Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 6, 2003


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 4

LET'S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER ------------------------------

Jake followed Lee in his truck. When they got to Lee's house, Jake parked behind Lee and together they went into the house. Once inside, Jake touched Lee's arm. The boy turned around and Jake hugged him and they kissed. Jake loved the feeling of Lee's massive chest touching his own. "Want to go upstairs, to my room?" Lee asked.


Lee grabbed Jake by the hand and led him upstairs. Lee turned on the light and Jake went into the boy's room. It was clean with some clothes thrown around. There was a Creed poster on one wall and more rock & roll posters on the others. One corner of the room was dominated by a weight bench with weights and barbells strewn haphazardly. Still shirtless, Lee fell onto the bed, with his legs spread open. He put his arms behind his head. His chest expanded. Jake was overcome with lust for him. "Come here, Jake."

Shirtless, too, Jake got on the bed next to Lee and lay on one side, facing Lee. Jake tentatively put a hand on Lee's chest. He felt Lee's hot, hard yet supple skin under his palm. Lee placed a hand on Jake's shoulder and then rubbed him there. Next, Lee leaned his lips to Jake's and they kissed, passionately. They grappled with each other, touching and squeezing each other's body. Jake was glad for the light. He wanted to inspect every inch of Lee. He sat up between Lee's thighs and put his hand on the boy's flat stomach. There was a small swoop of hair around the navel with matched, in color, the thick patches under his arms. Lee closed his eyes and relaxed.

One hand fingered Lee's navel hair as the other traveled up to Lee's left pec. Jake's hand seemed small compared to the slab of beef it held. Lee's nipples were quarter sized, dark brown, which seemed like two eyes staring back at him. Jake touched each one gently, watching them harden. Lee groaned softly. Next, Jake ran his hands over Lee's broad body, noticing the deep crevices each muscle produced. Now, he felt around to the sides of Lee's torso and then up to Lee's underarms. Jake was surprised he actually enjoyed looking at Lee's pits. They seemed enticing. He made a metal note to lick them later. Playing with his armpits made Lee giggle.

"That tickles." he said.

Jake remained silent, content just to be touching Lee like this. Now, he ran his hands up to Lee's broad muscled shoulders and then down each arm. Lee flexed his muscles and Jake ran his hands around them. "Baseballs." Jake said.

"Huh?" Lee asked.

"Your biceps are shaped like baseballs."

"Oh. Yeah. I like working on them."

"It shows."

"You like 'em?"

"Yes, very much. Flex again." Lee complied. "Mmmmm."

Jake returned his hands to Lee's stomach. He rubbed them around in small circles. Then Jake noticed Lee's cock was quite hard, producing a huge bulge in his pants. Jake placed his hands on the bulge and squeezed. He felt Lee's cock expand and the shaft became apparent under the cloth. Jake ran his fingers over the length as it pointed to one side. Jake looked up at Lee who was staring down, watching Jake's movements. He smiled at Jake. "I've never done anything like this before tonight." Lee told him.

"Why me?" Jake asked, "Why me and why tonight?"

"You're one fine looking guy, Jake. And tonight....I don't know, but I've wanted to touch you for a long time now. I guess tonight, I finally got the balls to do something."

"I'm glad you did," Jake said looking at Lee.

He returned to Lee's stomach and lightly trailed his fingers over the navel and then let his fingers sneak into the boy's pants, just a bit at first then, more and more, until a finger brushed against the hard shaft of Lee's dick. He watched Lee's face as he did this, watching Lee moan and move his head back and forth while Jake admired his stomach. Jake unbuttoned Lee's pants and then unzipped them, pulling the fly open. Lee's hard cock was still pointing to one side and Jake maneuvered it in his briefs until it pointed at Lee's navel. It throbbed, straining the cloth of Lee's underwear. Jake pulled the waistband of Lee's underwear down and hooked it under his balls. For the first time Jake could see Lee's cock clearly. It was 8 inches long, very thick and had a thick tangle of dark black hair surrounding it, just like Jake's. His balls were big and slung low, also covered with thick, black hair. He grabbed Lee's cock and lifted it up, slowly pumping the shaft. Jake stared at the head. From the underside, the glans sloped up to make a thick spear shape. The topside was a huge flat expanse of cock head pierced by a wide piss slit. A clear liquid was oozing from the slit. There were blood veins crisscrossing the thick shaft and Jake marveled at the complexity and the beauty.

Holding Lee's cock in front of his face, Jake pumped the shaft up and down, watching the head flare while he could smell Lee's scent. Lee grunted loudly. All of a sudden, Lee sat up and pushed Jake's hand away.

"Stop. Please, or I'm gonna cum again. And I don't want to, not yet." He was panting.

"Ok," Jake said, then "turn over."

Lee pulled his legs from around Jake and turned over to lie on his stomach. He lay with his head facing to the left, arms over his shoulders. Jake ran his hands over Lee's hard back, marveling at how broad it was. Then, Jake made massaging motions from Lee's shoulders, down his back to his butt.

"I could fall asleep from this." Lee said.

"No, don't fall asleep."

"I won't."

"Lift up." Jake said grabbing Lee's hips. Lee lifted up and Jake pulled the boy's pants down, only a few inches. He got up and pulled Lee's pants from the legs. He peeled the jeans off and tossed them on the floor. Lying there, naked, Lee looked back at Jake. Lee bent his left knee, arcing it out from the other. "Damn, that's sexy!" Jake said. Lee grinned. Next, Jake crawled between Lee's hard calves and thick, muscled thighs which were covered with long black hair. He started at the ankles, running his hands up each one to just before touching Lee's butt. Back down again and then back up, this time his hands went over Lee's ass. It was round, hard, meaty just as Jake had imagined it would be. Lee's butt was sparsely covered with the same long black hairs as his legs. However, between the cheeks, the hair was thick, very thick. Jake massaged Lee's butt, manipulating the flesh with his hands. Jake's dick was intensely hard. Jake crawled onto Lee and lay on his body. They kissed as Jake pressed his crotch into Lee's ass.

Lee had had enough. He pushed up and over, tossing Jake off him. Quickly, he dropped his body on top of Jake and kissed him hard. Then he moved his face down and enveloped Jake's right nipple with his mouth. Jake moaned loudly and grabbed Lee's head. He held the boy tightly as Lee moved over to Jake's left nipple and attacked it. Jake arched his back to meet Lee's mouth. Then Lee licked down to Jake's stomach and teased his navel with his tongue. Next, Lee fumbled at the button of Jake's pants. He tore them open, pulled both the pants and his underwear down. Jake's 7 and a half inch, thick dick stood proudly from his groin. Lee sat up onto Jake's thighs with his hard dick throbbing in from of him.

"Its about time our guys where properly introduced, dontcha think so?" Lee said. Jake watched as Lee grabbed his own dick and held the head to Jake's cock head. "Big Lee, this is Big Jake. Big Jake, this is Big Lee. Say hello boys!" Jake snickered. Lee held his cock to Jake's and rubbed them together. "What?" Lee cocked his head as if to listen to his dick. "You want to give Big Jake a kiss? Ok!" He held the tip of his dick to Jake's and pushed them together. Lee made a comical kissing sound. "I think they like themselves don't you, Chambers?"

"I don't know. It seems Big Lee is spitting on Big Jake." Sure enough, Lee's cock had spilled precum on Jake's cock.

"Naaaawww!" Lee began, "they're just French kissing!" Again he held their cocks together. He rubbed them both with his hand, enjoying the feeling of Jake's erect dick touching his own. Jake watched, fascinated.

"Come here," Jake said, finally.

"Wait." Lee got off Jake and finished undressing him. Then he dove onto the bed, right on top of Jake. They embraced, kissing passionately. Lee ground his crotch into Jake's as they grappled. Lee and Jake rolled around on the bed, kissing, and grabbing, grunting and moaning, dry humping each other until; finally, they wound up in a sixty-nine position.

First, Lee was on top, devouring Jake's prick. Jake looked up to see Lee's hard prick hanging over his face. As Lee took him into his mouth, Jake reached up and grabbed Lee's cock. It was hot, hard and leaking precum in great drops. Lee lowered himself down into Jake's face. Jake licked the shaft and then swirled his tongue around and engulfed the entire mushroomed head. He gagged and choked, trying to take as much as he could. Lee lifted up to give Jake more room and returned to sucking on Jake's prick. Lee's balls were bouncing in his face and he took time to lick and suck on them. He felt Lee sucking his own nuts, also. Jake reached around Lee and felt his ass, rubbing his hands over Lee's huge butt and down his thick thighs.

They rolled over then, on their sides, sucking and licking, groaning and grunting. Jake's cock was as hard as he could ever remember it being. He looked at Lee and watched him taking about half of his cock down his throat and running his tongue over the head. In Jake's face, Lee's magnificent dick was throbbing on his tongue as his balls slapped on his chin. Jake loved Lee's odor. He rubbed his face into Lee's thick bush, becoming intoxicated by his man scent.

Jake rolled them over so he was on top. He ground his crotch into Lee's face. He heard Lee choking and pulled up. Lee never let Jake's cock leave his hot, wet mouth, though. Next, Lee pulled his thighs up and held Jakes head in a tight vise grip. Jake sucked and licked, breathing through his nose. Under him, Lee was writhing around, thrusting into Jake's mouth. Faster and faster, Jake bobbed his head on the pulsing organ until, with a great groan and one last, final thrust, Lee came.

His cock grew as hard as marble and Jake felt the glans expand and then tasted Lee's jizz flooding his mouth. He sucked and swallowed as more and more cum exploded and ran in huge globs down his throat. Lee grunted and grunted still holding Jake's head between his thighs. Then with a huge sigh, Lee relaxed under him. Jake continued to suck and swallow as Lee's nuts emptied their contents into his mouth. Lee's body relaxed fully then. Jake extracted himself from Lee's crotch. Lee was breathing hard and fast, his fine chest heaving in gulps of air. Jake pulled himself from Lee and lay down beside him as Lee floated down from the body bliss.

After several minutes, Lee got up and went to his bathroom. Jake heard him pissing. After Lee returned, Jake too, went to piss. "Hit the light when you come back," Lee said.

Jake returned and was just about to turn the light off when he saw Lee laying on his stomach again. He stood there, staring at the boy's muscled arms, broad shoulders and hard back which tapered to a thin waist and below, Lee's round, magnificent ass and thick thighs. Jake turned the light off and slowly walked to the bed. Moonlight shone in from the window and he could see Lee's body. He lowered himself onto Lee's back, placing his semi-erect dick in between those luscious ass cheeks. He kissed Lee's neck and shoulders. Lee groaned under him, moving around some. Jake wrapped his arms under Lee's armpits and held him tightly, pressing his prick into Lee. Soon, he was totally erect and his cock slid up and down Lee's ass. "I want to be inside you, Lee." Lee groaned and kissed Jake's supple lips but didn't say anything. "Please? I want to be inside you." Jake slid his cock further down, touching Lee's opening. Lee spread his legs.

"Do it." Lee whispered. "Fuck me."

"Ummm, I need some lubrication, you got any?"

Lee sat up and pulled out a small bottle of lube from the table by his bed. "It's for when I....ummmm jack off." He gave the bottle to Jake who squirted a good portion on his erection. Lee lies down again and spread his legs further as Jake positioned himself between them. He lifted his body up to get the angle right and pushed into Lee."uhhh." Jake pushed again and this time Lee's butt opened up and his cock slid in, about a half inch "UH." Again, Jake pushed. "Ah damn!"

"Sorry." Jake said. "I'm trying to be gentle."

"It's ok. I'm tough. Don't stop."

Jake pushed again, with a bit more force and felt his cock head slip inside Lee.

"Oh shit!"

"Sorry." But Jake didn't pull out, instead he pushed in further. Another inch. Lee grimaced but didn't say anything. Jake pushed again. Another inch. "Just about half way in, babe, you ok?"

"Yeah," Lee was barely audible.

"Relax, man. Just relax."

"When does this start to feel good?"

"Soon. Trust me." Jake decided to just go for it. He started pushing, half inch at a time, slow and steady. Under him Lee was grunting. He was gripping the bed making the muscles of his arms and back noticeable. He lifted his head, breathing hard; his face was a mask of determination. Jake felt Lee's ass touch is body. "There. I'm in. How ya doing?"

"Hurts. But not as much." Jake saw Lee relax slightly. His breath became less labored. Jake began to pull out and then go back in, in quick, small movements. Then Lee relaxed more and Jake got braver and began to go a little faster. He stared at Lee, gauging his movements by the look on his face. The boy began to relax more and more and Jake quickened his movements. Pretty soon he had a nice rhythm going.

"Better?" he asked Lee.

"Yes, the faster you go the better it feels." Jake sped up. "Faster, ok?" Jake sped up more. "Faster!" Jake smiled. This was going way better than he had hoped. He quickened his pace and Lee began to undulate under him.

Jake laid completely on Lee's back and whispered in his ear, "Fuck, you're so TIGHT! Damn, this feels good."

"I can feel your cock in me! I can feel it. You are so fucking hard! Fuck me, Jake. Fuck me, man!" Jake was thrusting his hips faster and harder, driving his cock deep into Lee's tight ass. He balls made loud slapping noises. Under him, Lee was writhing about, clearly enjoying the pounding Jake was giving him. As Jake fucked him, Lee's head pounded into the bed. He grasped the mattress with his hands while pushing back to meet Jake's thrusts which made Lee's muscles bulge. Jake ran his hands over the muscled teen, feeling his body growing taught and then relaxing as Jake pumped into him. "Fuck me, Jake!" Lee yelled. "Fuck me, man. Ah yeah, give me your big, fat dick!" Jake wrapped his arms around Lee's body and held him tightly as his orgasm slammed into his brain. His body stiffened, his cock erupted and he groaned loudly into Lee's ear. Sweat had broken out all over his body and he shimmered in the moonlight.

"Ahh fuck! Ahh fuck! Ahh fuck!" he yelled and then with one final thrust, collapsed onto Lee and laid there, totally spent. "That was awesome." he said and Lee kissed him.

"You're one hot fucker, Jake." Lee said to him.

Within five minutes, they were asleep.

The next morning, Jake woke up and lay in bed for several minutes next to Lee, who was snoring lightly. He moved around some, pushing Lee over onto his stomach because Jake was almost falling off the bed. He thought about waking Lee but the urge to piss couldn't be denied. He silently got up and went into Lee's bathroom. He stood near the toilet and began to piss. Jake was finishing as Lee, sleepily walked into the bathroom. "Make room," Lee said holding his dick. Jake gave his own dick one last shake and backed away as Lee moved into position. He watched from a couple of feet away as Lee began to piss. "Ahhhhh." Lee said closing his eyes and then opening them after a few seconds.

"Back teeth floatin?" Jake asked.

"Fuck yeah." Lee groaned and continued to piss.

Jake left. He went back to the bed and flopped down on it. Soon, he heard the toilet flushing and then Lee appeared. He, too, fell back into bed. "Fuck, what time is it?" Lee asked.

"Almost noon." Jake said looking at the alarm clock on the table next to the bed.

"Wake me at four," Lee said rolling over so his back was to Jake. He grabbed the blankets to cover himself. Jake laid quietly for several minutes, thinking about last night and the whole experience of having sex with Lee. He looked over at Lee. All he could see was his head poking out of the blankets but beneath them laid one hell of a body. Jake slipped under the blankets and rolled over next to Lee. He ran his hands over Lee's back and shoulders, then around to his chest. His crotch was pressed into Lee's naked ass. Jake remembered last night, sliding into Lee, feeling him from the inside, making love to him, fucking him. Jake began to get an erection. He touched Lee harder, trying to awaken the sleeping footballer.

"um, stop it." Lee said.

Dejected, Jake rolled away. After a few minutes, he got out of bed and gathered his clothes. Next, he went into the bathroom and got dressed. When he came out, Lee was awake; lying on his back with the blankets bundled around his waist.

"Where're you going?" Lee asked.

"Home. Its late, my folks are gonna kill me." Jake replied.

"Don't go, Jake. Call your folks, tell them you stayed here. But please stay."

Jake really didn't want to leave. He pondered calling his parents and what they would say if he told them he was just staying with a friend. He knew one thing; he had to call, at least. "Are you sure you want me to stay?"

Lee pushed the blankets down further, revealing his erection. "Yes."

Jake's eyebrows rose up at the sight of Lee's hard prick laying heavily his stomach. "Where is the phone?" he asked, grinning.

Lee motioned to the phone on its cradle next to the bed.

Jake called his parents and they gave him shit for not calling sooner but they did agree he could spend the weekend with Lee. "Yes!" Jake said silently and pumped his arm. He promised he would be polite to Lee's parents. When I meet them, Jake added in his mind. Jake set the phone down and turned to look at Lee.

Lee had his hard prick in one fist and was slowly pumping the shaft. "I thought I would be a good host and prepare something for my guest to eat." Lee said, smiling.

"Damn, I'm hungry." Jake said as he began to undress. He tore his clothes off and jumped into the bed.

Lee got up onto his knees and "walked" to Jake's mouth. He held his hard dick to Jake's opened mouth and lowered it to Jake's lips. Jake began to suck on the massive prick, tasting precum and licking the head. Lee watched from above as Jake licked and sucked his dick. Jake looked up at Lee with his cock in his mouth, staring into his eyes as he pleasured the boy. Lee hitched one knee over Jake and, now, with his body straddling Jake's chest, he pushed his cock deep into Jake's throat. His balls bounced on Jake's chin as he sucked on the huge cock head. Lee sat up fully, putting his hands behind his head, arching his back and thrusting into Jake's willing mouth. Jake stared up at Lee's fine, hard, muscled body and easily accepted the large girth of the boy's prick. He lifted his hands to Lee's body and groped his chest, squeezed his nipples and massaged his taught stomach.

He sucked, making loud slurping sounds as his lips and tongue worked the veined shaft of Lee's prick. Jake gagged a couple of times but soon found if he relaxed his throat, Lee's dick would press deeper into him without discomfort. Above him, Lee was urging him on, "Suck my dick, Jake. Ahhh yeah. Suck it, man! Ahhh fuck! Suck my BIG DICK!" Yeah, that's it man! Let me fuck that cute mouth! Ahh yeah! OH man, you're good! Damn you're good! Suck it! Suck it!"

Jake made affirmation uh huh's and mmmm's as he sucked on Lee's delicious dick. Lee's precum was flowing fully now, coating Jake's tongue. Several times, Lee would pull out of Jake's mouth and there would be a large thread of precum arcing from the tip of Lee's cock and Jake's lips. Jake moved up then, engulfing the entire shaft, trying to push his nose into Lee's thick bush.

Occasionally, Lee would pull his cock from Jake's mouth and rub the flesh over Jake's face, his cheeks, his nose, his chin, his forehead and then rub the hard head over Jake's lips, watching as the boy licked what ever portion he could. Lee's balls fell into Jake's mouth and he enjoyed the feeling of the crinkly, hairy scrotum and the nuts contained within on his tongue. He sucked Lee's balls, taking one then the other until finally, both nuts filled his mouth completely.

Lee leaned over Jake, pulled his nuts from his mouth and then shoved his cock into Jake's mouth harder and harder. His breath was coming in quick stitches. "I'm gonna cum!" Lee said. "I'm....gonnna.....cum!" His cock grew hard and Jake felt it grow to its zenith then a huge spurt of semen shot out accompanied by a great grunt from Lee. Over and over, Lee grunted and over and over, huge globs of sperm spewed from the head of his cock and slid down Jake's upturned mouth. Next, Lee relaxed some but kept his cock in Jake's mouth, watching him suck the remaining drops of semen from his softening dick. He remained that way as Jake cleaned his cock and balls, swallowing cum and dick hair.

Lee leaned down and kissed Jake, tasting his own cum. Then he grabbed the lubrication and squirted a generous amount on Jake's hard prick. He moved his body down until Jake's cock was at his asshole. "Fuck me! Fuck me, Jake," Lee commanded.

Jake grabbed his cock which was completely hard. He rubbed it on Lee's crack, finding the opening with the head of his cock. He thrusted upwards, sliding halfway into Lee's puckered asshole.

"Ahh fuck!" Lee shouted throwing his head back. His muscled body flexed over Jake.

"I'm in!" Jake said. "I'm gonna fuck you, man!"

Lee looked down at Jake. His face was contorted in a mask of pain and pleasure. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" he said as he began to slide the rest of his body onto Jake's prick. Lee grabbed Jake's muscled chest and held onto his pecs, tightly. His cock was still semi-hard and the tip played on Jake's flat stomach.

Jake thrusted up again, sliding deep into Lee. "Oh fuck! Goddamn you are tight! Fuck! So fucking tight! I love your tight ass! Gonna fuck your tight ass!" Jake ran his hands over Lee's body. He felt the boy's chest and stomach and then pushed his hands around to Lee's ass and pulled his butt cheeks apart, driving himself deeper into Lee.

"Fuck my ass, Jake. Fuck my tight ass! Give me that big dick and fuck me hard!" Jake shoved again. "Ahh that's it, man. Fuck me with your big dick!"

Lust overcame Jake in a way it never had before. He slid into Lee and slammed his cock up and up, over and over, harder and harder. He thrusted under Lee and watched the expressions on Lee's strained face as he ground his cock deep into the teenager's ass. Over him, Lee grunted and shouted, alternately cursing and encouraging Jake to fuck him.

Jake felt his cock grow hard and then even harder. He thrusted deep into Lee, fucking him hard and fast as the boy shouted for more. Lee leaned down and began to kiss Jake as he pounded his cock into him. Jake arched his back, yelled he was coming and then let loose with a load of semen deep into Lee's tight ass. Lee fell onto Jake and they kissed.

"Whew!" Lee said sliding off Jake and lying beside him. "That was awesome."

After a few minutes, Jake said, "Now I really am hungry."

"Me too," Lee said. "Let's go raid the 'fridge." He got up and rummaged in his clothes drawer and pulled out some clean underwear. He tossed Jake a pair since he didn't have any clean ones. Then he bounded down the stairs in just his skivvies, Jake was right behind him. Although it was near 1 pm, they cooked breakfast foods.

After eating, they cleaned up the kitchen. "Mom would go fucking ape shit if she came home to a mess." Lee said as he started washing the dishes.

"Where are your parents?" Jake inquired.

"They went to visit one of Mom's cousins who is sick. Cancer I think. They'll be home tomorrow evening sometime." After a few seconds, Lee added, "My real dad is dead."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jake said.

"Its ok, he died when I was crash. I don't remember him although I have pictures and Mom tells me things about him every once in a while. I think she misses him 'cause she gets all sad and shit whenever I ask. So I don't ask much. She says I look just like him."

"How sad." Jake said.

Lee shrugged. "Mom remarried a couple of years ago, Steven, is his name. I call him that."

"Do you guys get along?" Jake asked.

Again, Lee shrugged, "He's ok, I guess. Leaves me alone and works a lot so mostly it's just me and Mom."

"What do you.....never mind." Jake said.

"What?" Lee persisted. "What were you going to ask?"

"No, never mind."

"Fuck, Chambers, just ask!"

"Well...." Jake began, "what do you think your folks are gonna think about you...I know...if they found out."

"About you and me?"


"I think Mom will be ok. She has a friend who is a lesbian."


"Yeah. She is nice. She used to stay with me when Mom had to work late, that was before she met Steven...who will probably freak, he does that a lot. He freaks and then Mom just says 'whatever Steven' and leaves him alone. Then he gets over whatever pissed him off. What about your folks?"

Jake sighed. "They'll freak out."

"Think so?"


They finished cleaning up and then watched college football on the TV. After a while, they got bored with TV and headed up to Lee's room. Lee sat at his workout bench and began to lift weights. Lee and Jake took turns lifting, challenging each other to lift more and more. As Lee worked out, Jake ran his hands over the boy's body, feeling his muscles and teasing him. Lee continued to lift as Jake felt his biceps, telling Lee how hard and big they were and how much he liked touching them. At one point, Jake ran his hands down Lee's body to his crotch which had begun to bulge. Lee groaned but continued to lift as Jake palmed his cock to full erection. It was then the phone rang, startling them both. Lee got up, grabbed the cordless from its cradle. He looked at the call ID display, "Its Aaron."

"Hey buddy," he said into the phone. His cock was still hard in his tight, white briefs.

"You're coming over?" he said, looking at Jake.

"Oh yeah, that's right." Pause "No, its ok. I just forgot." Pause. "Yes." Pause. "Jake." Pause. "No, really its ok. Come over." Pause. Then Lee blushed slightly. "Yes." Pause. "Yes." Pause. "OH HELL YES!" Pause. "Ummm, give us like an hour, I guess." Pause. "Ok, 30 minutes making it like 4:00" he said and sighed. "Bye." Lee clicked the phone off. "He and Lisa are coming over."

"Yeah, I sort of got that impression." Jake said sarcastically.

"I forgot that I promised Aaron he could use my bedroom for his perverted sexual pleasures tonight."

"Oh." Jake said. Then added, "What was the 'Oh hell yes' for?"

"Umm, Aaron asked if you were good in bed."

"I'm glad I got a good rating."

"What about me? How do I rate?"

"Ehhhhh, so-so," Jake said making a wavering motion with his hand.

"Fucker!" Lee said. Jake laughed. "I guess we had better get dressed. How about a shower?"

Jake grinned at him. "A shower, yeah."

"Come on!"

Lee and Jake showered together, soaping up each other's muscular bodies. They kissed and fondled each other as they did so. Then they took turns drying each other. Again, more kissing ensued along with kissing of various body parts. Jake could feel his libido returning, however, they didn't have time to do anything. Instead they got dressed.

"Fuck, I'm hungry." Lee said as he tied his shoelace. Jake was sitting on the bed, fully dressed.

"Already? Geez!"

"Hey, I'm a growing boy!" Lee said flexing his arms.

"I have an idea." Jake said.


"Let's go get some food, drop by my house and I'll get some more clothes; these are from yesterday. This will give Aaron time to fuck Lisa. Then when we get back, we can hang out. I assumed they aren't just gonna fuck and leave, right?"

Lee thought this over. "Yeah," he said nodding. "Ok, yeah, good plan, Jake." It was then the doorbell rang. "That must be Mr. Sex Fiend." Lee led the way downstairs and Jake followed, feeling a bit self-conscience. He stood a few feet back as Lee opened the door. Aaron and Lisa entered.

"Hey, guy." Aaron said.

"Hi Lee." Lisa said.

"Hi Lisa." Lee said.

"Hi Aaron, Lisa," Jake said.

"Hi Jake," Lisa said.

Aaron walked to Jake and said, "Hey Mr. Studman! Did you pop my boy's cherry?"

Lisa shook her head in exasperation. "Aaron! What did I just get through saying to you?"

Jake blushed.

"Its ok, Lisa," Lee said. "If he didn't act like an ASSHOLE, he wouldn't be Aaron. However, to answer your question...yes."

Oh my God, Jake thought, I can't believe he just said that.

"Oh please, boys, can you save this kind of talk for the locker room? There IS a lady present!"

"Did one walk in?" Aaron said, looking at the door. Lee snickered.

"You'd better be nice to me," Lisa began, walking to Aaron, "or you're gonna have to jack off tonight."

"Like that would be a change," Lee said sarcastically.

"Naw, I'd just get Lee to do it for me." Aaron said.

"Like that would be a change," Jake echoed, grinning.

"Ooooooooo!" the three of them said in unison. "

"Good one, Jake," Lisa said, smiling at him.

"What do you guys have planned for later?" Aaron asked.

"We're gonna head over to my place so I can change my clothes and then pick up some food." Jake replied.

"And then we're gonna come back and raid Step-daddy's booze cabinet." Lee added.

"Cool," Aaron said. "Hey, get us some food also, k? Burgers sound ok, Lisa?"

"Fine by me. Need some money, Lee?" Lisa said pulling her purse open.

"Naw, I got it. Folks left me some cash."

"That's my man," Aaron said. "He lets me come over, play in his bed, drink his booze and then pays for my supper. I could kiss him."

"Here, kiss this!" Lee said, grabbing his crotch.

"Naw, that's your boyfriend's job." Aaron replied, looking at Jake.

It was then Jake asked himself a question: Is Lee my "boyfriend"? He hadn't thought about it like that.

"Well, anyways. Ready Jake?" Lee asked.

"Sure." Jake said and headed for the door. Lee followed him outside.

All of a sudden, Lisa yelled, "Wait! Wait! Lee, wait!"

"Lisa, what?"

"I just thought of something."


"Sheets? Did you change the sheets on your bed? I don't wanna be rolling around in...well, god knows what!"

"No, I didn't even think about it."

"Then get your ass up there and do it. Eeww gross."

"Ok." he said. And then to Jake: "I'll be right back."

"No problem."

"Sorry Jake." Lisa said.

"No prob. It's cool."

"I'll help ya." Lisa said following Lee.

Aaron closed the door behind them. "Jake?" he began as they stood on the front porch.


"I just want to say something to you."

"Go ahead."

"Ummm, about what Lisa said earlier, about us talking in the locker room..."


"I just wanted you to know that....well, Lee and I have been friends for a long time. We are Best Friends, I'd guess you'd say." Jake nodded, understanding. "And just a few months ago, he told me he might be gay."


"And, well, there are others on the team that might not be so understanding...and I would NEVER say anything or do anything to hurt him. If you guys want to be together, hey that's ok with me. But I just want you to know, if you guys want this to be just between the four of us, Lisa included. She thinks its....sweet. You know how girls are." Again, Jake nodded in agreement. "She and I already talked about this and I suspect she's saying the same thing to Lee right about now."

"Thanks, Aaron." Jake said. "I appreciate it."

Aaron closed the distance between them. "And as for as Lee is concerned, IF and when this relationship between you guys ends, please do me a favor."


"Just walk away. Don't be cruel to Lee. He's a great guy. I don't want to see him hurt. Do you know what I mean?" Aaron put his hands on Jake's shoulders, looking him straight in the eye.

Jake nodded and then said, "Ok, sure. I understand and I want the same assurance from you, ok?"

"From me?"

"Yeah, like you said, IF and when this relationship ends, don't be cruel to me. I'll just let him go and you just let it go, ok?"

"It's a deal, Jake." Aaron made a fist with his right hand. Jake did the same. They butted their fists together, one on top of the other and then reversed, mimicking a handshake.

"He really likes you, Jake. Did you know that?"

"No," Jake said. His stomach fluttered when Aaron said that. "We haven't talked much," Jake said and then smiled realizing the inference.

"Just a couple of horny teenagers last night, huh?" Aaron grinned, too.

"I guess so," Jake said. "And when you mentioned "boyfriend" earlier, that was the first time I considered the term."

"Too early to tell?" Aaron asked.

Jake started to reply when the door opened. "Ok, all done." Lee said, walking outside.

"Ok well, I guess I had better not keep her waiting. Besides, Aaron wants some luvin!" Aaron grabbed his crotch.

"Come on, Chambers." Lee said.

"Have fun, Aaron," Jake said over his shoulder.

"You KNOW I will! Woo Hoo!" Aaron yelled and ran inside, slamming the door.

"Poor Lisa." Lee said and Jake laughed.

The guys took Jake's truck. First they went to Jake's house so he could change and let his folks know he would be staying over Lee's again. Then they went to McDonald's and loaded up on burgers, fries, onion rings for Aaron ("Imagine kissing that mouth after onion rings!" Lee said to Jake.) and sodas all around, Diet Coke for Lisa. Lee and Jake ate in to kill time. "Let's feed the machine!" Lee said and proceeded to devour three burgers and two orders of fries while Jake consumed only two burgers, one large order of fries but had a chocolate milkshake to wash down it all. Once finished, Jake let out a horrendous belch. "Good one, Chambers!" Lee said and then tore loose with one of his own. An elderly couple sitting at the next table gave them disgusted looks which made the guys laugh. Then they headed back to Lee's house.

Along the way, Jake was silent, thinking about what Aaron had said. "You know, Lee, Aaron can be a jerk sometimes but I think deep down, he's really a nice guy, " he said.

"Let me guess, you guys had a conversation while Lisa and I were changing the sheets, right?" Lee asked.


Lee nodded. "Lisa and I talked while we were changing the sheets."

"You mean about the "just walk away thing."

"Walk away thing? What's that?" Jake told Lee the story.

"Hmm, that part we didn't talk about. But it's good to know. And I agree."

"So what did you and Lisa discuss?" Jake asked.

"Keeping this between us four."

"Yup, had that conversation, too." Jake agreed.

"So, are we gonna keep this between us? Is that what you agreed on?"

"Yes, I think its best. For now." Jake said.

"Me too."

"One more question,"

"What's that?"

"Umm, am I your boyfriend?" Jake asked not sure if he should but he wanted to know where Lee stood on the issue.

"Do you want to be?"

Jake thought for a moment. "To be honest, I'm really not sure. This is all so new and different and...soon."

"I was thinking the same thing." He reached over and put his left hand on Jake's right shoulder. "I like you, Jake."

"I like you, too, Lee."

"Want to leave it at that for now?"

"Ok. Yeah"

"Cool," Lee said. He removed his hand from Jake's shoulder.

"Lee, put your hand back on my shoulder. I like it there."

"Oh yeah?" Lee said and put his hand back on Jake's shoulder. He squeezed.

"Mmm, that's nice." Jake said.

Lee moved over to his left a few inches. "How about here?" Lee said and moved his hand to Jake's neck and rubbed his fingers there.

"Yes. Even better." Jake felt his dick beginning to harden.

Lee slipped his hand to Jake's mouth. Jake kissed Lee's fingers. Lee inched closer as Jake began to suck on his fingers.

Lee moved his hand from Jake's mouth, down over his chin, pausing to inspect the cleft. Then he moved his hand down Jake's neck and onto his chest. Lee unbuttoned the top button of Jake's shirt and slipped his hand inside touching Jake's right pec. "How about here?"

Jake began to breathe heavier. "Yes! His cock was semi-erect now. His hands gripped the steering wheel harder.

Lee squeezed Jake's pectoral muscle with his entire hand. He felt the nipple harden in his palm. He moved closer. Lee removed his hand and unbuttoned the second button, then the third, then the fourth, trailing his fingers on Jake's chest and stomach. Lee pulled the shirt from Jake's pants and unfastened the remaining buttons. He spread the shirt open and put his hand on Jake's taught, ripped belly. He squeezed. "And here?"

"Feels, damn good, Lee." Jake's dick was straining, trying to lengthen but was restrained. Finally, Jake reached down with his left hand and adjusted himself. His cock was fully erect now, throbbing.

"Getting confined down there, Jake?" Lee asked seductively.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Pull over."


"Find someplace to pull over. There, right there." They had left the main part of town and where only a few miles from Lee's house. Not many homes, here. Lee was referring to a dirt road with some trees around it. Lee knew this area. Not necessarily private but secluded to some degree. Secluded enough. Jake quickly pulled over and cut the engine.

Lee pulled Jake's right arm off the steering wheel and quickly leaned into Jake's body. Jake wrapped his arm around Lee as Lee licked his navel. "OH fuck!" Lee grabbed Jake's bulge and palmed his erection. "Oh man, Lee. Suck me. Suck me. Suck my dick." Jake felt Lee unzipping his pants. Jake's cock popped right out of the fly. No underwear for him today!

Lee wrapped his luscious lips around Jake's cock and began to suck.

Jake grabbed Lee around his body with his right arm. His left hand went to the back of Lee's head and held him there. "Suck my cock! Suck it! Suck it good! Ahhh fuck yeah! Suck it Lee, Ahhh suck my big, fat COCK!" Jake felt Lee's mouth milking his dick. He felt Lee's tongue swirling around the head. Lee managed to reach into Jake's fly and grabbed his balls. "Ahh fuck! Ahh fuck!" Jake was writhing, thrusting into Lee's mouth. His balls were boiling with cum. "Suck it, man! Suck my dick! Suck me! Blow my big dick! Yeah...ahhh yeah!" Lee sucked harder, pressing his whole face into Jake's crotch. "I'm gonna blow! I'm gonna blow! Ahhh Lee! Lee! Lee! Suck it now! Now! Take it! Take it! Ahh fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! AHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh! FUUUuuuuuuck!"

Jake drove his truck into Lee's driveway and shut it off.

"I don't having cum in my hair this time, do I?" Lee asked.

"Not this time, buddy. I think you got it all." Jake said, smiling.

"Fuck, I thought I was gonna drown. Man that was your biggest load yet!" They got out of the truck. Lee brought the food, Jake brought the sodas. "What time is it?"

"Almost 6." Jake said.

"They should be done by now, right."

"Aaron was probably done 5 minutes after we left." he said winking at Lee.

"Ha Ha ha! Poor Lisa!" Lee said again. He opened the door for Jake and they entered the house. "Luuuuuucy! We're home!"

"It's about time! I'm starving!" Aaron called from the kitchen. Lee and Jake went to the kitchen and dropped the food on the table. "I hope you got me some onion rings!"

"Yes, dear. I did." Lee replied.

"Your gonna make a good wife someday, Lee."

"Fuck you." Lee replied.

"Where is Lisa?" Jake asked.

"Primping. She'll be done soon." Aaron said.

"See Lee, I told you he finished first."

"Yup." Lee said.

"Huh?" Aaron said and began to eat.

Lisa came in then. "Lee, I hope you remembered Diet Coke?"

"Yes I did. Here ya go."

"You're sweet." she said, accepting the soda. Then she kissed him on the cheek. "Ooops," she said and wiped her lipstick off his cheek. "I don't want Jake to get jealous." She winked at Jake. "Let's go out on the patio to eat, ok guys?"

"Fine by me," Lee said but first I want a drink. "Jake, want a drink?"

"Sure. Bring it out, I'll help Lisa. You coming, Aaron?"

Aaron tossed his first empty hamburger wrapper on the table and tore open the second. "Ill be there in a minute." he said and dove into his burger.

The group of friends sat outside on a warm September evening. They drank mixed drinks Lee made for them from his step dad's liquor. Pretty soon, they were feeling good and began to talk freely.

"The only person I really foresee as a problem would be Chad Beamer. He's a fucking 'phobe if you ask me." Aaron said.

"Does Chad have an older cousin named Mark?" Jake asked.

"I think he does," Aaron said. "Why?"

"I met him at the 24."

"What's the 24?" Lisa asked.

"24 Hour Fitness," Aaron answered, "I've heard he is gay."

"Yep, he is," Jake said.

"How do you know?" Lee asked Jake.

"He picked me up."

"No shit?" Lee asked.

"Yep. He was my first guy."

"When was this?" Lisa asked.

"A few weeks ago." And then to Lee, "I was going to tell you."

"It's ok." Lee replied.

"Fuck, I'm hot." Aaron said. "Let's go swimming," he said to Lisa.

"I didn't bring a suit."

"You don't need one, we'll go skinny dipping." Aaron grinned at her, raising and lowering his eyebrows.

"You can count be out!" Lisa said to him.

"Damn. What about you, Jake?" Aaron asked.

"I will if Lee will."

Aaron and Jake looked at Lee. "Sure, why not." Lee said and stood up.

"Hey wait one fucking minute! Are you guys serious about getting naked?" Lisa asked incredulously.

"Yeah." Aaron replied as he unbuttoned his shorts. Lee and Jake did the same.

"But..but..I'm right here!"

"So?" the three of them said in unison.

"Fuck that! I'm going inside. I don't want to see you guys naked." She got and started walking to the house.

"Fix us some drinks!" Aaron called to her. Lisa returned to get their glasses and headed in the house. When she returned, Aaron and Jake were in the pool, naked, with water up to their waists. They walked to her and accepted the drinks from her. "Fuck, Jake, I can see your thing." she said. Jake quickly covered himself making Lisa giggle. "Ain't no big deal," she said teasing him.

"It's the water. Its cold, you know...shrinkage." he told her, blushing.

"It shrinks??" Lisa asked. And then to Aaron, "You had better get out, you can't afford any shrinkage."

"Ooooo! Busted!" Jake said to Aaron.

"Fuck you." Aaron said to Jake, grinning. He made a motion as if to splash Lisa, "Aaron, don't you EVEN THINK about splashing me!"

She handed Aaron his drink. "Where is Lee?" she asked.

"Lisa!" Lee called to her.

Lisa looked up to see Lee, completely naked, on the diving board.

"OH MY GOD! LEE!" she yelled and quickly covered her eyes. Aaron and Jake laughed and then Lee jumped in the pool and swam over to her. She gave his drink to him. "Watch out for shrinkage." she said to him. She walked into the house and said to herself, "I didn't know it shrinks."

The boys drank their drinks and then began to horse around for quite some time. Often, Lisa would come out with new drinks for them, making sure not to look very closely. But she couldn't help herself from checking out Lee and Jake's bodies when they weren't looking. They are very handsome guys, she thought. She was happy for them, however, concerned as well.

At one point, when Lisa was inside, Aaron stole off from the pool to piss leaving Jake and Lee alone. When he came back, he found them passionately kissing. He paused, allowing them some more time alone. He wondered how Lee truly felt about Jake. He knew his friend well and recalled the couple of times when Lee had talked to him about wanting to meet Jake. And now, here he was, embracing Jake like Aaron embraces Lisa. Please don't hurt him, Jake, Aaron thought to himself. When he did walk back to the pool, he did so quietly. He sat on the edge and watched them, waiting for them to notice he was back. Strangely, he felt himself becoming slightly aroused watching them kiss. He knew he didn't have any feelings, not those kind of feelings, for either of them. He slipped into the water to hide himself. "Ahem!" he finally said aloud. Jake and Lee quickly parted and then laughed nervously. Aaron approached them.

"Ok, look. I want to say something. First, attribute this to me being very drunk so don't get the wrong idea, guys look so good together." Jake felt himself blushing and he assumed Lee was also. "I'm glad you guys finally hooked up." Aaron said, coming between them and putting his arms around them both. To himself, Aaron faintly recognized just how hard and muscular their bodies were. It was like having his arms around solid rock. He looked at Lee then to Jake. He suppressed an urge to kiss them both.

Jake looked to Lee and Lee returned his gaze. They both held Aaron tightly.

"Thanks for being my friend, Aaron." Lee said to him.

"Next I want to ask the two of you a favor," Aaron said. "Would you please take your dicks off my thigh!" They fell apart, laughing. "I'm going to go inside now, and make love to my girl while I give you guys some time alone." He walked to the side of the pool as Jake and Lee moved together.

"Nice ass." Lee said to Aaron as Aaron lifted himself up and out of the pool. Aaron didn't look back; instead he gave Lee "the finger".

After Aaron went inside, Lee and Jake embraced passionately.

Later, Aaron and Lisa came downstairs to fix another drink. Aaron went into the kitchen and looked out of the window onto the patio and yard. About 20 yards away, on some towels, Lee and Jake where "coupled" with Jake on top of Lee who was on his back.

"Lisa, come here. Look." Aaron motioned out of the window. Lisa walked over and peered outside for several seconds as her eyes adjusted to the light. All of a sudden, she moved quickly away from the window.

"Aaron! Oh my God! They're...they're....Oh my God!"

"They're fu...ummmm...making love." Then he looked outside, again.

"Aaron! Stop that! Stop looking! It's not right to watch!" She slapped him on the shoulder.

"I gotta make sure they're doing it right!" Aaron retorted.

"Aaron Lightfoot! Stop looking right the fuck now!"

"Ok," he said and approached her. "Lets go upstairs." Aaron kissed Lisa and they went up to Lee's room and shut the door.

Hot or not? Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 5: Senior Year 5

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