Self Restraint

By pennasterone

Published on Mar 1, 2023


Self-restraint, Part 8

Category: Authoritarian, Anal, Oral, Cuckolding

The story is inspired by real life, but written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire text. This is my first attempt as an active part of nifty. English is not my native language. So enjoy and be kind.

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Big hugs to Vincent E. for proofreading this part!! And thanks to all readers who encouraged me to continue writing the story!

For two days I could not stop thinking about how I was going to tell my boyfriend Jonas about what had happened between Timo and I last weekend. I pretended to be worn out from the hike and work to avoid Jonas seeing me naked. I don't know how I'm going to explain the cockcage to him? On the third day I got a message from Timo asking if I had told Jonas. If not, he wanted to send the compromising picture of me in the forest to my boyfriend. I called Timo and confessed to him that I had not told him yet. He sighed and then with frustration in his voice said

"That's all right, kiddo - I'll come over."

I tried to talk him out of coming by. Timo ignored my request. All that was left to do was to tell Jonas that we would be having a visit from Timo this afternoon. Jonas was surprised about the news because Timo and I had seen each other last weekend. He didn't seem to suspect a thing.. Later that afternoon the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Timo was standing there. He was casually dressed in blue jeans and a white T-shirt. Jonas joined us as I greeted him as always in a friendly manner. Timo came inside and stood next to Jonas. He then told him he wanted to talk to him in private. Jonas suggested they go in the living room.

I asked Timo "What are you doing?!"

"Now calm down and let Dad take care of it. Stay here and don't come out until I call you, got it?"


"Shhh - you do remember your training don't you?" He puts his finger to my lips. The gesture made me calm down and surrender my fate to what he tells Jonas. They left me standing alone while they went to the living room. I nervously began to contemplate what is going to happen to my relationship with Jonas and with my best friend Timo. I heard the two of them talking for a short time before someone turned the music up loud. The sound prevented me from hearing what they were talking about. Occasionally I could make out a word or two. Sometimes I heard Jonas talking real loud. It seemed like they were talking for quite a while. I started to get nervous and quietly crept closer to the living room only to discover that I could hear what was being said. Frustrated, I turned to go back to where Timo told me to stay. Suddenly, someone firmly grabbed me by the back of the neck.

"What have we here: Is someone trying to eavesdrop on the big boys? Better get you over to the bedroom, then."

With his hand still firmly on the back of my neck he led me into our bedroom down the hall.

"Get undressed and kneel here until I come for you. If you move, the hiking trips are over!"

The alarm clock on my nightstand indicated only about thirty minutes had passed. I knelt there completely naked in my bedroom and waited.

Suddenly the door opened. Timo came in alone. I saw Jonas standing behind him in the hallway. He looked like he had been crying as he stood there with his arms folded and his eyes narrowed.

"Stand up, Mats. Let's show your big brother how you pee first."

I hesitated and remained kneeling on the floor.

"Come on, little tyke."

Timo pulled me up by my ear until I stood up. Embarrassed, I tried to cover my constrained cock with my hands. Timo grabbed my arms and pulled them away.

"Don't be afraid. Come - go to the bathroom."

I trotted past Jonas into the bathroom, the two of them following me. As if in a trance, I sat down on the toilet and peed through my cage, just as I had been trained to do this past weekend. Finished I stood up and quickly dabbed myself with toilet paper.

"You see Jonas, that's how it is with Mats. Shall we show him how real men do it? Mats: sit over there on the edge of the bathtub and pay attention."

And with that he took his cock out of his pants, stood in front of the toilet and took a leak as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Well Jonas: sitting or standing?" he asked my friend provocatively after he had shaken off leftover drops..

Jonas gave me a disdainful look, stepped up to the toilet and did the same as Timo. It took him a moment to start, but then his jet hit the bowl hard. I had somehow never noticed how horny my boyfriend looked when he pissed like that. I was now getting as excited about his cock as I was about Timo's. Jonas took even more time shaking it off. It almost looked like he was starting to jerk off. Several times he pulled the foreskin all the way back and slowly pushed it forward again and again over the glans. Then he tucked his member back into his pants. I stood in the bathroom naked with two fully clothed men looking down at me.

"All right, we'll leave you alone now Mats so that you can clean yourself up properly. For Jonas and me we can smell like a man. For a dirty boy like you it's not proper, is it Jonas?"

He looked at Jonas in a buddy-like manner and put an arm around his shoulder. What was this weird fraternization between the two of them? I couldn't keep up with it anymore. Jonas however, just nodded and said in a slightly strained voice:

"Do it properly, little brother. Otherwise daddy will be mad at you later. You can knock on the wall when you're done."

With that, the two of them left me in the bathroom. I could hear them grabbing beers from the fridge and settling down in the living room. "The dad?" "Little brother?" What the hell had Timo told my Jonas!!!? I had no choice but to play along with the game. So I rinsed and showered as thoroughly as I could. Then I knocked on the wall. This time Jonas came in alone. He eyed me up and down.

"Dad wants you to put on your jockstrap and a black T-shirt. You can then lie down with it on the bed in the bedroom. Face down. If you're good, it won't be so bad."

He tossed me the jockstrap and shirt. Fear rose in me. What were these two up to? I knocked on the wall again and shouted, "Timo!"

But instead Jonas stuck his head through the door once more.

"Go ahead now. Timo told me to tell you that today might not be the right day for apple strudel, but that this is your decision."

Appel strudel - the stupid safeword of Timo and me. I could still use it to end the game at any time. What wasn't clear to me is whether Timo had already let Jonas in on that part too. At least it gave me a bit of security knowing that I still had enough control to end the game. I got dressed as requested, scurried from the bathroom over to the bedroom, put away blankets and pillows, dimmed the light and lay down on my stomach on the bed. The combination of shirt and jockstrap made me feel oddly more naked than if I had been completely unclothed. Also, the cock cage was uncomfortably squeezing in this position.

Again, some time passed. Then I heard their voices approaching in the apartment hallway. Timo opened the bedroom door and asked Jonas to sit down in the chair next to our bed. Then he said to him:

"Take good care, then, big boy. You can see that your little brother is not only a fag, but also quite a slut. You told me you caught him sniffing around your stuffed pillows, right?"

Jonas nodded.

"And him looking at other guys, that's true, too?"

"Apparently," Jonas countered.

"Well, our Mats can't help the way he is. But I don't want him whoring on the street. I want him to know who to obey when I'm not around. - Alright, Mats, let's show your big brother what you've learned."

I looked behind me and saw that Timo took off his white T-shirt. Then he noisily opened the belt in his jeans - the signal for me. Wordlessly, I left my position on the bed and knelt down in front of Timo. Hands behind my back, eyes looking up at him. Jonas, out of the corner of my eye moved a little restless back and forth on his chair.

"Tell me what you want," Timo prompted me.

Damn: Why was this suddenly so hard for me? Just because Jonas was sitting next to me, who after all also knew me as a cocksucker and was one himself?

"May I suck your cock?", I asked softly.

"Say it out loud, Mats. I want your brother to hear."

"Please, let me suck your cock," I repeated beggingly but audibly.

Timo took out his semi-stiff cock and jerked it a few times. I waited obediently as he had taught me. Then he pointed his cock at me, pulled the foreskin half back over the glans and said:

"Kiss the cock that's about to punish you."

I placed a kiss on the tip of his cock making sure not to go any further. Timo pulled my head toward him and pushed his cock into my mouth so far that it plunged into my throat. I started to gag and had tears running from my eyes as Timo held me in this position and whispered to me:

"Just a moment more. It'll be over in a minute."

As I became dizzy, he eased up and I was able to catch my breath.

"Good, we'll do that again in a minute, but this time no wriggling."

Again he fucked me hard in the mouth and held me on his cock so that I had my nose in his blond pubic hair. When I did start to wriggle, Jonas grumbled briefly, but Timo just threw him a "shhh" to shut him up. "Don't worry, he needs it. I'll take care of him."

After a few thrusts, he pulled his cock out of my throat and started jerking it. He made a gesture telling me to get on the bed. I knelt on it in the doggie position, turning my ass towards Timo. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and turned me around to lie on my back. It became clear why he had wanted me to keep the shirt on - I knew that Timo was not turned on by my upper body or by my cock. He only needed the hole. This way it was also the first time that I could look at Timo when he was fucking me.

"Come on, Jonas - sit down behind Mat's head so that you can have a good look at his face. That's it. And now take his legs and hold them like this. Yes, good, spread him open for me. Mats: You only look at me, understand?"

Unbelievably my friend actually held me in that position so that Timo could take me without further ado. But then Jonas spoke up with a timid objection:

"Shouldn't we prepare him? I mean, your dick is really fat, Timo. You're going to hurt him." "Didn't he hurt you, Jonas? See - then it's fair that he gets what he deserves now. Your little brother likes it when he's challenged a little. And I'm sure he has already prepared himself, the needy bitch."

With that, he ran his thumb over my hole and penetrated me a bit with it. I sucked in air between my teeth - with pleasure and quiet pain.

"Here!", Timo held up his thumb, "his cunt is already all wet. Just as I had suspected. Come on, Mats - show your brother how nice you can take daddy's manly cock inside you by now."

"Don't you use a rubber?" inquired Jonas, concerned.

"Well, he isn't that dirty. At least as long as it's just the two of us sharing him. Besides, it's not good for him if he doesn't get inseminated properly."

He applied his cock to my exposed hole. I saw his athletic, massive-haired torso for the first time doing this, and thought it was pretty strange that he left his jeans on while fucking me. Still, I found it hard to relax. The posture was unfamiliar and to let Jonas do it to me even more so. Timo therefore did not immediately succeed in penetrating me.

"Come on, open up," he tried to motivate me. But it just didn't work.

"Then I guess we'll have to help a little," he finally said, annoyed. "Leave your legs like that. And you, Jonas, put your hands under his shirt and play with his nipples."

Jonas knew that they were sensitive. He carefully ran his fingertips over my stiff nipples.

"Don't be so gentle. Your little brother isn't made of soft cotton after all."

Jonas pinched my nipples hard. I let out a small, lusty, agonized "Ouch!" At that moment my sphincter relaxed and gave way to Timo's cock.

"Go ahead, Jonas. See how it opens perfectly like that!" Timo seemed genuinely excited. A little too enthusiastic about the pace of his advance. I jerked back a little reflexively.

"Stay here!", Timo told me. "Okay Jonas, he won't have it any other way - hold his legs back like before."

Jonas forcefully grabbed my legs giving Timo a clear path. He began to pick up speed as he moved in and out of me. I moaned out. His thick cock was a real challenge.

"You see: he can do it," Timo explained expertly. "With his horny cunt, you can even push in more. He'd would probably take us both at the same time if we wanted him to." He tried to push his index finger into my hole next to his cock. I made a loud noise and gritted my teeth. It wasn't enough for the safeword, though.

"Fuck, that´s hot," Jonas said dryly. "Give it a real go." I thought I had misheard. Then my cross-browed boyfriend suddenly cheered Timo on to give it to me even harder? What had become of his caring and restraint?

Timo continued to dominate me by puttting his finger inside me along with his thick cock. I have to admit that the combination of cock and index finger felt pretty terrific after overcoming the initial pain.

"See his face, big guy?" he asked Jonas. "Look how happy he is."

"I can't take it anymore," Jonas agreed.

"You got it, buddy," Timo replied. Jonas got up from the bed and left the bedroom. I was irritated for a moment and looked at Timo questioningly. "It's all good, kid," he murmured soothingly and continued to penetrate me as if nothing was wrong.

After a few moments, Jonas came back. I turned my head and saw that he was holding a teacup. He high-fived Timo. What was that for? Timo grabbed my chin and turned me back on it.

"Who are you supposed to look at when you get fucked, little bitch?!"

Jonas had now crouched behind me again. I heard the sound of a spoon on or in porcelain. Then Jonas brought a filled spoon to my lips. I was irritated and did not know what it could be. Timo, however, didn't give me a chance to think about it:

"Open your mouth like a good boy, Mats - one spoon for daddy," meanwhile he just kept fucking me in steady strokes.

I opened my mouth slightly and Jonas let the liquid drip in. Shit - that was sperm! Apparently my friend had jerked off in the next room and squirted his sauce into the cup. So that had been his "I can't take it anymore"! The taste of Jonas' sperm was very familiar to me. Now it was half-cold and not necessarily delicious. Besides, I was ashamed of doing this in front of Timo. He didn't let up:

"And one for your brother!!!" he demanded. "And one for you to become a man!" More than three spoons had come together. But that was also enough. I swallowed everything.

"Wait a minute," Timo said, suddenly pausing in his fucking. "I'm not sure - why don't you take a look, Jonas, and see if your little brother's got a little bit of that coming out. His jock looks wet."

I was pretty sure I hadn't come. Jonas fingered around under the jock with my cock stuck in the plastic cage, then confirmed:

"Nope, seems okay. At most, there's a little pre-juice running."

"That's good," Timo agreed. "You know he's not supposed to cum without permission. Are you going to let him?"

"Certainly not," Jonas replied coldly and firmly.

"That's what I thought. Mats, you heard what your brother decided: So get used to it!"

I nodded as best I could in this position. Timo tightened his upper body. He was obviously on the home stretch. Then he gave me a few more deep, completely drawn-out thrusts, paused inside me for a moment, closed his eyes and then fired his load into me. Even then he stayed inside me for a moment. When he pulled out his semi-stiff penis, I straightened up to lick it off without needing any prompting. Wordlessly, Timo let me. Behind me I heard Jonas groan at the sight. But he said nothing. When I was done, Timo stowed his cock back in his pants without further ado, reached into his pants pocket and fished out a small key. It was the key for the lock on my cock cage.

He handed it to Jonas with the words, "Take good care!" It remained open whether he meant the key or me.

Then Timo stroked me reassuringly on the head. "You did a good job, kid. When I'm gone, I want you to obey your big brother as well as you obey me. And that no complaints come my way, understand?"

I nodded eagerly. "Thank you. ... Daddy," I muttered. Then my buddy just walked out, pulling the bedroom door closed behind him, and I heard the apartment door slam shut a moment later as well. I felt queasy, now that he left me alone with Jonas. Surely he would want to talk about this evening.

But he didn't. Rather, he just coolly demanded:

"Get up and go to the kitchen!"

With no ideal about what is going to happen, dazed and still a bit woozy from the fuck, I slowly walked over in my jockstrap and T-shirt with Jonas following me.

"Take that stuff off and lie over here with your upper body there!" - He pointed to the narrow bar counter where we usually ate in our kitchen which jutted into the room. Willy-nilly I followed his instruction. After I had undressed, only the cockcage remained. Jonas watched with folded arms. He was fully dressed with his chinos and shirt as he had on from the beginning. The counter was the perfect height for what I suspect is going to happen. As I bent over my cock bumped the edge of the counter in its cage.

"Arms and hands forward!", Jonas instructed me. Then I heard him unzip his pants. With his feet, he kicked at my heels and demanded, "Spread your legs wider, you little whore!"

While I was still getting positioned, he gave me two strokes on my ass with his bare hand. "Faster."

I then felt him finger my bruised hole that Timo's cum was still running out of.. Jonas spread it around the little hole. I could hear him spit onto his hand and placing it on his cock. His cock was similar to Timo's except it was a bit thinner. Placing it at my hole he pushed his cock it into me way too fast. My hole being pre-stretched, was not prepared for such an assault. I raised up and quickly turned my head towards Jonas to protest. He pushed my face back onto the counter with the flat of his hand.

"Stay down and just keep your mouth shut. If Daddy can get his dick in you, then it shouldn't be a problem with your big brother's either." He emphasized the word "Daddy" in an ironic way.

I let Jonas have his way. He wasn't gentle in the usual way. He fucked me hard, furious and mechanically. On the other hand, I could count on two hands the few times he had taken me from behind in the past. Besides his anger, he felt a need to do it right and exactly like this with me. I had always missed the unexpected "I want this now" during vanilla sex. In a sense, it gave me pleasure even if it all happened pretty damn fast.

"Okay, okay," I groaned softly. "Take what's coming to you and shut the fuck up!" Jonas nailed me mercilessly while holding me down on the counter without touching me lovingly or acknowledging me. With three hard thrusts he came deep inside me. He pulled out immediately while pointing at a spot on the kitchen floor and saying "Lie there just like that."

Then he put his cock away and left the kitchen. The position soon became uncomfortable for me, but I obediently waited until he returned. When the time came, he had my sleep shirt and the blue sleep shorts that go with it in his hand. He tossed them to me and said:

"Get dressed and get into the bedroom!"

"Huh, already?", I asked, slightly dumbfounded.

"For you, it's off to bed without dinner."

He treated me like a little kid. But after all I've done, maybe it was better not to protest any further. I actually went to bed, even though it wasn't near 9 pm. I heard Jonas rummaging around the apartment and finally the TV. It sounded like he was watching porn without me and at full volume. I didn't dare get out of bed to check. I couldn't sleep due to the noise and my wandering thoughts.

Around two hours later silence finally had returned. Jonas came into the half-dark bedroom. He lay down next to me on the bed. He was dressed in only boxer shorts - he gently moved to where he was half upright with his back against the headboard. Cautiously, I looked up at him.

"Come here, babe," he whispered to me. I moved over towards him where he directed me to sit between his legs leaning back against him. Then he asked softly:

"Do you need to come?"

I bit my lips and nodded. Neither the fuck by Jonas, nor the one with Timo was I given permission to orgasm. Add in the several days prior when I couldn't orgasm due to the cock cage. It was driving me insane with lust. Jonas rattled the chain with the small key. "I don't want to be like that! Daddy doesn't necessarily have to know that you can´t restrain yourself, does he?" He reached around me pushed my shorts down a bit, and after a few tries opened the lock and took the cage off me. Then he pulled my waistband back up and slipped my shirt off.

"Jerk it off under your pants, will you?"

Oh God - I'd love nothing more. Feverishly, I shoved my hands under my pants. My cock straightened up in a flash. I jerked off quickly and silently with my eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of my boyfriend. Jonas put his fingers on my nipples and played around with them. Sometimes he was rough, other times he was gentle. Both ways drove me totally crazy. I don't remember if I ever came so fast. My sperm was all over the inside of my sleeping shorts. There was so much it was oozing out of them. Meanwhile, I felt Jonas throbbing erection in my back.

"Well look, that was a nice one, little brother."

I reached back and got a hold of his stiff cock.

"Guess it's more with you - yours is so big," I replied appreciatively, only half-playing.

Firmly, but not roughly, he turned me to face him, grabbed my head with both hands, and pushed it toward his crotch.

"Might be better if you get something to eat after all. Make you big and strong."

He grinned slightly as I pulled out his cock which hadn't yet been washed and shoved it into my mouth. I sucked that gorgeous cock and proceeded to give my friend the best blowjob of his life.

What Timo discussed with Jonas that afternoon in the living room I never found out. To this day I'm careful not to ask either of them about it.

  • The End -

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