Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 9, 2003


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 6

CHAD ----

"Hi," Lee said to Jake as he got into Jake's truck.

"Hi babe." Jake said. Jake leaned over and they kissed before he backed the truck out of the driveway and onto the road. Jake drove to the abandoned house at John's place. They parked and headed to the cluster of teenagers already in full party mode. Music was blaring from a system John rigged up to the generator he keeps there to supply electricity for some lights. Not far from the group are two large plastic garbage cans. Most of the guys are around them.

"What's up guys?" Lee asks as they approach.

"Hey Lee, Hey Jake." The group says to them individually.

"Jungle Juice!" John exclaims downing a huge glass of the concoction.

"Oh boy! Jungle juice!" Jake says.

"Dive right in, dude!" John shouts to him. Lee and Jake fix themselves two huge cups of the drink and head for the campfire where most of the kids are. Not long after, the boys are blitzed and having a good time.

A couple of hours later, Aaron is hanging out around the fire, talking football with some of the guys on the team. Then he sees Lisa coming from the other side of the house. She's running. Running fast. Something is wrong.

Lisa shouted to him from several yards away, "Aaron! Aaron! Lee is fighting!"

"Fighting who?" A quick image of Lee fighting Jake runs through Aaron's brain. Oh, God don't let this be happening, he thought.

"Chad! He's fighting Chad!" Lisa shouted.

"OH SHIT!" Aaron jumped up and followed Lisa around to the back of the house. There were several teenagers in a circle, and in the circle, Aaron could see Lee attacking Chad. Jake was on the ground near them. Aaron pushed a couple of people aside and grabbed Lee by the shirt and pulled him off Chad. "Goddamnit! Stop it! STOP IT, LEE!"

Lee charged again but three guys grabbed him and held him back. He was furious, Aaron could tell. Furious and out of control. Three guys having to hold Lee back, that was bad! "What the fuck is going on!" Aaron demanded. He still held Lee by the shirt. He looked at Chad who was bleeding from one corner of his mouth.

"He is a fucking FAGGOT!" Chad yelled, pointing to Lee. Oh FUCK! Aaron thought.

"Goddamn you!" Lee shouted and tried again to get away from the guys holding him.

"Take him!" Aaron shouted to a couple of boys. They grabbed Chad and held him back. "Take him away from here! NOW!"

"COCKSUCKER!" Chad shouted as the boys forced him away from the group. Chad finally pulled away from the ones holding him and stormed off.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Lee shouted and Chad tried to run to him but the boys grabbed him and shoved him back to where he was headed.

"And YOU!" Aaron focused on Lee. "Calm your ass DOWN! Right the FUCK NOW!" The boys held Lee.

Aaron saw Lisa was with Jake who was sitting up. She was holding a piece of cloth at his mouth. "Is he hurt?"

"No. I don't think so. Just a cut lip," she replied.

"Ok, the rest of you get out of here! GO!" As the other teenagers began to disperse, Aaron shifted his attention back to Lee. "If they let you go, will you befuckinghave?" Lee nodded. Aaron looked at the boys holding Lee and they let go of him. Lee rushed to Jake and squatted next to him. He took the cloth from Lisa and she left him to take care of Jake. She walked to Aaron. "What the fuck happened?" he asked her.

"I think Chad saw Jake and Lee kissing."

"Fucking great!" He saw tears in her eyes and pulled her to him. "It's ok, babe. It's ok." She began to sob softly and Aaron held her and stroked her hair. "It's ok. It's over now."

After a minute, Aaron walked with her to where Lee was tending to Jake. "Are you alright?" Jake nodded yes. Aaron offered Jake a hand and Jake accepted it. Aaron pulled Jake to a standing position. "Let me see." he said. Jake pulled the cloth from his face. Aaron inspected the wound. "Dude, you got one fat lip there but that's all. You'll be ok." And then to Lee, he asked, "What the fuck happened?"

"A bunch of us were out here, just looking at the stars and shit. Jake had to take a leak, so I walked with him over there." He pointed to a place about 10 feet from where they were. "Jake finished up and I figured no one could see us, so I kissed him. That's when Chad walked up and caught us. He called us faggots and then when Jake tried to talk to him, Chad slugged him." Aaron looked at Jake and Jake nodded, confirming Lee's story. "Then I jumped on Chad and hit the fucker in the mouth. Next thing I know, we're rolling on the ground fighting. That's about the time you came up."

"What the fuck do you care what that knuckle-dragger says?" Aaron asked.

"If he called YOU names and then hit Lisa, what would YOU do?" Lee shouted back.

"I'd kick his ass," Aaron admitted.

"Hello!" Lee said sarcastically.

Aaron thought for a moment then said, "This isn't good, you know that. That moron will probably tell everyone he saw you guys kissing. I think you're out of the closet, now. That fucker has busted the door down."

"You're probably right," Jake said although his words where distorted by his cut lip.

Aaron looked at Jake then to Lee and then to Lisa. "Ok, so what do we do now?"

"I'm gonna kick his ass!" Lee said.

Aaron grabbed him by the shirt. "And then what? Are you gonna kick everyone's ass that calls you a faggot?"

"He's right, Lee." Jake said.

"Fuck you!" he said to Jake. "And fuck you, too!" he said to Aaron before pulling himself from Aaron's grip and walking away. Aaron started after him.

Lisa grabbed Aaron by the arm. "Let him go. Just let him go. He's pissed. Leave him alone before the two of you are fighting also!"

"I should go after him," Jake said and left Aaron with Lisa. Jake walked around to where the rest of the teenagers were. He felt everyone looking at him and heard them whispering but he ignored them and continued walking.

It was then John called out, "Hey Jake, wait!" John ran to catch up to Jake. "Are you ok, Jake?" John asked.

"Where did Chad go?" Jake asked.

"He left. Got in his truck and sped off."

"What about Lee?"

"He went that way." John gestured to where most of the cars and trucks were parked.

"Thanks." Jake said and began to walk away.

"Hey wait," John said. He walked in front of Jake and stopped him. "Umm, I just want to say that most of us here...well, we're kind of on your side. Yours and Lee's. Ok?"

Jake stopped and looked at him. "Thanks," he said, "Tell them I said thanks." He paused before adding. "I'm sorry, John. I didn't mean to fuck up your party."

"You didn't fuck up anything, dude." He patted Jake on the back and then added, "Go to him."

"Thanks." Jake headed for his truck.

Jake found Lee leaning against his truck. When Lee saw Jake, he turned away so Jake wouldn't see the tears on his face. Jake didn't say anything. Instead he peered into one of the side mirrors on the truck, inspecting his lip. He heard Lee sniffling.

"Are we faggots?" Lee finally asked.

"No." Jake said.

"Yes we are!" Lee shouted. "We fuck each other! We suck each other dicks! We kiss...we.....we......" Lee broke off.

"We are not faggots," Jake said keeping his voice low and steady but not looking at Lee.

"So what the fuck ARE we then?!"


"Same fucking thing!"

"No, its not."

"How is it different?? Tell me!! I wish someone would fucking tell me what the fucking difference is!!"

"Would you call a black person a nigger?" Jake asked.

"Oh puuuuleeease! That's totally different!" Lee shouted.

"It's the same thing! Black people don't want to be called nigger because the term implies something lower than human. Same with the word "faggot"! It's totally the same thing! We are guys! Same as straight guys! We just like guys! That doesn't make us some kind of sub-human. We're just guys! With different interests. We fuck and suck each other. So fucking what! That does NOT make us any worse or any better than anyone else!"

"Same as Chad? Are we the same as Chad?!" Lee was now standing just a foot from Jake.

"Chad?? Chad??? He IS sub-human!" Jake said.

"What about "gay"?" Lee asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Gay is cool. It means we are happy people," Jake said. "Happy and carefree and....really good at......interior decorating."

Lee looked at Jake. All of a sudden, Lee burst out laughing. Jake just grinned at him. "Don't make me smile, it hurts my lip." Jake said cupping his mouth.

"Oh babe. Your lip, your beautiful lip." Lee said coming over to Jake and looking at his mouth. "I don't think I'm good at interior decorating, by the way."

"I know, I've seen your bedroom."

Jake was glad to see Lee grinning. After a minute or so, Lee said, "So, I am gay."

"Yes you are," Jake replied. "And I am, too. Are you ok with that?"

"Yes, I guess," Lee said and kissed Jake.

"Oww." Jake said when Lee's lips touched his sore one.

"Sorry, babe."

"It's ok. Being with you makes the pain bearable."

"You've made my pain go away, too," Lee said and put his hand into Jake's.

"Should we go back now?" Jake asked.

"Yeah. We should. I guess. But there is one more thing I want to say." Lee turned to Jake and looked him straight in the eye. "I love you, Jake."

Jake looked at Lee. "I love you, too, Lee." Then he added, "And to answer your question from weeks ago, I want to be your boyfriend."

Lee smiled at Jake, "Good, I want to be your boyfriend, too."

"You are." Jake said.

They kissed again.

"Well, look who's back?" Aaron said to Lisa while motioning behind them.

Lisa looked to where Aaron was looking. "Aaron, they're holding hands! They're holding hands right here in front of everyone!"

"Well, fuck me naked! They are!"

"Its so sweet!" Lisa said. Aaron rolled his eyes, but actually, he thought it was good.

That following Monday afternoon, during football practice, Chad Beamer was giving Jake and Lee, especially Lee, a lot of dirty looks and bad-mouthing. Practice was just about over when Lee ran past Chad who stuck out his foot and intentionally tripped Lee. Lee fell down hard, grabbing his leg and wincing with pain.

"Goddamnit!" Coach Powers said. He blew his whistle and ran to Lee. The trainer, Coach Routh, and the rest of the coaches followed. While the other players stood around watching, the coaches inspected Lee's leg. Jake wanted to console Lee but he figured it was best just to hang back and let the coaches take care of him. Aaron stood next to Jake, staring at Chad and cursing him under his breath. Lee wasn't hurt too bad, but he did have a huge egg growing on his shin. Chad stood back, behind the others, snickering.

After assessing the injury and knowing Coach Routh would take care of Lee, Coach Powers went to Chad. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUCKING FUNNY? WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOU TRYING TO DO, BREAK HIS GODDAMN LEG?" He stood toe to toe with Chad, screaming in his face.

"Sorry Coach," Chad said finally. "It was an accident."

"AN ACCIDENT, MY ASS! I SAW YOU! YOU DID IT INTENTIONALLY! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!" Chad didn't reply but stood still, staring at his shoes. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY FOOTBALL FIELD! NOW!!" Coach Powers pointed to the direction of the locker room. "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH SHIT LIKE THIS!" Chad began to walk to the locker room. "AND YOU HAD BETTER BE IN MY OFFICE WHEN I GET THERE!" The rest of team behind Coach Powers murmured amongst themselves as Lee was helped off the field by the coaches. "ALRIGHT MEN, SHOW'S OVER. LET'S GET BACK TO PRACTICE!"

"I'm sure he'll be ok," Aaron said to Jake and patted him on the back. Jake put his helmet on and watched as Lee was carried into the locker room.

Twenty minutes later, the rest of the team walked doggedly into the locker room. They whispered and pointed at Chad who was sitting in the coach's office.

Jake saw Lee sitting on a bench in his practice shorts and t-shirt. He held an ice bag on his right shin. "How bad is it?" Jake asked.

"You ok, Lee?" Aaron asked. Lee didn't reply, instead he lifted the bag so the guys could see the large bruise. His leg was swollen and right on the shin bone was a large protrusion of purple and blue flesh.

"OUCH! That's gotta hurt." John said who had joined them as well as most of the team.

"Hurts like a bitch!" Lee said finally.

"You taking him home, Jake?" John asked.

"Yeah, we came in my truck today."

"Good," John said. It was then they heard the door to the coach's office slam shut. They looked up to watch as Coach Power's began to yell at Chad again.

"Coach is about to bust a gasket. Fuck, he is pissed!" Aaron said. "What do you think he is gonna do to Chad?"

"Should cut off his balls," John said as he walked away to change.

"I'll just change real quickly and we can leave," Jake said to Lee.

"No, don't hurry. I want to see what Coach does to the fucking bastard." Lee replied.

"Ok," Jake said and walked to his locker. He showered and changed into his street clothes, noticing Coach was still talking to Chad. A few minutes later, the door to the coach's office burst open and Chad walked angrily out of the locker room, slamming the door behind him.

"I wonder what happened?" Aaron said who had joined Lee and Jake.

Jake was helping Lee to his feet when Coach Powers stepped out of his office. "Lee. Jake. In my office!"

"Oh fuck," Lee said. He looked at Jake who said nothing. Aaron looked at both of them and remained silent also. Jake helped Lee walk to the office.

"I'll wait outside," Aaron said to them.

Lee and Jake sat down as Coach Powers closed the door. He walked to his desk and sat down behind it. "How's your leg?" he asked Lee.

"Its bruised real bad. The ice is helping. Coach Routh says I should stay off of it as much as possible and keep icing it. He also said I should be able to play by Friday."

"Good. That's good," Coach said. Then he sighed before continuing, "Boys, I want to talk to you about something. Chad said you two are...ummm...a couple. Is this correct?" Lee and Jake looked at each other but didn't say anything. They didn't know what to say. "I guess by your silence this is true."

"Coach.....ummmm......" Lee began. Then he stopped. He was embarrassed and could feel his face blushing. Jake squirmed nervously in his seat.

Coach Powers continued, "My sister has a son. He is a homosexual. About three years ago he pitched for his high school baseball team. They went all the way to State. Almost won, too. I've never seen a better high school pitcher in all my life. He is a good guy and from the looks of him you would never know he was a homosexual. I love him like a son." Coach Powers sat forward and clamped his hands together on his desk. "What I'm trying to say is.....what my players do when they are away from school is their business. However, I expect my players to act appropriately on the football field, in MY locker room and anywhere else on school property. That goes for Chad and it goes for the two of you, as well. Do you understand me?" He looked at Lee and then at Jake. "Do you understand me?" he repeated.

"Yes sir, Coach." Jake and Lee said simultaneously.

"Good. Now, let me just add that I am proud to have both of you on my team. You men practice hard, play hard and are good footballers. All the coaches and your teachers speak well of both of you. I'm sure your parents are proud of you, also. And if either one of you ever needs someone to talk to, man to man, my door is always open. Got it?"

"Yes sir, Coach." Lee and Jake said in unison.

"Good. Well, that's all I have to say. Do either of you have any questions?"

"Coach?" Jake began, "if I may ask, what did you do to Chad?"

"I suspended him from the team for one week and gave him one week detention. The detention is MY detention. I'm going to make him wish he'd never heard of me."

Lee asked, "Are you going to tell anyone about....?"

"It's not my place to tell anyone anything," Coach Powers replied.

Lee nodded. Coach got up and opened his door as Jake helped Lee. They approached the door. "Remember what I said, guys, NO inappropriate activity. Or YOU will wish you had never heard of me."

"Yes Sir," they said and left.

Aaron met them outside of the locker room. "What did he say?" Aaron asked.

"He said we can't fuck on the football field or in the locker room." Lee replied. Jake chuckled.

"He SAID that?!" Aaron asked incredulously.

"Well, not those words but that was the meaning." Lee told him.

"So Chad narc'ed on ya, huh?" Aaron asked.

"Yep." Jake said.

Aaron continued, "Fucking bastard. Just wait 'til I get my hands on that fucker. Was Coach pissed at you guys?"

"Fuck, my leg hurts! Take me home, Jake," And then to Aaron, he said, "I'll call you later, ok?"

"Yeah, Jake take "Tiny Tim" home before he starts crying."

"Fuck you, Aaron." Lee said.

"Well, guys, I gotta pick Lisa up from band practice. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye," Jake said and helped Lee to the truck.

The next morning, Jake parked his truck in the school parking lot. Lee got out on the passenger side and a truck pulled up next to him, screeching to a halt. The driver's window motored down. "Hey 'Queerborn'?" How's the leg?" Chad said grinning like an opossum eating shit.

Jake walked quickly between Lee and Chad's truck. "Get out of here, you fucking asshole," Jake said sternly.

"Jake. Don't." Lee said.

"Whatcha going to do about it, cocksucker?" Chad asked Jake.

"Come on." Jake said, motioning to Chad with his hand. "Come on."

"Jake..." Lee began.

"Go inside, Lee." Jake said out of the corner of his mouth as Chad quickly opened the door and stepped out of his truck. He stood directly in front of Jake. Jake felt his body preparing for fight.

"You want a piece of me?" Chad said thumping Jake on the chest.

Jake tightened his hand into a fist and raised it. Chad was quick. His hand came up. Jake was prepared for this and dodged while at the same time looping his fist up between him and Chad, hitting Chad squarely on the chin. Chad grunted and fell back a step. Unbalanced now, he tried again to hit Jake. Jake dodged Chad's fist easily and struck with his other hand. He hit Chad in the face and blood squirted from Chad's nose. Then, something broke inside Jake. Something gave and Jake was filled with a feeling of intense hate and fury. He began to pummel Chad over and over. Chad fought back, even getting a few punches on Jake but he was overpowered and outmatched by Jake's ambition to settle the score. Jake pushed Chad back against his truck and watched as Chad fell to his knees. Chad was bleeding from his nose and one eye was bruised, turning color already. Several students had gathered around and gawked as Jake kicked Chad once in the groin. Chad grunted and fell over, holding his crotch.

"If you EVER touch me or Lee again and I'll fucking KILL you!" Jake said to him. His face was a mask of hate.

"Jesus!" Lee said behind him.

All of a sudden, the hate and fury which had consumed Jake dissapated. He became aware of the circle of teenagers around him and the few trickles of blood from a cut lip Chad had somehow managed to hit. Fucking bastard cut my lip again, Jake thought. A sudden urge to hit Chad again swept over him but he didn't have the fury to back it up. He stood there, staring down at Chad who managed to open the door to his truck. He scrambled inside, started the engine and drove off.

Jake turned around and looked at Lee. Lee looked at the other students who had begun to disperse, talking about the fight. He looked at Jake, "Remind me never to piss you off!" Lee said to him, smiling.

It was then Aaron and Lisa came running up to them. "Fuck, we missed it!" Aaron said.

"Jake! Are you alright?" Lisa said, approaching him.

"He cut my lip again," Jake replied grinning at her. She dabbed at his lip with a tissue from her purse.

"Damn, your lips must have a target on them or something." she said as Jake took the tissue from her and attended to himself.

"You should have seen Chad," Lee said to Aaron. "Jake kicked his ASS!"

"And I missed it!" Aaron said again. Then the first bell rang, signaling the students school was beginning.

Lee sighed. "I hope we don't get in trouble for this."

"Fuck it." Jake said and started walking. The others followed as Lee told Aaron and Lisa what had happened.

Later that day at football practice, the team kneeled in a circle on the football field as Coach Powers discussed the day's activities. Coach Powers called Chad up in front of the team. Chad stood next to him. His football helmet did little to hide his black eye and swelled nose. "Yesterday," the coach began, "Mr. Beamer thought he would be a smartass and trip a player. However, today it seems Mr. Beamer tripped himself and busted his face up pretty good." The team chuckled. Chad hung his head. "Chad, I don't think you should be out here practicing. You look like you could use a day off, what do you say?" Chad didn't say anything. "I asked you a question! Do you think you need to take some time off from practice?"

"No sir, Coach."

"What? I don't think I heard you."

"NO SIR, COACH!" Chad yelled.

"Ok, well, it seems Mr. Beamer wants to practice. Let's see, what should he practice on? Hmmmmm." Coach Powers snapped his fingers. "I got it. Mr. Beamer is kind of slow sometimes. I think he needs to practice running. Yeah, that's it!" Coach Powers grabbed Chad by the shirt and pushed him to the track which ran around the football field. "See this track? I want you to start running. And I mean running, no pussy-assed trotting. I want you to run your fucking ass off, do you hear me! I want you to run until I tell you to stop. And if you quit before I say so, you'll do double detention! Got it, Mister?" Chad didn't say anything. Coach Powers grabbed his whistle, put it to his mouth. "Ready! Set! Go!" He blew the whistle and Chad began to run. The team hooted and hollered at him. Jake was the loudest. He wished Lee was here to see this as Lee was in the locker room, bathing his leg in a whirlpool. "What the fuck are you standing around for?" Coach Powers yelled at the rest of the team. "We got a game to prepare for! Let's do it!"

About halfway through practice, Coach Powers pulled Jake aside. "The word around school is you had something to do with Chad's misfortune. Is that right?"

Jake pulled his helmet off and looked Coach Powers in the eye, "I...ummmm....don't know what you mean, Coach."

"I know you Jake and when I heard you kicked Chad's ass, I said 'No, way. Must be a mistake.'"

"Yeah, its gotta be a mistake, Coach." Jake said.

"I thought so," Coach Powers said and then he winked at Jake.

"Umm, Coach, I think I should get back to practice," Jake said.

"Yeah, I think you should."

"Thanks, Coach." Jake put his helmet back on and joined his team.

After practice, Jake took Lee home and they went up to Lee's bedroom. "My folks will be home in a little while," he told Jake. Lee stood with his back to Jake. Jake walked up behind Lee and put his arms around him. He kissed Lee's neck. "Lee, I want to tell you something."

Lee turned his face to Jake, "What's up, babe?"

"Yesterday, when I saw you laying on the ground and your leg was bleeding. I could see it. It was obvious you were in a great deal of pain. I wanted to go to you and try to help. I wanted to hold your head and tell you it was gonna be alright. Instead, I stood there, gawking instead of helping. I wanted to do SOMETHING but I was....well, I was afraid. I looked at Aaron who was beside me. I wanted him to hold ME and tell me it was gonna be OK." Jake paused. "I guess what I want to say is, I'm sorry. I should have done something to help you if it was only to be at your side. But...I...I...couldn't. I'm really sorry, Lee."

"Jake," Lee began, "You don't have anything to be sorry for. I know you wanted to help but with us keeping this a secret, you did what I expected you to do. I knew you wanted to be with me. I could see it in your face. But I knew the reason why you weren't." Jake rested his head on Lee's shoulder. He had tears in his eyes. "Its ok, Jake. Its ok." Lee turned to Jake and kissed him. "Its ok. I'm going to be alright. Its just a bad bruise."

"I just wanted you to know. I had to tell you."

"I understand, Jake. Really, I do.

"I love you, Lee."

I love you, too, Jake." They kissed again. "I know you love me. The way you fought Chad, man that was so good! You really kicked his ass."

"He pissed me off. I was tired of his shit."

"You did good, Jake. Thanks."

"No need to thank me. I ENJOYED it. Was my pleasure."

"I've never had anyone fight over me."

"I wasn't exactly fighting over you. I just wanted to shut the fucker up. Besides, I owed him for the cut lip he gave me."

"He gave you another, today."

"Naw, that's just a battle scar. I got him. I got him good."

"Yes you did." Lee paused then said, "I want to do something to thank you for taking up for me."

"Lee, you don't..." Lee placed a hand on Jake's crotch. "....have to..." Lee squeezed Jake's dick. ".....thank me."

Lee kissed Jake passionately before lowering himself to sit on the edge of his bed. He was eye level with Jake's crotch. Lee pulled Jake's shorts down. Jake's dick and balls hung in his face. Lee leaned over and kissed the head of Jake's cock.

"Well, maybe you can thank me just a little bit." Jake said smiling down at Lee who smiled back at him before taking Jake's soft cock into his mouth.

Lee sucked Jake's dick until it was completely hard. It bounced in his face. Lee licked Jake's dick up and down while kissing the head. His lips caressed Jake's balls and his tongue washed over them. He held onto Jake's thighs and began to suck him in earnest. Jake slowly thrusted him hips to meet Lee's mouth, watching as his cock disappeared in Lee's warm, wet lips. Lee wide tongue slipped around the shaft as Lee stroked Jake. Within minutes, Jake was coming. He shot a huge load of sperm onto Lee upturned face while Lee lapped at the drops of cum covering Jake's dick.

Lee pulled Jake down with him and they embraced, kissing. Jake could feel Lee's erection pressing against his stomach through Lee's pants. Quickly, Lee pushed his pants down and kicked them off his feet. He tore his shirt off and then pulled Jake's shirt up and then ripped it off him. Lee grabbed Jake tightly and ground his cock into Jake's stomach.

"I want to fuck you," Lee panted. He pushed Jake over onto his stomach. "I want to fuck you, man." Lee held Jake so tightly, Jake could hardly move. Lee pushed his cock against Jake's ass and quickly started humping him. His cock was rock-solid against Jake's ass. "I'm gonna fuck you, Chad."

Jake had been writhing around under Lee, enjoying the feeling of Lee's big body on top of him. All of a sudden, he stopped. "What did you say?" Jake asked.

"I'm gonna fuck you, is that ok?"

"No, you called me Chad."

"I did?"

"Yes, you did."

"Oh, Jake I'm sorry, I guess he's gotten into my head."

"I think you have some anger and frustration to work out."

"I'm sorry, Jake. I guess you're right."

Immediately, Jake thought of something. "No, call me Chad. My name is Chad," Jake said.

"Huh?" Lee asked, confused.

"Please, Lee, don't fuck me. I've never been fucked before. Don't put your big dick in my ass! Don't fuck Chad's ass."

Lee caught on to what Jake was doing. "I'm going to fuck you, Chad. And you're gonna like it!" He ground his cock into Jake's ass. "I'm gonna fuck your goddamn ass."

"No, please, don't put your cock in me and fuck me. I'm just a dumb moron. I don't want to feel you inside me. Don't put your dick in my ass!"

Lee held Jake on the bed with his arm against Jake's back. "Stay there! Don't you fuckin' MOVE!" Lee got up and fished the lubrication from his table. He squirted a huge amount on his rigid cock.

Jake looked back and watched Lee. "Please, Mr. Dearborn, don't. Please Sir! Don't fuck me. I'll be good. I'm just a stupid fuck."

Lee fell back onto the bed between Jake's legs. He slapped his cock on Jake's ass. "I'm gonna fuck your ass now, Chad."

"No, Lee. Please, Sir, don't put your big dick in my ass. Please don't fuck me with your big cock."

"You hit Jake. You busted my leg. Chad, you deserve to be fucked!" Lee put his cock at Jake's asshole.

"I can feel your cock, Lee. Its at my ass. Please don't put that long, hard cock in my ass!"

"Get ready, Chad! Here it comes!" Lee pushed his lubricated cock into Jake's ass.

"Aaaahhhhh! NO!" Jake yelled, faking pain.

Lee lay on Jake and crammed his cock completely into the boy. He writhed over Jake, fucking him hard and fast from the start. "Shut up and take it like a man!" Lee grabbed Jake's head and pushed him into the bed.

"Oh Lee. Don't! Don't fuck me faster!"

"Faster, you want it faster?"


"Yes you do! You want me to fuck you hard and fast, dontcha?"

"No! No!" Jake made phony attempts to get out from under Lee who would pull him back and shove his body against Jake, plowing his cock deep into the boy.

"Take it! Take it ALL" Lee grunted. He banged his body against Jake, fucking him hard and fast. His body was covered with sweat. Over and over, Lee ground his cock deep into Jake's butt, cursing and calling him names. Then Lee let out a loud shout and Jake could feel Lee's cock throbbing inside him. He collapsed on Jake, exhausted.

Finally, Lee extracted himself from Jake and rolled off of him, onto the bed. Jake rolled over onto his back and sighed. "Got all that anger out?" he asked.

"Yeah," Lee panted. "I did. That was a good idea, Jake. I hope I didn't hurt you."

"No, you didn't hurt me. However, don't you EVER call me Chad again!" Jake said, smiling.

"I won't, Babe. I promise," Lee said. They grinned at each other and then kissed before getting dressed.

------------------ Thanks to all of you who have written, especially Taylor. I enjoy hearing from you guys!

Next: Chapter 7: Senior Year 7

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