Selling My Soul

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 19, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



I was at Jeff's party and just gotten a drink at the bar, turned around, and nearly ran right into Aden. I goggled at the tousled blond hair that my fingers longed to run through, the eyes that my longings dove into every time I looked into them, the smile that tore my heart out without ever leaving those lovely, languid, luscious, lavishly limpid lips...okay, that's not the best alliterative poetic phrase ever concocted, but God! That's how I felt about Aden. The kind of infatuation that makes you write bad poetry. Lots of bad poetry

But I was now confronted with Aden, so I showed the style and poise that goes with writing bad poetry. "Uh.... Uh...."

"Hey, Gordon, how you doing?" Aden put one hand on my shoulder. God, those shoulders of his, those magnificent bulges of the man who worked out just enough to give his body that perfect amount of definition, the rounded shoulder, the bulging bicep, the tremulous I said, bad poetic phrases

"Muh-uh?" I mumbled. My lips were numb, because all my blood, all my passion, all my desires, had pooled underneath that hand, throbbing there, wanting only to be with him, only him, always

"Well, catch you later." Aden said and, withdrawing that hand and sending my heart down into my shoes, he smiled at me and turned, walked away. My eyes fed upon the sight of that perfect pair of ovals that were his buttocks until the press of other people's bodies closed it off from my sight and when it did, all I could do was sigh

"You missed out on him again, didn't you?" came an exasperated sound

"Yeah." I agreed

"You want him that much, why don't you go get him?"

"I've tried." I protested. "I...I just can't. God, I'd...I'd sell my soul for a chance with him, a real chance!"

"Your terms are accepted." the voice said

"Uh?" I turned around at that. I'd been carrying on a heck of a conversation with this guy, come to think about it

Black hair, dark eyes, a goatee that came to an excruciating painful point at the end, with heavy eyebrows and dark brown skin above a suit of black with a dark, dark gray sweater under the jacket. Not the red skin that you expect, but I recognized him as much as you do just from the description and the fact he'd just accepted the offer my selling my soul

"You're're the..."

"I'm the answer to your problems." the man smiled at me, and it was an evil smile. Of course, could you imagine him smiling any other way?

"But I...I...."

"Of course, if you didn't really mean it, I could just go back to doing what I do best at a party like this, getting people to ignore their common sense and go home with men they normally wouldn't be caught dead with. Don't you think that going home with Aden would be a lot better than that?"

He waved a hand and the crowd parted like Moses parted the Red Sea. They weren't knocked aside, it was like they all decided to move at the same time, a coincidence that happens now and then. Only this coincidence put me and Aden in plain view of each other, full body. Aden looked at me across the room and he smiled at me, and I smiled back

"So what do you say? Have we got a deal?" the man said

I swallowed hard. "Yeah. You got a deal. You get me Aden and you can have my soul."

"The bargain is confirmed." the man said, and I looked at him puzzled. "It's what we do instead of having people sign their name in blood." the man assured me. "Now that we have a binding agreement, I'll just fetch Aden over here and you can take it from there."

The man wiggled a finger at Aden, a "come here" wiggle of the index finger, and Aden looked puzzled, but came to us, through that aisle of people who had kindly stepped out of the way between him and me. When he got to me, he said, "Gordon? Hey, what's going on?"

The man was nowhere to be seen. Out somewhere poisoning kittens and pushing little old ladies into the paths of 18-wheeled trucks, I guess. No matter, Aden was here and talking to me, and I'd been promised a real chance with him

I'd sold my soul for this chance. Better make the best of it! "Just hanging out." I said. "But there's a game of Pictionary going in the next room, I hear. You want to make a team with me and play a round?"

"Sure." Aden agreed

"And maybe after that, we can find some other way to play around." I punned. God, did I really say that to Aden? I had!

But Aden laughed. "Let's see how well you play Pictionary and then we'll decide on that."

So we played and I was inspired. You couldn't give me a word that I couldn't express perfectly in a couple of lines on the board. And Aden was great at guessing. We won the prize for that game over the next hour and were laughing and talking like I'd never been tongue-tied just looking at him

Then it was back to the drinks and more talk. I learned all about Aden in those few minutes we were drinking

But the party was over and it was time to leave. The host was nice about it, but he had an ending time on his parties, after all, he had to go to work in the morning! So Aden and I went to a coffee shop where we had a couple of cups of coffee and managed to sober up some, enough to try to get home without incident

Aden had come with a friend and was going to take a bus home. I couldn't let him do that, could I? So I drove him home and when we got there, Aden looked at me and said, "You want to come in for a while?"

"I couldn't drink another drop of coffee." I admitted

"I wasn't thinking about coffee." Aden said to me

I looked at him and suddenly realized that this was my chance! I would have been tongue-tied, but the price I'd paid here was too damned high for that! "I'd love that." I said. "I'd love that a lot."

"My place is on the second floor." Aden said, and I followed him, my heart pounding. My chance, my chance, God, this was my chance!

Aden let me get into the door and close it behind me and he lunged at me. Those beautiful arms went around me, those majestic lips sought out mine and those eyes were burning into me. Oh, God, oh, God, I'm going to cream in my shorts!

I fought it off as my lips struggled with Aden's, my hands were touching him, touching him everywhere I could, I felt out the body that had haunted my dreams and it was warm, warm, WARM!

Aden's hands found my buttocks and he grunted as he pulled my hips roughly up against his and he rutted against my crotch with his hard prong rolling against my leg through the pants

My fingers were trembled as I found the buttons on his shirt and began to undo them. My lips shuddered as I licked them with my nervous tongue, Aden watching me as I exposed his undershirt, God, it looked like it had been spray-painted on him, I could see his nipples like small buttons underneath. I got the final button undone and Aden lifted his arms to undo his sleeves and I reached up from below to cup his crotch. I did that and Aden's eyes closed, he breathed out, "Oooh!" and struggled to get out of his shirt and then his undershirt. He peeled it up with both hands at his waist, crossing his arms to clutch both sides and pulling up, a single smooth gesture. Jesus, his body's muscles played with the light as he did that, his head freed itself from the neck hole and then the lights danced down his arms as he lowered it to the floor. Now his upper body was mine, all mine, all golden and gleaming with the vitality of life and beauty and poetry and love! I knelt at the altar of his body and I kissed that small indentation at the bottom of his ribcage and just above the muscles of his abdomen

Aden bent over me as I kissed him, grabbed my own top, a pullover, and he shucked it from me and I was now as bare from the waist up as he was. His hands caught me under my armpits and he tugged and I rose again and he returned the favor by laying his lips fervently upon my left nipple. When he left it off and we kissed again, our hands fought each other's belts and waistbands and zippers, and his hands fondled my buttocks inside my briefs and my pants fell to my knees. Aden's hands were smooth as they sent my briefs after it. I was doing the same to him, and our pants went together down to make an intimate puddle around our feet

I was so glad that I had only worn slipper-style shoes on my feet, I could put toe against the heel of each and slip out of them as they were. Aden had loosely tied sneakers that came off in the same way. Now, wearing only socks, we stepped away from our clothing and went to the bed. Aden lay down on it and held up his arms toward me, his cock a white pillar beckoning me toward it

Aden meant for me to go into his arms but I couldn't resist that marvelous pale tower of manhood before me, I knelt instead and my lips sunk over his prong and it was ambrosial on my tongue, decorating it as I slid my mouth over his glans and down his shaft

"Oh, God, Gordon, oh!" Aden moaned as I pulled back up again and was rewarded by a pearl of precome upon my tongue. "Oh, God, oh, God, oh!" and now my mouth was sliding easily, it fit so well, so perfectly. Like it belonged there, and had all along

"Gordon, please, get up here with me." Aden groaned after a minute or so of this. I was blissfully sucking on him and his moan caused me to look up. "Come on, get up on the bed so I can give you a little of what you're giving me!"

My stomach was performing flip-flops as I complied, getting on the bed with my head toward the foot of the bed, Aden scooting down to place his face at my crotch and put his own legs nearly all off the bottom of the bed, but he got his warm dong back to my level and as I happily crammed it back inside my mouth, I felt the warm moisture of his mouth encircle my cock and coat it with hotly bubbling saliva. Aden's actions on my prick after that can only be described as ravenous, he was sucking me with a frantic edge that sent me reeling. Shit, I was close to creaming again, not now, not now!

"Aden, Aden, God, stop, please stop!" I begged him

Aden reluctantly released my cock. "Why?" he whined. "Gordon, man, I've been waiting for so long to get you to talk to me even, what am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." I hastily assured him. "Just...I want you to fuck me, Aden. Please, fuck me."

"But I was going to get you to fuck me." Aden protested

"Later." I promised him. "But for now, please, I got to get this inside me. I'm on the edge, I'd never last if I was to put it in your ass." My cock jerked angrily at even the mention of the possibility

"Okay." Aden panted. "But I'm not going to last very long either. I'm so fucking hot!"

"Just get it in me." I groaned. "That's all I need."

Aden did, he got my legs up and in between them and he pressed his cock at my anus and I moaned. "God, God, push it in, push it in!"

"I'm about to come!" Aden warned me. His face was bare inches away from me, his lines softened by passion, flushed with desire, eyes glazed, mouth open, skin twinkling with sweat

"I don't care, push it in, cream in me, please, Aden, please!"

Aden gritted his teeth, he lunged with his hips and that prod of his buried itself in me, one sleek shove and he had it in me, all the way, all the way, all the way.... "Oh, God, Aden, oh, God, oh, oh, oh!"

"I'm...uhh, uhh, uhh!" Aden grunted back at me

"Aden, oh, Aden, oh, GUH-GUH-HUUNNNH-KUHHHH!" I was squirting both of us with a heavy flood of come, a load that had been building up ever since I'd first met Aden over a year ago. A year's worth of desire and need and yearning, it all blasted out of me and coated both of our stomachs with my jizz

"Gordon, ah, AH-GAH-AH-HAHHH-GAHHH!" Aden's cock exploded inside of me, I could feel the hot spunk as it shot into my bowels, sizzled around his dong as he plunged his cock in and out in urgent frenzy, I was getting Aden's load deep inside me, and I sprayed him as he filled me, and when he was done, so was I and he lay down on me, and my come glued us together as one, we were one, and this was all I'd ever wanted, all I'd ever, ever wanted, was him in my arms and his cock in my ass and my life was complete and my soul longer mine to give to him!

Aden rolled off me, still panting hard, and he said, "I told you I wouldn't last."

"It's okay." I chuckled ruefully. "I didn't either, you may have noticed."

Aden's fingers went to his stomach and I watched his fingertips play in the slick sperm I'd layered onto him. "I noticed."

"Sorry about that." I was mortified. I'd gotten my man-goo all over his perfect body

"Don't be." Aden said. "I like it. Makes me feel all...satisfied."

"Me, too." I said

"For a while." Aden temporized. "I figure, you and me rest for a couple hours, we can go at it again. I mean, if you don't mind spending the night."

"Sure." I agreed

Aden and I made love twice more and when I woke up for the third time, it was getting light outside. I went to the bathroom quietly, and then I leaned against the doorway wearing only my briefs, looking at Aden lying on the bed, the sheets all rumpled and the hair in a disarray my fingers had caused. His face bore a smile even in slumber

I decided I'd check out his kitchen, see if I could make him a bit of breakfast without making a racket or a mess

The man of the night before was sitting at the kitchen table, a plate of food in front of him and a newspaper before him. "Ah, there you are." he said to me. "I was wondering if I'd have to come get you."

"Already?" I gulped

"But of course." the man said, putting the paper aside as casually as if he were a businessman about to leave for work. Of course, this was Sunday morning. "Now, if you're ready to fulfill your part of the bargain."

"I guess so." I said. "But I had hoped to have some more time with Aden."

"And why wouldn't you have more time with Aden?"

I looked at him. His hair. It wasn't black, it was more of a brown. A brown that lightened by the minute, it seemed. His skin, too, was lighter-toned. Well, the Devil can look like anything he wants to. "I assumed you were coming to take me to Hell." I admitted

"Hell? Oh, I don't have anything to do with Hell. Nasty place, I assure you, you don't want to go there."

"But...but you bought my soul."

"In exchange for giving you a chance with the love of your life." the man agreed. Now his hair was very light brown. His skin was totally Caucasian pale. "Now, I ask you, what would the Devil know about love? Ask him to give you power, or cause trouble for someone, he's the go-to guy, I admit, but love? He couldn't make a boy pigeon fall in love with a girl pigeon, much less people."

"So...." You can guess I was foundering here! "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" the hair was now completely blond, even blonder than Aden's. "I'm the poor angel assigned to you, who's been trying to do his job right for the longest time. But you've been too busy peeing your pants every time Aden came by to give me the slightest chance to put the two of you together."

"You're my guardian angel?"

"In the flesh." the man agreed. "I kept pushing Aden your way, the perfect man for you, and every time he got near enough to see you, you blew it. So when you made that offer of your soul for the chance with him, I grabbed it. I agree that's more a tactic used by the other side, but since it worked, I'm not complaining."

"Me, either." I agreed, with a great deal of relief. " what?"

"Now what? I own you, Gordon." the man said. "You have to do exactly what I tell you from now on. I bought your soul at a fair price, remember?"

Uh-oh. This didn't sound good. Was my guardian angel about to join the forces of Darkness? "So what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to go back to Aden and love him." my angel said. "I want you to love him for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others until death do you part, that's what I want. You think you can manage that?"

I had to smile at that. "I sure hope so." I agreed. "I'll try my best."

"Good, then that's settled." the angel said. "Now get hopping. I've got a busy and very happy life planned for you and since I own you now, you'd better get started on it. Why don't you take Aden out for breakfast instead of breaking eggs and burning toast for him like you usually do when you try to cook? And on Monday, we're signing you up for a couple of cooking classes, so you can fix breakfast in bed for him from time to time."

"Yes, Master." I said and went off to wake Aden to make the suggestion

I had sold my soul for love. And from the look of things, I had just made the best bargain of my life!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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