Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Dec 27, 2002


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!



Senior Year

Chapter 2

Mark -----------

A few days later, Jake arrived at Mark's apartment. Mark answered the door wearing only a jockstrap. "Damn, you look good like that!" Jake said as he hugged Mark and ran his hands over Mark's naked back. Mark shut the door with his foot and allowed Jake to feel him all over. Not even two steps in the apartment and Mark slowly stripped Jake's shirt off and let it fall to the floor. Shirtless now, Jake and Mark kissed with their naked chests touching. Jake held Mark's ass and hugged him tightly. He could feel Mark's erection pressing into his own crotch as Mark rubbed his hands over Jake's back.

"Do you know what I want you to do?" Mark asked.

"Suck your dick?" Jake said smiling as he grabbed Mark's dick through the strap and held it. He could feel it throbbing.

"Fuck yeah, but later. Right now I want you to strip down to your underwear."

"And then?" Jake inquired.

"We'll have a beer or two and talk, just like this. I'm wearing a jock for my jock, you will be in your briefs. You are wearing my favorite, right?"

"Yep, tighty whities." Jake replied taking his hand off Mark's bulge to unbutton and then unzip his pants. He showed Mark his underwear."

"MMmmm. Good. You cool with this?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, sure. Kinda kinky but cool."

"I'll get a beer for ya. Now strip!" Mark said. Jake watched Mark walk away enjoying the view of his ass and muscular legs. He leaned over and untied his tennis shoes, tossed them off, pulled his socks off and then stood up. Mark came back with a beer and Jake reached for it. Mark held it back. "No beer until you take those pants off."

"Fucking pervert!" Jake said smiling.

"So what's your point?" Mark replied sarcastically as Jake pushed his pants to his ankles and then pulled them off his feet.

"Happy now?" Jake said standing in his briefs, his dick was clearly evident. He watched Mark look at him, eyeing him up and down.

"Yeah!" Mark said and handed Jake the beer before moving into the living room.

"Fucking perv." Jake said again, this time under his breath.

"I heard that!" Mark replied not looking back.

They sat down on the sofa facing each other. Mark had his favorite radio station on, alternative rock. "So what's with the underwear theme tonight?" Jake asked.

"Something I like to do. Sort of a fetish I guess. I dunno. I just like it," Mark said shrugging and then drank from his beer. Besides you look so fine. I just like looking at your body, Jake."

"Thanks, I really like your hairy chest. Wish I had more hair." Mark ran his hands over his chest. "I like when you do that." Jake said.

"I like when YOU do it."

"You mean like this?" Jake said. He leaned forward and put his hand on Mark's chest, then ran it down to his belly, then cupped Mark's dick in the jockstrap.

"Save it for later, big guy! Let's chat for a bit." Mark said.

"Been to the gym, lately?" Jake asked sitting back and drinking from his beer.

"Went there last night after work," Mark said.

"Any scenery?"

"Yeah, one guy, a breeder." Mark made a dismissive gesture. "Nice but no thanks."

"Dude, I gotta tell ya something." Jake said.

"What's up?"

"Remember how you asked me if I thought any of my teammates might be gay, also?"



"What? What? Tell me!"

"I'm not sure but I think this guy might want to play on a different team if you know what I mean."

"Why? Did he say something to you?" Mark put his hand on his crotch.

"Last Friday night, after the game, I had already gotten dressed after taking a shower, right?"

"Dude, I envy you, taking showers with all those hunky footballers. Mmmm Mmm Mmmm!"

"It's not all that. Think about it...all those "hunky footballers" are straight. Once, a guy got a hard on...oh fuck! He was harassed about it forever!"

"Has it ever happened to you?"

"Not yet, thank God. But anyways...'

"Sorry, I had to ask, go on."

"So I had just put my pants on, shoes, and socks and stood up to get my shirt. This guy, Lee is his name, comes over to me, stark naked and dripping wet from the showers."

"What does he look like?"

"Good looking. VERY good looking. Big guy, bigger than me, plays tight end, has muscles out the wazoo, big chest and a hard stomach that's as smooth as a ten year old's butt however, he has a real thick bush around his dick, dark black, thick, all curly....and get this..hung! And I mean HUNG. It's a good five inches soft, I ain't shittin you."

"Oh fuck yeah!" Mark said, grabbing his bulge harder.

"Yeah no shit! Handsome? Fuck yeah, handsome. Lee has deep blue eyes, cute mouth...the kind of mouth you'd like to see wrapped around your dick, know what I mean?"

"Just like yours," Mark said grinning.

Jake grinned back and then drank from his beer. Mark drank also then asked, "Ass? What's his ass like?"

"Mmm," Jake said while drinking from his beer and then pulling it down quickly spilling a bit and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Nice fucking ass! Nice Ass! Mmmmm, you'd LOVE it. Big, round, firm, meaty....just like his thighs, which are real thick and muscled. They come all the way up...." Jake stood and turned around, pointing to his thighs and ass as he talked, "....then it's like they crescendo out to make two really HOT butt cheeks, just perfect to fuck."

"Oh shit yeah!" Mark exclaimed.

Jake sat down and drank from his beer again before continuing, "But the best part...THE BEST PART..right down the middle of his crack...."

Mark interrupted Jake, "Got a line of thick black hair in the crack, right?"

Jake pointed at Mark, "You guessed it buddy!" and held his hand out in a high-five. Mark finished the gesture, high-fiving Jake. "It's SO FINE!"

"Geez, dude how do you keep from getting a woody with guys like that around you all the time?"

"I jack off a lot." Jake replied and burst out laughing. Mark laughed, too.

"I need another" Mark asked.

"Yeah, sure." Jake said drinking the last of his and then handed the empty bottle to Mark. He, again, watched Mark's ass as he left to get more beer. When he returned, Jake continued, "So there I am, half dressed and Lee is standing right next to me. And you know how guys will stand next to you but keep a certain distance?" Mark nodded understanding. "Well, Lee comes up and stands like just a couple of inches from me. His fucking nipple is almost touching mine. And remember, he's naked, dripping wet, still hasn't dried off yet but he has a towel draped over one shoulder. And he says to me, 'Nice move Chambers, when you blocked that asshole #89 and made a hole big enough for me to get into.' I mean, it was the way he said it, 'a hole big enough for me to get into'. He did NOT say, 'a hole big enough for me to get through' but 'get into'. That's what made me think twice about what he said."

"Hmmm I dunno, could be a just a poor choice of words." Mark added.

"I don't think so because then Lee put his arm around me, patted me on my shoulder and then left his hand there a bit longer than what would be necessary and our chests DID touch then. Then he winked at me!"

"He winked?"

"Fuck yeah, he winked!"

"Well if he winked..."

"That's what I mean. Then he walked off, no that's not right, he strutted. I stood there, watching him go, nice view! Woof! I stood there wondering, did he just make a pass at me?"

"Go for it man!" Mark said. "Do the same to him! Make a pass at him and see how he reacts!"

"I don't know."

"Hell, bring him over here. I'll find out if he plays on our team!" Mark said with a sly smile.

"Just like you did with me?" Jake asked, grinning.

"No, you gave yourself away hitting on that guy in the showers, he busted you good!"

"Man, I was so stupid," Jake said shaking his head.

"No, you weren't stupid, just horny and inexperienced."

"I'm not inexperienced anymore." Jake said and put a hand on his crotch.

"No, my man Jake, you aren't." Mark said leaning over and kissing Jake's stomach. Jake held Mark's head as Mark began to lick his pouch. Jake sat back and relaxed while watching Mark.

Mark licked Jake's crotch, feeling the soft penis begin to harden. He ran his hands over Jake's thighs and rubbed his nuts, too. Soon, Jake was hard; his erection bulged in his underwear. Mark found the head and sucked on it through the cloth. It throbbed under his lips and expanded fully. Mark eased the waistband down just a bit until the head slipped into view. He kissed the glans and teased it with the tip of his tongue. He licked the slit, tasting the drops of precum before returning to lick the shaft which was still covered. He pressed his face into Jake's prick and watched the head flare. Finally, Mark pulled the waistband down and hooked it under Jake's balls. He licked and kissed Jake around his prick, only glazing it with his cheek. Mark sucked the hair from the base into his mouth and then licked the testicles in their sack. Jake's dick danced in front of his face.

Jake lifted up and Mark pulled his underwear off, tossing them to the floor. He moved between Jake's legs and grabbed Jake's dick. Mark looked at Jake who was watching with intense fascination. Keeping his eyes locked on Jake's, Mark lowered his mouth to the head of Jake's dick and slowly licked it up and down, starting at the glans and going all the way down to the balls. "Yes." Jake whispered. "Yes. Ah yes." Mark's tongue slithered around Jake's cock, spreading saliva over the shaft. He dropped Jake's dick and it bounced off his taught stomach and then hovered in mid-air. Next, Mark moved down to Jake's balls and took each one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around each one before taking both in and then looked at Jake who was watching with his eyes glazed over with lust. He tossed his head from side to side, continuing to whisper, "Yes. Yes. Fuck yes."

Mark continued this ritual for several minutes, driving Jake into a frenzy of lust. "Suck it. Suck my dick. Please. Suck it. Suck it, Mark." Jake begged.

Mark ignored him.

Instead, he moved up and placed his head on Jake's right nipple. He sucked and chewed on that fucker for several minutes as his stomach rubbed Jake's hard cock. Then to the left nipple, sucking and biting. Occasionally, Jake would grab Mark's head however; Mark would shove his hands away. Now, up to Jake's neck and then to Jake's left ear lobe. He sucked on the lobe feeling Jake writhing under him. His breath was coming faster and his chest heaved against Mark as he ground his cock into Mark's jockstrap which contained his own throbbing erection.

Back down, now. Mark licked to Jake's nipples and, again, attacked them with growing passion. Then, he licked to Jake's navel and found Jake's dick had filled it with a huge puddle of precum. He sucked the precum into his mouth and mixed it with his saliva. Hovering over Jake's cock, he spat the mixture onto Jake's shaft and then licked it. There was a thin thread of saliva spanning the three inches from Jake's cock to Mark's tongue. "Fucking SUCK MY DICK!" Jake hissed. Mark knew Jake was ready. He grabbed the cock and held it up to his lips, running the head over them. Then with one quick motion, he dived down on the prick and felt the head hit the back of his mouth. He opened his throat and the head pressed in further. His nose was buried in Jake's bush.

Up and down, side to side, Mark twisted his mouth on Jake's raging erection. Faster and faster he bobbed his head in time with Jake's thrusting of his hips. Soon, he felt Jake holding his head and plowing his mouth. The shaft slid in and out of his mouth as Jake's body grew tense. All of a sudden, Jake shouted, "AHHH FUCK AHHH YEAH AHHH FUCK AHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!" Mark's mouth was quickly flooded with semen. It shot out of Jake's cock and filled his mouth to capacity. Mark swallowed over and over again, taking all of Jake's sperm down his willing throat. Next, Mark jumped up and pulled his jockstrap down. His cock sprang free. He spit a copious amount of Jake's cum into his hand and then began to masturbate his cock in quick strokes. He climbed on the sofa and aimed his cock at Jake's face.

Jake quickly regained his composure and urged Mark on, "Oh fuck, man! Shoot it. Shoot your load! Shoot it all over me! Do it! Do it, Mark!" He opened his mouth and Mark moved in, pressing the head against Jake's lips, jacking his cock wildly.

"Uhh Uhhh Uhhh Uhhhhhh!" Mark grunted and shot his load. At first only a couple of drops shot out, landing on Jake's cheek and lip. Then three huge thick ropes erupted and landed on Jake's face, hair and lips. Jake closed his mouth, tasting Mark's cum before opening up again, to accept the rest of Mark's load. Mark eased his cock down and into Jake's mouth who sucked on the head and moaned with appreciation.

Mark collapsed then, landing beside Jake. "Fucking intense!" Mark said finally.

"Fuck yeah." Jake replied.

An hour later, Mark was lying on his bed with his legs spread wide. Jake was between them, sucking on Mark's cock. "That's it Jake, relax your throat and just let it slide in. Mmmm, yeah, that's it. Yeah. Take it all, man. You're doing good." Jake pulled off Mark's dick and gasped for air a couple of times then resumed practicing deep-throating Mark. He took most of Mark's seven-incher into his mouth and then slowly eased down, allowing the head to penetrate his throat. Then he gagged and pulled off again. "Good, Jake. You're doing good, just relax, dude." Jake tried again. This time he had Mark's entire length in his mouth and throat, his nose touched Mark's bush. "Ahh yeah, Jake! You did it!"

Jake pulled back and smiled at Mark. "Damn! That hurts my jaw."

"Yeah, at first but all you gotta do is practice stretching the muscles, just as you would to get ready for a football game."

Jake nodded agreement. He went down on Mark again, this time he didn't have to work as hard to get his nose into Mark's hair. He held his face in place, impaled on Mark's cock as Mark groaned. "Fuck, Jake! You're a fast learner! It took me several tries on several guys before I could do this. You're great, dude."

"Thanks!" Jake said and sucked on Mark's cock again.

"And by the way, when a guy comes in your mouth, let some drip out and run down your chin....guys love that shit!"

"Ok," Jake said sitting up and licking his lips while holding Mark's cock. "I have a question....what does it feel like to be inside a know...fucking him?"

"You are about to find out for yourself," Mark said rolling over and grabbing a bottle of lube from the table next to his bed. "Squirt some of his on your dick and some on my ass. You're going to fuck me now. And you're going to enjoy it as much as I will."

"Alright!" Jake exclaimed sitting up on his knees. His cock was hard. Mark tossed the bottle to Jake and positioned himself on all fours with his ass aimed at him. Jake lubricated his dick and then rubbed his hand over Mark's ass, spreading the lube over his thick, hairy butt however concentrating most of it on his hole.

"Ok, now, go slow. It still hurts me some until I loosen up," Mark said with his head turned back to watch Jake. "Remember how I did you the other day, do it just like that. Slow at first and then, when I tell you, give it to me, hard and fast. I like it hard and fast, most guys do." Mark could hardly wait to be fucked by Jake's big dick and huge body.

Jake "walked" on his knees in position directly at Mark's ass. He pressed his cock between Mark's thick ass cheeks and rubbed it up and down.

"That's good, Jake. Oh, man your dick feels so good there. Fuck me, Jake."

Jake lowered his dick to Mark's asshole and gently pushed into him.

"Ahhh yeah." Mark said.

A half-inch of Jake's cock slipped into Mark. He pushed again and looked down to watch Marks puckered asshole accept his cock head and then clamp down on his dick. "Oh man!" Jake said.

"Hold still, Jake," Mark said. "Just...a...second...there. Good. Keep going."

Jake put his hands on Mark's ass and pulled the flesh apart. He watched as he pushed his cock slowly disappearing into Mark.

"Oh yeah, fuck yeah, Jake. Damn, your cock feels so fucking BIG!"

Jake hitched his body closer to Mark and slipped another inch of his dick into him. Then he pulled back, being careful not to let his cock slip out, and then quickly pushed into Mark.

"Good, Jake. REAL good, man! Now, give me more. I want more."

Jake slipped another inch, now half-way into Mark, his cock was intensely hard. He noticed Mark's ass held his cock like a vise, gripping his cock firmly. Oh man, this is way better than Wendy's pussy, Jake thought. He felt his cock stiffen fully and Mark groaned. "Fuck me, Jake. Fuck me, you hot fucking stud JOCK!" Jake grabbed Mark's ass firmly and pushed his entire shaft into Mark with one thrust. "AHHH FUCK YEAH, JAKE!" Mark called out. Urged on by Mark's shouting, Jake began to thrust in and out of him, pistoning his hips with great enthusiasm. He felt Mark's ass gripping and then relaxing as he watched his cock fucking him. "Yes, that's it Jake. Ahh yes! YES! Oh fucking hell YES! Fuck me, Jake! Fuck me with your big, hard COCK!"

As Jake continued to fuck Mark, he felt he could come if he wanted to. However, he did not want to come. He some how "detached" himself from the urge to come and continued to fuck Mark as Mark begged for more. "Fuck me, Jake! Good man, real fucking good. Ahhh yeah, man, fuck my ass, Jake!" Jake fucked Mark for several minutes. His body glistened with sweat.

Suddenly, Mark moved out from under Jake whose cock slipped from his ass and stood completely erect. Jake was breathing quickly. Mark rolled over onto his back and lifted his legs. "Grab my ankles, Jake. Put them on your shoulders and fuck me some more."

Without a word, Jake placed Mark's hairy ankles on his shoulders as he kneeled next to his ass. He grabbed his cock and put it to Mark's asshole and leaned into him. His cock slipped easily into Mark. He began to fuck him. "Ahhh yeah, fuck me Jake! Fuck my ass with your big dick! OH man, your cock feels so fucking GOOD!" Jake fucked Mark and watched as the man's body lurched as Jake ground his cock into him. "Grab my ankles! Hold my legs apart and fuck me harder, faster!" Mark told him. Jake held Mark's legs apart and watched his cock sliding in and out of his asshole. He would pull out so just the head remained in and then slam back into Mark. Mark would call out every time, telling Jake how good his cock felt.

Now, Jake knew his orgasm was near. His body began to tingle and his cock grew immensely hard. He ground his teeth, breathing through them in great, hissing gasps. He suddenly had the urge to feel Mark's body against his. Jake released Mark's legs and placed his hands, extended, directly on either side of Mark. Mark wrapped his legs around Jake's torso and pushed Jake against him. Jake fucked Mark with jackhammer thrusts while Mark enjoyed Jake's large girth hovering over him. "Fuck me, Jake! FUCK ME! AHH YEAH! FUCK ME!!"

All of a sudden, Jake's body went completely rigid. "AHHHH HERE IT COMES!" he yelled. Jake slammed into Mark one last time, burying his dick deep into Mark's ass.

"Yeah, man! Give it to me! Shoot your load in my ass, Jake!"

Jake grunted and growled, filling Mark's ass with several wads of cum as he ground his body against Mark's. Mark grabbed Jake and held onto his hard body, coaxing the boy to complete orgasm as Jake yelled FUCK again and again. To Jake it seemed his orgasm lasted forever, however, he drained the contents of his balls into Mark in a matter of seconds and then collapsed on him, completely spent. He was breathing hard and sweat coated his body. Mark held him tightly and ran his hands over Jake's body as the boy recovered.

Exhausted and drained, Jake slipped out of Mark and rolled off him, to one side. He lay silent for several minutes, almost falling asleep until Mark rolled to him and kissed his chest. "I lost my virginity a couple of weeks ago," Jake began. "That experience was nothing compared to what I just did. I never knew sex could be that good."

"Sex is better when you are in love," Mark whispered. "This was just physical. Wait until there is an emotional bond between you and your partner. Them the sex is ten times more fulfilling."

"You've been in love?" Jake asked.

"Yes," Mark said. He sat up on his side of the bed and lit a cigarette. "But he didn't love me like I loved him."

Jake got up then. "I gotta go, Mark. I wish I could stay but I have homework to do."

"No problem," Mark said. "Call me, sometime. You have a great body and a nice dick. You fuck well."

"I had a good teacher," Jake said to Mark as he approached Mark and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll never forget you, Mark."

Mark chuckled. "Good bye, Jake."

"I'll call you next week."

"Sure, sure you will."

Jake went into the living room and found his clothes. He got dressed and left. Jake never saw Mark again.

That's all for Mark. In the next installment, Jake and Lee hook up. Yall are gonna love it!

Next: Chapter 3: Senior Year 3

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