Senators Son

Published on Feb 25, 2006


Disclaimer -- This is a work of fiction depicting a situation involving homosexual men. If you are offended or are under the legal age to view such matierials, please do not read further. By continuing, you agree that neither the author nor nifty are responsible for any actions that occur as a result of this story or an individual's interpretation. Also, if you are a "bible thumper," please email me any comments you have. I will rebuke every claim that you make. If you have other comments, feel free to email me if you wish. The address is

Part 3 --

The drive to Oneonta was always one that was both good and bad for me. It was good in that the calmness and serenity of the countryside seemed to calm me in an odd way. It was bad, though, in that it made me think of Josh. Our third date (and so many thereafter) was spent at Palisades Park, where he often felt that he was in his own personal Nirvana as he watched the sun set over the cliffs. I dare not say any of this to Pedro, who was on his way to meet my parents for the first time. He was so nervous himself. He was almost star struck at the thought of meeting my father, a man whom he admired greatly. I couldn't quite understand what was going on in his mind, but I respected it as something that was uniquely Pedro.

By the time we made it into town, and I took the time to explain all about the various sites as we passed them, the afternoon had set in. It was getting late, and the town bustled with people who were getting things ready for their Thanksgiving lunches and dinners the next day. Maya (my mom, for those of you who don't remember) had given me a list of things to stop at the store and get before I got to the. As we pulled into Wal-Mart, I could feel Pedro's heart begin racing. He'd never met many people from Blount County, so I dare say he was a little afraid of the prospects. (If I hadn't lived there most of my life, I would be afraid of it as well.) By the time we finally found a parking space, both of us were ready for the whole thing to be over with. Bad children and their slutty mothers filled the aisles that Pedro and I needed to go down. One family of people took up one of the rows. Their children were running, grabbing things off the shelf, and then throwing them onto the ground. Their parents were either too drunk or too high to realize what was going on.

"OH MY GOD! DAVID JANSEN!" I heard a familiar female voice call from behind me. I knew it was Meredith Barclay by the ways the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

"Hi Meredith," I said, turning to find her severely pregnant and lugging two other children. I had truly hoped never to see her again after what had happened at our five-year reunion. (She outed me to the entire class. Some of them were cool; some of them weren't. I personally didn't care, since my escort was so much hotter than any of the people who faked interest in what was going on.)

"How are you? We never get to see you anymore? You up here for the holiday?" she asked.

"Yeah. Maya and Daddy are down from DC and the whole family is coming over for lunch tomorrow."

"Well that's good. Who is this with you?"

"This is Pedro," I said, grabbing Pedro by the shirt. He smiled toward Meredith, who was obviously getting the gossip wheel going inside her head. "Isn't he a hottie?" I asked, hoping to add flames to the furious fire that was now burning in her mind. I could tell she wanted to know more about him, but wouldn't in a million years ask me to cough up the information. Not that I would give it to her anyway.

As we parted from the ever-brightening ray that was Meredith Barlclay, I purposefully struck up conversation with Pedro in Spanish. Something in the back of my mind said that when I heard of this encounter through the grapevine, the story was going to be mangled so as to say that I was bedding a savage brown-skin, who didn't speak a work of English. (I knew it would get back that way.) I explained to Pedro what was going on, and he agreed to only speak Spanish if we saw anyone else that would be associated with Meredith.

We finished up the shopping without any further encumbrance, and made our way to my parents' home. As we made our way through the maze of streets and lanes, Pedro noticed the size of some of the houses. Some of them were old; some were new. We eventually made our way into my immediate neighborhood, and Pedro was enthralled. The house I'd grown up in was larger than some, but far smaller than most of the ones around. It was a nice sized house, with enough room to put up my dad's family, since they would be that night, as was tradition. By the time we got around, cars had already filled the driveway, so we were forced to park on the street. Before we could get inside the house, Emma and Elaine, my cousin's children were going wild trying to get hugs from me. I loved these two children as if they were my own. When Josh died, Jessica came up for the funeral and brought them. They brought me flowers and repeatedly told me that they loved "their Josh."

It was also cute when they'd argue about who he loved more. I didn't worry about what they would say about Pedro though. I knew they'd like him.

"Is this your new boyfriend?" Emma asked after a barrage of questions that I'd been unable to keep up with.

"Kinda," I added, trying to answer her question honestly, but not giving her too much to work with.

"Well he's cute," Elaine, who for the most part was the shyer of the two, chimed in. Pedro blushed at the compliment from the six year old girls.

"Guess what, E," Emma chimed in again in a minute. "Tia said that we might could hold the baby when they get here." (Tia was the name my mom chose for herself when my cousins were born. It means aunt in Spanish, and was the preference, as compared to "Aunt Carolina." "E" is what they'd called me since they were able to start talking.)

"Yay! You'll just have to be careful!" I warned the two.

"Oh we will be," Emma confidently said to me. "We got to hold her a few weeks ago when we went to see Nana in Nashville. We stopped in to see them."

"What big girls y'all are becoming!" I said, moving back to a standing position.

"Girls! Let him get into the house before you start running over him," my cousin called from the living room as we all entered through the front door.

"I'm so sorry, Dave."

"It's all right," I told my cousin, not really minding the girls' attention. "Jessica, this is Pedro," I said as Pedro extended his hand to shake hers.

"Nice to meet you Pedro," Jessica said.

"Est-ce que il est ton nouveau petit-ami de que ta mere a parle?" my cousin asked in French. (Is this your new boyfriend that you mom has been talking about?)

" n'est pas oficielment mon petit-ami," I responded. (Well. He's not officially my boyfriend.)

"Assez est tres beau," she said chuckling a little bit. (Oh ok. It's a hottie.) I looked at Pedro to find that he was a little lost by our conversation.

"She just said you were a hot motherfucker," I said, squeezing his hand as a sign of affection.

"Oh yeah," she said, winking at him. "Let me introduce you to the rest of the family," Jessica added, pulling at Pedro's arm. I ran upstairs to put our things in my room; as I walked up, I heard my cousin's loud introduction. "I'm only saying this once! This hot man is Pedro, David's petit-ami."

I blushed and hurried to get back downstairs. By the time I made it, Pedro was already comfortably conversing with my cousins and my aunt, The Honorable Leigh Ringold, Governor of Tennessee. My parents were not at home when I got there, so Pedro hadn't met them yet. Emma and Elaine had been stationed by the window, watching for their return. Pedro, who was a fiend for politics and policy, thoroughly enjoyed conversing with my aunt, but was waiting for my parents' arrival, since he had two things he had to do: impress them with his political prowess and impress them as the boyfriend of their youngest child.

"THEY'RE HERE!" the twins announced, as I rushed, with them, toward the door. The girls rushed toward my parents faster than they'd rushed toward me, and jumped for my mother before she even had a chance to get out of the car. My mother smiled and hugged them, not paying attention to my father, who was trying to get several large bags out of the car.

I walked over to help him, but he insisted that he had everything under control. I walked over to the side of the car, only to find my mother still encased by the girls, listening to their stories. I removed the girls from their embrace with my mother, telling them that it was my turn. They reluctantly agreed and went toward the house. "You left him with your cousins?" Maya asked jokingly, noticing that Pedro hadn't come out with me.

I added, "He's still nervous about meeting Daddy."

"He should be more nervous about meeting me!" Maya added, faking insult at my statement. In reality, she was more excited to meet him than he was to meet Daddy. She was as distraught as I'd been when Josh died. She loved him as her own son, making her reluctant to accept anyone else into her heart.

Walking into the house, the cousins were all sitting in the living room. "Tia is here!" my mother exclaimed, extending her to hug everyone in the crowd that had assembled in their absence. She came to Pedro, and in her usual disposition, and washed all his anxiety away.

"Y tu eres Pedro. David me ha dicho mucho de ti," she said to him. (And you are Pedro. David has told me a lot about you.)

"Espero que todo fuera bien." (I hope it was all good.) Pedro extended a hand to my mother. She looked at him funny before taking him into an embrace.

"Claro..." she added, "siempre bien, mijo" (Of's always been good.)

The two smiled at each other, then Pedro smiled at me. My dad was standing right behind me. His face turned a bright shade of white when he realized where he was. "You should have been more nervous about meeting Carolina," my dad said, smiling and extending a hand for Pedro to shake. With a firm grip, and a smile like a child meeting his idol in person, Pedro introduced himself to my father.

"It's nice to meet you, Senator," he said in a quite respectful tone.

"Pedro," Maya interjected, "Call him Mike. He's only a Senator in DC."

"Exactly what I was going to say," Daddy added. Pedro melted at being in the same room with two politicians that he greatly admired. He looked as if he had afterglow. It was cute to see him trip over two people that I'd grown up with and didn't think of in the same way as him.

"David and Pedro," Maya said, once again taking control of the conversation. "Come help me with some things in the kitchen. Mike. Get the table ready."

"Yes ma'am," my dad replied, getting stern stares from my mother in the process. When it came to planning a dinner or function, she was the "fiesta-nazi." She needed complete order and complete compliance. It was no use arguing with her when she was in this mood, as she wouldn't stand for it. She set us to chopping, dicing, and helping here with the menial tasks of preparing dinner for the family.

"You know, Mrs. Jansen," Pedro started, "I'm glad that I could come up this weekend."

"I am too. You know David has talked about you a lot. I'm glad that he met you," Maya commented. "Has he told the story of Josh?"

"Maya. Stop," I started, but to no avail.

"Il a besoin de savoir," my mother said, opting for French so that the conversation could be kept modestly private. (He needs to know.)

"Je sais, Maya. Mais, maintenant n'est pas l'heure," I countered. (I know Maya, but now is not the time.)

"Wow. It's cool that y'all speak English, Spanish, and French," Pedro said, quite intuitively. He knew what we were talking about, and he also knew that I'd tell him in my own time. But it would have to be that.

"Well. Most of Mike's family speaks French, so I had to learn it to make sure they weren't talking about me," Maya added, giving up on telling Pedro what I'd been keeping from him until the right time.

When the girls announced Jay and Dawn's arrival with the baby, the house went wild with anticipation. The twins wanted to run outside and help, but Maya told them to stay inside, to give Jay and Dawn a chance to get into the house with all their stuff. We all greeted and hugged them eagerly, all while Pedro was waiting in the shadows. He smiled when I called him over to meet my brother. Jay smiled and introduced Dawn, who took Pedro into an embrace. Dawn was the greatest sister-in-law that any person could have. She was nice, smart, and she liked our family. My older brother was taken by her from the moment they met.

"You are just in time!" Maya yelled as she called everyone into the dining room for dinner. She took the baby from Dawn, and told them to go eat. She walked triumphantly with her granddaughter. She was so proud. "Conquistara el mundo," she often said of the child shortly after she was born. (She will conquer the world.)

Dinner went on, and everyone ate enough to feel bloated. Some of the family lounged around the dining room, joking and laughing. Some of them went to the back patio to smoke, since Maya, even though she smoked, didn't allow it in her house. `It's nice to have him here,' I thought to myself. It seemed to me that he felt at home around my family. I liked that. At one point in the evening as we sat on the back patio, Pedro looked at me and smiled. It was one of those smiles that makes you giddy and sends chills all over your body. When Pedro was ready to head for bed, I showed him up. I kissed him passionately for a moment, and then went back downstairs. My cousins, the twins, and Aunt Leigh had retired to the apartment downstairs, my brother and sister in law had taken up in the nursery, which was Jay's bedroom before the apartment was finished and he moved in. Pedro and I were going to be in my room, which was still furnished almost the same way as it had been from the time I was a teenager.

It was always a nice time for me when I was able to sit on the back patio and just enjoy the evening. Even though I could come up here if I wanted when Maya and Daddy were in DC, I often times chose not too, opting instead to keep this place as a sanctuary, of sorts.

"Hey Dave," Jay said, surprising me from behind.

"Hey dude."

"Mind if I sit out here with you for a few minutes?" Jay asked.

"Of course! How's things going?

"Not bad man. I'm just working all the time and enjoying being a daddy." I could tell that something was bothering him, as it seemed he wanted to say something, but didn't want to offend me.

"What's up Jay?" I said after the silence between us had begun to get on my nerves.

He sat silently, looking beyond the back yard and the woods behind them. "What's the deal with you and Pedro?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well. It's obvious y'all are seeing each other. It's obvious from the grins y'all were giving each other that y'all are doing other stuff too. I am just concerned that y'all might be rushing into things." Jay had always been a voice of reason for me. When I got way to drunk to drive home from a party one night, it was Jay who came to pick me up and keep me from killing myself by driving home.

"Jay. I don't think we're rushing into anything. I really do care for him."

"Do you care for him or is it that you don't want to be alone?" he countered. I'd thought about this question several times, but always tried to keep myself busy with other things to avoid coming up with a concrete answer. Jay was looking at me as if waiting for an answer. I knew that there was nothing I could do now to avoid the question.

"I've thought about it, and I think that I'm doing the right thing. I actually have feelings for him," I said.

"OK. I trust you, so long as you know what's going on. Just promise me that you will let me know if there is any problem," he continued on his way back into the house to go to bed. I stayed up a while longer thinking about things until finally sleep hit me. Jay's question weighed heavily for the time that I remained along on the back patio. Did I answer him honestly? Was my answer impulsive? By the time that I felt the inner stirrings of sleepiness, I'd worried myself to a point with no resolution still to the issues I'd raised within myself.

I walked upstairs. Jay had left the door to the room they were staying in open. Skye was asleep in her bassinette; Jay and Dawn quietly held each other in a lovers' embrace. I walked further down the hall to my room, and where I found Pedro with his back to the door. Looking at him, I realize that I'd given Jay the right answer. I was smitten for the brown-skinned Adonis sleeping in my bed. I took my place in the bed, trying my best not to disturb him. Before I slipped into the realm of dreams, he turned over and kissed the back of my neck. Without saying a word, I feel happily to sleep for the evening.

"EEEEE!!! PEDRO!!!" the girls called as they climbed into the bed with us. Their blond hair and loud shrills letting us know that it was time to get up. "Tia said to come get y'all up. She said normal people are up by this time of day."

"What time is it?" I asked one of them through my haze, though I wasn't sure which one it was.

"Hold on," the girl said as she walked toward the door. "Tia!!! What time is it?"

"8 A.M.," I heard my mother call from the kitchen. "Tell them to get up now!" At this point, the other twin began jumping on the bed.

"Tia said to get up now," the girl said, as I realized it was Emma talking to me. I looked over at Pedro, who was giving me a `what the fuck' look.

When we were sufficiently awake for the twins, they left us alone. Pedro rolled over onto his stomach, still trying to completely wake up. He looked in my direction and smiled. My recollections of the events of the previous night were still just as strong as then, and my conviction behind my answer more solid that it had initially been.

"So how much do you love my family now?" I asked Pedro.

"Mucho. Como anoche..." he said quietly. (A lot...just as last night.)

"Really. Wait till the rest of them get here," I jokingly added.

"Get your asses out of bed!" my mom yelled as she came into the room. She left just as quickly as she'd come in. Pedro stood up and stretched. I loved looking at him. He was a god among men; his body was perfect, and his personality made him even more beautiful.

He leaned over and kissed me, and then ran into the bathroom adjacent to my room. The shower started going in just a minute. I put on some shorts and went downstairs. Maya was already cooking some of the `fixins' for the dinner. Daddy, Jay, and Dawn were on the back deck preparing the turkey. Daddy and Jay were talking, while Dawn was actually working on the turkey. (I found out later that they were arguing about something while Dawn just did it her way.) Aunt Leigh, Jessica, and Sarah (another of Aunt Leigh's three children) were playing with Skye while the twins were in the living room playing.

"It's about time," my mother said I was pouring myself a cup of coffee. "I need you to do a bunch of stuff for me in here if you will."

"Sure. Just give me a little while to drink coffee and then go get a shower," I said, hoping for a compromise.

"No problem. We still have a couple of hours before the rest of the family starts arriving," she said in her accent.

"Cool," I said taking the coffee back upstairs to my room. Pedro was still in the shower, so I sat on my bed, listening to the water run and thinking of him standing in the shower, naked, with hot water all over his body. My dick began hardening at the thought of the `my man.' After drifting back to reality, I realized that Pedro had turned the shower off and was opening the door. My hard on was still as powerful as ever, causing an impressive tent in my shorts.

"Looks like someone is happy to see me," Pedro said, looking down at my crotch. He was standing in just a towel; the smell of cleanliness was his cologne. My mouth almost watered as I sat there watching him.

"As always," I said with a naughty smile, standing to look in his eyes. "Listen. There is a tradition in the family. Once everyone leaves, at about 5 or so, Maya and Daddy will go driving in the country. They'll be gone for several hours, and we will have the house to ourselves."

"Oh really?" he said with an eyebrow raised. "So what would we do?" he added as I stood and he walked over to me and took me by the waist.

"Well. I was thinking I could start by kissing you. Then see what happens after that. How does that sound?" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It sounds good, Mr. Jansen," Pedro said in his sexy voice. He leaned over and kissed me on the neck, giving me chills and a familiar feeling down below.

"Grrr....Well let me get a shower, then we've got a bunch of stuff to do."

"Yeah. You need a shower," he said, faking offense at an odor that didn't exist. I jokingly hit his chest and went into the bathroom. The mirror was still fogged, and the steam still permeated throughout the room. His smell infected everything around. I was, needless to say, in heaven.

I turned the water on as hot as I cold stand, and stepped in. The steam enveloped me; the water pelted my body. The relaxing effects took over my body. I washed my body lightly, making sure that every part of it was well lathered. As I move to my midsection, I slowly stroked myself. The pressure was so strong that I had to take care of it there, so that I wouldn't have any problems during the rest of the day. The feelings intensified inside me, as I felt the familiar rumbling coming to the surface. My breathing became heavy, and gobbs of gooey goodness flowed onto the floor of my shower. I cleaned myself off, washed my cum down the drain, and got out of the shower. I dried off as quickly as I could and went outside to get dressed. Thankfully no one was in the room. I pulled on some jeans and a shirt quickly and went back downstairs.

Maya was working on the final preparation of the dinner. Uncle Juan (my mom's brother), his wife, Jane, and one of their three children, my cousin Tomas, along with Scott (Aunt Leigh's third child) all arrived over the next couple of hours. I helped Maya with some of the final preparations, and at around eleven in the morning, we were ready to eat. Daddy took the turkey from the grill, while everyone else (except for uncle Juan) finished putting things on the table. (Uncle Juan is a bit lazy, and always refuses to do "women's work.") The sheer amount of food placed on the table was enough to make me hurt. All kinds of side dishes, ranging from rice dishes to potato dishes spanned the table that was set to hold 14 people, with another table set for the twins and a high chair for the baby.

We sat down at the table. Daddy led us through grace, and we enjoyed the lunch. After stuffing our faces with turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, several side dishes, and dessert. My god the desserts were enough to kill a person. By the end, I was so stuffed that I didn't know if I could move from where I sat. Pedro looked as though he enjoyed himself as much if not more than I had. Slowly, I dragged myself away from the table. Pedro followed in a moment, hoping to slip away without anyone noticing we were leaving together.

We walked up to my room. "That was a wonderful lunch, dude," Pedro said.

"It was. You wanna know what my favorite part was?" I asked. He gave me a look signifying that he didn't know. "Sitting next to you."

"Aww," he said smiling. "That was so sweet." I smiled, but only until I heard something fall in the guest room next door to mine.

Pedro and I rushed over to see is everything was ok. When I opened the door, I noticed something I thought I'd never see. Scott and Tomas were on the bed. Scott was lying on his stomach; Tomas was lying on top of him. "Y'all should know that my dad's room in the basement is soundproof," I said as I winked at the two of them and left the room.

In a few minutes, we heard the pair leaving the guest room. They both stopped in my door, and one of them knocked meekly.

"Come in," I said while seated at my desk. Pedro was lying on the bed.

"Dudes, please don't tell anyone," Tomas begged. Uncle Juan would have shit if he'd found out Tomas liked boys. Aunt Leigh wouldn't have cared, but she would have been more concerned if Scott felt like he had to hide it from them.

"That's y'all's business," Pedro said, not looking up from the magazine he was reading.

"Yeah. As long as y'all are having fun..." I added. "How long has this been going on?"

"Two or three years," Tomas added, looking at Scott to double check his numbers.

"And y'all hadn't figured out that no one can hear anything from outside of daddy's room," I joked. The two laughed, both sporting a look of relief that it had been us that caught them and not Uncle Juan.

"So do y'all ever see each other outside of here?" I asked.

"Sometimes. We're thinking of rooming together next year when I get up to UAH," Scott said. (UAH = University of Alabama at Huntsville)

"Sweet," I said, standing to hug both of them. "Well...Welcome to the darkside."

"Hell...I've been to the darkside three times this week," Tomas added, smiling and winking at me.

Pedro took a short nap, and I sneaked downstairs for a few minutes. Some of my family had started to leave. Aunt Leigh and Sarah left for Nashville; Jessica, Charlie, and the girls leaving shortly after them. Jay and Dawn also left in a hurry, because Jay had to get back to work. Uncle Juan and Jane left as the sun began to set. Scott left for Birmingham; Tomas left for Huntsville. Maya and Daddy were still there, but we're getting ready to go for their personal outing.

"David!" Maya yelled from their bedroom, which was catty-cornered from mine.

"Yes ma'am?" I said when I went into her room.

"Your dad and I are leaving for our outing. We won't be back until in the morning," she informed me. My mind instantly wondered to what Pedro and I would do to occupy the time. "Be careful, and you know what I mean," she said, grinning. I tried to act like I didn't know what she was saying. "I know what you and Josh used to do when you're father and I took our outings on Thanksgiving."

"I will be careful. I promise," I said.

"Carolina," my dad said, singing as he came up the stairs after my mother.

"I'm in here," she said, calling my dad into the room.

"Well let's get...oh hi David," my dad said, his tone changing when he realized I was there. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed me some money.

"What's this for?" I asked, looking to realize that he was handing me five one-hundred dollar bills.

"Just in case you need something when we're not here," he said.

"Why weren't you this generous when I was growing up?" I jokingly asked, putting the money into my pocket.

"Just don't go crazy," he said, smiling.

After a moment, Maya and daddy left for a cabin they have on Highland Lake, outside of Oneonta. I walked back upstairs to find that Pedro was still asleep on my bed.

"This should be fun," I said naughtily. I walked over to the bed and slowly undid each button of his jeans, only to find that he wasn't wearing any underwear. "Score," I whispered to myself, realizing that I wouldn't have to fight with his underwear and wake him up.

I moved to the other side and climbed onto the opposite side of the bed from him. I used my tongue to explore the now exposed lower abs and pubic region. He gave no indication that he was awake, nor did he moan or change his breathing patterns. His dick was becoming stiffer and stiffer though with every motion of my tongue. I somehow managed to get his pants down just far enough to expose his massive cock and straining balls.

I took my tongue along the underside of his cock, from the head to the base, and then licked on his balls, taking them both into my mouth.

"Ay papi..." he whispered, having woken up from his slumber, but unaware of who might be within earshot.

"Silencio," I ordered in full tone, to let him know that there was no one else there.

"Si, senor," he said compliantly. (Yes, sir.)

I returned to work on the blowjob, taking his shaft in my mouth. Because of its size, I'd never been able to take it completely into my mouth. The taste of his uncut cock, though, was amazing, and like any man, he let me taste it anytime I wanted. I'd learned quickly about what he liked and disliked, so I took the opportunity to pull as much out of my bag of tricks as I possibly could. He moved his ass up so that I could take his pants the remainder of the way off.

"I haven't gotten off in two days," he confessed. "So I don't know how long I'm gonna last." His warning was understood to mean that he might only could go once in this session. I took my cute from that and pulled a condom from out of the drawer beside my bed. Some lube was also there, so I took it out to make sure that he was good and wet.

I put the condom on and slowly massaged his hole. "So you think you're gonna get some of this?" he asked, smiling evilly.

"Oh I don't think, papi. I know," I said, leaning down to give him a kiss.

I slowly inserted one finger into his hole. He gasped out of pain, but said nothing. "Are you OK?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said in between short breaths. "I'm great," he continued. I slowly began stroking his ass with one finger.

"Oh god," he said between expressions of both pleasure and pain.

Two fingers intensified the sensations he was feeling, and would have him better prepared for my invasion of his ass. "I...have to something...Dave," he said between breaths again.

"Are you OK?" I stopped my stroking and was getting ready to pull out completely.

"David...I've never done this," he said, confessing to me something he'd not told me before.

"Do I need to stop then, baby?

"NO! Please don't. This is awesome. You may get to play top more often," he said.

"Yay for me!" I added.

I finished playing with his ass, and lubed up my hard cock. I lifted his legs onto my shoulders and pushed my hardon against the opening of his ass as he breathed heavily out of both anticipation and fear. I slowly pushed into his ass. When I got in as far as I could go, he screamed loudly but refused to let me stop. "It's something that I want to give you," he said after I asked him a couple of times if he were OK.

I took that as a cue to start moving slowly in and out of my Pedro. After a few strokes up and down his anal canal, the expressions on his face turned from pain to pleasure. I took my time, so that I didn't hurt him. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt him.

"God this feels so good, Dave," he said as he reached a hand out to play with my nipples and abs. "Oh God," he cried as he exhaled.

"God I love your ass," I sad as the sensations took over ever hair on my body.

"God I want to cum," he said. "Oh yeah, papi, chingame!" (...papi, fuck me!)

"Not yet papi...hold it for just a minute," I said.

"No. I want cum now. Fuck me, hard!" he screamed at me. I firmly slapped the side of his thigh and began fucking him as hard as I could. He moaned and cried as I pummeled his tight ass.

After only a few strokes, I felt his ass tighten. He was going to cum any second. He breathing was becoming heavier. "OH GOD!" he screamed as cum began flowing freely from his aching, throbbing penis. Eight or nine spurts landed on him, the pillow under his head, and the wall behind his head.

The feelings and rumblings were also coming inside me. Like a volcano erupting, I spewed volley after volley of hot man juice into the condom I was wearing. Halfway through my orgasm, I learned over and kissed him, if for no other reason to inhale his breath. Never had I had an orgasm so intense. It seemed to go on for a long time, longer than normal.

I came out of him and fell on the bed beside him. I could do nothing more than lay there, with my arm across his chest as he lay on his back. He got up in a moment, went into the bathroom, and got two towels for us to clean up with. When we were all good and clean, we lay down on the bed and fell asleep in a moment, in each others arms.

I woke up a few hours later. Pedro lay on the bed, quietly sleeping. For some time, I sat there, watching him sleep. I was so enamored by this man who was the same age as me. I moved out of our embrace and put some shorts on. I went downstairs to fix something to drink. I drank some water and then went back upstairs.

"Hey," he said as I opened the door. "You OK?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"What time is it?"

"It's 12:30," I answered.

"Well come back to bed, I'm cold," he said, motioning for me to get back in the bed.

I got back into the bed with him, "Te quiero, Pedro." (I love you Pedro). I put my arm across his chest, and attempted to settle into comfort.

"Te quiero tambien," he said back to me as we fell asleep. (I love you too.)

Next: Chapter 4

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