Self Restraint

By pennasterone

Published on Feb 17, 2023


Self-restraint, Part 6

Category: Authoritarian, J/O, Anal

The story is inspired by real life, but written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire text. This is my first attempt as an active part of nifty. English is not my native language. So enjoy and be kind.

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After Timo had taken me so hard in the clearing, I would actually have loved a break. But he insisted that we move on. I struggled to get up, rolled up the blankets and cleaned myself up as best I could.

When we had walked a bit, Timo asked:

"So, how was it for you earlier?"

"It was cool," I admitted.

"Not so for me," he replied, chewing gum. "I told you I don't like dick. It kind of gets me off when you have a boner, and even more so when you cum while I'm taking you."

"But you didn't even have to touch it for that. Not even really see it," I objected.

"That's not the point. You're just not with my pleasure then, you're with yours. That's not proper, kiddo - you're supposed to be concentrating on my cock, after all. But we'll work it out."

After we had wandered for a while, he asked me how long it usually took me to come a second time. I confessed to him that I'm actually more of a one-shooter and prefer to cum properly after a long lead-up and then have enough. "All the better, Mats. Then you're going to jerk off right now," he suggested. "I want your balls to be empty so that you stay nicely focused during our next round and don't fall out of character for me as a mare again. Go on - get over there and get started."

Timo pointed to a spot between two bushes at the edge of the path. Since barely an hour had passed since our last time, I wasn't really up for it, but my buddy pushed me to the spot he'd assigned.

"Stand there, pants off and dick out, you wanker," he encouraged me, leaning against a tree diagonally in front of me and staring at me determinedly. "I'm going to pay close attention to make sure you cum."

Okay, I had indeed jerked off in his presence before. But on that occasion he had turned away bored and forced me to do it under my pants. This was something completely different. I felt like I was on display. That would not have been bad if I had had the feeling that this would somehow turn him on. But that was clearly not the case. When I took my dick out of my pants, it was completely limp. Even after a few jerk movements did nothing. I looked over to Timo and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, are you ashamed again? Come on, don't tell me now that you can't get it hard. Shit, man - then shove your plug in."

In fact, before the tour, yes, he had told me to pack the butt plug I had worn the night I arrived much to Timo's annoyance. I retrieved the item and the tube of KY from the side pocket of my trekking pants, slid them down a bit, and inserted my favorite toy. The whole time I kept my head lowered and couldn't look at Timo while doing it. The feeling of the hard object in my ass instantly reminded me of my buddy's cock that I had had in there not long ago. My penis stiffened.

"Phhh, nothing really works if your hole is not stuffed. Crass, really crass! Now jerk off so we can get somewhere."

I started jerking off in the usual way, with my right hand on my cock and my left shoved under my shirt to play with my nipples.

"Have you ever noticed that you jerk off like a 13 year old?" asked Timo mockingly. "Your dick isn't even completely tiny, but you're not culling it with your fist, you're jerking it with three pointed fingers."

My erection receded.

"You're embarrassed, aren't you? I'm just telling you what I see. Come on: show daddy if anything comes out yet!"

Grimly I began to jerk hard again to get the thing over with. This daddy act I found somehow perverse. Kinky, but horny.

"That's a good boy. Play with your willy. But your tits seem almost more sensitive somehow - it's okay, mess with them if it gets you off."

It really did, but it just wasn't enough to get me off. It irritated me too much to be watched so coolly by Timo doing it. I gritted my teeth and tensed up more and more. Then Timo detached himself from the tree and stood diagonally next to me.

"Go ahead - Daddy will help you," he whispered in my ear, drove his hand into the back of my pants and pulled the plug out a bit. "Don't be ashamed if that makes you horny" - with that, he pushed the thing back inside me. After five or six such movements, he just left his hand very still on my ass.

I could feel my orgasm rolling on. Strangely enough, I felt I had to ask Timo for permission:

"I'm about to come. May I?"

Again he whispered directly into my ear, "It's good that you ask first. Come on, squirt your dirt out."

Although it was the second time after quite a short time for me, I ejaculated widely and with three luscious spurts.

"Tough birth, huh? Now clean yourself up and let's move on. And leave the plug in."

I didn't understand. "But: I thought this was supposed to be a preparation to make it more fun for you?", I grumbled.

"Exactly. But this one was completely un-awesome for me. I need a moment now first of all. By the way, next time I want you to shave completely down there."

He pointed to my crotch.

"Your cunt is clean. But those trimmed hairs there in front - that's not proper for someone like you. Pubic hair is only for men, understand?"

I nodded obediently and was already secretly thinking about how I would explain this to my boyfriend at home. Jonas was definitely not into completely shaved boys.

Timo had meanwhile taken his cell phone out of his pocket and was fiddling with it for a long time as we walked. I was lagging behind a bit, since I couldn't keep up my usual pace with the plug in my ass. When I caught up with him, I saw that he was looking at photos of his girlfriend. Katja topless at some pool. I almost felt sick - mostly with jealousy.

"It's a horny one, isn't it? She sent me the pics yesterday," Timo said unabashedly and held the cell phone out to me.

"Seems to hold on the distance, I'm glad," I wrestled myself and it wasn't completely a lie, because of course it was nice to see that my buddy was happy in his relationship.

"Yes, only that the distance is too far even for a cock of my size. Fuck, I really need a hole to hold in." He turned his head to me, "Time for your next ass fuck, kiddo. Go stand by that tree."

It was an oak tree with an enormous trunk, standing in the woods a little ways from the path. We walked over to it. This time Timo was impatient:

"Go ahead: take that thing out the back and show me your cunt!"

I pushed my pants off my butt, pulled out the plug and leaned against the tree expectantly.

"You're supposed to show me your cunt, I said. Ass cheeks apart!"

I spread my butt cheeks with both hands, feeling almost more on display now than when I was jerking off earlier.

"Fine, that looks ready as hell. Now prop yourself up against the tree and close your eyes - concentrate on what you're going to feel."

I heard the sound of his belt buckle and him pulling the belt out of his pants. What I didn't hear was his zipper. That should have given me pause. Without warning, I heard the hiss of his leather belt and got a first hit with it on my butt. Not hard, but the surprise worked. I cried out.

Timo covered my mouth from behind. "Shut up, faggot. Is the best way to make you submissive."

A second blow hit me.

"It'll be over in a minute - just surrender when Daddy punishes you". His whisper made me weak. After just four strokes it stopped. My ass was on fire, but Timo had not struck seriously.

Only now did I hear him unzip his pants and apparently spit into his hand. Only briefly he drove testing with two fingers over my hole pre-stretched by the plug. Then he thrust into me without hesitation. This time nothing in me resisted.

"Do you notice how good this is for you?" asked Timo. "Slowly you are learning. That's how I want you: All willing and focused."

In fact, this felt different. Since I didn't get an erection and actually didn't even feel pleasure, I could perceive Timo's pleasure all the better. Completely clear and without the fog of my own horniness, his hard cock was felt differently. And also the pain it caused me that he pushed the part again mercilessly into me to the stop. What I felt was just the desire to enable him a good fuck. And more than that, the desire for me to dissolve into it. My focus was entirely on my hole and the rock hard cock that spread this further and further. I began to slightly move my ass towards the intruder and massage him with a little tension on the sphincter.

"Yes, you faggot: show me what you've got. You can't even get enough of my fat cock when you're not even horny yourself, huh?"

He grabbed me by the hips and thrust in with rapid rhythm. My prostate was getting thrust after thrust, but nothing else was happening to me. I thought. I myself had not noticed that my dick actually began to stir again in my pants. But Timo seemed to notice a change. He suddenly grabbed the front of my pants.

"You piece of shit!" he yelled, looking seriously angry. Immediately he pulled out of me. "You're really not worth it."

I wanted to turn to him and apologize, but he ruled me: "Stand like that!"

So with my eyes closed, I continued to lean against the tree. I heard Timo gasp softly. Finally, he squirted a big load on my exposed ass. The cum was burning on the welts. Then I heard the clicking sound of the photo function of the cell phone.

"So, we'll send this to your Jonas - as a greeting from our hiking tour and so he knows what kind of boywhore he's with."

I straightened up and stared at him, startled.

"Oh God, you really give me credit for everything, kid. I was just kidding. Come on, get dressed and we'll take a break."

I wasn't really sure what the joke was about....

Next: Chapter 7

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