Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Jan 28, 2003



Chapter 10

GOOD-BYE --------

Unfortunately, Lee and Jake could not agree on attending the same college. They discussed it endlessly and each was adamant about going to a specific one, especially Lee who received a football scholarship. Instead, they decided to keep in touch, calling each other and writing emails. They agreed they would remain faithful however, both of them knew that would be difficult so if one of them slipped, it was best not to tell the other. Sounds crazy but they were being practical.

At first, each called the other boy faithfully, day after day. Emails were sent, telling each other how much they missed the other. However, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the phone calls dwindled and the emails were less personal. The few times Jake or Lee tried to call each other, it seemed each was busy and messages would be left but not returned. With classes and activities and being away from each other, the guys had moved on with their lives.

Then, just before the holiday break, Jake called Lee and actually got him on the phone. They agreed to meet back at home. Jake hung up the phone and then wondered how Lee would react when he told him what he had to tell him.

During Christmas break, back in their hometown, they met at a hotel Jake rented for the week beginning on the first of January. The sex came easy and fast, like it always had.....

Jake opened the hotel door and Lee smiled at him. Ahh that beautiful smile, Jake thought. "Lee!"

"Hey," Lee said and walked into the room.

"Damn, its sooo good to see you again!" Jake said as he closed the door.

"Thanks! I've missed you, too, Jake!" They hugged each other fiercly and clapped each other on the back. Then Lee wrapped his arms around Jake's neck as Jake held Lee under his arms. Their faces were so close, their noses touched, just barely. Lee looked at Jake right in the eye for a couple of seconds and then opened his mouth and leaned his head to one side. Jake kissed him, letting his tongue swim around Lee's. "Fuck, I've missed your kiss," Jake said.

Then Jake lifted Lee's shirt up and then pulled it off of him and gasped at his chest. "Fuck, I've missed this chest!" Jake said as he latched his lips around Lee's nipples. Lee moaned as Jake ate his nipples, kissed his chest and licked his neck while bitting his earlobes.

Lee quickly pulled Jake's shirt off and rubbed his hands over Jake's muscled back. "I see you've kept in shape."

"Uh huh," Jake said while licking down to Lee's navel. He drove his tongue into it and then looked up at Lee while licking back up to Lee's neck. Jake kissed and licked him there as Lee pushed his hands into Jake's pants, feeling the naked flesh of his butt. Then Jake reached between him and Lee and roughly unbuttoned Lee's pants and pulled down the zipper. He spread the fly open wide and kissed Lee's stomach as his hand palmed Lee's hard prick through the cloth of his boxers. "Boxers?" Jake asked looking up at him.

"Yep, I've gotten to like them now. Is that ok?"

"Its fucking great, Lee. You look good in anything. However, you look best in nothing!" He pulled Lee's pants and underwear down to his ankles. Lee cock stood out from his body in a long arc while he stepped out of his clothes. Then Lee undressed Jake. They kissed again and then headed for the bed.

Lee layed on the bed with his arms draped over his head. Jake layed on top of him and pressed his erection against Lee's. Again, they kissed before Jake licked down Lee's body and worshipped his torso, licking and biting him everywhere. Then Jake licked his way down to Lee's crotch. His erection hovered over his stomach as Jake licked the large, spear-shaped head and tasted the sweet precum leaking from the piss-slit. He nuzzled his face into Lee's big balls and sucked each one into his mouth as his nose grazed across the hairy base of Lee's cock.

"Fuck, I've missed this big DICK!" Jake said as he licked the hard shaft.

"I've missed your mouth around it," Lee said as he rubbed his fingers over Jake's face. Jake clenched his teeth with Lee's cock sandwiched between them and his cheeks which bulged with the large girth. Lee could feel the outline of his cock though the flesh. "Damn, that feels so fucking good, Jake." Next, Lee pulled Jake by his arms who sat up on Lee's body with his cock just inches from Lee's face.

"I want to suck your dick," Lee said, looking at Jake with lust in his eyes.

"Suck it, babe," Jake whispered. He watched as Lee lifted his head and licked precum off the tip of his cock. The clear fluid gleamed on Lee's lips. Then Lee opened his mouth wide and engulfed Jake's prick to the base before his lips closed around the silken-skinned shaft. Jake moved his head back slowly and moaned, "Ahhhhhh. Suck it." Then he looked down to see Lee staring up at him from under his prick. He stared back into Lee's deep blue eyes with his hard, thick shaft resting on Lee's lips while his wide, flat tongue snaked around it. "Suck my dick, Lee," Jake whispered again.

After a few minutes, Lee pushed Jake over onto the bed and quickly layed between his legs.

"Watch this!" he said and took Jake's entire length into his mouth, down to his nuts.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "You've been practicing!"

Lee slowly moved his lips up as his tongue played with the shaft until the head slipped from his mouth. "Yep," Lee replied taking Jake's cock into his mouth and deep-throated him again.

"Damn, that feels good, Lee!"

"Good. I've been wanting to do that. Are you proud of me?"

"Fuckin' A! Do it again!" Jake watched as Lee sucked his cock, taking all of it into his mouth. Jake could feel his cock head pressing into Lee's throat as Lee's mouth stretched around his prick.

Then Lee pulled off and grabbed Jake's cock. He waved it around in the air. "I've got one more thing to show you."

"What's that?" Jake asked as he watched Lee rubbing his cock onto his face.

"Got lube?"

"Yeah, sure. Its right there on the table," Jake said motioning with his head to the nightstand beside the bed. Lee reached over and grabbed the small vile. He squirted a copious amount of the lubrication on Jake's cock and then tossed the bottle over his shoulder. It landed somewhere in the room. Lee grinned at Jake as he climbed up onto Jake's body, positioning his butt just over Jake's erection.

"Watch this," Lee said and slowly lowered himself onto Jake's cock. "Do you like this?" Lee said seductively.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Jake yelled as he watched his cock being devoured by Lee's tight hole. Lee's own cock stood hard over Jake's stomach.

"Fuck me, Jake," Lee said as he leaned forward and kissed him. Jake lifted his knees in the air and anchored his feet into the bed to drive himself into Lee who moved simultaneously to meet Jake's thrusts. "Mmm yeah, babe. That's it. Fuck me, Jake. Ahhh fuck yeah you feel so good inside me. I've missed having you inside me, man!"

"Ahh Lee! You are so TIGHT! I can feel my cock sliding in you, man!"

"Fuck me, Jake!" Lee said through clenched teeth. "Fuck me hard, man! Do it! Fuck me!" Lee pressed his face into Jake's neck. He kissed him there, sucking and biting on Jake's neck, chin and earlobe. Jake reached over Lee and grabbed his ass. He pulled Lee over him as he drove his cock in and out of Lee's well lubricated ass.

Then Lee sat up again. He lifted himself up and down onto Jake's hard cock. Jake could see it. He could see his cock fucking Lee's ass. "Fuck me, Jake," Lee whispered. "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me." Lee's cock stood straight up between his huge, muscled thighs. Lee grabbed his prick and masturbated himself as Jake plunged into him.

"Take it! Take my dick! Ahh fuck Lee! Your ass is so fucking tight! Ahh man, take it all," Jake yelled as he watched Lee's hard, muscled body slide up and down on his prick. He put his hands on Lee's pecs and squeezed them, intruigued by the immense span of flesh on either side of Lee's sturnum.

Then Lee layed down on Jake again, pressing his chest into Jake's hard body. With his face only a inch from Jake's, he looked into his eyes. "Fuck me, Jake." Lee reached down between them and grabbed his cock. He rubbed the head over Jake's flat, taught belly. "Fuck me, Jake. Oh, fuck me man!"

Under Lee, Jake felt his orgasm approaching. He wanted to hold back but the feel of Lee's body on him pushed Jake over the edge. Jake's orgasm slammed into his brain and then took hold of his body. It held him suspended under Lee, taught and almost pararlyzed for a few seconds. Even his dick was motionless, hard as steel but motionless, as he shot his sperm into Lee. Time had no meaning. Then the orgasm released its hold on Jake's muscles and he pistoned his cock in and out of Lee in a quick succession of furious thrusts. Lee's face contorted into sexual bliss as his cock erupted between them, spewing sperm all over Jake's stomach and chest with the last drops dripping down is fingers. Finally, Lee collapsed onto Jake's sweaty body. Jake layed there, completely spent. He gently stroked Lee's body as Lee heaved under him, taking in huge gulps of air before falling silent a minute later. Jake gently stroked Lee's muscled back and kissed him tenderely while holding back the tears which wanted to flow.

"I could do that forever," Lee whispered.

"Mmmm yeah," Jake whispered back to him.

After a few minutes, Lee rolled off of Jake and layed beside him on the bed. Jake sat up and kissed Lee before standing. He had to piss. Jake stood and then took one last glance back at Lee who was laying, eyes closed,with one hand draped across the huge expanse of his stomach. There was a "just fucked" look on his face. Lee's softened dick hung between his massive thighs, relaxing on his big balls. There was a thin thread of cum strung from the cum-slit to his nuts. Jake took a mental picture. It provided years of jack-off material.

Jake shook his head and wondered how he would be able to tell Lee. He walked to the bathroom thinking, how the hell do I tell him I am in love with someone else.

Jake returned from the bathroom and saw Lee looking at him. Now Jake, he thought to himself. Do it now. He sighed. "Ok, man, confession time."

Lee looked at him perplexed, "Confession time? What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, I doubt you learned how to deep-throat on yourself. Who is he?" Jake asked sitting down on the edge of the bed. He looked over his shoulder at Lee.

Lee didn't answer. "Well....?" Jake asked.

Finally, Lee said, "Please don't be angry. It just happened."

Jake nodded and then looked away. "How many times?" he asked.

"Four times." Lee replied.

"Four?! Four?! Fuck!" Jake exclaimed looking at Lee. He was not mad.

"Yeah, sorry," Lee replied, sheeplishly.

"It just happened, huh? Four fucking times, it just happened?"

"Yeah, well, the guys on the football team are fucking HOT!"

"You fucked FOUR guys on your football team?"

"No, just one, he's a senior. The others were just guys I met. I'm real sorry, Jake. I couldn't help it. I was horny, man! Last year, you kept me satisfied but with you gone....I just..I don't know."

"Its ok, Lee. I'm not mad or anything. I guess I should be but I'm not." He paused then asked, "A senior? You fucked a senior?" Jake asked, sounding intrigued.

"Actually, he..ummm..fucked me," Lee said and chuckled.

"Well, duh. I sorta guessed that. Tell me about him."

"Oh my God, Jake. The guy is fucking gorgeous! He's the second string quarterback, of all things. Can you believe it? I got fucked by a quarterback."

"Aaron would love to hear that!" Jake said smiling.

"His name is Brandon. Tall, dark and fucking handsome! Muscles, man, muscles! A nice thick dick, thickest I've ever had. Damn near choked on it!"

"Sounds hot!" Jake said, sounding sincere.

"So tell me about you. How many guys did YOU fuck?"

"What makes you think I fucked someone?" Jake said, trying to sound innocent.

"Because you're a guy. Because you're taking this easier than if you hadn't fucked someone so don't think you got me fooled. Come on...tell me."

"There was only one...well one guy I fucked and another I gave him a hand job."

"So that's two! Hand jobs count!" Lee said grinning.

"They do not!" Lee continued nodding yes and Jake relented. "Ok, ok, two. Geez!"

"Who was the guy you gave the hand job to?"

"Just a guy in a frat that I might pledge next year. He was drunk and I don't think he even remembers it."

"And the guy you fucked?"

"His name is Robbie. He's a psych major. Cute, tall, blond, athletic but not real muscled, not as muscled as you are. Nice tight, ass, though. Woof! He comes around once in a while and we hook up. No big deal."

"Brandon and I get together quiet often," Lee admitted.



"Oh." Jake said.

"You sound sad." Lee said and put an arm around Jake.

"No, its just that..."

"What babe?" Lee said, kissing Jake's bicep as he held him.

"Its just that I feel you slipping away. I feel US slipping away."

"I have been thinking the same thing. I know I don't call you as mush as I used to. And you don't call me as much, either."

"I know. I think about calling you but then..."

"I know. I know. You get busy. No need to explain. We'll just have to make more of an effort to keep in touch," Lee said.

"Lee?" Jake began.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Ok Jake, you have to DO this, he said to himself. "I think its time we ended this." Jake paused, looking at Lee. "What I mean is, why don't we just say goodbye and end this as friends. Let's end this before it gets, you know, bad and someone gets hurt."

"I don't want to end this. I love you, Jake."

"I love you, too, Lee."

"No, listen, I've always loved you..."

Jake interupted Lee, "I'll never forget our first night together."

"Night? Hell, it was a whole weekend! Whew! My nuts where dragging on Monday morning."

Jake grinned. "God, I loved your body! Even now, your fucking chest...oh man!"

"Yeah, you always had a thing for my nipples. Fuck, sometimes I thought you'd fucking chew them right the hell off me! And let me tell you this...the guys I have been one and I mean NO ONE sucks dick like you do. That is no fucking lie, Jake. You have one HOT mouth!"

"I love sucking dick! And I loved to suck your dick, Lee. I'll remember this dick for the rest of my life!" Jake grabbed Lee's cock and gave it a squeeze.

"Remember.....what was his name? Joey? Yeah! Joey! You and he sucked my dick that night. Man that was fucking intense!"

Jake laughed. "I remember him choking on your dick!"

"Yeah!" Lee laughed with Jake. Then they stopped laughing and stared at each other.

Suddenly, Jake rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed with his back to Lee.

"Jake?" Lee asked.

Jake leaned down and grabbed his underwear. He slipped them on before standing. He sighed. "I....ummmm.....have to tell you something."

Lee's smile ran away from his face. "Ut oh, this doesn't sound good." he replied.

"Lee, I've never lied to you. Until tonight."

"You lied about what?"

"Well, it wasn't so much a lie as it was an ommision."

Lee knew what was coming. "Damnit Jake, just say it."

"There is this guy....."

"I KNEW it!" Lee interrupted with slight anger in his voice. Then he sighed, "Who is he?"

"His name is Ben. He is on the wrestling team. I really like him. Alot. He makes me laugh."

"Have you slept with him?"


Again, Lee sighed.

"Look, man, its the same with you and what's his name."

"Brandon. Yeah I guess it is. But..." Lee paused.

"But what?"

"Those other he doesn't mean as much to me as you do. I love you, Jake. I want to be with you, Jake. I want you to be with me. I want you to come and live with me."

"Lee, we've had this discussion a million times."

"I know. I know."

"I can't do that, Lee. I like it where I am. I have...I want to continue to see Ben."

"He means that much to you?"

Jake hung his head. He could not look into Lee's eyes and tell him what he had to tell him. He just couldn't. But he did.

"Jake?" Lee asked.

"I'm in love with Ben," Jake said.

A hurt look slipped over Lee's face. He sat up then and turned away from Jake.

"Lee, please don't hate me. I'm not trying to hurt you but I want to do this."

"I don't hate you, Jake. I could never hate you."

Jake reached over to Lee and turned him so they were facing each other. "Lee, you woke something in me that I never knew existed. And for that, I will always remember you. Your friendship means alot to me. I still love you, I always will."

"But?" Lee added.

"But...I want to be with Ben. Please say you understand."

After a long minute, Lee said, "I'm going to miss you, Jake."

"Please don't hate me."

"I don't hate you."

Silence. Five solid minutes of silence.

Finally, Jake said, "We have the rest of the week together. Make love to me, Lee. I always enjoy our hot fucking sessions. But Lee, make love to me, nice and slow. Please?" Jake leaned over Lee and kissed him passionately. Lee wanted to resist. He wanted NOT to do what he REALLY wanted to do. They rubbed against each other until Lee was hard again. With out a word, Jake rolled over onto his stomach. Lee mounted Jake, entering him easily.

They made love.

Afterward, Lee began to cry as Jake held him in his arms. Jake stroked Lee's head and kissed his cheek while Lee's body convulsed gently over him while he sobbed. "Its going to be alright, Lee. Its going to be alright. Its going to be ok."

Lee's tear-stained eyes gazed off into nothing as he made up his mind of what he had to do to make it ok.

Jake woke up the next morning. He looked at the clock on the table beside the bed; it read 6:11 am. There was a light on and Jake rolled over to see Lee slipping his shirt over his head. "Damn, you're up early," Jake said.

"I'm leaving," Lee replied tucking his shirt into his pants.



"Lee, please don't go," Jake said, sitting up in bed.

"I have to," Lee said.

"But I have the room for us for the entire week. Are you coming back?"

With out replying, Lee grabbed his keys from a table and started for the door.

Jake jumped out of bed and met Lee at the door. He put his hand on the door and held it shut just as Lee turned the door knob. Lee sighed. He looked at Jake. "Jake, please. Just let me go," he said and swallowed.

It was then Jake realized Lee was leaving, forever. "Lee, you can't leave. Not like this!"

"Yes, I can. I started this and I now I'm going to end it." His eyes were shrink-wrapped in tears.

Now Jake began to cry. He leaned to Lee and wrapped his arms around him while laying his face on Lee's broad chest. Lee started to push Jake away but he couldn't do that. Instead, he held Jake tightly.

"I'm sorry, Lee. I didn't mean to hurt you," Jake said, sobbing softly.

"I know, babe. I know," Lee said before he gently pulled from Jake's embrace. "I will always love you, Jake," Lee said. His face contorted into a cry but then he quickly composed himself.

"I love you, too, Lee," Jake said. Then he reluctantly stepped to one side, facing away from the door. He heard the deadbolt turn and then heard the door knob turn. Still not looking at Lee, Jake asked, "Will I ever see you again?"

Lee gulped, choking back tears. "I..." He began to cry as he opened the door. "I don't think so."

Jake heard the door shut. A minute later, he heard Lee's truck starting. Next he heard Lee's truck leaving the parking lot, the sound of the engine grew fainter and fainter until there was silence. Jake backed up to the door. His knees buckled and he slid to the floor. That's when Jake felt the distinct feeling of his heart breaking into two pieces.

Lying naked at the foot of the door, Jake began to cry.


"There it is, Dad! There, right there! Come on!"

"Ok, Jacob. Ok! I'm coming!" Jake Chambers followed his son to where the other dads and their sons were registering for Little League Football. Jake had moved himself and his son to Jake's hometown not long after Robert Chambers died. Edna was sick and Jake was looking after her. Also, this arrangement gave Edna time to spend with her only grandchild.

Jake followed Jacob to the table where a man was taking the applications. Jake was about 10 yards from the table when he immediately stopped and stared at the man. He looks, it can't be, Jake thought to himself. It fucking can't be him. Then the man looked up while taking an application from a seven year old standing at the table. Oh fuck! It IS him! That face, that smile...that chest! It IS him! A little bit older, a little bit bigger but still the same fine chest Jake could never forget.

Jake stood in line with his heart beating rapidly in his chest. His mind went back in time, like it was yesterday: He was back in the locker room. Lee was coming out of the showers. He came over to where Jake was standing. "Nice move Chambers, when you blocked that asshole #89 and made a hole big enough for me to...."

"Dad! Its our turn!" Jake realized Jacob was pulling him up to the table. Jake handed the application to the man.

Without looking up, the man asked, "Name?"

"Jacob Chambers." Jake said.

Lee started to write while repeating the name, "Jacob Cham....." He looked up quickly, first at Jacob and then at Jake.

"Hi Lee." Jake said.

"Oh my God! Jake! Jake! Oh my God!" If it hadn't had been for the table in front of him and all the parents and kids around, Lee would have grabbed Jake in a huge hug and kissed him right on the lips. Instead, he held his hand out, smiling from ear to ear. "What the hell are you doing here?" Lee asked.

Jake shook Lee's hand and then patted Jacob on the head. "Registering my son, Jacob, for football."

"Jacob?" Lee said, incredibly. "You have a son?"

"Yep." Then Jake leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Its a long story."

Still grinning, Lee looked down at Jacob. "I want to play football!" Jacob said.

"You do?" Lee asked him smiling. Jacob nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Well then, Jacob Chambers, I have some good news for you! You are going to be on MY team!" He grinned at the boy and then back up at Jake. Then Lee sat down and registered Jacob for his team. Afterwards he asked Jake, "Got time to get together tonight and talk?"

"Sure! The address is there on the form. How does 8 o'clock sound?"

"Eight is just fine!" Then he lowered his voice. "You look great, Jake."

"Thanks, you do too, Lee. See you tonight!"

"Count on it!"

Jacob was in the living room, watching Nick At Night after playing outside with the football Coach Lee gave to him when he arrived. Jake and Lee had eaten a meal Jake prepared.

"Jake, can I ask you a question?" Lee asked as Jake handed him a beer and sat at the kitchen table across from Lee.

"Sure, go ahead." Jake said and flipped the pop-top of his beer.

"What ever happened to you and Ben?"

Jake looked to one side and grinned. "I KNEW you were going to ask that question sooner or later." Lee remained silent as he grinned at Jake. "He dumped me about a two months after you broke up with me."

Lee face brightened. "Oh, I know you didn't just SAY that!" he exclaimed, sarcastically. "Don't EVEN go there! You know DAMN well why I left!

Jake broke out in a hearty laughter. "You got me. I thought I'd try and slip that in there."

"You fucker."

"Ok, so I got dumped after I dumped you! Are you happy that I said it?"


"You fucker." They laughed together and drank their beers, still grinning.

"I just wanted you to admit it," Lee said.

"Boy, was I stupid!"

Lee shrugged. "You were young, dumb and full of cum." He drank from his beer. "I've got another question."

"What's up?" Jake replied.

"Tell me about Jacob."

Jake looked at Lee and smiled. "I love him so much. I never knew I could love someone the way I love him."

Jake continued the story.....

", Dan and I adopted him, we named him after me because Dan didn't want him to be named after him but I wanted a son so bad and so I named him after me. Does that make sense? Anyways, not long after, I came home from work to find Dan fucking the goddamn pool boy. How's that for stereotypical? We separated and Dan gladly let me have sole custody of Jake. He and pool boy took off to fuck I don't care. Haven't heard from him since. That was two years ago. Goodbye, so long, fuck off." Jake finished talking and Lee nodded understanding. Jake continued, "Dad died six months ago. Mom took it hard. Now, she's got cancer and I moved here to be with her." Jake stopped talking and drank from his beer.

"I'm sorry about your Dad, Jake. I remember seeing the obituary in the paper." Lee said. "I almost came to the funeral."

"Why didn't you?" Jake asked.

"I don't know." Lee said, shrugging.

Jake continued, "I have Jacob. That's all that matters to me. I love that little man."

"I've always wanted a son," Lee said. "He seems happy."

"He is. He doesn't seem to care Dan is gone, I'm glad to say." Jake paused, "So what about you?"

Lee began to talk......

" three years go by we are doing good. I'm teaching here at the high school and Brian is almost partner at his law firm. One morning he left for work and about an hour later I was just about to leave for the school when the phone rang. It was the police. It was dark, foggy, real foggy that morning...." Lee sighed and Jake said nothing. "It happened on the freeway. He didn't see the cars crashing ahead of him and hits them. From what they tell me he survived that. It was the fucking 18 wheeler behind him. It plowed into Brian's car, crushing him. He was DOA." A single tear rolled down Lee's cheek and he wiped it away with the back of his hand.

"Fuck Lee, that sucks. I'm truly sorry, man." Jake said.

"So was I. I loved him. And he loved me." Lee wiped his eyes. "We only had five years together. That was over a year ago. Since then, I've only had one lover who turned out to be a jerk. Last year, I started coaching Little League football and I love it."

"That's great. Whatever happened to Aaron and Lisa? Did they get married?" Jake asked.

"Yes, they got married about two years out of high school. They are living in Houston. Aaron owns a couple of car dealerships. He's loaded which is good because they have five kids."

"Five kids?!"


"Good for them."

"They come around here sometimes, usually during the holidays. I saw them year before last. We should hook up with them this year and have some fun."

"Yes, we should." Jake stared at Lee who stared back for several seconds. "Hang on, let me check on Jacob," Jake said and went into the living room. Lee followed him. They found Jacob asleep on the sofa with the football snuggled in one arm. Jake reached down and picked him up gently. "Im going to put him to bed," he whispered to Lee who nodded.

When Jake returned, Lee was standing in the living room. He had taken off his shirt. Jake stopped dead when he saw Lee standing there, shirtless. His chest was huge, well muscled and deeply defined as it had always been, even a little more so. His large nipples stood out, inviting, over his taught belly. Jake walked slowly to Lee and put his hand on his buddy's chest. "Lee, I want to tell you something. I never stopped loving you. After all these years, I still love you."

Lee wrapped his arms around Jake and kissed his lips. "I love you, too, Jake."

"It feels like Senior Year is starting all over again," Jake said resting his head on Lee's shoulder. Then, Jake grasped Lee's hand and their fingers intertwined. Jake led Lee to his bedroom and closed the door.



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