Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 3, 2003


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 3


John Peterson, another teammate had a get-together after the game Friday night. His Dad has ten acres of land and way out back is an old, abandoned house where Jake's teammates sometimes go to get away, drink some beer and play music as loud as they want without any grownups getting on their asses. They were in the mood to party because they had won tonight's game. Most of the guys brought their girlfriends and pretty soon couples begin to pair off to find a private place to make-out. By then there were just a few of the guys, and some girls too, around the campfire they had made earlier. Jake was sitting off, away from everyone. His body was aching from the game and he was getting drunk trying to make the pain go away. Lee was there, too. He was wearing blue jeans however he was shirtless and in the moonlight, his body looked fantastic. Jake couldn't keep his eyes off of him. At some point, Jake took his shirt off, too. Lee looked at him strangely when one of the girls commented on his chest. Once people began to filter away from the crowd, Jake managed to move around to Lee and sat down next to him. They where sharing old sofa cushions on the ground. At first, they talked about the game and school, which teachers are assholes and which are kind of cool, shit like that. They were having a blast, getting drunk and laughing. Sometimes Lee's naked shoulder would rub against Jake's, and sometimes Lee would touch him with his hand. Lee made it seem like an accident but it happened too many times, Jake noted. He would grab his arm, or touch his thigh and even once, he had his arm behind him and let it rub his back. And each time Lee touched him, Jake would get this funny feeling in his stomach, a good kind of feeling.....

"I'm going for a fresh beer, you need one?" Jake asked Lee.

"Yeah, but I'll go with you. I need to stretch my legs." Lee replied. They walked to the ice chest and fished out a beer each. They popped the tops and looked around at all the teenagers in various groups, talking. Lee walked around to the back of the house and Jake followed, thinking Lee was looking for someone in particular. Lee opened the back door of the house and went inside. Jake followed him until both were alone in the kitchen. There were three bedrooms in this house. The house had been unoccupied for years but most of the furnishings were still there, covered with dust. Two of the bedrooms still had beds with old sheets on them, while the third had blankets strewn on the floor. The custom was for couples to bring a fresh sheet to place over the old ones so they could fuck. Only one bedroom was closed meaning it was in use. Jake wandered into one and stood looking around. Lee was right next to him. "Have you ever fucked in here, in the house, I mean?" Lee asked Jake.

"No," Jake said while absently kicking empty beer cans with his foot. "Have you?"

"No." Lee replied. It was quiet in the house. They could hear the music from outside and some light streamed in from the ones outside of the house. As Lee peered out of a dirty window, Jake approached him. Lee turned to one side and his shoulder touched Jake's. He looked at Jake. They stood silent for a few seconds before Jake placed a hand on Lee's back. He felt himself shaking.

" really bulked up this year, Lee."

"I've been working hard on my body."

"It shows."

"You have gotten bigger, too." Lee said to Jake.

"Thanks," Jake said and slowly moved his hand to Lee's shoulder. Lee turned towards Jake and put a hand on Jake's shoulder, also.

"Your arms have gotten big."

"Not as big as yours."

"I don't know, I think yours are bigger," Lee said. He put a hand on Jake's right bicep. "Flex it." Jake lifted his arm and flexed it as Lee felt him. "I don't know, Jake. I think you got me beat."

Jake reached up with his left hand and felt Lee's arm which was holding his bicep. Lee flexed his arm and a large bulge formed around Jake's fingers. Jake felt his cock growing hard in his pants. "Nope, Lee, yours is bigger."

"Perhaps your right, Chambers. But I never had anyone to compare with," Lee said as he continued to squeeze Jake's bicep.

Jake moved his hand from Lee's bicep and slowly, gently, placed it on Lee's chest. He could feel the hard muscle and Lee's heart beating beneath his fingers. "Your chest is definitely bigger." Now Jake's cock was rock hard.

"I like my chest," Lee said, "I work on it all the time."

Jake looked Lee right in the eye. " it, too."

"Thanks," Lee said. He moved his hand to Jake's chest. "Yours is nice also." He moved his hand down to Jake's stomach. "You're very ripped here. I've tried to get ripped like this but I just can't seem to..." He looked at Jake. "get them hard."

Jake looked at Lee. "I...ummm bet you are hard." Jake stepped closer to Lee. He moved his hand to Lee's stomach and let his fingers travel down to Lee's navel.

Lee stepped closer, now. "Yes, I am," He leaned to Jake and their lips touched.

They kissed. It started as a tentative kiss and grew into a heated, passionate kiss. They grabbed each other and held tightly as the kiss grew in intensity. Jake pushed against Lee and felt Lee's erection pressing against his own. After a few seconds, they parted, staring at each other. Jake moved his hand down to Lee's waist and grappled with the button on his pants. Finally, he had it opened and slid his hand into Lee's pants. He found Lee's long, hot dick. He wrapped his hand around it and Lee gasped. Jake stroked him up and down, feeling Lee's cock throbbing in his palm.

Panting loudly, Lee tore Jake's pants open and wrapped his hand around Jake's erection. They kissed again, stroking each other.

All of a sudden, they heard a door open and slam shut. They quickly pulled apart and zipped their pants. Two seconds later, a couple passed by the door on their way to a bedroom.

"We had better get going," Lee said.

"Yeah," Jake replied. "I guess we should." They exited the house from the door they entered and walked back to the group.

About thirty minutes later, Lee was talking to a group of boys. Jake was drunk and really need to piss. He got up and headed for some trees and bushes about 50 yards from where they were. Jake entered the group of trees a few paces so as not to be seen. He unzipped his shorts, hauled out his dick and began to piss. After He finished pissing, Jake couldn't help but give his dick a few pulls. Pretty soon, he was totally hard. Jake decided he had better get back so he shoved his pecker back into his shorts and turned around to see Lee standing at the edge of the trees as he zipped his pants.

"Spanking the monkey, Chambers?" Lee said.

Jake could feel himself blushing. "No, I...."

"Its ok dude," he said. "We all do it." Then Lee turned sideways a bit, reached down to his crotch and unzipped his pants. He pulled his dick out and let it hang there for a few seconds as he stretched his arms in long arcs over his head. Then he grabbed his dick and let loose with a long stream of piss. He was standing so the moonlight illuminated his front side. Jake could see his body and dick perfectly. "Ahhh that feels good," he said as his piss-stream continued. Jake stood there, a few steps from him, and drank from his beer which he had brought with him and watched. Lee gave his dick a shake or two, squirted out two or three quick bursts of piss and then let it hang again, out of the fly. He, too, drank from his beer and then looked at Jake. "Like what you see, Chambers?" he asked.

Jake said, "Yeah, I do." Again, he felt that feeling inside of himself: something had awakened.

Then Lee said, "Good. I'm glad you like looking at my dick." Lee walked to Jake and stood just a few inches from him, his naked chest almost touching Jake's.

"That's not all I like to look at," Jake said and put his hand on Lee's chest. He could feel his hot skin, his hard pecs and, underneath the muscle, his heart beating quickly. Lee leaned to Jake and their lips met. They kissed. In the light of the moon streaming through a thick tangle of trees, they kissed. Their bodies drew together and as Jake felt his nipples touching Lee's, his cock leaped in his shorts, becoming instantly hard. Their kiss intensified as their arms wrapped around each other. Lee parted his lips and Jake's tongue slid into his mouth. He felt his teeth. His breath was hot on Jake's lips. Then Lee kissed Jake's chin and then down to his neck. Jake dipped his head to Lee's neck and lightly bit him there. Lee groaned loudly but there was no one to hear. Lust gripped them both, driving them to hold each other more tightly. They kissed, licked and bit each other in a passionate embrace. Between them, Jake could feel Lee's prick, hard now, pressing into his own erection still trapped in his pants.

Finally, Lee pulled away from Jake and kneeled down, directly in front of his crotch. Jake looked down to watch Lee unbutton his shorts and unzip his fly. In one quick motion, he pulled Jake's pants and underwear down. Jake's cock sprang free, springing up to slap on his stomach. Lee looked up at Jake and then back down to his prick. He moved forward and engulfed his cock. His hot, wet mouth wrapped around Jake's dick. Jake could feel Lee's tongue swirling around the glans as he took more and more of Jake's dick into him. "Ahh fuck! That feels good, man." Jake hissed. "Suck me, suck my dick!" Lee bobbed his head in Jake's crotch. Jake ran his hands over his broad, muscled shoulders, the back of his neck and his head, grinding his hips to meet Lee's mouth.

"Mmm. mmmm. mmm," Lee hummed on Jake's cock.

Lee's hands ran up and down Jake's thighs and then to his ass. He grabbed his ass and maneuvered Jake's body to accommodate him. Then, gasping out loud, he dropped Jake's cock from his mouth and attacked Jake's balls. He licked them while squeezing Jake's cock with one hand and his ass with the other. Then Lee looked up at Jake again, dropped his dick and it landed right on Lee's face. His mouth was still wrapped around Jake's nuts and his cock leaked a large drop of precum on Lee's cheek. Jake could see a tiny beam of moonlight sparkling in that drop. Next, he released his nuts and Jake watched Lee's wide tongue sliding on the underside of his dick. He licked to the head and then his lips encircled the glans. He sucked on the tip of Jake's cock, as he looked up at him, grinning. God, he looks beautiful, Jake thought

"You like this man to man shit, Chambers?" he said still looking up at Jake.

"Fuck yeah, Lee. Suck my dick!" Jake said. He grabbed Lee's head and pushed it onto his dick. Lee went with the movement and began to blow Jake in earnest. He thrusted his hips to meet Lee's mouth and they got into a good rhythm. Pretty soon, Jake could feel his nuts boiling, ready to burst. "I'm gonna cum." he said to warn him.

Lee took a second to reply, "Yeah, Chambers, cum in my mouth. Give me your load!"

With half of Jake's dick in his mouth and the other half gripped by his hand, he simultaneously sucked and jacked his cock. Jake gripped Lee's head in his hands and arched his back as his cock grew intensely hard. "I'm...cumming!!" Jake hissed and threw his head back. Jake's orgasm hit him then, starting at his groin and then expanding out to envelope him. It felt like every cell in his body exploded. "Uh Uhh Uhhh Uh Uhhh Ah Ah Uhh AHHHHHHH!" At first, his eyes where squeezed shut but then he opened them and directly over him was the moon being revealed from behind a cloud. Even caught up in the grip of the best orgasm of his life up to then, Jake had the presence of mind to think, "Wow, that's beautiful." Then it was over. The moon went behind another cloud and he relaxed as his orgasm began to subside. Breathing hard and dripping with sweat, he looked down to see Lee still sucking his cock, draining his nuts dry. His face was serene. God, he IS beautiful, Jake thought. After what seemed like minutes but was probably only a few seconds, Lee withdrew from Jake and sat back on his haunches. Lee stood up then. There was a thick rope of cum from his forehead to his chin. He wiped his mouth with the back of his head and licked it before swallowing one last time. "That was one fucking huge load, Jake."

This was the first time Jake could remember Lee calling him by his first name. "That....was....awesome, Lee." Jake said between breaths. "Fucking awesome." They stood there in silence for a few more seconds as Jake caught his breath.

Lee backed up a step or two and grabbed his crotch. "Want some of this?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah," Jake said and dropped to his knees. Jake unbuttoned Lee's jeans, noticing Lee wasn't wearing any underwear, and yanked his pants down to his ankles. His cock stood out proudly from his taught stomach. His balls, heavy and full, hung below. Jake leaned in and smelled his man scent. Then he grabbed Lee's hard prick and licked the head. He tasted his precum. It tasted sweet. Next, Jake swirled his tongue around the plum shaped head before taking as much of Lee's eight inch, hard, thick prick into his mouth.

Jake sucked Lee's cock. He took his hard meat into his mouth over and over again, stealing glances up at Lee's body. More and more precum seeped out of his cock and mixed with Jake's own saliva. Large drops oozed from the corners of his mouth and made splattering noises on the dead leaves of the mini forest. "Mmm, Jake, that's good, man. Suck it. Suck me good. Make me cum, fucker," Lee said thrusting his groin into Jake's face.

All of a sudden, Lee grunted like an animal. His body stiffened and his knees buckled as his cock erupted in Jake's mouth. Volley after volley of Lee's semen exploded from his dick. It landed on Jake's tongue and he tasted each succulent drop before swallowing. Soon, Jake's mouth was filled with Lee's salty/sweet spunk and some escaped out of the corners of his mouth before running down his chin. Jake sucked on Lee's dick until it softened. Then he let it drop from his lips and it hung heavily between Lee's legs, resting on his balls. Jake kissed his prick and licked the remaining drops of cum from the head. Lee ran his hands tenderly across Jake's head. His body was still shaking.

Lee collapsed to his knees in front of Jake, breathing hard. There was moonlight streaming between the trees and it framed his broad chest which was heaving up and down. Again, they kissed. Jake could taste his cum in Lee's mouth so he knew Lee could taste his own in Jake's. They moved as one, laying back on a carpet of leaves, exhausted, satisfied and held each other.

"Want to spend the night with me?" Lee asked breaking the silence. "My folks are gone for the weekend."

"Sure, Lee. I'd like that," Jake said. They got up then, pulled their pants up and collected themselves. They walked back to the gang which had grown from the couples who had probably fucked and then rejoined the campfire.

Once back, Lee grabbed his shirt, tossed it over one shoulder and announced he was leaving.

"Me, too." Jake added and grabbed his shirt.

"Night Lee. Night Jake." the others said in random succession before adding "be carefull's and see ya's."

"Great game tonight, guys." Jake said.

"Great game, Jake." they echoed.

Lee was a few steps ahead of Jake and he allowed him the space as they headed to their trucks parked along the dirt driveway. They didn't want to raise any eyebrows. As it turned out, Lee's truck was parked directly behind Jake's and next to his was Aaron Lightfoot's, their quarterback and team captain. He was also Lee's best friend or so Jake surmised because they were always together. Aaron and his girlfriend, Lisa, where leaning up against Aaron's truck, talking.

"You guys leaving?" Aaron called out when he noticed them approaching.

"Yeah," Lee replied.

"Hang on a sec." Aaron said. He and Lisa met Lee at his truck and Jake joined them. Lee opened his truck door and the overhead light came on. He tossed his shirt on the seat and looked at Aaron.

"What's up?" Lee asked.

"I should be asking you that question, buddy," Aaron said looking first to Lee then shifting his eyes to Jake then he began to giggle. He was slurring his words. Aaron was drunk. "Did you get what you wanted?" Aaron drunkenly giggled again. Lisa smirked, also. Something was up.

"Aaron....don't," Lee said but there was no anger in his voice. He looked at Aaron then at Jake then back to Aaron.

Aaron came over to Jake and put an arm around his shoulders. "He likes you, dude," Aaron said to Jake. "And it's cool with me." Aaron was so drunk, he had to lean on Jake but Jake believed he was genuine in his sentiment.

"Me, too," Lisa added, "In fact, I think it's sweet." She looked at Jake then to Lee.

Jake didn't know what to say. He was embarrassed.

"Aaron...." Lee began.

Aaron interrupted him, "Dude, what's this?" With one arm around Jake, Aaron reached up with his other hand and pulled something from the front of Lee's hair. He rubbed the substance between his thumb and fingers. "Is this...what I think it is?" Then Aaron busted out laughing, wiping his hand on his pants.

"Eeeewwwww!" Lisa said.

Jake looked at Lee. There wasn't anything else to do but to start laughing, also.

Lee looked shocked at first, but then he, too, realized they had been busted. He began to laugh along with them.

Aaron looked back to Jake. "Dude!" he began, "You gotta be careful where you aim that thing! You could've put his eye out!" Aaron laughed again.

"Fuck you, Aaron." Lee said.

"Fuck me? I thought you wanted to fuck Jake?" Aaron said, giggling again.

"Aaron!" Lisa exclaimed.

Aaron withdrew his arm from around Jake and put it to his mouth. "Oops!"

"Aaron, come over here!" Lisa said and Aaron complied. Lisa wrapped an arm around Aaron and slapped him on his chest, in a chastising manner. "He's drunk, Jake," she said to him, "Don't listen to him."

Jake looked at Lee and he lowered his head. "I...ummmm..." Lee started to say.

"Its ok, Lee. Really." Jake understood Aaron was drunk and he understood Aaron was Lee's best friend so it became apparent Lee must have talked to Aaron about him. Hell, hadn't I also talked to Mark in a similar manner about Lee? Jake thought to himself.

"You sure?" Lee asked Jake.

"Yes." Then Jake leaned to Lee and kissed him on the lips right there in front of Aaron and Lisa.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Lisa said. Jake thought Lee must have been blushing as much as he was. However, he returned Jake's kiss.

"You're the one who is sweet," Aaron said to Lisa and then he kissed her.

"Ok, we've established we are sweet, now can we get the fuck outta here?" Jake said.

"These are sweet, too" Aaron said and grabbed one of Lisa's tits.

"Aaron! Stop it." she said and pushed his hand from her breast. Lee and Jake laughed. Then Lee said, "Lisa, don't let him drive, ok?"

"No problemo," she replied. "I've got his keys right here," motioning to a pocket on her shorts.

"You've got something else I want right here," Aaron said and grabbed her crotch.

"Aaron! Stop it!"

Lee shook his head, grinning, and then turned to Jake, "Follow me?" he said getting into his truck. Lisa pulled Aaron a step or two away from the truck.

"You got it," Jake replied. "Night Lisa. See ya, Aaron."

"See ya, Jake." Aaron replied and again, grabbed one of Lisa's tits.

"Goddamnit, Aaron! If you don't stop, I'm ...." Her voice trailed off as Jake walked to his truck.

----------------------------------- Was this hot or not? Let me know. Thanks!


Next: Chapter 4: Senior Year 4

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