Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 8, 2003


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 5

FUN ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD -------------------------

Jake drove his truck to the high school and then drove to the team's locker room and hid the truck behind a small building used for storing grounds keeping machines. He shut the engine off and opened his door. The boys got out of the truck and looked around to make sure no one saw them. Except for the faint sounds of traffic from the adjoining highway, it was silent. The school grounds were deserted.

"Should we be doing this?" Lee whispered.

"Yeah. You said you wanted to." Jake replied.

"I did, I mean I do. Its just that...what if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught. Its a Sunday evening, tomorrow is a school holiday, there is no one around. Chill out!" Jake said. He grabbed a small ice chest with a twelve pack of beer Lee had talked a guy into buying for them, a blanket, and of course a football, from the back of his truck. "Come on." Lee followed Jake to the four foot high fence surrounding the football field. "Jump over the fence and I'll hand these to you," Jake said. Lee climbed onto the fence, hitched his legs over and then dropped down to the ground. He took the stuff from Jake and Jake made his way over the fence. "We're in."

Lee looked around. "So far so good. I can't believe we are doing this."

Jake looked at the road which ran perpendicular to the football field. This road had light poles outlining it which cast faint light into the field. "Lets go." Jake said. Walking with Jake to the fifty-yard line, Lee said, "Aaron once told me he tried to get Lisa to do this but she wouldn't do it."

"No shit?"



They made it to the fifty-yard line and found the Indian head mascot painted into the field. "Here?" Jake asked.

Lee motioned to the lights on the road. "Perhaps we should go back a few yard the thirty? It doesn't really have to be the fifty, does it?"

Jake thought for a moment, "I guess you are right. It'll be harder to see from the road."

"Correct." Lee agreed. So they walked to the thirty-yard line and chose a spot directly between the hash marks. "Line of scrimmage, right here," Jake said.

"That's a good one, Jake. Line of scrimmage."

"I just thought of it on the "sperm" of the moment," Jake said. Lee chuckled. Jake spread the blanket on the cold grass and Lee set the ice chest down and fished out a couple of beers. They popped them open and toasted themselves before drinking. They drank their beers and reminisced about their past football games, reliving the good times. Before they knew it, half of the beer had been consumed.

Jake picked up the football, "Go out for a pass, Lee."

"K," Lee replied. He jogged about 20 yards from Jake and they began to pass the football back and forth. The night was cool but soon the boys had worked up a good sweat and Jake took off his shirt when he saw Lee taking off his own. There was just enough light to discern the build of his body. After tossing the ball back and forth, Jake received a pass and began as if to run it for a touchdown. Lee caught on and tackled Jake as he tried to pass him. Jake enjoyed the feeling of Lee's big body on top of him. At each pass and subsequent tackle, Jake and Lee began to grope each other in the tackle. First it was arms and chests that were felt which soon led to asses and crotches being grabbed. Pretty soon, both of them had raging erections and the gropings became longer and more intense. It was during one of these gropings, Jake asked Lee a question.

"Have you ever been groped during a football game?" Jake asked Lee.

"Yes, almost every game, as a matter of fact."


Lee nodded. "Oh hell yeah. Aaron told me it happens to him, also. You?"

"Yeah, a few of times. Did you ever grab back?" Jake asked.


"Me too."

"I used to jack off thinking about it sometimes." Lee confessed.

"I've done that." Jake said.

"Yep. There was this one game, last year, this same guy would tackle me and every fucking time, he'd grab my cup. So after a few times, I started to grab his and fuck me he wasn't wearing a cup. He was hard, too. I remember that. I also remember jacking off twice that night, thinking of my hand on his hardon."

"Do you ever think about me when you jack off?" Jake asked.

"Of course I do."

"Cool. I think about you, too." Jake said. "In fact, Im thinking about you right now."

"Really? Lee grabbed his crotch. "Want this?"

"Yeah, babe, I want it. Take your pants off."

Lee stood up and unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down. His cock hung down in a 45 degree angle hovering over his full balls. Lee stepped out of his pants and left them on the ground. Jake grabbed Lee's pants took off running down the field.

"Goddamnit Jake!" Lee yelled and then quickly took chase. Lee was the faster of the two and Jake knew he would be caught. Hell, he wanted to be caught. He wasn't running full-out anyway. Soon, Lee clasped Jake around his midsection and tossed him on the ground before falling on top of him, straddling Jake's legs between his own. His face was inches from Jake's and both of the boys were breathing hard. Jake could feel Lee's hot breath on his face. They stared at each other for several seconds then Lee slowly lowered his lips to Jake's. The kiss was slow and passionate. They wrapped their arms around each other and the kiss continued as a three-quarter moon shined down on the boys.

Lee broke the kiss and Jake suddenly pushed Lee off of him. He leaped up and ran back down field still holding Lee's pants. "You fucking bastard!" Lee shouted and ran after Jake. This time, the chase wasn't so easy for Lee. Jake skirted around, darting left and right. Lee had to change directions many times to keep up with him. Jake could see Lee's cock bouncing between his legs. A few times, Lee actually touched Jake with his hands but each time the lineman would twist away while taunting him.

"Nice try, Dearborn! Fuck you are slow! You run like a girl! Fucking pussy!"

Finally, Lee caught Jake and slammed him on the ground. He jumped on Jake, putting a knee on either side of Jake's waist. He grabbed Jake's arms and pinned them behind his head. Lee stared down at the big boy under him, breathing much harder and deeper than the first time. "I got you now, motherfucker!" Lee, again, leaned down but this time the kiss was hard and furious. Their lips meshed as Lee ground his butt into Jake's crotch. He could feel Jake's erection. Lee moved his face to Jake's neck, sucking and biting while Jake fought to escape. Tomorrow Jake would find a hickie on his neck.

After a couple of minutes, Jake relaxed under Lee and Lee sat up. "God, you look beautiful." Jake told Lee.

"Ah, Jake," Lee replied and kissed him tenderly. Then Lee got to his feet and offered Jake a hand. Jake grabbed Lee's hand with both of his and pulled Lee off balance. Lee fell to the side of Jake. "Psych!" Jake yelled and took off again.

"Damnit Jake!"

"Ha ha ha!" Jake taunted Lee from a distance. Lee scrambled to his feet and ran to Jake who was standing still. Lee ran full tilt to Jake who caught him. They grappled for a bit, grunting and groaning as Jake tried to toss Lee on the ground. Finally, Jake cut Lee's feet out from under him and Lee collapsed with Jake toppling onto him. This time it was Jake who pinned Lee down with his arms behind his head. Lee's huge chest expanded under him, glistening with sweat in the moonlight. Jake went for Lee's underarm, stuffing his face into the sweaty pit. He licked and chewed on the hair there as Lee ground his crotch into Jake's. Next, Lee pushed his hand into Jake's pants and grabbed his engorged prick. Jake gasped with excitement as Lee stroked him.

Filled with lust now, Jake relaxed. Lee rolled him onto his back while quickly unbuttoning his jeans. Jake's erect cock stood out from his fly and Lee pressed his stomach against the long pole as they rolled around on the cold, green grass. At one point, Lee was on his back under Jake who inched his crotch up to Lee's opened mouth.

"Suck my dick," Jake whispered and leaned his body into Lee's face. Jake felt Lee's warm, wet mouth envelope his cock. He slowly inched his cock into Lee's upturned face. "Mmmmm," Jake whispered as he rocked his hips back and forth. Lee's hand slipped Jake's pants from his butt and ran his hands over the hot flesh. Jake moved up from Lee and rolled Lee over onto his stomach.

"Fuck me, Jake." Lee said squirming around with his ass upturned to Jake. It was then Jake realized he hadn't brought any lubrication. He quickly dismissed it and spat onto his hand and rubbed the head of his cock. Lee was laying prostate in front of him, arms over his head and facing one side while moving his beautiful ass. "Fuck me, Jake. Give me your big dick!"

Jake eased his cock head into Lee's fine ass and slowly worked the entire length into him. He put his hands on either side of Lee and began to fuck him.

"Ahh Jake, that feels so good man! I love your cock in my ass."

"Mmmm Lee, your ass is so tight! I'm fucking you man, right here on the 40 yard line. Fucking your big, beautiful, tight, HOT ASS!"

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Harder, Jake! Harder!" Jake dug his shoes into the grass and pistoned his hips harder and faster.

"Yes Jake! Ahh! Yes! Yes! Fuck me on the football field! Do it!"

Jake ground his prick into the fullback while enjoying the site of Lee's wide shoulders and thick back flexing and relaxing. Over and over again, Jake fucked his friend into the grass. Soon, Jake could feel the familiar feeling of his impending orgasm. "I'm going to throw you a pass, Lee. Ready to receive it?"

"Yes, Jake. Throw me a pass! Hit me! Hit me hard! I'll catch it! I'm ready man!"

"Its going to be a big one, a huge bomb of a pass!"

"Do it Jake! Please fuck me!"

"I'm getting cocked!"

"I know I can feel it!"

Jake was panting loudly. He repositioned his feet in the grass and pushed again, over and over. "Here it comes, Lee!!" Jake punctuated each word with a thrust of his hips.

"Oh Jake! You feel so good! Fuck me!"

"Ohh FUCK! I'm throwing the pass! Catch it! CATCH IT! AHHH FUCK!" Jake slammed into Lee and came. He fell on Lee and grabbed Lee's hard, broad, muscled shoulders. Jake HEAVED over Lee, slamming his cock into him without restraint. "FUCK! FUCK! AHHH FUCK! YEAH! OH GODDAMN YES!" Then Jake went completely quiet as his orgasm engulfed him like a wave crashing on a beach. Then he collapsed on Lee and continued to fuck him as his balls turned themselves inside out.

"I caught it, babe." Lee said kissing his face. "I caught it. I caught it. I caught it. It was a good throw. I caught it. I caught it."

Jake's orgasm subsided then. He slowly sat up and Lee rolled onto his back. His erect cock hovered over his stomach, throbbing silently. Jake put a hand around Lee's cock and squeezed it causing a thick drop of precum to leak onto Lee's stomach. "Suck me off, Jake." Lee said.

"Shhhhh. Be quiet," Jake whispered. "Just lay back and relax." Lee dropped his head on the ground. His body lay prone next to Jake and was lit by the moon. He held Lee's cock gently, pumping the thick shaft. Soon, there was a copious amount of precum pooled on Lee's stomach. Jake leaned in and sucked the precum into his mouth. He swished the liquid in his mouth, mixing it with his own saliva before letting it drip onto Lee's hard dick. Once Jake had Lee's cock covered with spit, he moved his lips to Lee's balls. He licked Lee from the bottom of his nuts to the wide expanse of his glans. Lee's cock stiffened against his mouth. Again and again, Jake pleasured Lee in this way until Lee was moaning with desire.

"Jake....ahhh....Jake..... Mmmmm....yeah....lick it...lick my dick."

"Damn, I love this DICK!" Jake said.

"I love your tongue ON my dick, Jake."

"Look how hard it is! Dude, you're ready to burst."

"Suck it, Jake. I really need to come."

"No, man. Hold off. Hold it."

"I'm trying...but, oh man, you're tongue is driving me insane." Jake took the head of Lee's cock into his mouth. "Ahhh shit! Ahhhh fuck!"

Jake pulled back. "Hold off, don't come."

Lee was breathing hard. His chest heaved up and down. "Fuck!"

Jake set Lee's dick down on his stomach and let him relax. He kissed Lee's big, muscled thighs and stroked his calves. "I like your thighs wrapped around my head when I suck you, Lee. I like it when you fuck me and clamp these monsters around my body." He looked at Lee who had put his hands behind him, holding his head up. Lee's chest was spread wide, his armpits gleamed in the moonlight, his shoulders, biceps and triceps bulged. "You look awesome, Lee."

"Thanks, man. You are hot, also."

"I'm glad we are together."

"Me too, Jake. Me too." Jake put his face between Lee's thighs and sucked on his nuts. He licked each one before pulling Lee's entire scrotum into his mouth. "Yeah, Jake. That feels good. Suck my big balls."

"You do have big balls, Lee. Big, sperm-filled balls." Jake said licking Lee's testicles.

"I've got a big batch of sperm made up just for you, dude."

"Mmmm, my favorite." Jake said. He cupped Lee's nuts in his hand and juggled them for a few seconds before eating them again. Lee's cock had softened some and he pushed his cock into Jake's face. Jake let Lee rub his cock head on his cheeks and forehead as he continued to eat Lee's balls. Jake kissed and sucked on it, also.

"Oh fuck, Jake. Im going to give you a mouthful!"

"I already have a mouthful," Jake replied as he took the entire length of Lee's cock into his mouth. He sucked on Lee's cock until he was completely hard again. Then he let Lee's cock slip from his lips. It flipped up and landed with a small splat on Lee's hard stomach and then hovered an inch off his body, stone hard. Lee grabbed his dick and slapped it on Jake's face. Jake opened his mouth and Lee slapped the head of his cock on Jake's tongue. "Right there! I'm going to cum right fucking there!" Lee said continuing to slap his cock in Jake's mouth. Jake pursed his lips and Lee rubbed his spear-shaped cock head on those lips. "I'm going to give you both barrels of cum straight from my nuts."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Jake asked, grinning.

"Baby, that's a fucking PROMISE!"

"I can't fucking wait."

"Then get to it, damnit! Fucking suck my DICK!" Lee rolled over onto Jake who lay back on the ground. Lee placed his knees on either side of Jake's head and began to face fuck him with long, slow thrusts of his hips. He looked down and watched his cock being consumed by Jake's wide mouth. Then he pulled his dick out and rubbed it all over Jake's face. Jake's tongue darted out and licked the thick shaft. "Lick it! Suck it! Ahhh that feels so good!" Jake took just the head into his lips and made loud kissing and sucking sounds. His tongue swirled around the thick head. Lee moved up a few inches. "Lick my nuts! Lick my fucking nuts!" As Jake worshipped Lee's balls, Lee sat up and let his cock hang in Jake's face.

Grabbing Jake by his short hair, Lee stood up and pulled Jake into a kneeling position directly in front of his crotch. He held his cock to Jake's upturned face. "Suck my dick! Suck it!" Jake opened his mouth slightly and Lee slapped his cock on Jake's tongue as he stroked it firmly. Then Jake took the entire length into his mouth and sucked Lee's cock until he was intensely hard making Mmmm Mmmm Mmm sounds as he did so. Lee stared down at Jake and grinned at him. "Damn your good, Jake!" Jake stared back at Lee as he deep-throated his big dick.

"Oh yes, Jake! Yes! Yes! Ahhh FUCK! I'm gonna come!" Lee grabbed his cock and stroked it furiously. Jake held his mouth open with Lee's cock head slapping on his tongue. He stared at Lee with his face scrunched into a grimace of ecstasy. All of a sudden, Lee's cock erupted with a long rope of cum which landed on Jake's forehead and snaked down his nose and cheek. "AHHH FUUUUUUUCK!" Lee shouted. Jake leaned up and caught the next volley of cum directly on his tongue. The taste zinged into his brain. Lee held his cock right at Jake's mouth and stroked several more quick bullets of cum into it. Jake's mouth was overflowing now and some cum leaked out of the corners of his lips. He swallowed then, pursing his lips as Lee ran his cock head over them. Then Jake took Lee's spewing dick into his mouth and sucking the head, licking the glans and then slowly engulfed Lee's thick rod. Lee hovered over him, gasping and cursing as his orgasm slowed. Jake continued to suck Lee until his cock was spent, lying heavily on his tongue. Finally, Jake let it slip from his lips and licked the head, savoring the sweet/salty taste of Lee's teenaged juice. Jake looked up then, watching as Lee's chest heaved up and down as he repeated, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Lee rubbed Jake's head. "That was fucking INTENSE, Jake!" Lee finally said before kneeling down next to Jake.

"Damn, you sure made a mess." Jake said. Cum streamed down his face. There was a great amount of it on his chin and lips. He looked at Lee and wiped his face with one hand and then licked his fingers.

"Good?" Lee asked, smiling at Jake.

"Sure is, buddy," Jake said and swallowed one last time. Lee took Jake into his arms and hugged him tightly as they lay down together on the ground.

After a few minutes, Lee asked, "Where the fuck are my pants?"

Jake and he looked around. "Oh fuck, Lee I don't know. Somewhere over there, I think," Jake replied motioning into the darkness and reaching for his own pants which were a few feet from them. As Jake put his pants on, Lee was about 20 yards from him when he saw Lee had found his pants and began to get dressed. Lee walked back to Jake and put an arm around him.

"Come on, Babe, let's get a beer," Lee said. They walked to the blanket and lay down to drink a beer with their legs intertwined as they faced each other.

"Oh, shit. I almost forgot," Jake said. He reached into a pocket of his jeans and brought out a lighter and a small cigarette looking object. He held them up so Lee could see.

"Where did you get that?" Lee asked.

"Taylor Gorey is in my English class."

"Should be good weed then. Fire it up!"

Jake lit the joint. He took a couple of hits and then passed it to Lee. In a matter of a few minutes, the joint was reduced to a roach and Jake snuffed it out before putting it back into his pocket with the lighter. Once stoned, they drank more beer while talking and laughing. They roamed their hands over each other's bodies and kissed several times. While lying on their sides facing each other, Lee soon unzipped Jake's fly and held onto his semi-erect dick.

"I like holding your dick like this, Jake." Lee said and kissed Jake tenderly. After the kiss, Jake looked at his crotch. It was too dark to see but he could feel Lee squeezing his dick. He felt an erection returning.

Jake looked at Lee's crotch and placed a hand there. "I like holding your cock, too, babe. He deftly unbuttoned Lee's fly and fished out his cock. Lee's cock was soft but still felt big. He squeezed Lee's cock, also and soon Lee was hard again. They kissed passionately while holding each other's dicks which were completely hard again. During the kiss, Jake opened his eyes just in time to see a police car cruising the road in front of the football field. "Oh shit!" he whispered.

"What is it?" Lee said as he quickly turned over onto his stomach while buttoning his pants.

"Cops!" Jake said, also lying on his stomach while zipping his pants.

"Fuck!" Lee whispered.

They watched in silence as the squad car slowly slid by with a search light scanning the school. "They shouldn't be able to see us," Jake whispered.

"I'd feel better if we where further back." Lee whispered.

Finally, after a minute or so which seemed like forever to the boys, the search light switched off and the squad car sped up and headed for the highway intersection.

"Goddamn, that was close!" Lee said.

"Yeah, but they didn't see us. They would have stopped."

"You're right. Whew!"

"Damnit!" Jake exclaimed.

"What now?" Lee asked.

"I lost my hard-on," he said, feigning disappointment.

Lee chuckled before adding, "We had better get outta here. It's getting late anyway."

"I guess you are right," Jake agreed.

They gathered their stuff, looked at the road to make sure the squad car had not returned and then dashed to the fence. They scrambled over the fence as before and quietly got into Jake's truck. Slowly, they drove to the exit and made sure once again there were no cops or anyone else around, and drove away.

Jake drove his truck into Lee's driveway and shut the engine off. He dug into his pocket and retrieved the roach of pot. He and Lee passed it back and forth, finishing the joint. They kissed again with each kiss growing in intensity. Finally, Lee lowered his face to Jake's crotch. Jake heard Lee opening the zipper of his pants.

"Umm, Jake? That erection you lost earlier?"

Jake giggled.

"I found it!" Lee said.

Jake chuckled and then hissed with passion as Lee's lips wrapped around his cock.

---------------------- Hot or not? Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 6: Senior Year 6

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