Senators Son

Published on Mar 15, 2006


The disclaimer is the same as before. Don't forget about the pictures! Part 6 will be coming soon! Comments or questions, as always, can be sent to

By the time we finished and got on the road headed home from Abu's, I was more than ready to get back into my bed with my man in my house. As we pulled into the complex, I checked the mail, which hadn't been checked for several days. There were a few bills, some junk mail, and a package addressed to me.

`I wonder what this is,' I thought as I ripped into the box. Inside, I found a red box with a letter enclosed.

"Dear David," the letter started. "I wrote this letter to you to ask a favor. When I saw you guys a few weeks ago, I had just done something that I thought I'd never do to him. I stole the one thing that was more precious to him than I was. Please give it back to him. It's in the red box enclosed. I don't expect you to believe this, but I love him still. I was shitty to him, but he stood beside me as long as he could. He's a great man, Dave. Just take care of him. He's in love with you. I saw the two of you at Wal-Mart earlier this week, and I must say that y'all make a cute couple. I hope y'all have eternal happiness. --Blair."

"This is odd," I said out loud as I walked to the car. Pedro looked at me with a strange look on his face. "Read this," I said handing the letter to Pedro.

"What the fuck is this?" Pedro said, cursing the letter. He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket, so I handed him the red box. He opened it to find a golden locket. He quickly shut the box back, but didn't say a word.

"Everything OK?"

"Yeah," he whispered, a sense of relief and shock sweeping his face. He took his cell phone and dialed a number. The phone rang and rang, it's sound loud enough to pierce the silence of the car as it sat in park. "Yeah. I just wanted to say thanks," he said before he hung up the phone. "I'm glad I got his voice mail."

Pedro barely said another word for the rest of the night, responding to my questions with one or two word answers. He showered, put on his "sexy drawers" (a pair of boxers that are tight and leave nothing to the imagination), and went to bed. I opted to stay up for a little while, assuring him that I would be in shortly to sleep next to him. I turned on the news.

"The son of former Senator Chadwick found dead in a Birmingham-area hotel. More details at 10," the lady said.

I went into the bedroom, but Pedro was already asleep. "Pedro," I said lightly, "Pedro. Wake up."

"Are you getting me back for last night?" he jokingly stated. He was, after all, equally as crabby when he wakes up as me.

"No. I just saw something on the news about Blair," I explained. He shot to attention.

"What did they say?" he asked.

"They said that he was found dead in a `Birmingham-area' hotel. They didn't offer any details about it, though."

"Shit," he said as he grabbed his cell phone and made several calls, leaving a message each time. "I'm gonna have to call the Chadwicks' house," he added, searching the phonebook of his phone for a number he could find.

"Hello," he said after a moment. "May I speak with Mrs. Chadwick? ...Yes...Pedro Morales...Yes...I'll hold...Margie! How are you?...Uh huh...David just told me about it...I'm so sorry...Any details on the arrangements and such...Uh huh...Uh huh...Uh huh...Yeah...Thanks Margie! Yeah....I'll call tomorrow. Good night."

Pedro fell silent again. I could tell from his gaze that his mind was working overtime, trying to figure out what to make of the situation. He sat at the TV, waiting on the 10 o'clock news to start.

Without provocation, he got up and walked onto the balcony. I fixed him a drink and went out to find him sitting on the cold, concrete floor of my patio. "Why not sit in a chair?" I asked.

"I felt like I was going to throw up, so I wanted to get where I could cool off for a minute," he answered.

"OK. Makes sense," I said, handing him a drink. He took it and turned it up to his mouth, completing the shot of tequila in no time.

"He left them a note. Blair's little brother, Pete found it. Margie wouldn't tell me what it said over the phone, but she did say that I was mentioned."

"Did she say what happened to him?"

"No. Not really. He was in Woodlawn, though. He probably took too many drugs. I'll find out tomorrow, though, definitely. Can I ask a favor?"


"Would you mind going with me?"

"Not at all, babe. Anything you need."

"Thank you, baby," he said sitting on the floor at one end of the patio.

Over the next few days, we were occupied by exams, and Pedro was helping the Chadwicks plan for Blair's funeral. Despite what Blair and Pedro had been through, he still felt a close connection to them, just as I felt for Antony, Rose, Jackie, and a few other members of Josh's family.

When it was finally time to go to the funeral, Pedro dressed in his black suit, with a white shirt, and red tie. I dressed with the same formality, but substituting a black tie and a blue shirt. He wasn't ready for the press this event had already caused, and by the time we arrived at the Trussville-area funeral home, he had become extremely tense.

"This is Cole Simpson, with WALA Channel 7 News. Today, we're covering the funeral of Blair Chadwick, oldest son of former Senator Chadwick and his wife. A who's who of Birmingham upper crust is here. We've seen Governor Donaldson and his wife. Conservative leaders from across the south are here. We also have a quite unexpected guest arriving. David, the son of Senator Michael Jansen, is arriving. Let's see if we can get him for a moment. David!? David?!"

"Can I help you?" I asked the reporter as he moved closer.

"Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" Cole asked as we walked over to where Pedro and I were. I motioned for Pedro to go ahead into the chapel, telling him that I would be there in a moment.

"Hi Cole," I said as I walked over to where he was. I'd known Cole for some time, since he worked for my father's senate campaign. Since then, he'd become a very good friend. He came to Josh's funeral, as a friend and not the thorough reporter that he was.

"Hi Dave. How are you?"

"I'm great, man," I said, giving him a hug.

"Can I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Sure, I guess."

"OK. First. Why are you here?"

"Well, Blair and I have mutual friends. I'm here to support them and to support the Chadwicks," I answered honestly.

"Does your father know that you here? What does he think of your being here?"

"He does know I'm here. I told him that I would be coming. In terms of what he thinks, I can't say for certain."

"Dave. Thank you so much. I have some good snippets for my story," he said as he hugged me again.

"Go easy on them, Cole," I said as I walked backwards toward the door of the chapel.

"I will. I always do, well at least most of the time," he said, smiling wryly at me.

As I walked into the lobby toward the main chapel, where Blair lay, two or three groups of people stopped their conversations and watched me as I walked in. I'm sure they were trying to figure out why the youngest son of a liberal senator most of them despised was here. I paid them no attention though as I continued into the main chapel.

"Dave!" Pedro called as I entered the chapel. I walked over to where he was. With him were the Chadwicks and their other son, Pete.

"Thank you for coming, David," Mrs. Chadwick said as I walked to the group.

"It means a lot to us."

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick," I said, attempting to appear as sincere as possible.

"I appreciate you saying that, David," Mr. Chadwick said.

"My mother and father also asked me to send their condolences. They've got a cabin at Highland Lake that they've asked me to offer to you guys if you need to get out of town for a few days," I offered.

"Tell them that we appreciate the offer, but being that we have a lot of family here and coming in for Christmas, we may not be able to take them up on it for a while," Mrs. Chadwick said.

"It's fine. Just let me know when y'all are ready, and if it's not already taken, I'll get the key from them," I said, hugging Mrs. Chadwick. I shook Mr. Chadwick's hand. I'd met them all before, at a debate that the Birmingham News hosted during the campaign. Despite their political differences, my father and Mr. Chadwick respected each other immensely.

Pedro and I took a seat close to the family section of the chapel as the Chadwick's family minister, Rev. Bob Watson, "pastor" at Jubilation Baptist Church of Mountain Brook. Rev. Watson delivered a spirited sermon, to say the least. Rev Watson wasn't known for his rapport with the gay community; in fact, he was one of the most vocal opponents of gay rights in Alabama. I loathed the man, and every word that came from his mouth made me burn, as a general rule. This time, though, he didn't say a word about Blair's sexuality. Everyone knew he was gay; Cole had outed him on TV, much to the chagrin of the Chadwick family. (I love Cole. He's a bitch like that.)

The service actually ended with the singing of hymns, which is not normally done in the Baptist funeral service. (Since I was raised in both the Catholic and a Baptist church, I've had many experiences in both.) The crowd dispersed, and since the Chadwicks had decided to cremate Blair, there was no point in us standing around.

"Is your friend still gonna be outside?" Pedro asked.



"I'm not sure. Did I piss you off by answering questions earlier?"

"No. I just don't really like him, is all."

"Why not?"

"He's always been a jackass, it seems."

"He's really a nice guy, Pedro. He worked for Daddy at one point during the campaign."

"I could tell during the campaign," he said, offering a quick smile. "I still don't like him, though."

"He can be brash at first glance," I said, trying to reassure Pedro, "but you'd like him if you got to know him."

"You'll have to invite him over sometime. I'll cook for him," he said.

"Sure. After Christmas, though."

"Alright," he said as we climbed into his car. "Can I ask you a question without offending you?"

"Sure," I said, not quite sure where he was taking the conversation.

"There have been a lot of things going on over the last few days, and I need a night to think about things. Would you be upset if I spent the night at my place?"

"Baby. Why would I be offended by that?"

"I don't know. I was just worried that you'd be pissed at me."

"Baby. If there's anyone that understands about wanting or needing to be alone for a while, it's me. Make me a promise, though."


"You'll call me if you need me."

"I promise," he said, reaching over to take my hand as we drove down Highway 11 toward I-459, Birmingham's southern loop. "I don't understand what made him do it, David."

"There are a million possible explanations," I said, trying to answer the questions that were plaguing his mind. We seemed to get to the house in no time. He parked the car, but didn't make an attempt to get out. "I love you baby," he said as I gathered the couple of things that I had to carry into the house.

"I love you too, Pedrito. And remember to call me if you need me."

"You're the first one I would call," he said. I blew him a kiss and closed the door. He smiled back at me. There was something not quite right about him. But he wouldn't tell me what was wrong.

I waved before turning to go upstairs to my apartment. Jamie and Kyle sat on the platform leading up their apartment. Jamie was on the phone; Kyle was sitting there rubbing his back. Kyle waved at me, but said nothing.

"Everything OK?" I whispered. Kyle nodded, but still said nothing. Jamie wasn't normally a very emotional person, but was allowing his face to become puffy for some reason.

Kyle stood after checking with his brother to see if it were OK. He walked over to my front door, out of the earshot of his brother. "His boyfriend broke up with him," Kyle said. I nodded out of understanding, and motioned for Kyle to come in with me.

"I'll fix him a drink," I said. I fixed three shots of Jose: one for Jaime, one for Kyle, and one for me. We went back to the porch, where Jamie had hung up the phone.

"Fuck him," Jamie exclaimed.

"Damn right," Kyle said, lifting his glass.

"Dumb fucker," I added, lifting my glass with the two of them. We quickly swallowed the shot, Jamie asking for a second. I went in and brought the bottle back out.

"Have as much as you want," I said.

"I'll give you a blowjob later," he said.

"No worries. He wasn't good enough for you anyway," I said, trying to reassure him that he'd be OK, something which he'd done many times since Josh's death.

"I know. He was hot, though, and had a huge dick."

"I'm sorry papi," I said, letting his brother rub his back.

"No worries. He'll get his," he said holding the bottle to his mouth and turning it up. Three or four gulps later, he took the bottle away from his mouth. "Dave," he started, "how is it that you can always find someone to fall in love with that's actually decent, and all I find are shitheads?"

"Luck, I suppose," I said in an attempt to answer the question he'd posed.

"You had Josh, and now you've got Pedro. I just need to meet a guy that's both worth my time and built like both of them," Jamie added, looking toward the ground.

"Jamie. You are going to meet the man of your dreams one day, and when you do, he will be everything you've ever wanted and then some," I said, putting my hand on his chin to pull his face so that he was looking at me.

"He's right, Dork," Kyle added, calling his brother by a pet name he'd had for him since childhood. "You're gonna meet a hot man, and maybe he'll have an identical twin, too, for me."

"You actually think I'm right, Kyle?" I said, joking at Kyle.

"Yeah...for once," he snapped back.

"So how's things with you and Pedro?" Jamie asked.

"They're fine, papi," I answered.

"Just fine? Has he officially moved in yet?"

"Not yet. He's actually spending the night at his apartment tonight."

"Why?" the two of them asked, practically in tandum.

"He said he needed to sort some stuff out in his mind," I answered, shrugging my shoulders with my comment. "His ex committed suicide the other day, and the funeral was today. He did it well, but I know he needs some time to deal with it."

"Oh God! That was his Blair," Jamie said.

"Yeah," I said, "that was him."

"I wonder if that hot Cole Simpson is gonna do a news spot on it?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah. He is," I answered smiling.

"Do you know him?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah. He worked in Daddy's campaign for a while in 2002," I said. "And we've kept in touch since then."

"God. Is he gay?" Jamie pondered.

"Yes, and if you'd like I'll introduce the two of you," I offered, smiling.

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of my phone playing `Amar sin ser amada,' a song by Latin singer Thalia. It was Pedro's personal ringer, so I pulled the phone from my pocket quickly to answer it.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Hey. You busy?" he asked.

"Nope. Everything OK?"

"Not really," he said after sniffling.

"Well what's wrong?"

"When I got over here and checked the mail, I had a letter from Blair. It was post marked Saturday."

"Oh shit," I said as he started to sniffle louder, obviously working harder to hold back tears.

"Yeah. That's what I said," he added. "Exactly what I said."

"What did he say in it, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's a 6 page letter, so to give you the short version," he said through tears. "He said that he wanted to say that he loved me, and that he was sorry for taking the locket. He also said that he hoped you would be good to me, otherwise he's gonna haunt you." He stopped for a moment, thumbing through the pages of the letter. "I feel so bad for Pete," he finally said.

"Pete really looked up to Blair."

"I'd be fucked up if something happened to Jay," I commented.

"Hell, I'd be fucked up if something happened to Jay," he said, noting that he and my brother had gotten along so well at Thanksgiving. They played a quite spirited game of basketball that Thursday morning before Thanksgiving lunch.

"That's funny. I'll have to tell him."

"Did Maya really tell you that about their lakehouse, by the way?"

" But I did tell Maya what I'd told them, and she said it was OK. She joked about having to de-liberalify the house, though," I said, earning a roaring laughter from Pedro.

"God David. What do I do next? I mean, I'll let you read the letter, but he's basically telling me the reason why he did this was because he couldn't have me. What am I supposed to do?"

"First, you've got to tell yourself that you're not responsible for this. It was all his decision. I know that sounds a little crass or rude, but it's the truth."

"I know," he said meekly, as I child who's just been scolded might.

"Second, you're gonna call Georgia in the morning and set up an appointment."

"Right. I was gonna ask you about that anyway."

"Third, when you get home, you're gonna come in, pack a bag, and let me take you away for a few days before Christmas to get things out of your mind."

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know yet, but we'll find some place."

"I know where I'd like to go," he said.


"D.C. I'd love to see where your dad works. I'd love to see that house that we're gonna live in when you're elected president. What's the address?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," he joked. "Plus, I would like to see your Maya and Daddy. Didn't you say that they were gonna stay up there this year?"

"They're coming down. Maya changed their minds," I joked. Pedro again busted out with laughter. "And you're gonna like their Christmas present to you."

"They got me a Christmas present?" he asked, sounding slightly surprised.

"Yeah. Sometimes I think they like you more than me," I added.

"My God! That's hilarious," he countered. "Babe. I love you so much. I'm sorry that I'm acting the way I am."

"Pedro Morales! You have nothing to apologize for. Do you not remember last Friday night?"

"Yeah, but that's different."


"In my mind, I have to be strong for you. I don't have the time to be weak. That's why I came over here tonight, so that you wouldn't have to deal with that."

"Pedro! That's part of my job as your boyfriend."

"Well, thank you."

"Now you can come over here if you want. Or you can stay over there. Either way, I'm here for you," I said, assuring him that he was one of the most important people in my life.

"I think I'm gonna stay over here. I've had a few drinks, anyway."

"You want me to come over there?"

"Nah. I'm gonna take the night for myself, I think. I love you, though, David Jansen."

"And I love you more."

"Nuh-uh," he said, starting the playful exchange that often happened when we were on the phone with each other.

"Yuh huh."

"Well I love you. That's all that matters."

"And that I love you," I added.

"Well that too. Can I ask you one last question, and then I'm gonna go?"


"Do you think I have a big dick?"

"Fuck yes. The biggest I've ever had."

"Good. I'm sitting here playing with it right now. I was imagining your tight ass all on it," he said, causing a hard on to grow in the front of my pants. "I guess you'll have to wait on that, though."

"Fucker," I came back trying to sound upset.

"Damn right. But you know you like it," he said.

"Like isn't the right word."

"Well then you can't get enough of it. You're insatiable when it comes to my dick."

"That's good, Pedro."

"Alright baby. Love you."

"Love you too. Dream sweet."

"Alright love. Ciao."


I hung up the phone from Pedro, sad that he wasn't here with me. I knew, though, that he needed to be by himself for a little while, otherwise, he'd be trying to deal with everyone else's problems.

"Dave!" I heard Jamie yell. "Got anymore tequila?"

"Yeah," I said back to him as I went back into the apartment to get more tequila for the already inebriated twins.

"Thanks Dave! You're the best," Jamie said.

"Yeah. Tu eres muy bien bueno!" Kyle said, appearing as though he didn't quite know what he said.

"¿Tu piensas que si?" I asked. (Ya think?)

"Yeah...uhh...what did I say?" he said as he giggled along with his brother.

"You said I was hot."

"Oh shit! Don't tell Pedro!" he said, elongated Pedro's name.

"Oh I'm gonna tell him. He'll think it's funny."

"He's so fucking hot. I would do him," Jamie said.

"Touch him and I won't introduce you to Cole!"

"Oh shit. Please don't do that. Why don't you go ahead and call Cole? Is he as hot in person as on TV?" Jamie asked.

"Oh yeah," I answered as I dialed Cole's number and waited for him to answer.

"Does he have a big dick?" Jamie yelled loudly enough for his words to echo off the building across the parking lot.

"Jamie!" Kyle yelled.

Groggily, Cole answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey dude," I said back to him.

"Hey. What are you doing?" he asked.

"Not much. Why don't you come over for a little while? I'll get you an exclusive," I promised.

"An exclusive with whom?"

"Who is the only person I can get an exclusive with?"

"OK. I could get that myself."

"Well then there is a hotboy here that wants to meet you?"

"Really? What's his name?" Cole asked.


"Ooh. Sounds hot! I'll be over in a little while."

"Alright. See ya shortly."

"Alright. Talk to you later," he said as he hung up the phone.

"Yes. He has a big dick," I said to Jamie as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"SWEET!" he yelled in his drunken haze. The pair laughed hysterically.

In a few minutes, Cole's white BMW pulled into the parking lot, choosing a space almost directly in front of our apartments. I walked down the stairs to meet him before we went upstairs. He looked especially good. His tan skin and his wavy blond hair perfectly accented by the tight, striped button up shirt and khaki pants. He had brown shoes, with a matching brown belt. He looked really good. It's a shame he was like a brother for me.

"Hey dude," he said, walking confidently up to me.

"Hey man. Thanks for coming over," I said, taking him into a hug.

"No worries."

"Listen. His boyfriend broke up with him today," I started, "so be gentle."

"Aren't I always?" he asked, winking at me.

"Cole. I'm serious."

"I understand," he said as we began walking up to the stairs. "Shit. Twins!" he said as we got closer. "And both of them are hot!" he said loud enough so that they could hear him say it.

"Kyle has a boyfriend. Jamie's the one in blue," I instructed.

"Cool," he said as we walked up to the porch between our apartments. "Hey dude, I'm Cole," he said, flashing a smile to Kyle.

"I'm Kyle," he said, extending his hand to shake Cole's.

"And y'all are not identical, are you?" he said as he moved to introduce himself to Jamie.

"Yeah. We are. Why do you ask?" Jamie said, a bit confused as a result of his inebriation.

"Cause you're hotter than you're brother," he said as Jamie began to blush at the comments.

"What did you tell him?" Jamie asked me.

"That you were insatiable," I joked.

"Shit. I watch the news every night to see if you're doing a spot," Jamie confessed, much like a school girl would confess in a note to the boy she was in love with.

"I'm glad. You're keeping me employed," Cole said.

"Shit. I'm Jamie," he said, extending his hand for Cole to shake.

"Nice to meet you, hot stuff. Got any more tequila."

"Nope," Jamie answered.

"What happened to the bottle I brought out a few minutes ago?" I asked.

"I finished it off in a minute. That was a little bottle."

"It was a fifth, Jamie," I said.

"I know. A little bottle!"

"Shit," I said walking back into my apartment for another bottle of tequila. (We always had tequila, for some reason.)

"I love you Dave!" Jamie said as I handed him his own fifth.

"I know it. That's it, though," I said, handing another bottle to Cole for him to open.

We all sat on the porch for some time. Everyone, including me, was extremely drunk. Cole was getting tired, so I offered to let him sleep on my couch. He accepted, but only after thinking about it for a moment and after a dejected look. I looked at Jamie, who was oblivious to what was going on.

"Jamie," I said. "Come help me with something real fast."

"Sure, Dave."

When we walked into the apartment, I shut the door so that neither Kyle nor Cole could hear what we were talking about. "Dude. He wants to spend the night with you."

"Really? How do you know?"

"When I offered to let him sleep on the couch, he looked at you before he accepted. You should offer to let him stay over there," I instructed, knowing that both Cole and Jamie were looking for a good guy to get to know and fall for slowly.

"Oh OK," he winked.

"Now go get him, Tiger."

"Yes sir," he said, giving me a salute.

As we walked back outside, Kyle and Cole were still talking. Though I couldn't decipher what the conversation was about, the two of them were both evidently interested in it. "Cole!" Jamie said as he struggled to stay upright. "You're not gonna stay at David's. You're gonna stay at our apartment," he announced.

Kyle gave him a look like `when were you gonna ask me,' but gave it up when he remembered the many boys that he'd had for overnight visits without consulting his brother. Jamie took Cole inside to give him the tour.

"Do you think he will end up liking my brother?" Kyle asked after the door was well closed to their apartment.

"I don't know," I answered. They have a lot in common, and they both seem to like each other so far. Hopefully they will take it slow, though.

"I hope so," he said. "Just in case, though, do you mind if I sleep on your couch?"

"No problem," I said. He went into his apartment to grab a couple of things that he needed for bed.

When he knocked on my door asking for entry, I answered. He started to talk ninety to nothing. "They're already asleep," he said finally.

"They're already asleep?"

"Yeah. I was walking past Jamie's room, and both of them were lying on the bed asleep."

"Oh shit," I said.

"I'm sure it will be OK," Kyle started. "When Jamie gets started, it's hours before he's finished, and it's loud."

"OH!" I said, really not caring to know the information.

Kyle settled himself in for the night on the couch; I got myself ready for bed. We said our final goodnights, and I went into the bedroom. This was the first time in a month that Pedro and I hadn't slept in the same bed. `It's going to feel weird,' I thought to myself as I pulled off my shirt and pants and climbed into bed. It had been an interesting evening so far, and I was sure that the next day would bring just as much interest and intrigue.

The next morning, I woke up and found Kyle still asleep on the sofa. He reeked of alcohol, but obviously wasn't bothered by it, since he was snoring loudly. I fixed a coffee and went to balcony to enjoy the calmness that morning often brought.

"Morning," I heard from the ground below my balcony. "You gonna let me up?"

"Morning, Maria," I called. I walked down to let her up.

"Is my cousin not here?" she asked, looking around as if for his car.

"Nope. He went to his apartment."

"His apartment? In Hoover?" she asked.

"Yeah. With all the stress from yesterday, he decided to take some time for himself," I explained.

"Oh yeah. How did that go?"

"It went OK," I said as we went back in to the apartment. I fixed another coffee for her, and we went back out. "He seemed to be holding together well."

"Good," she said before taking a few sips of her coffee. "I'm glad that y'all met," she confessed.

"He means a lot to me," I told her. "I love him."

"Good. Abu said that she really liked you, by the way," she added, looking at me.

"I'm glad. Did she tell you about my episode?"

"Oh yeah. She likes more because you're a good guy and you make Pedro happy. He deserves that. Blair was so bad for him, and Pedro loved him so much. Pedro did everything for him," she said as she went on to detail exactly what had happened between the two of them. "Pedro bought him anything he wanted, including the white BMW that he's driven around for the last year and a half. So when I say that he's gotten what he deserves, I mean it."

"I never knew he did that," I said.

"Yeah. He wouldn't ever tell you, so act surprised if he does," she instructed.

Behind us, the door to the patio slid open. "Hey David. Morning Maria," Kyle said in a still half-drunken haze. "What's going on?"

"Not much," Maria said.

"Good," he said, touching her shoulder. "I'm gonna run to the apartment and get showered and changed."

"Yeah. Please do that. You smell so bad," Maria joked at him, giving him a quick wink afterwards. He returned the look, adding an extension of his middle finger in the process.

"So, he's totally in love with you, ya know," Maria said as she redirected her attention to me. "And on that note, I've got an exam," she added, standing to walk out. I walked her to her car as she left. I loved the fact that I'd finished all my exams up before the funeral. It's good being a senior.

I began picking up Kyle's bedclothes when I returned to the apartment. The door opened in a minute, and Pedro came walking in. He seemed surprised to see me.

"Hi," he said.

"Hey baby," I said, moving toward him.

"How is my favorite man?" he said, more relaxed than the moment before.

"I don't know, you'll have to ask him when you see him," I returned, moving to kiss him on the cheek as he stuffed something into his back pocket.

"Funny," he said, returning the kiss.

"I thought you had an exam this morning," he said.

"Nope. I was able to get them finished early."

"Oh...OK. We should go do something this afternoon then. I am finished with everything, too," a sly look creeping onto his face as he spoke. "I was thinking we could go to lunch and then come back home...and then you could thank me for last weekend."

"Mr. Morales! iQue malo eres!" I jokingly screamed. (Mr. Morales. How bad you are!) He took me and kissed me again, more passionately this time. At that point, I remember thinking that it was the most passionate kiss he'd ever given me. I felt the urges coming up deeply inside me. With every touch of his masculine hands, I grew harder and harder. He seemed to lift me up to newer heights with his kisses.

He broke the kiss for a moment and looked into my eyes. "What was that for?" I asked. "You're not feeling guilty for something are you?"

"NO!" he exclaimed, smiling the whole time. "I just wanted to kiss the man I love," he added before kissing me again. For the rest of the morning, he and I sat around the apartment, making out and heavily petting one another.

That afternoon, Maria returned to the apartment. "Hello boys!" she screamed as she came into the apartment. Thankfully, Pedro and I had heard her coming and broke ourselves before an embarrassing situation was upon us.

"Hey Maria," Pedro said as he struggled to reorganize his clothes.

"Hi chula," I said, preferring to stay on the couch to hide the growing tent in the front of my pants.

"I just came by to tell y'all that I got an A on my Chem exam!" she exclaimed, starting to dance. Pedro and I were both excited for her, since she'd been struggling with the class all semester.

"That's awesome Prima," Pedro said as she hugged him tightly.

"Congrats, Maria!" I exclaimed, moving Pedro out of the way to congratulate her myself.

"So Abu is cooking a special dinner for me tonight. She told me to tell y'all to bring your brown asses, too," she said, "if y'all aren't too busy."

Pedro looked at me, giving a look of indifference.

"Sure," I said.

"Great! I will call her and tell her that y'all are coming to. Mama and Joya are gonna be there, too," she said as she pulled her car keys from her pocket.

"Que bueno!" Pedro exclaimed. (Cool!) He later exclaimed that his aunts, Maribel (Maria's mother) and Joya were the coolest aunts in the world.

We lounged around for a little while longer before Pedro went to get a shower. I searched through my clothes, trying to find a perfect outfit. I settled on a pair of jeans that I found in the back of my closet. They fit perfectly in the ass and made a nice bulge in the front. I pulled a blue polo from the closet that was a little tight. It showed off my muscular arms, though, so I wasn't going to complain.

"Looking good. I hope my aunts don't try to pick you up," he said from behind me as I looked at myself in the mirror. "They're gonna love you, though," he said, his freshly dried body pressing up against mine, "tanto como yo." (as much as I do.)

"I hope so," I said, a little nervous.

He pulled away and started to get dressed. "Shit!" he exclaimed after looking through a couple of drawers. "I can't find a shirt."

"Look through my drawers," I instructed as I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

In a minute, he came out in a bright blue shirt that fit him well. "Damn," I added as I surveyed him. He was hot. We grabbed our coats and out the door we went. When we got there, several cars lined the half-moon shaped driveway. Pedro seemed excited as I parked the car in Pedro's space in the garage. We walked upstairs to find the family enjoying themselves in the kitchen.

"PEDRO!" a woman called as we walked in. She looked a lot like Abu. There was no denying that she was Abu's daughter.

"MARIBEL!" he said, rushing over to the woman to give her a hug.

"Pedro. ¿Por que estas abrazandole antes de mi?" a second woman called as she came over. (Why are you hugging her first?)

"Porque no viniste antes de ella," Pedro said matter of factly. (Because you didn't get here first.) The three of them laughed for a moment.

"¿Quien vino contigo?" Maribel said in a moment. (Who came with you?)

"Es mi novio," Pedro said as he looked toward me and smiled. Maribel and Joya smiled too and came over to me.

"I am Maribel," the first said as she walked over to me. "And I am Pedro's favorite aunt."

"And I am Joya," the second said. "And I just let her think that she's Pedro's favorite aunt." The two of them took me into a hug and led me to the table. There were several other people there that I was to meet before the evening was over. Maria brought Christopher, but they were the last to show. (Christopher probably was taking forever to pick out an outfit.)

Once everyone had arrived, Abu announced that she was ready to serve dinner and motioned for us all to have a seat. The scrumptious goodies she set on the table were exquisitely prepared and very delicious. By the end of the dinner, I was stuffed and felt like I was barely able to move. We joked and enjoyed everyone's company.

"ES UNA FIESTA!" a voice called as he came through the front door. A collective `shit' was uttered by everyone that was sitting around the table.

Christopher and I looked at each other in complete oblivion.

"It's Uncle Gonzalo," Maria said. She sounded less than enthusiastic about the prospects of having him here. "He's been a drunk all my life," she explained. "When he found out Pedro was gay, he called him a faggot and threatened to kick his ass when he least expected it. No one believes him thought."

Pedro, on the other hand, looked around in terror. Despite his size and build, something about this man brought him to total stop. Abu, Maribel, and Joya stood and went into the living room to head off a confrontation with him.

Despite their blocks, though, he came into the kitchen where we were all assembled. "Well if it's not my faggot nephew and my slutty niece," he said pointing to Pedro and Maria.

"Gonzalo! Get out of my house," Abu exclaimed. "Get out before I call the police."

"But Mama. I want to have dinner with everyone," he tried to explain through his inebriation.

"I have to go but the faggot gets to stay?" he questioned.

"Yes," she said. "That is right. He's not raised a hand against and raped a helpless child."

I looked at Pedro, who had begun to flinch. I got Christopher's attention and motioned for him to take him away for a few minutes. This didn't go unnoticed by Gonzalo.

"Where are you taking him? Is he a helpless faggot?" he screamed. Pedro and Christopher continued to walk from the kitchen's back door.

I stood up as a show of support for the three ladies. The man looked at me, "Who the hell do you think you are?"


"David. Are you fucking my niece or nephew?" he asked sarcastically.

"Pedro is my boyfriend," I stated, crossing my arms and moving toward the women.

"Alright then. So I'm gonna kick your ass first for making him gay," he said as he came toward me with a fist. Since he was a bit slow moving, it was easy to take his fist with my hand before he struck my face.

"You're gonna do what?" I said, squeezing his hand. With the other hand, he banged the side of my head, but only enough to disorient me for a second or two. I let go of his fist, and he attempted to hit me again with it. I returned his pathetic punch by laying him out with one of my own. The ladies looked at me with both amazement and in appreciation. Gonzalo stood again after a moment.

"You will pay for this," he declared as he hobbled out of the front of the house.

"Lo creere cuando lo veo," I said as he got into a car and headed out of the driveway.

When I got back in, Abu was standing in the living room, flanked by Maribel and Joya. Pedro, Maria, and Christopher were in the hallway running beside the staircase and to the back door of the kitchen. The others who hadn't already left stood in the entryway to the kitchen.

"Well, that was an interesting turn of events," she said. "Come with me to my study, David."

I followed her through the back hall. As we entered, she turned to face me. "I am very proud of you," she said, moving in to give me a hug.

When Pedro and I got home later that night, he showed me just how proud of me he was. Our pent up frustration from earlier came out anew as he led me to one awesome orgasm, leaving me more relaxed than I'd been in a long time.

Next: Chapter 6

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