Seed and Feed

Published on Jul 30, 2005


Seed & Feed 9

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I rested with Hoss after the foursome. He seemed like a nice guy on the radio, in person he was just the same. He had a little "Ah shucks" personality about him. "Shit, you know, I thought Easterners were stuck up and stand offish. Everyone here seems really friendly," he said.

"Amestown is the bottom of the barrel in terms of the East Coast. We're way off the beaten track," I said. "Somehow sharing the same interests and getting naked when you walk in the door makes it hard to put on airs."

Hoss laughed. "You're right about that. I've never been in anything more than a threesome before this," he said. "I thought I'd be embarrassed getting naked with all these men, but it's not been a problem. There are some big boys here. Everyone is friendly. I've been to bars and it's hard for a guy built like me to find anyone whose interested."

Hoss was big, but solid. You could tell he wasn't built to be a ballet dancer and he could stand to lose ten to twenty pounds, but he was a normal looking man. His furry chest and bulk made him almost a textbook definition of a bear. At 6'-2" he was a grizzly. His cock didn't look impressive when it was soft, but I could attest to its attractions hard.

"Well, everyone here is gay and everyone is interested in sex. As far as I can tell, no one says no either," I remarked. "I've never been to a gay bar, so I can't say if it's like them, or not."

"I've been to a few and they're like meat racks," he said. "I'm not everyone's ideal of a dream boat. It's embarrassing."

"You look like a dream boat to me!" Jack said. He was passing by and overheard our conversation.

"Thank you," Hoss said.

"To tell you the truth, I had an ulterior motive in complimenting you," Jack said. "I was hoping to get a piece of your ass. Do you think you can take it?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm willing to try," Hoss replied. "Can you take your time?"

"You'll know that soon enough. Do you like doggy style?" Hoss nodded and got on his hands and knees. It took some doing. Hoss was tight. Fortunately Henry was near by. He noticed the problem and contributed a bottle of poppers to the mix. Apparently this was Hoss' first experience with poppers and it was a success. Once he was in, Jack took a snort too, and soon the two men were fucking like rabbits.

By this time everyone was pretty much fucked out and men began to find places to sleep. There were couches on the main level and beds in the loft. I wandered up stairs and claimed a bed. I was tired. I had planned to go back downstairs and play some more after a nap. It was six in the morning when I woke up. I quietly walked onto the porch. It was a lot quieter to piss behind a tree than to use the toilet inside the lodge.

Dwayne had the same idea and joined me. "Are you doing okay?" he asked.

"Sure. It's been fun. How are you doing?"

"Well, once I got over the shock of finding Junior here, it'd been fine," Dwayne said. "I never though I'd fuck my own son. I had no idea it was Junior."

"Shit, you're kidding!"

"I didn't recognize him from the back. I was in and pumping hard before I realized it was he," Dwayne said. "I guess it was okay for him. Junior didn't complain." At that moment Junior joined us. The two men looked at each other.

"Are you all right?" Dwayne asked. "If I'd known it was you, I wouldn't have done it."

"It was okay," Junior replied. "Different, but okay. It kind of made my head spin for a while."

"I was always afraid you'd find out I liked sex with men," Dwayne said. "It never occurred to me you had the same interests."

"I was scared you'd find out and kill me," Junior said. "I guess that's not a problem. It was a shock at first, but I'm feeling a bit relieved now. I've had nightmares you'd discover my secret."

"You didn't guess about me?" Dwayne asked.

"Shit Daddy, I didn't guess you ever had sex!" Junior said, laughing. "I couldn't figure out how you and Mom ever had me. It just didn't seem possible."

Wayne smiled. "Well, we worked it out somehow. To tell you the truth, your Mom has been happier since I found the hunting Club. I like sex much more than she does and it took the pressure off. At first I thought men were just substitutes for women, but I know better now."

"Mom doesn't know, does she?"

"Hell no," Dwayne said emphatically. "Doesn't know and isn't interested in knowing. She's happy. I'm happy." He paused. "I'm sorry about fucking you."

"Well, until I found out it was you, it was good," Junior said. "Once I knew it was you it took the wind out of my sails, but it's fine now. Does it bother you to see me having sex with all these guys?"

"Nope. Do you mind seeing me getting it on?" Dwayne asked.

"It kind of turns me on," Junior replied. We returned to the lodge. Several other men were up and I helped make breakfast.

In theory and initiation should be a battle between the members and the initiates. The new men were to prove they deserved to become members. That's not the way it seemed to be here. It may be that the club had ill-defined lead leadership, or maybe everyone was horny as hell. Whatever it was, the next day was a free for all.

By the Sunday afternoon, I had been fucked by all of the members, but I also had fucked most of them as well as many of the new members. Sex was relaxed and casual. If you were hard and there was an ass nearby, you'd just slip it in.

No one was officially a bottom or a top, but after a while you got to know a man's preferences. Whitey, Jack and Butch tended to top. Tommy, Hoss and I tended to like the bottom. I was washing dishes when Gene got behind me and nuzzled his cock head in my crack. I shifted so he could get to my hole.

Gene had a bottle of poppers tied to a leather strap and used it as a necklace. He gave me a snort, then took one himself. The second the fumes reached my brain he thrust, and deep dicked me. His cock slipped in easily and hit my prostate's bull's eye. He rubbed it until I popped, shooting my load into the dishwater. Henry watched and approved, but he did suggest I change the water or at least rinse well.

After finishing the dishes, I went to the porch and sat down. It was a cool and pleasant morning. Reynolds and Sonny were talking with Dennis, Johnny and Duddy. I knew Duddy well from High School. Duddy was a dream boat. He had been the captain of the football and hockey teams and had dated the prettiest girl in the school. We weren't friends since he was two or three levels higher in the school food chain than me, but he was a nice guy.

Duddy was handsome and built. He worked out and looked great. His muscular body was covered in a fine layer of blond hair. He had a nice, uncut cock and low hanging balls. Johnny was muscular too, but he had a fire plug like body, shorter and heavier. He wasn't as good looking as Duddy, but he was more masculine. It was clear that Johnny and Duddy had really hit it off.

I also saw that Dennis and Johnny were lovers. Dennis was tall and almost aristocratic, educated and very professorial. Dennis was talking with Reynolds and Sonny, but kept an eye on Johnny. At first I thought it might be jealousy, but later I thought Dennis was just keeping tabs on Johnny's progress. I later saw Duddy fucking Dennis while Johnny was up his ass. An hour later Duddy was in Johnny as Dennis fucked him. Still later Dennis fucked Johnny while he was screwed by Duddy. Every possible combination was tried out and all were successful.

Before they got to this musical chair's event, Dennis and Sonny got together. Sonny loved the bottom, so he had a good time. Dennis wanted Sonny's cock in his ass. This took some doing. Sonny wasn't bright and had a hard time dealing with new situations. Reynolds was a top and he had trained Sonny as a bottom.

Sonny was uncut, but seemed to be hard all the time so you didn't notice. He had a nice mushroom cock head on a downwardly curved shaft. Actually it curved down and to the left some, corkscrew style.

Dennis got on his back and Sonny hoisted the professor's legs onto his shoulders. Reynolds lubricated Sonny's cock and positioned it at Dennis' hole. Sonny had been fucked by most of the men, but hadn't thought about turning tables. Reynolds got behind Sonny and guided him into Dennis. Sonny still wasn't sure.

I noticed Reynolds scrunching down and positioned his cock at Sonny's hole. Reynolds thrust; Sonny twitched. With this encouragement Sonny fucked Dennis.

"This is nice," Sonny said. "Really nice." After a few disjointed thrusts, the trio got its act together. When Reynolds' cock was half way in, Sonny would begin to push into Dennis. They would slowly pull out, then ram again. I was watching the expression on Sonny's face. He was a happy man. I glanced at Dennis and saw him reacting too.

Sonny's cork screw cock clearly rang all of Dennis's bells. When taking a cock, Dennis tended to be polite, but aloof. Dennis was shivering and twitching when Sonny's cock went deep. Men get excited when they see other men sexually excited. I was turned on and so was Whitey. He was behind me. "Bend over," he ordered. I did as he asked and he forced his cock into my ass. But this time I was well stretched and he had no problem getting in and going deep.

Dwayne and Junior were watching from the other end of the porch. They came over to get a better look. "It's a pretty sight, isn't it Daddy?" Junior asked.

"It looks nice, but I'll bet it feels twice as good as it looks," Dwayne replied. "I'd love to be in Sonny's place." I was on my hands and knees now as I took Whitey's cock doggy style. I could see both Dwayne and his son were rock hard. They didn't say anything more but Dwayne coated Junior's cock with lube and then got on his hands and knees.

It took three or four hard thrusts before Junior popped through his daddy's sphincter. I think it hurt some at first, but Dwayne didn't seem to mind. After a dozen or so strokes, Dwayne and Junior got into it. Once they got into it, Dwayne and Junior hit it off. They were both into sex and having a sexual partner so close at hand was good for them. It was a day for new experiences.

It is no surprise to find out all of the new members survived the initiation. All passed with flying colors. I made several new friends. Reynolds seemed to like me. He asked me over for dinner a few weeks after the event at the Hunting Lodge.

Reynolds had a house on the edge of town. The area was once his farm, but had been subdivided. Amestown wasn't growing much, so the houses were well scattered his house was isolated. Surrounded by old trees, it was a tall Victorian structure. To the rear were the serving farm buildings. Some were no longer used and were deteriorating, but other were well maintained.

The house was old, but in good condition. A large wood burning stove dominated the kitchen, coexisting with modern appliances. Reynolds showed me around the place. Sonny and two other men appeared just before dinner.

Jed, you know Sonny, the tall man beside him is Conrad, Sonny's older brother. Sam is Conrad's friend. Conrad was big and good looking. He had a vacant look in his eyes and I assumed he had Sonny's intellectual capacity. Sam was much older, with white hair and a straggly beard. I shook hands.

"I didn't know Sonny had a brother," I said.

"Conrad was living with Sam downstate," Reynolds explained. "They fell on hard times and I'm helping them out until they get back on their feet."

"My ticker gave out on me," Sam said in a deep bass voice. "I never expected a heart attack. I had a good job, but when my health gave out, the bills swallowed all my savings. I was hoping Reynolds would take care of Conrad for me, but Reynolds made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"It's a big house," Reynolds said. "I have to heat it anyway. I might as well use it." We went to the dining room for dinner. Reynolds was a good cook and dinner reminded me of my Grandmother's cooking. Sam was an interesting man. He had done many things and been everywhere.

Conrad called him Daddy. As the conversation went on, I soon understood Sam's medical problems were severe and he was not long for the world. He was looking for someone to take care of Conrad after he died. Reynolds was in much the same situation with Sonny. He was much older than Sonny and realistically would die first.

Both men could function with guidance and care, but that was hard to come by. The conversation turned to finding a job for Conrad. He looked strong as a horse and I wondered if he would be helpful at the Seed & Feed. Apparently that was exactly what Reynolds wanted to hear. I knew Henry well and Reynolds thought I might be able to introduce the subject to Henry. Apparently there was some bad blood between Henry and Reynolds and a third party was needed.

I said I'd be glad to help. I also had heard Reverend Albert's Church was looking for a Sextant. I had a feeling charitable tenancies in the church would be helpful. "Is Conrad as strong as he looks?" I asked.

"He's a bull when it comes to work," Sam said. "He's strong like an ox and a hard worker. None better!" Conrad smiled and blushed at the compliment. "If you could talk to them soon, I would be very nice," Sam said. "If I could get things settled in the next few weeks, it would take a load off of my mind." His voice broke when he said weeks. His health was much worse than I had thought. I said I would do what I could.

We had a desert of ice cream and cake and Sam excused himself to got to bed early. He said he was tired.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed, Daddy?" Conrad asked.

"No you stay here with Reynolds and the nice man," Sam said. "I can make it by myself tonight. You've been so good, you can play tonight, if you want."

"Okay, Daddy," Conrad replied. Sam left while Sonny and Conrad took the dishes to the kitchen.

"Are things as bad as they seem with Sam?" I asked.

"I'm afraid so," Reynolds replied. "He's a nice guy. His relationship with Conrad is like mine, but Conrad's a top." He looked at me. "We seem to have a brief oversupply of tops in the house."

"Is that why I'm here?"

"No, you here as an employment counselor," Reynolds said. "Sonny told him about you and the other men at the club. Conrad's excited. He likes sex as much as Sonny, but Sam can't do it anymore."

"Does he understand the situation with Sam's heath?"

"Yes and no," Reynolds replied. "In some ways he reminds me of a St. Bernard. He senses something is wrong and that Sam needs to be cared for. He doesn't know any of the technicalities. Conrad is a good man."

Sonny peaked out from the kitchen door. "Are we going to play tonight?" he asked. Reynolds looked at me and I nodded.

"Yes, we're going to play. Go to my room and get bare naked," Reynolds said.

"Can Conrad play too?"

"Yes Sonny. Conrad can play. The two of you can take a shower in my bathroom. We'll be there in a few minutes." I could hear some giggling in the other room.

By the time we reached the bedroom, Sonny and Conrad were finished showering and were drying off. We undressed and joined them in the bath. Reynolds had converted a bedroom into the bath, so it was large and open. Sonny's corkscrew cock was hard and drooling. Sonny wasn't bad looking, but he was no prize either. Conrad was a prize.

He was broad shouldered and had a tanned, muscular body. His chest was hairy, but his cock was a tube of uncut man meat. It was six or seven inches long while soft. He had a puzzled look on his face.

"Jed is like Daddy, only younger," Reynolds said. "He likes the same games Daddy likes." Conrad smiled. I went over to him, dropped to my knees and sucked his cock. I forced my tongue into the tube of foreskin and licked the underside of his cock head where the thin membrane of skin connects the head to the skin.

Conrad moaned, "Oh Daddy!"

Next: Chapter 10

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