Senior Year Series

By Vince

Published on Dec 26, 2002


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!

If you like this story, send an email and let me know!




Chapter 1


Jake Chambers, 18 years old and only one day away from beginning his senior year in high school sat at the chest press machine in 24 Hour Fitness on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in late August. Pressing the machine's handles up and down, his mind was a jumble of thoughts. Something has been nagging the 6'2" 230 lb football offensive lineman for days now. Something wants out, he thought, but what wants out?? What is this feeling?? Jake watched his arms bulging, almost 17" around now, as he finished his second of three repetitions. Sweat ran down his chiseled face, starting at his dark black, short hair and streamed down his cheeks, his chin and then finally onto his white T-shirt which clung to his 44" chest and 30" waist like a second skin. Jake admired his whole body in the mirrored walls of the fitness center. From his grey gym shorts, his legs protruded like tree trunks. Dark black hair covered his thick thighs and bulging calves. Jake also like the way his crotch bulged with his legs spread wide, hugging the sides of the bench of the machine. Relaxing, he let his hands wonder over his chest and caressed his nipples through his shirt. He watched himself in the mirrors. He liked what he saw reflected there.

Then he saw something he liked better. But this was no something; it was someone. The Boy.

Jake had first seen the guy about three weeks ago here at the gym. He found himself watching him, no that's not right..staring at him was the correct verb, as the guy made his way through the gym, exercising his fine body on the various machines. When Jake saw him the second time a day later, he began referring to him as The Boy, capitalizing each word in his mind. Jake wondered who he was as he had never seen him at school. He must be from another school, Jake had finally surmised.

The Boy was about Jake's age, dark haired and tall, though not quite as tall as Jake. The Boy's shoulders where broad and rounded with well cut definition to his biceps and triceps. His legs where much thinner than Jake's but very muscular so another assumption Jake made was that The Boy must be a track jock. The Boy always wore a half shirt, cut off just over his taught, flat stomach which was covered in a fine spray of dark black hair surrounding his navel and which spread out in a large circle before cascading into whatever type of shorts The Boy was wearing. Jake had noticed The Boy's nipples seemed to be about dime-sized and capped off what appeared to be nicely defined pectoral muscles. Jake confirmed this assumption the second time he had seen The Boy. The Boy had come into the showers on that particular day as Jake was just leaving. Shaking his head, Jake had thanked the "gym gods" for allowing him to see The Boy naked. The Boy's dick was surrounded by a thick tangle of dark black hair, which was no surprise to Jake. He had checked out enough guys at his high school football team's locker room to know most had dark pubic hair, even some blond guys.

So every time Jake visited the gym, he kept an eye out for him. Most days, The Boy wasn't there. But, sometimes, he was.

Now, today, on the eve of his senior year, Jake watched The Boy as he worked out and timed his routine to The Boy's. Finally, after an hour and a half, The Boy headed to the men's locker room. Jake followed.

In the locker room, there were about five other guys in various stages of undress. Jake noticed two guys, naked, talking nonchalantly to each other not far from his locker. One guy, about 30 years old, had an impressive dick, although flaccid. NICE! Jake said to himself before moving on to his locker as The Boy found his own. Jake secretly watched as The Boy undressed. He groaned silently as The Boy removed the dark blue shorts he was wearing. Underneath, The Boy had on a white jock strap. Jake watched out of the corner of his eye as The Boy shucked the jock off. Oh fuck! Nice ASS! Jake thought eyeing The Boy's ass which was almost hairless. Quickly, Jake undressed, grabbed his towel and followed The Boy's ass into the showers.

The U shaped shower room consisted of fifteen showers, five on on three walls, the fourth wall being the entrance/exit. Jake was in one corner, and The Boy only three spaces to his right while two other men, both not bad looking themselves by Jake's standards, where using two showers on the other side of the room. Jake kept his body positioned so he could watch The Boy out of the corner of his eye.

He watched The Boy lathering his hard, flat stomach with a bar of soap. The Boy spread the soap all over his stomach before moving his hands up to his chest. He lathered those two slabs of pec meat then turned into the water. Next, he bent over to wash his legs. Jake watched as The Boy's hands traveled over his hard thighs. Jake got a nice view of The Boy's ass as he did so. OH FUCK YEAH! Jake screamed to himself.

Jake was also soaping his body. He paid particular attention to his crotch while watching The Boy. Without warning, Jake became aroused. Within seconds, his dick had grown from its 4" flaccid state to full grown erection measuring just over 7". Only The Boy, if he looked, could see Jake had an erection. So far he hadn't looked.

Jake was amazed at his own non-concern if The Boy saw him in this state. Something had awakened inside Jake; something had changed in only the last week or so and Jake was just going along, letting this "something" guide him. Then it happened. Jake had put his shampooed head under the nozzle and as the water gushed over him, The Boy looked at him. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second and then The Boy looked down. Jake stood there, his erection throbbing hard and standing proud. Quickly, The Boy looked away. Then The Boy turned his shower off, headed to the exit, grabbed a towel and without looking back, left the showers. Fuck, I scared him off, Jake thought. Still, he felt exhilarated. His body was shaking all over with excitement. Then Jake considered following The Boy, but dismissed the idea. All too soon, another man came into the showers and chose a stall not far from Jake. Jake turned to face the corner and silently willed his erection to fade. He was only mildly successful. When he did finally leave the showers and returned to the men's locker room, The Boy was already gone.

Jake looked down to see The Boy's head moving in front of his crotch. He could feel The Boy's lips manipulating his hard prick. Suddenly, Jake felt his orgasm begin. Snapping awake, Jake's orgasm continued as he laid in his bed, his chest was heaving. Jake could feel semen pooling on his stomach. "Damn!" He carefully lifted the blankets up and cupped his stomach with his hand. He got up and went into his bathroom and cleaned himself. Minutes later, he returned to bed. A wet dream. Cool. He thought. I need to get laid. That's what has been banging around in my head. I need to get laid.

Several days later, Jake is standing in his bathroom, looking at himself, naked, in the vanity mirror. I don't look any different he thought to himself. Yesterday I was a virgin and today I'm not. But I don't look any different. He replayed last night's activities in his head. It wasn't difficult to get Wendy into his car. Wasn't difficult to get her undressed. The booze both of them drank at his teammate's party after the game sure helped things along. At first he thought he was going to have trouble getting it up since he was drunk and since he really didn't think Wendy was all that attractive. But she was willing. Thinking of The Boy helped, too. When he slid into her, he was imagining it was The Boy under him. Jake sighed. He knew he should feel good but he really didn't feel as happy like he thought he would. Fuck. At least I'm not a virgin anymore, he thought.

The next day, Sunday, Jake was feeling antsy. His mom was getting on his nerves and his dad was being a prick. He needed to DO something. He decided to go to 24 Hour Fitness and work out. He hadn't been there since school began; no need to since he had been working out at the high school.

Not long after Jake began his workout, he saw The Boy. Throughout the next hour, Jake watched The Boy working out. Several times The Boy glanced in Jake's direction and Jake kept eye contact but The Boy would quickly look away. Jake liked this little game. It made him smile and it made him work out much harder, trying to impress The Boy. Soon, The Boy headed for the locker room and Jake waited a few minutes, then he, too, went in the locker room to take a shower.

When Jake walked into the showers, The Boy was showering on one side and another guy on the opposite wall. Jake stopped for second, thought to himself and then made a decision. He chose a stall directly next to The Boy. Jake was shaking with nervous excitement. He had never been so close to The Boy until now. He turned his shower on and looked at The Boy. After a minute or so, The Boy glanced towards Jake. Jake nodded and then said, "Did you have a good work out?"

"Yeah, it was ok," The Boy replied.

"Do you play football?" Jake asked.


Jake tried to think of something else to say. After severale minutes he asked, "Where do you go to school?"

"Eastside." The Boy replied and turned away.

"Oh, I go to Edmonton." Jake said to The Boy's back. Then The Boy turned his shower off and started to leave. Fuck! Jake thought and on the heels of that, think quick, dude! "Wanna get a coke next door?" he almost had to shout because The Boy was at the exit. The Boy stopped, glanced at the guy across the room and then looked back at Jake.

The Boy walked a few paces back to Jake. "No, I dont want to get a coke. AND, I dont want you staring at me all the time. You're creeping me out! I dont know if you're a fucking faggot or what, just stop staring at me! Got it?"

"S..sorry." was all Jake could manage to say.

"Fuck off!" The Boy yelled over his shoulder and left Jake standing under his shower while the second guy watched from across the room.

Jake sighed. Fuck! That went well, he thought sarcastically. Jake decided to stay in the showers for a bit to give the boy time to leave.

"Hey, Kid." the second guy called to Jake.

Jake looked over his shoulder. "Yeah?"

"Smooth move, dude." Jake didnt reply. "Wanna get a coke?"

"Huh?" Jake asked. "What did you say?" Jake turned around to see the guy had turned his shower off and was walking over to him. The guy stopped a few feet from Jake.

"I asked if you wanted to get a coke? My treat. I'm Mark," the guy said and held out his hand.

Jake held out his own hand. "Jake." he said as they shook hands.

"Nice body, Jake," Mark said.

"Thanks, you too." Mark was about an inch taller than Jake. He had blond hair, broad shoulders, well developed arms and muscular legs. His pecs stood a good inch over his flat stomach. Below, Mark had blond pubic hair surrounding his cock which Jake noticed hung down below his balls. Mark's chest and stomach where covered with blond or light brown hair in difference to Jake's sparsely black haired chest. "How old are you? Jake asked.

"I'll be 22 in a month. You?"

"18. Im a senior at..."

"Edmonton..yeah, I heard. I graduated from there."


"Yeah.....look Jake," Mark began, "why dont we talk over a coke...or a beer if you would rather have a beer. I have some at my apartment."

It was then reality set in and Jake realized they were both naked and are just standing in the showers. "Yeah, a beer would be fucking great."

"Lets go." Mark said.

Jake, in his truck, followed Mark to his apartment. Once there, Mark offered Jake a beer and then took off his shirt leaving only his blue jean shorts. Jake stared at Mark's body while drinking from his beer. He felt funny. Horny, he thought, and anxiously wondered what Mark's body is going to feel like. Jake set his beer down and took off his shirt as Mark joined him in the living room. Mark drank from his beer and looked at Jake. "You look nervous," Mark said as he turned his stereo on, tuning in a rock and roll station.

"I guess I am, a little bit."

"There is no need to be nervous. Besides, you've done this before, right?"

"Yes" Jake said.

"Yeah, right." Mark said sarcastically as he walked to Jake and embraced him. He kissed Jake.

Needless to say, Jake had never been kissed by a man. And the feeling was indescribable. Jake could feel Mark's beard stubble grazing across his chin and lips as Mark kissed him. Jake kissed back, matching Mark's intensity. He ran his hands over Mark's back and felt the hard, muscled torso. Mark reached between them and grabbed Jake's crotch. Caught up in the action, Jake did the same. He felt Mark's erection through his jeans. After several seconds, Mark moved back and unbuttoned his jeans. He pushed them to his ankles and then stepped out of them. He stood still as Jake looked at his naked body. Soon, Mark walked around Jake, who seemed glued to where he stood, and wrapped his arms around him, pulling Jake against him at the same time. He kissed Jake's neck and ran his hands over the boy's thick chest and hard stomach. Jake groaned. Jake could feel Mark's erection pressing into his butt. Then Mark's hand dove into Jake's green shorts with Edmonton High embossed in gold lettering on one thigh and grabbed onto Jake's raging prick. Jake inhaled quickly, hissing with excitement.

Mark released Jake and grabbed his hand. "Follow me," he said and led Jake into his bedroom.

It was a night Jake would never forget.


I know, not much sex. Wait for Chapter 2!! Woo Hoo!

Next: Chapter 2: Senior Year 2

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