Senior Boy Privileges


Published on Nov 27, 2011



I'm Terry Moss. As a senior boy I had the privilege of showering once the other boys had gone to bed. It was unusual in that my seniority did not match my age. At 15 I was given a dormitory to look after -- the freshest, youngest boys in the school, all very nervous and wide-eyed.

It had been three weeks since the beginning of the school year and there simply were not enough final year students (form 5s) to look after all the dorms. And the peculiar turn of events this year was that very few form 4s had opted for the boarding school -- they were all day boys which meant that it fell on two form 3s to take on supervisory roles. I was chosen because I was emotionally mature, had performed well academically and in sports and was generally fair but sympathetic to boys younger than me.

As I made my way past the dorm to my small room at the end of the corridor I thought I'd just glance over the sleeping brood. I was wearing just a towel and carrying my shower bag, and with bare feet I made scarcely a sound. The lights were off but I could hear some movement, possibly even a few whispers. They did not hear me approaching. I walked up to the beds at the far end of the 10-bed dorm and listened again. In the darkness I could clearly hear that McGinnis was jacking off and it sounded as if Hesketh next to him was doing the same.

I was torn. How many times had I not done the same thing? It was one of the few physical comforts I had as a form 1. It was a way of escaping the routine, the boredom and sometimes the oppression of the small school. I had been caught twice and I would never forget the consequences. Could I deny these little guys their solace? But rules were to be obeyed and tradition had to be upheld, so my mind was made up -- fair but firm.

I flicked on the light and stared at the two petrified faces peering back at me from beneath the sheets. Each was in his own bed, but their guilt oozed out of their hard little penises which they were trying to deflate unsuccessfully beneath the sheets. I began to speak as their dorm mates slowly blinked themselves awake.

"I told you on the first day that this is not tolerated in the dorm, did I not?"

"Yes, Moss." they stammered.

"I also explained what the tradition was in this school should you be caught, did I not?"

"Yes, Moss."

"Is there any reason why I should not punish you?"

"No, Moss."

With that it was clear that their boners had now deflated and fear had replaced the astonishment in their eyes.

"Wait here." I walked quickly to my study just down the corridor and took the cane off the hook behind the door. I was back in an instant. Better get this over with so that the rest of them could go back to sleep again.

"You first, McGinnis." Without a murmur he threw off the sheets and walked awkwardly to the centre of the room, his dorm mates staring at his naked body, but mostly at his red but wilted dick. No one dared make a comment. There was one wooden roof beam that was slightly lower than the rest. He came to a halt beneath it and looked up. Then he turned his deep blue eyes to me. I put the cane down on the nearest bed and walked up behind him, taking him just below the shoulders, wrapping my thumbs around his shoulder blades and my fingers around his chest which was hot and slightly damp -- a combination of the recent exertion and the nervousness he must have been feeling.

"OK, one, two, three." I hoisted his light body up effortlessly and his arms stretched out and hung on to the beam. He was fully exposed to the whole dorm. I walked round the suspended boy and took a glance at his body. It was in the first throes of puberty. Dark little hairs had begun to sprout around his ankles, matching his mop of straight black hair. There was a promise of hair in his fully exposed armpits and just a hint around his small ever-shrinking uncut penis. His balls had shrunk in anticipation and were invisible. The strength of his legs showed that one day he would be a powerful boy, but right now he was helpless, scared and grim.

"Four strokes," I said curtly and took up my position behind him. His beautifully shaped buttocks were suspended at about my chest height. I stood for a moment, then swung the cane, stepping into the blow. The noise filled the room and several of the boys winced. McGinnis twitched his toes and barely moved as the red line broke the white symmetry of his behind.

I administered the last three strokes with even force and a steady pace, watching as the boys stared at me, at the suspended boy, his arse and his penis in turn. On the last stroke he let out a groan of agony but clung on bravely.

"OK, you can let go." He released his grip and landed on the floor. He turned to look at me. There was no animosity in his eyes, but they were moist. I also noticed that his penis was not as shrunken as when I first hoisted him up. In fact it seemed to be growing and he was at pains to move back to his bed quickly, but we were not finished.

"Apologise." He turned around, walked to the door and then turned again to face the dorm. "I apologise for letting you all down. A accept that my conduct has been unacceptable and has brought disgrace to my dormitory, my house and my school. I beg your forgiveness."

I nodded and he walked back to his bed, his hands clasped in fists by his side. As he passed me he stopped again and we shook hands, looking into each other's eyes.

"OK, well done, back to bed." He nodded and then trotted down to his bed, this time rubbing his battered bottom with both hands. There was a slight titter across the room.

I turned to look at Hesketh -- he was ashen. I beckoned to him and he climbed out of bed. He had taken the opportunity to pull on his pyjama pants, but a shake of my head caused him to stop, stoop and remove them.

Hesketh was an odd looking boy. A red head, pale and lanky he had a most striking penis. Much longer than McGinnis's it was veined and had a long foreskin. One could see a drop of moisture trapped in its folds. He was a little hairier too and his balls were clearly swaying in their light red coating as he walked solemnly down the dorm towards me. He was less well built than McGinnis and he did not have the perfectly round buttocks either. His blue eyes had pink circles around them which looked about the same size as the very pink nipples which stuck out from his hairless chest.

I hoisted him up to the beam and flexed the cane. He had closed his eyes and was biting his bottom lip. I could swear that his prick was slowly enlarging just as mine was. I still had nothing but the towel around my waist and was hoping its weight and its folds would hide my growing excitement.

The first stroke left a clear red stripe across his bum and he winced, letting out a groan. I stepped into the second stroke again and this time the welt crossed the first. He let go his grip and landed with a thud on the floor.

"Come on, Hesketh. Be brave man."

"My hands just slipped. I'm sorry. Help me up again please," he said is a slightly quivering voice while his hands massaged his striped cheeks.

"No touching! One extra stroke."

I took him around the waist and hoisted him up again.

The next two strokes fell in quick succession and I stepped back for the final cut when my towel slipped off. I could feel everyone's eyes shoot over to my crotch to see my fifteen year-old shaft half engorged and excited by my activity. I had to be cool, so instead of lurching for the towel I merely stood back and planted the last stroke with extra vigour on Hesketh before putting the cane down, slowly lowering him to the ground then stooping to pick up my towel. There was the briefest moment that his body touched mine and it sent shivers down my spine.

He walked to the end of the dorm and apologised, shook my hand firmly, his balls wriggling in the process, and then trotted to his bed to knead his arse.

"I will repeat this only once more. Wanking in the dorm is a punishable offence. Next time anyone caught will be given six strokes on piggy back. If you want to jack off, do it in the toilets where no one can see you or in a room by yourself. The only exception to the rule is the senior boys' dorm and the private rooms of senior boys. Now I suggest you all get a good night's sleep."

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