Self Restraint

By pennasterone

Published on Jan 22, 2023


Self-restraint, Part 3

Category: Authoritarian, Oral

The story is inspired by real life, but written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire text. This is my first attempt as an active part of nifty. English is not my native language. So enjoy and be kind.

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When we were back at Timo's apartment after our hiking tour, there was no discussion about who would freshen up first, unlike our usual routines. This time Timo let me go first. But of course there was a catch.

"Are you still horny?" he asked me unabashedly.

"So-so," I tried to casually counter. That wasn't entirely wrong, since I was actually a bit exhausted after the long hike. On the other hand, I still hadn't been able to cum after the show Timo had put on along the way, so some arousal and tension remained.

He reached under my chin while we were facing each other and pushed my head up slightly.

"I thought you promised not to lie anymore, buddy."

"Jesus, Timo! All right: of course I'm still horny. After all, I wasn't allowed to do anything while you were having your fun."

"Correct, man. And that's the way it stays. So leave the bathroom door open while you shower."

"But I need to poop, too," I grumbled.

"Then do that. The door stays open anyway. I want to make sure you don't sneak back in there and jerk off again."

He was right, of course, because that had been the starting point of the whole story - how he'd caught me in the bathroom jerking off on his bathing suit. So I resigned myself to my fate. After all, Timo seemed to ignore me completely when I took off all my clothes, which was embarrassing to me in front of him, since unlike him I was not an athlete, but rather the typical twink and my dick was also more size M than L or XL. So in this respect it was good that he dispensed with the comparative look. Quickly I slipped into the bathroom. Going to the bathroom with the door open was already a humiliation, so I quickly got it over with. As I got into the shower and was about to draw the curtain, Timo called out to me from a distance:

"The curtain stays open too! Make sure you don't flood the whole bathroom for me."

Obediently, I began to shower carefully. Just as I was about to dry off, my buddy came into the bathroom.

"Finished? Then sit over there on the closed toilet. Oh no, wait a minute - put your panties on first."

I reached for my slip boxer.

"Nah, that's no good." Timo took blue-checked boxers from his basket of dirty laundry. "Take these. I don't want your boner peeking out."

Should be fine with me. At least I got to wear his underwear for once. Even if used. Anyway, all the better actually. So I sat down on the toilet lid dressed only in my underwear, while Timo took off his hiking clothes, threw them on a pile and got into the shower himself. He also left the shower curtain open.

"Put your hands behind your head. Yeah, just like that. As if the police were standing in front of you. And that's where your hands are going to stay now until we're done here."

So I sat there with my hands behind my head like the last idiot, gawking at my best friend taking a shower. Provocatively persistent, he let the water run over his short-shaven head and his blond-haired, athletically stocky body. When soaping up he took especially much time for his armpits, in which the pubic hair was just as little trimmed as in the pubic area. A sight unfamiliar to me in the meantime, because I, my boyfriend and the guys I saw in the shower during sports were now all completely shaved or at least wore the pubic hair short. Well, with me it was not much anyway.

When Timo now began to soap up his cock and gleefully pushed back the foreskin for it, his dick slowly becoming semi-stiff, I moaned briefly.

"Now it's getting hard for you, huh faggot?!" he asked. "Listen, I know you're struggling. But you can handle it. Just keep your hands up and think about your mom's ass."

He grinned at his stupid advice. If he had looked, he would have easily noticed that I had a blatant erection under my boxers. But he probably didn't need to see it to know. His soaping slowly transitioned into a few jerk-off movements until his bulging cock was sticking up steeply. Then he continued showering and afterwards began to dry himself off in the shower in front of me. He pointed to the floor mat in front of the shower.

"Time for your reward, I'd say."

Without needing any instruction, I knelt down on the mat. Timo pushed his fat cock down slightly. The foreskin now covered the glans almost completely again, so that the head looked even plumper and was practically pointed directly at my face.

"Give him a kiss in greeting," he demanded dryly.

Carefully, I leaned forward and kissed the tip of his covered cock. Lust exploded in my head, my own cock going crazy. I felt a first drop of pre-come without even touching myself.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you? Then take it in your mouth, you little whore. That's what you wanted all along."

I opened my mouth to take him in. At the same time, I automatically took one hand away behind my head to hold his cock for it. Immediately Timo grabbed my wrist.

"Where does that hand belong! Where?!" He sounded really angry. "Blowing is done with the mouth, not with the hands. That a faggot even has to be taught that."

Then he pushed his cock into my mouth. I enjoyed feeling his glans there, but he didn't give me time for that, but put his hands on the back of my head in addition to mine and pulled me closer, so that I got his spanking practically pushed right into my throat.

I had to cough and gag. My lover also had a pretty big cock, but wasn't particularly into deepthroat, so on the one hand I wasn't in practice and on the other hand I wasn't prepared for such a pace. Timo let me catch my breath briefly, but then immediately stuck his bolt back in mercilessly similar far and ruled me:

"Don't act like a girl sucking a dick for the first time. Won't be your first blowjob, after all."

While he remained almost motionless in the shower, his hands were now guiding my head. So he was not moving his cock, but only moving my head back and forth. Quite as if I were some kind of human Fleshlight. His glans thrusting into my throat made me gag ever so slightly and tears ran from my eyes. In a surprisingly tender gesture, Timo wiped away one of my tears and looked down at me with pity.

"Poor princess! Do you have to cry when you get what you want so much? Tststs - there one needs however urgently more practice. It's just a bit different when a real man takes you."

He fucked me hard in the mouth now. When I looked up at him, I noticed that his eyes were closed with pleasure. He was simply taking what he needed and what he felt was his natural due. He rammed his dick into me in the meantime, despite the size, so far that his pubic hair tickled my nose and held me so tightly for a moment until I was wriggling with shortness of breath. Then he suddenly pushed my head back so that his cock was completely out. In the next move, he guided my head extremely slowly, so that I could feel every inch to the limit. I tried to make an evasive movement as this time I almost blacked out. In a flash, Timo increased the pressure of his left hand on my head and grabbed forward with his right at once to pinch my nipple. I cried out. My nipples are extremely sensitive. Almost more than my cock. But Timo didn't really need to know that. Unfortunately, the fright led to the fact that his cock got my cutting teeth off, since I had bared my lip.

"Well, does anyone have sensitive tits? You really tick like a girl. Gosh! There I hardly have to change my position to guide you. But if I get to feel your teeth again, you will repent it!"

While he continued to use my mouth without restraint, he came up with a new idea to make it even harder for me. What sounded harmless at first...

"Let me see - take your hands away from behind your head and show me how you play with your nipples."

"No, please don't Timo. It's too much," I begged. It seemed humiliating to me. Simply to gay in front of him.

"Just do it and stop bitching." He took my hands and guided them to my nipples. "Go on, show it."

So I started playing with my hard nipples with my thumb and forefinger respectively, as I usually did when I was pleasuring myself. My cock was twitching like crazy, wanting to finally come into its own. I wouldn't have been surprised if I had cum this way, I was so horny by now. But it was just not quite enough. In the meantime, only tortured sounds escaped me from loud lust, which was not allowed to have a goal. Timo, on the other hand, remained amazingly calm again. It was as if he was rather coping with a technical task. I could feel his excitement only by the fact that his belly, covered with a beautiful fluff of dark blond hair, was now rising and falling more strongly. And by the fact that he moved my head back and forth ever more rapidly and violently. His voice, however, sounded still firm:

"When I´m cumming, you keep it in your mouth - get it?"

I indicated a nod. And shortly thereafter I already felt the first gush of his sperm shoot into my throat. And another. And another. Even now Timo held my head tightly as if in a vice. Although I had to cough again, I somehow managed to suppress the swallowing reflex. Only now did his hands release my head. I looked up at my buddy. He opened his eyes and put his thumb to my chin.

"Open your mouth, princess."

Although I found that nickname awful, I obediently followed his instruction, opening my mouth and showing him his own cum on my tongue.

"You see. That's better than licking it elsewhere, isn't it? Swallow it down and lick my cock clean like a good girl should. I don't want to have to take another shower."

And that's exactly what happened. After licking his still semi-stiff dick clean, he just ran water over it again briefly and casually put on his shorts and jeans while I stood helplessly in the bathroom with my erection in my boxers.

"Oh, I see. I don't want you sitting next to me like that for dinner in a minute."

He thought, looking almost strained. Then he thought of a solution that he apparently found tolerable.

"Stand wide-legged in front of the toilet and squirt your stuff in there if you have to. I'll just shave while you do so."

He seemed to be watching me through the mirror. And even though it was humiliating, all I cared about now was getting relief. So I pushed the borrowed boxers down. But this was too much.

"Keep your pants on, dude. I don't want your ass laughing at me here in the mirror. So do it discreetly and quickly."

So I just took out my cock, braced myself against the wall with my left hand and jerked my painfully stiff cock with my right.

"Go ahead. Splash nicely into the toilet, because that's where your filth belongs, little horny wanker. And except for the splash in the water, I don't want to hear anything."

But there it was already so far. I bit my swollen lips so as not to make a sound and squirted so hard that part of the load landed in the toilet bowl, but unfortunately part also landed on the rim and on the tiles.

"Lick it clan." Quite laconically and without turning around, Timo threw this word at me while he calmly continued shaving. It seemed to be his complete seriousness. Now that my lust had faded, it seemed too kinky for me. I reached for some toilet paper, but before I knew it, my buddy was on me, grabbing the back of my neck with his hand and pushing me down.

"I'm serious. You weren't in control when you came. That's why you're going to pay for it so you'll learn. It's the last time I'll let you cum like that anyway. It turns me off."

He pushed me down so hard that I had no choice but to lick my own cum off the edge of the toilet. He graciously let me have the rest with the words.

"Good girl. That might be enough for dinner for you then, right?"

Grinning, he left me in the bathroom.

Next: Chapter 4

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