Senior year one

By moc.loa@stnpymrh

Published on May 11, 2000



Warning: This subject matter contains gay adult material not appropriate for people under the age of 18! If your not allowed to view this type of material in your community please leave now. You can hit the back button on your browser to return to your previous page. All of the characters portrayed in this story and the rest of my stories in "Senior Year Saga" are completely fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is merely coincidence. Thanks.

Hi, guys! This is my first installment of what I'm now calling the "Senior Year Saga." Hope ya like it!


There I was, completely naked in front of Matt, one of my best friends since middle school and one of the cutest kids in the high school. He too was wearing nothing but his birthday suit. I lightly placed my hand on his defined cheek and moved it slowly towards the back of his head. Ever so carefully, I pulled him in for the most passionate kiss I've ever.

"Mr. Hernandez! Do you think you could join us sometime in the near future?!" The evil English-beast disrupted my reverie with her whiskey-ridden voice.

"Huh.Oh, sorry Ms. Foster.I was just wondering how in the world Nora didn't see that she should have left Helmer earlier." I could easily convince any teacher that I was serious about their subject, a very advantageous quality to posses during high school years.

"Well, Adam, I'm glad you brought that up actually! Nora had." She went off on some random tangent getting me off the hook once again. I glanced across the room and saw Matt giving me the thumbs up for my beautiful performance seconds earlier.

God, was that boy hot! He had the most gorgeous face and body in the school. His face was classic with chiseled jaw bones, a slight cleft hidden in his light brown goatee, a perfectly sloped nose, two beautiful, deep brown eyes and the best skin any teenager could possibly hope for. And the thing that topped off his face was his smile, the thing I'd found so attractive in him since I could remember. His guilty smirk always allowed a peek at his perfect teeth. The kid was amazing!

His body was another item worth spending hours admiring like the Adonis he was. It was the perfect combination of a swimmer's and football player's build. The hours at the gym and rugby practice really paid off for him. His toned shoulders framed the most beautiful chest and arms you've ever seen. Each muscular arm filled his shirtsleeves impeccably. His defined chest caused many a "special dream" for me. The square pecs were completely hairless with each peach colored nipple standing at attention continually. Tracing down you'd find the tightest washboard abs any Ab-Roller addict would die for. His abdomen formed a perfect "v" pointing you to a very taught bubble butt that attracted a lot of attention from the guys as well as the girls. His strong legs extended almost perfectly, holding him at six feet, four inches.

The kid was a god in my eyes. He was my best friend and had been since sixth grade, when I moved to this god-forsaken town. I spent most of my conscious moments with him, not to mention some of my sleeping ones too. We convinced our guidance councilor that it was "imperative that we have the same class schedule" for "studying purposes." Surprisingly he believed us for all four years of high school. We were constantly being separated in our classes because we talked too much and disrupted the class too frequently. Our midterm assessments repeatedly informed our parents that we "spent FAR TOO MUCH time together." Luckily, they never cared as long as we got the work done.

Matt and I did everything together! We drove to school together. We did our homework together. We went to parties together. We'd go on double dates together. Sometimes we'd even shower together or sleep in the same bed, considering I only had one double bed and a really small room. This may sound odd but no one ever questioned it.

Matt was the first to know I was gay and he was totally understanding and nothing changed at all. I was always nervous about sleeping in the same bed because I thought I'd pop a chubby while I was sleeping and he'd see it. The same went with the showers too. We were always late to everything we went to so time was always of the essence. So showering at the same time worked.

The shower at my house was a double person shower so it was never an issue. My parents were just happy someone was getting use out of the extra few hundred dollars they spent on the model. I cherished the showers because it gave me my chance to study his body. Any chance we got to spend close together, physically, was one I cherished.

Both of us being on the rugby team and working out at the gym provided many an opportunity for us to "spend more time together." My mind wasn't always focused on his physical aspects, however.

Matt was a genius. His IQ tested high above average but he never showed one shred of arrogance towards anyone. He was always able to admit when he was wrong or didn't know an answer. Humility coursed through his blood. Matt was not perfect and that's what I loved about him. He was lax in his school work and he lacked much ambition.

Those two things are what I lived for! I constantly motivated him, helped him do his assignments on time, and kept him on his toes. I loved that boy and wanted to see him succeed so badly it hurt sometimes. And Matt put a lot of time into me as well. I had a severe problem with self-worth and self-image. I never thought I was good enough or good looking enough for anyone or anything. Matt spent all his waking time trying to get me to realize just how special I was. We both loved each other and would express it quite openly.

Head nods, handshakes or pats on the back never worked for us. It was always a huge bear hug that we greeted each other with. There was never any fear of saying "I love you," or anything like that. The odd thing was that Matt wasn't gay.or so I thought.

That afternoon, Foster assigned a huge group project on Henrik Ibsen's play, "A Doll House" due the next day. Matt and I were partners, of course! She tried to assign us different partners but we always smooth talked her into letting us work together. We always got the work done and well done as a matter of fact, so she couldn't deny us for any reasons.

So Matt decided that he'd spend the night at my house so we could finish it in time. I guess my constant prodding for him to get motivated worked sometimes. My parents and older brother were gone for a week in Aruba to escape the Northeastern weather, so we had the house to ourselves. Matt was the one that drove in that day, so he dropped me at home and said he'd be back after going home to get his stuff.

I called up Papa John's to order some pizzas because I knew we'd both be extremely hungry by the time Matt got back. I placed my order and the guy on the phone told me the pizza would arrive soon. I hung up the phone and went to get the margarita mix out of the freezer. Alcohol was always a necessity when dealing with an English project! All of a sudden the doorbell rang.

"My god, that place is quick!" I was amazed that they could get two pizzas done and delivered in that amount of time. I walked to the door and opened it. I was quite surprised to find it was the UPS guy delivering a package. Signing for the package addressed to me I thanked him and closed the door. I couldn't for the life of me remember what I had ordered recently. Just about to open the package I was interrupted once again by the doorbell. Getting somewhat aggravated I opened the door without looking out the peephole.

A large feather pillow came flying at my head. Ducking just in time, I grabbed it from the ground and protected myself from the barrage of other pillows. Finally the attack stopped and I got a chance to check who was out there. There was Matt, out of breath, with that guilty smile on his beautiful face. I could have melted right then and there. Did I ever love that boy!

"I thought we could use a good, old pillow fight to break up the project here and there. Hey, catch!" Matt tossed his book bag at me and trotted back to his Mustang we came to call "Uncle Buck." I found myself fixated on his ass as it bobbed away. Catching myself before he did, I brought all the pillows and his book bag in the house. Matt followed behind me with his clothes and other such stuff he needed for the sleepover and shut the door behind us.

I returned to the kitchen, salted our glasses and handed him a margarita.

Technically we shouldn't have been drinking but who cares? We never drank to get drunk so it was okay. Matt took a sip and made a sour face.

"Man! I need something sweet, quick!" He dashed to the fridge.

"How 'bout me?!" I teased him like usual. This time he didn't really react to it like normal though. I dismissed it as nothing and forgot about it. Eventually he found some cookies and gobbled them down.

"I'm starvin'!" Matt's bottomless stomach could never be satisfied.

"Pizza's on its way. Should be here in a few." I started cleaning up the mess I'd made from the margaritas.

"Hey! What's this?" Matt had found the package I just got.

"I'm not sure actually.just came. Wanna open it for me? Thanks." I was just going to finish cleaning up and see what it was after.

"You sick bastard!" Matt was laughing his head off.

"What? What is it?" He put it behind his back. "C'mon! Don't make me bitch slap you!" He handed it over and awaited my reaction.

"! I totally forgot about this!!" I began blushing as I realized it was gay porn I had ordered as a "rite of passage" when I turned 18 and got a credit card.

"I can't believe you! That is soooo funny!" Matt continued laughing.

"Oh please! Like you've never seen porn!"

"Actually I haven't. Too scared that Dad'd find his missing." His laughing ceased as he started thinking about it.

"Liar!" I began teasing him.

"Wait a minute! Who's the one who went out and bought it? Let's not forget who the sicko is around here!" He grabbed it from me and ran upstairs. I jogged right after him. By the time I got to the family room Matt had already put it in the VCR and sat down on the couch with the remote.

"What the hell are you doing? That's GAY porn, Matt."

"So what! It'll be funny. Just sit down and watch, retard!" With this he stuck his tongue out and scooted over on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. I sat down somewhat apprehensively. Matt hit play on the remote and the movie started. The whole beginning was just this old woman explaining why the company makes porn. We laughed at the fact that someone would ever have to explain that. I was getting a little more nervous and I looked at Matt.

Matt looked back with a huge grin. 'What is up with this?!' I thought to myself. 'Matt's not gay.or is he? Naw, he can't be! Can he?' At this the first scene started and both of our jaws dropped. A cute guy our age was busy pleasuring his boyfriend. Again I looked at Matt but his eyes were fixed on the screen. Turning back to the television I watched intently. The scene progressed and the boys began to sixty-nine each other. I was beginning to notice a very large bulge in my pants.

I looked over at Matt who had his hand down his pants. 'NO WAY!!! MATT IS NOT GAY!!' I could not believe what I was seeing! My best friend was sitting on my couch whacking off to gay porn! Never had I suspected I'd ever see this. Some loud moans brought my attention back to the video. We both sat there fondling ourselves watching these two guys go at it. The first kid was now massaging his boyfriend's ass cheeks and poking at his puckered hole with his index finger.

Suddenly I felt Matt scooch over next to me. He lightly grasped my chin with his index finger and thumb and turned my face so our eyes met. He had the most seductive look on his face. I'm not sure if he ever actually spoke but I know I heard, "I want you, Adam. I want you right now." I lost all control to passion.

Our lips met and pressed softly against each other. We backed off and stared into each other's eyes. Our lips met again but with a little more force behind them, a little more confident each time.

I felt Matt's mouth open wider and mine did as well. Slowly Matt inserted his tongue into my mouth and began to touch it to mine. Our tongue rings clacked as we kissed. The sensation was mind blowing. I could not believe I was making out with the kid I had always wanted to. It was a dream I never thought would come true. We were lost in the moment. Our hormones had taken over completely.

The doorbell rang but we never broke. We rose from the couch together, still kissing and touching each other. As a unit we went to the door and answered it.breaking just slightly to talk, still wrapped in each other's arms. It was the pizza boy. He was extremely shocked by what he was seeing. We didn't care in the least. Matt kissed me again and said, "You gonna stare some more, cuz its easier to take a picture." With this he stuck his tongue out.

"How much do I owe ya?" I asked while digging in my pocket.

"Tww.twenty-two, fifty." I handed him the money and took the pizza, slamming the door with my foot. Matt had gone behind me and was kissing my neck. I was in such ecstasy that I almost dropped the pizza. "Ohhh.Matt.I love you. I love you sooo much." I placed the pizza on the counter and turned around to embrace him again.

"I love you, too. I have for so long but I thought you'd be mad at me."

"Why on earth would I be mad at you?" I said this with the most heartfelt smile I had. "I love you and always will. You're my soul mate." Upon hearing this Matt collapsed in my arms and began weeping. "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay." I stroked his head and back trying to calm him.

"You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that. Don't ever leave me." Matt spoke through his slowing tears.

"I promise." I crossed my heart and we both giggled. "Lets eat some pizza, kay? You've gotta be starvin'." We both grabbed plates and got a few slices. I reached for Matt's hand and we went back upstairs to the family room. I placed my pizza down on the coffee table and shut off the video. Matt had sat down and began scarfing down his pizza. I sat right next to him and did the same. We finished our pizza and washed it down with the margaritas.

Both of us were smiling so much our faces hurt. I slowly leaned in and closed my eyes. Matt did the same and we met in the middle, our lips pressing against each other with just as much passion as before. We eventually reached the point where we were when the pizza boy came. I pulled away. " you want to." His immediate reply was a nod and he pulled his shirt over his head. I did the same. It was like we had never seen each other naked before.

We examined every square inch of each other's chest. I placed my hands on his bare back and neck and pulled him in for another session of tonsil hockey. We caressed each other for a good while until we felt it was time to progress.

Matt stood and unbuttoned his baggy shorts. They fell to the ground with ease. I followed his lead and dropped my equally baggy jeans. We stood there in our underwear, him in boxerbriefs and me in boxers. We continued to caress each other's bodies and pulled in as close as we could get. Our tight muscles were rubbing against each other. I could feel his nipples brush mine. There was electricity flowing freely through us. I knew what I had to do.

I kicked off my pants and lowered myself to my knees. Slowly, I pulled his boxerbriefs down over his stiff cock. It bounded back up at my face and hit me on the nose. We both giggled but I continued. I pulled his underwear all the way down to his ankles and helped him step out of them. Placing my hands on the back of his calves I ran my hands up the back of his legs slowly. I reached his perfect ass and lingered there and at the base of his spine.

I raised myself slightly so our mouths could reach one another. We kissed as I massaged his back and ass. I could feel my happy member protruding from the fly of my boxers. I was still in utter awe that this was actually happening. I slowed our rate of kissing and broke away. Looking up at him staring down at me, I knew this was the man I'd love for the rest of my life. I changed my attention to the swollen member between Matt's muscular thighs.

I sadly removed my right hand from his ass and placed it on his "lil guy" as he called it. Slowly I stroked it from head to tip, stopping occasionally to rub the tip with my thumb. My left hand cupped itself around Matt's balls, caressing them carefully. I made sure to press my index finger against the back of the prostate.

This drove Matt wild and he placed his hands on my shoulders, trying to regain his balance. I looked up at him one more time and saw his eyes closed in total pleasure.

I opened my mouth and got closer to his dick. I licked from the base of the head around the front to the top and then circled slowly a few times. Matt's moans assured me that he was enjoying this. I slowly swallowed all of his 8 inches and I felt his right hand place its self on the back of my head. I knew I was in for the ride of my life. Slowly I began pumping my head back and forth on his cock while swirling my tongue around the shaft. His hand guided me at the pace he wanted. The pace quickened and his moans became louder and more frequent. I knew he was about to cum in my mouth.

I sucked a little harder and clasped my hand around the base of his beautiful dong and began stroking. I felt his body begin to spasm and heard his breathing speed up. The first wave of cum hit the back of my throat and I managed to swallow it all. The next three were just as strong as the first one so some dribbled out of the sides of my mouth. It tasted soooo good. When Matt had finished and was begging to soften I swallowed some of his man juice and kept a little in my mouth.

I raised myself off the floor and went in for a kiss. When we kissed he tasted his own cum and couldn't get enough. He had never experienced anything like it before. After sharing my salty treat with him we broke away and held each other tight. His hands ran down my back and stopped on my ass. He massaged my ass and lower back just as I had before.

"I want to do that for you, too." He said with a huge grin on his face and the bedroom eyes gleaming.

"Only if you WANT to. You don't have to at all." I wanted to make sure it was what he wanted.

"I do, believe me." With this he dropped to his knees and removed my boxers. He emulated exactly what I had done. The boy certainly was a fast learner. His sucking was so superb that I came more than I ever had before. He swallowed as much as he could and shared the rest with me. This time our tongues lingered in each other's mouths a little longer than earlier. We eventually broke and took a good look at each other.

Matt broke out laughing after looking at my hair. I put my hands in my hair and found a huge glob of cum acting as some extra gel. Who's it was, we had no clue. We were both pretty sweaty by now so we headed off for the double shower. I turned on one nozzle and Matt grabbed two towels from the linen closet. He placed them on the hook protruding from the tiled wall near us. I stepped underneath the warm waterfall and closed my eyes. I felt hands reach around me and pull me close.

Matt began nibbling at my neck and kissing along my jaw line. I was once again in complete ecstasy from the touch of Matt's lips on my skin. Our hands traced every inch of each other's bodies for what seemed like an eternity. Matt loosened his grasp and reached for the soap. He faced me and began soaping up my chest, working in slow circles. He proceeded to wash my neck, my shoulders, down my arms, and he brought the soap to my abs.

He lathered his hands and began rubbing them all over my stomach, going lower and lower each stroke. He then turned me around and soaped up my back, legs and ass. He pressed his body up against mine and I could feel his erect cock press against my ass. His hands reached around front and began fondling my now half-hard cock. I just stood there and let him do his magic.

Full arousal was his intention and he reached it quickly. Matt leaned his mouth against my ear and whispered, "I want to be inside you." This was exactly what I had been waiting for.

"I want you inside me. Do it. Fuck my ass." With this Matt's hands reached back around to my ass and began massaging the crack, occasionally slipping one or two finger tips in my puckered hole. Slowly and with a loving concern he inserted his index finger until he was sure I could handle another finger. Eventually he had three in, the same size as his now rock hard cock. He with drew his fingers and placed the head of his dick against my waiting hole.

He pressed slowly into me trying not to hurt me. All I could feel was complete and utter pleasure. He buried his cock up to the hilt in my ass. I could feel his member rubbing against my prostate causing extreme excitement on my part. Matt began bucking his hips slowly and his pace grew more rapid as time went on. In a few minutes he was plowing full force into my ass, both of us slipping in and out of consciousness due to the overwhelming pleasure.

I could feel a wave pass through his hard body. I knew it was time for him to cum in me. And I wanted it badly. I wanted his seed to imbue my body. I wanted to be his forever. Matt's balls soon unloaded their freshly made sperm into my ready ass. I could feel his warmness enter me and spread into my intestines. The pressure of his cock against my prostate caused me to come simultaneously. My cum hit the shower wall and slid down into the drain. I could feel Matt's man-juice seeping out of my ass and down my legs.

His cock was still buried in me. He was leaning up against my back, both of us completely out of breath. Slowly we regained control over our bodies and locked lips once again. We cleaned each other thoroughly and I turned off the water. I grabbed my towel and tossed Matt his. We dried off as best we could and wrapped the towels around our waists. Getting dressed was not something we always did.

We decided that we had fooled around enough for one night and got busy on the English project that was assigned to us earlier in the day. That night we lay next to each other holding each other tight, as if they might try and leave.

The warmth, both physically and emotionally, surrounded us and helped us to fall into the most pleasurable slumber of our entire lives.

So, how'd ya like it? This story was kind of rushed so sorry about the brevity. If you have any questions or comments please forward them to Thank you.

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