairs there, making them slick. Then Lee sucked his lips in, collecting a huge gob of saliva and then he spat. Jake felt Lee's hot spit coat his asshole and run down before Lee's wide, flat tongue flicked around his puckered hole, spreading the spit around it. Then Lee pushed his tongue into Jake's ass and licked him furiously. "Fuck! That feels so good, Lee. Eat my ass you hot fucking muscle stud! Eat my ass!" Lee rimmed Jake for several minutes while his hot boyfriend enjoyed every inch of his tongue.

Lee gave Jake's hole a few more licks and then pulled back, grabbing Jake's pants. He ripped them from his body, pulling them down to his ankles and then forcing them past Jake's feet. Jake still had on his football jersey and his jockstrap. The jock framed his perfect ass perfectly. Lee went to where he knew Jake kept his own bottle of lubrication. He stood with his cock standing proudly from his football pants. Jake stared at Lee's cock and moved seductively around on the bed. He watched Lee lube his cock. Then Lee walked back and kneeled down to Jake,

Jake looked back and saw Lee kneeling down with his hard cock in his hand, pointing it directly at Jake's ass. "Fuck me, Lee," Jake said. "Fuck me with your big dick! Fuck me now!"

Lee spat on Jake's ass again. "You want this big cock in your tight ass, Jake?"

"Yes! Yes! Put your big, fat, juicy cock in my ass, Lee. Fuck me!"

Lee leaned over Jake and put the head of his dick at Jake's opening. He pushed forward and watched his cock force Jake's asshole open and the head sunk into Jake.

"Ah fuck yeah!" Jake hissed at Lee.

Lee pushed again and Jake's ass accepted half of his long cock. "Oh, fuck, you're so damned TIGHT!" Lee said. He reached down and pulled Jake's ass cheeks apart and slid more of his cock into Jake's ass.

Jake writhed under him. "Ahh ahhh ahh ohhh fuck ahhh yeah."

Lee pulled out then slammed his entire eight inch dick into Jake's tight ass. He held it there, solidly hard, inside Jake for a second or two then started pumping his cock in and out of Jake. He stood with his feet planted firmly on the floor, fucking Jake's ass hard and fast as Jake pushed himself onto all fours. "Take my dick! Take it! Ahh yeah, your tight ass around my cock feels so good, Jake!"

Moaning and groaning loudly, Jake let Lee fuck him harder and harder, pushing his hips back to meet his boyfriend's thrusts. "Fuck me, Lee. That's it man, shove your big COCK in my ass and fuck me hard. Harder, damnit! Fuck me hard! Ahhh yeah!" He looked back to see Lee standing at his butt, his football pants open at the crotch with his big cock disappearing into Jake's ass. Lee's football jersey flopped around his thick body while his football pants held his ass tightly.

Then Lee withdrew from Jake. He grabbed the boy's hips and rolled him on to his back. Jake quickly lifted his legs and Lee climbed on the bed. He grabbed Jake's ankles and put them on his shoulders and then pushed his cock back into Jake and continued to fuck him. As Lee fucked him, Jake put his hand inside Lee's jersey and felt his thick, hard body tensing and relaxing. Lee grabbed his shirt and pulled it up so the front hooked behind his neck. Jake grabbed his own hard cock and slapped it on Lee's muscled stomach, spraying precum all over the taught flesh. Sweat beaded on Lee's face, it ran down his cheeks and chin and dripped on Jake's body as he pounded Jake's ass.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum! I'm.....gonna....CUM!" Jake shouted and released a huge load of cum. It shot out of his cock and landed in great drops all over his football jersey.

"Oh fuck yeah, Jake! Shoot that hot load! Hit those numbers, dude. Right on your fucking numbers man! Fuck, that's HOT!" Jake continued to stroke his dick. He had cum in numerous thick ropes all over his jersey and the rest, now, streamed out of his cock, coating his pubic hair. Over him, Lee grunted loudly.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! AHHH FUCK!!" Lee slammed into Jake and came. His body arched back, his face stared at the ceiling. "TOUCHDOWN!!" He yelled shooting volley after volley of cum deep into Jake's well fucked ass. Finally, he looked down at Jake and smiled at him. Jake smiled back and lifted his arms. Lee pushed Jake's ankles off of his shoulders, pulled his jersey down over his body and laid on Jake, kissing him while slowly pumping his still hard cock in Jake's body. Jake ran his hands over Lee back and slipped them into his pants, holding onto Lee's ass. Lee relaxed on Jake, kissing his neck. Jake loved the feel of Lee's big body on him.

After a few minutes, Lee slipped from Jake's ass and sat up. Jake's cum had soaked onto Lee's jersey, covering his own numbers with the thick, white cream. Lee ran his hands over the sticky mess. "Coach would probably have a cow if he knew what we did to our uniforms." Lee said to Jake.

"Naw, hell, he's probably done this, too." Jake replied. Lee removed his shirt and tossed it on the floor. Then he helped Jake out of his and Jake's jersey joined Lee's on the floor. Next, Lee stood off the bed and began to remove his pants. "No, don't take them off." Jake pleaded.

"Just going to take this jock off, its tight," he said sliding his pants down to his ankles. "I'm going to put them back on and freeball." He turned around so he could give Jake a good show while he bent over and slowly slid his jockstrap down his thick legs. Jake stared and smiled.

"Give me your strap," Jake said. Lee shrugged. He held the thick elastic waistband of his sweaty jockstrap in one hand, pulled back with the other and let go. The jockstrap shot itself to Jake who caught it and put it to his face. Jake inhaled Lee's funky smell. "Mmmmm." Lee bent over and pulled his pants back on, walking to Jake. With his half-hard, but still thick dick hanging from the fly, he told Jake to lace him. Jake held Lee's heavy cock and balls in his hands, enjoying the weight they still possessed. He laced the fly and tied it. Next, Jake pulled his jock off and Lee handed his pants to him. Jake pulled them on and Lee laced them, giving Jake's cock a few licks, first.

Lee turned the light off and slid into bed with Jake. Jake held Lee's head on his chest and they fell asleep.

------------ A few more chapters left to post. Keep those emails coming guys! Thanks!

Next: Chapter 8: Senior Year 8

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