Self Restraint

By pennasterone

Published on Feb 24, 2023


Self-restraint, Part 7

Category: Authoritarian, Anal, Chastity

The story is inspired by real life, but written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire text. This is my first attempt as an active part of nifty. English is not my native language. So enjoy and be kind.

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After the rest of our day trip had run without any special features, if you disregard the fact that running with spanked ass and twice fucked hole was not quite easy for me, Timo began on the way back to ask me when that actually started with my cock horniness. I confessed to him that as a little boy I had already found it exciting to watch my father in the shower or to watch him furtively out of the corner of my eye when he washed his sturdy member at the sink in the morning. And I told him that later, when I was 13, I had bribed my older brother with chocolate so that he would show me his cock - of course, he ripped me off at the time, took the chocolate and, by pushing his pants down for only two tenths of a second, made sure that my curiosity only grew all the more. I also told Timo that I had found the condoms in my father's nightstand drawer extremely exciting and had sniffed his shorts. And that after I discovered the pillow my brother used for jerking off and kept hidden in his bed drawer, I had jerked off on it every day for years. Timo laughed out loud a few times at my description and almost ran off the road at the story of the chocolate and my brother. He wanted to know if I had ever jerked off together with my brother, as he had apparently done once. I denied startled and explained to him that this would have been out of the question for me at all, already to not betray me at that time.

"Well, maybe your big brother would have been quite happy to release pressure on you. No wonder you were completely starved then over the years, huh?"

When we arrived at Timo's apartment, he first sent me to the bathroom. However, not without a clear announcement:

"I want you to clean yourself up properly down there. And about the fact that you shave your body completely, we had already talked. Do you have shaving stuff with you?"

I nodded cautiously.

"Good, I'll take a look at it then. And one more thing: I got you a little present - it's on the sink. Put it on and call me when you're done."

A gift?!? Timo and I never gave each other presents, despite our friendship. We had always been buddy pragmatic about that. I went into the bathroom, jumped into the shower, and without hesitation removed my trimmed pubic hair above my dick as well as under my armpits. I also did not spare the narrow, dark happy trail from my belly button to my crotch, which I actually always liked. Something would come to mind to explain this to Jonas when I got home. Maybe I would just claim that the hair had always bothered and itched me when I was hiking. Well, not original, but he would probably buy it.

As I dried off, I could hardly contain my curiosity. I reached for the small, inconspicuous box that Timo had described to me and opened it with trembling fingers. I assumed it would perhaps be some piece of clothing that he wanted me to wear. But far from it: inside lay a cock cage. Quite small in size and made of transparent hard plastic. It took me a while to figure out how to put the thing on and even longer to really succeed. Because on the one hand I had no experience with it and on the other hand my willy had swollen again with excitement in the meantime, so that at first I did not manage to squeeze it into the cage and close it. I myself did not know what excited me so much about this part or the game as a whole. So far, at least, I had never fantasized about anything like this. But I was determined to give it a try. Timo was already pushing in the meantime:

"Are you almost done in there, you little wanker? Don't get any ideas about playing with yourself!!!"

"I'm almost there, Timo," I called through the closed door. "Okay, I'm done."

He opened the bathroom door. My buddy had already stripped down to his sweaty underpants. I was embarrassed to be standing in front of him naked, shaved, and with my little tail caged. The bathroom was windowless and lit only by a few spotlights. We stood facing each other while Timo examined me extensively.

"Put your arms up - good. Now put your legs wider apart." He walked around me. Examining, he ran his right thumb over my armpit heights and then over my pubic area. There, he jokingly flicked his index finger briefly against my testicles - I groaned because that twirled quite a bit, even though he had restrained himself.

"Shh - stay nice and still, kiddo," he reminded me. "And close your eyes."

This was new, but I obeyed this time, too. I felt Timo tampering with the tail cage, and by the time I blinked, trying to discern why he was engaging me with that region for the very first time, it had already happened. He had threaded and locked a small padlock that had definitely not been in the box before.

"All right, that's it. You can open your eyes again. I told you that you get hard too fast and I'm not that into your part. Besides, it's not good if you keep leaving your watery boy seed all over the place. This will help you control yourself."

"Where do you keep the keys?", I asked meekly.

"I'm certainly not going to tell you. They're staying with me. It's enough for now that you can piss with the thing and wash yourself down there, too. If or when more goes, I'll decide, all right?"

"Whatever - but only until I have to drive later."

Timo grinned and remained silent. Then he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me toward the large bathroom mirror that took up the wall above the vanity. He himself pushed down his shorts and stood next to me, apparently totally relaxed. His cock was well blooded, but not stiff.

"Tell me what you see," he prompted me.

Entered I mustered the sight of us both in the mirror. Timo was much stronger than me anyway, and also a little taller. But now he looked much older and stronger than me with his tanned complexion, the hair on his chest, stomach and arms, his heavy balls und cock. Adult evenly. Especially since I stood there with drooping shoulders, completely shaved and with a dick pack that seemed really ridiculous to me. I felt unspeakably small and exposed.

I cleared my throat and Timo repeated:

"What do you see, Mats? Do you see two men?"

"No. I see a man next to me," I had to concede.

"And how do you see yourself?"

"I don't know. More like a little boy perhaps."

"A boy? Or isn't it more like a girl? Be honest!"

"No, a boy," I replied.

"A very gay, very cock-hungry boy, I would think," smirked Timo, who had seen my prick trying to stir and moved the cage slightly. That was as far as it went. Timo stepped behind me now. He put his hands on my chest and began to play with my nipples. I sighed deeply.

"Yes, this way you can best concentrate on your two sexual organs - your tits and your ass cunt. The rest is really expendable with you."

He ran his right hand down between my buttocks.

"All soft and bare. That's good. Ah, ah, ah - don't close your eyes. Keep looking at yourself in the mirror."

It was hard for me to endure the sight. Actually, it was only possible because I could watch at the same time how Timo's broad, blond-haired forearms and his large hands lay on me or moved along my slender body. He did not caress me, but targeted my most sensitive areas. Then he pushed me aside, positioned himself centrally in front of the washstand and mirror and demanded:

"Get behind me. Good. Now wash my cock, but gently and carefully."

I had difficulty embracing his powerful body, behind which I almost completely disappeared in the mirror. But I managed to turn on the water. Carefully I embraced Timo's still flaccid cock and pulled back his foreskin. I ran water over it from the hollow of my hand and soaped him up, still a bit amazed at how meaty and massive his part seemed to me even now. At the same time, I sucked in the scent that emanated from Timo's body-slightly sweaty from the tour, with only a residue of deodorant-the smell of soap. I felt the need to caress him, but knew he would not accept it.

"Okay, that's enough. Give me the towel."

I handed it to him and he dried his own cock and testicles. Then he opened the door of the bathroom cabinet, thereby turning his back on me. In the mirror I watched his ass, which Timo must have felt somehow.

"Look ahead and keep looking at yourself." I saw him handling all the same diagonally behind me, but couldn't quite make out what he was doing.

Then he turned around and now I saw in the mirror that his cock and balls were now encircled by a narrow black cock ring. He pushed me behind him again and demanded:

"Make it hard for me."

I wanted to kneel down to suck his cock, but Timo stopped me.

"Not like that, lickgreedy fag. With your hand!"

Again, standing behind him, I clasped his fat member with my hand, but still it wasn't right.

"Damn - you might play around with your dicklet with such pointed fingers, but not with my cock. Touch it properly, will you!"

I now encircled it with my whole fist and began to jerk it gently. In the mirror I saw that Timo had his eyes closed, as if he had to concentrate. His erection was rapidly growing stronger under my hand movements. I could feel the veins that were becoming more prominent due to the effect of the cock ring. His dark purple glans swelled in such a way that it became more difficult to push the foreskin all the way forward. I played for a brief moment with his foreskin frenulum, rubbing it between my thumb and forefinger. Then fingered over his piss slit, which opened to a real hole and from which the first threads of precum emerged. This I used to close my fist around his part again, which now seemed hard as wood.

"Change!" he said to

I once again did not understand, because he could jerk me off badly. And certainly did not want this. Nevertheless, I stepped forward again. He pushed the bathroom stool next to me and asked me to put my right foot on it. Now I realized what he had in mind.

"Timo, please: let me suck you off. You really made me sore the two times before," I begged.

"Yeah, right - now that you realize how useless your dick is, you're bitching. No, my dear: you will serve me once again - I need it now. And you don't want daddy to get mad, do you?"

He had hissed the last into my ear again.

"A naughty little gay boy like you, sniffing daddy's shorts and rifling through his condoms, have to bravely hold still when he's being used, don't you think?"

I nodded.

"Well, you see? And you want it to be joyful for me too, don't you?"

Again I nodded silently.

"Or does it depend on something else?" his voice now sounded slightly threatening.

"No, I only want it to be nice for you. What can I do for it?", I whispered.

Instead of answering, Timo put a can of Vaseline in front of me.

"You know what you have to do. Actually, I'd have to take you dry just now for your insolence, but I don't have any desire to have you whining and whimpering around here with me."

I reached into the jar and liberally smeared Timo's cock. Knowing full well that it would be a challenge even so because of the erection enhanced by the cock ring. With another portion I tried to prepare my already sore hole for what was to come. But Timo hardly gave me time for that.

"Stop fingering yourself, you naughty boy. Little faggots don't get to play with themselves when they're being taken. I don't like a girl fingering her clit while I'm fucking her either. It's disrespectful."

He grabbed my hair with his fingers and pulled my head back slightly on it.

"Look yourself deep in the eyes when I take you."

And I did. I saw my eyes tear open and my mouth open as Timo penetrated me for the third time that day. I saw my lips wanting to form a "no" and yet not doing it when that bolt entered through my sphincter. So hard and bulging as never before. But this time Timo didn't push further to the stop in one go, but kept pulling his part all the way out to drive it into me again. With each new push a tiny bit further. Each time he took it out, I felt an extreme, hungry-greedy emptiness inside me. Despite the pain I was in, I wanted more. Finally, he paused inside me for a moment and then finally pushed it completely inside me.

"So nice and wide and brave - you're a good boy." Unexpectedly, he stroked my head with a sort of fatherly gesture.

"You need that regularly, see that?"

And I watched in the mirror as a smile crossed my face, but also as my hands moved down to somehow give myself relief, until I realized I wouldn't have a chance through the cage.

"Keep your hands out of there. That's dirty," Timo immediately admonished me as he continued to thrust, slowly picking up speed. It took him quite a long time, probably because of the two times before or else because of the cock ring. My own prick was rioting in its cage. But even the repeated thrusts against the prostate did not trigger an exit this time. So I was really nothing more than a vessel for Timo's lust and after I had stopped resisting inwardly and surrendered to the fact that this was not going to be about my orgasm, I could still kind of enjoy it. However, always in the hope that my opportunity would come afterwards already.

At some point Timo finally murmured in my ear:

"This time you're going to get my cock juice back in properly."

He grabbed me by the neck and by his twitching cock I felt him coming inside me. When he had pulled it out with a smacking sound, Timo said:

"Now you have to wash it again - but this time in a faggot way."

He pushed me down by the head so that I was kneeling and taking his slimy part into my mouth. I did it without hesitation or disgust, but as if it was the most natural thing in the world, while Timo stroked my hair.

"Proud of you, kiddo."

He couldn't have said anything nicer to me.

Afterwards, as we sat together in the living room and I packed my things for the drive home, the nasty surprise came. Timo said it was about time I finally came clean to my boyfriend Jonas. Not necessarily about Timo and me, but about my desires. My head was spinning.

"There's no way you can do that, Timo. Just leave it as it is. Jonas doesn't need to know about it. He wouldn't understand."

"Well, I'm curious how you're going to keep it from him when you show up at home clean-shaven and with your dick locked up," Timo said

"Haha, very funny. Now give me the keys to the thing and you can let me worry about the rest."

"I don't think you understand, Mats: you're not getting the key. But if it helps you, I can send your Jonas the photo in advance, showing you leaning against the tree with welts and cum on your ass - then maybe he can put one and one together afterwards."

"Hey, what's the point, Timo? We are still friends. Nothing should change about that, you said so yourself!!!" I was really completely beside myself.

"Nothing has changed about that either, Mats. And real friends help each other, right? And even if you don't want to realize it right now: I'm helping you right now."

"Oh really?!? With what?!"

"Being yourself. Or becoming," he replied nonchalantly.

We were silent for a while. Then I actually promised him I'd talk to Jonas about what was bothering me sexually. Even though I didn't yet have the faintest idea how to go about it. Secretly I hoped to persuade Timo in this way to give me the key for the chastity cage, but I had underestimated his steadfastness. So I really had no choice but to go home as I was - shaved, with locked tail and after the last number also without relief.

When we said goodbye in a chummy way, Timo dismissed me with the sentence "You can do it - you've done something else well three times today".

To me, however, the task that had now been set seemed incomparably greater. Or harder. Or both.

Next: Chapter 8

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