Seed and Feed

Published on Jul 11, 2005


Seed & Feed 7

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I ran into Henry at the grocery store later in the week and we talked in the parking lot. He had several bags of snack foods and soft drinks.

"Planning for a party?" I asked.

"It's for the annual meeting of my hunting club," he replied. "If anyone wants beer or hard stuff, he has to bring it for himself. I provide the basic refreshments. Are you into hunting?"

"Yes, but I usually hunt alone. I like the quiet," I replied. "I don't mind hunting for Bambi, but I would hate to shoot a friend."

Henry laughed. "It's good you admit that. There are a number if men who shouldn't be in the woods period with, or without a gun."

"It's a long time until hunting season," I remarked. "You have the annual meeting in midsummer?"

"There's no use meeting when there's chance you could be hunting," he replied. "It a good time to relax. Actually, some of the men to get away from the ball and chain."

"I guess they would," I said. Henry loaded his groceries into his car and left. I thought nothing about the conversation until a week later when Henry gave me a call.

"Jud, do you remember that hunting club I mentioned last week?" he asked. I said, I did. "Well, we're looking for new members. I was wondering if you might be interested?"

"Well, it's really nice you asked, but I think there would be several guys who would like it much more than me."

"Jud, I skipped an aspect of the club when I described it to you in the parking lot," Henry said. "It is a hunting camp, but in many ways it's more of a men's sex club. It a place where men can get to enjoy themselves and their bodies. It's like the Saturday afternoon get togethers at my office, but more open and a bit more freewheeling. I thought of you when we decided we needed more members. It's been five or six years since we replenished the membership roles."

"I guess I might enjoy that," I said.

"I though you would," Henry replied. "There are a few oddities about the club you need to know before you say yes. Every member gets to bring a new potential member. We use to have a black ball system, but that was problematic. Once you're asked to be a member you're in, if you want to join, and if you make it through the initiation weekend."

"Is the initiation rough?" I asked.

"No whips and chains, but you've got to be ready for a solid 48 hours of sex," he explained. "There will be ten to fifteen members. For the initiation you are available for any member's sexual use for the entire two day period. Not everyone in the club is a beach bunny. A few of the guys are long in the tooth. You're a good looking young guy. You can expect to take a load in the mouth or ass from each of them."

"I think I could do that," I said. "Is it worth it?"

"It was for me," Henry said. "I think it would be for you too. The main problems are personalities. You can't say no to anyone during the initiation and there have been occasions where it has been uncomfortable. At one time a member was a priest and it was hard for one of his parishioners to suck him. Another time a guy ran into his Uncle."

"What happened?"

"Ninety percent of the time it works out," Henry said.

"Why don't you pre screen the new members?"

"We use to do that, but there are a thousand and one reasons for fifteen men to object to any particular member," Henry explained. "The last time we tried that we went through a list of thirty-five men and came up with two. They were men no one knew, so we changed the rules."

"We did discover one thing," Henry continued. "Sometimes sex with a man you were worried about turns out to be exciting. One guy told me having his priest shoot his load in his ass was the best sexual experience in this life. That is, until he rear loaded the priest with his own man seed at the next party."

"Forbidden fruit?" I asked.

"Forbidden fruit and a horse hung priest," Henry answered. I should have told him I would think about it, but I said yes, right away.

"I hope you don't think I'm a slut," I murmured.

Henry laughed. "I was hoping you were a slut!" he replied. "Jud, I don't think there is anything wrong with liking sex. We're all consenting adults and we are free to enjoy our bodies as we want."

"Can you tell me anything about the men in the club?" I asked.

"Nope. It's best if you meet the men cold turkey," Henry replied. "It levels up the playing field."

"When is the meeting?"

"Two weeks from now, starting Friday evening," he said. He hung up. I thought it would be along wait, but the next weeks were busy. There was a virus outbreak on the web and a few accidents while I was on call for the Rescue Squad. At 5:30 on Friday night Henry came by and picked me up. We drove into the country and turned down a dirt road into the woods. It was about twenty miles away from town and the road was hardly visible.

While the road was poorly maintained, the hunting camp was unexpectedly impressive. The walls were stone boulders, very rough and rustic. Surrounded by a wide porch the rest of the structure was sheltered by a massive metal roof piling up to a stone chimney. I helped him unpack the supplies. We were the first to arrive.

"I had no idea this place existed," I said.

"It was a lodge for the Billington's," he said. They had been the wealthiest family in town and the owners of the sawmills that once employed half the residents. "Old man Billington built it so he could get away from his wife." We went in. It was a single room with a stone fireplace in the middle. There was a loft, but no other spaces other than a bathroom and kitchen. "It was a boys only place," Henry said. "No bedrooms to insure his wife and daughters wouldn't spend the night"

"Did he start the sex club?" I asked.

"No one has ever said that, but I think that may be the case," Henry said. "My dad was a member."

"That could be odd," I remarked.

"I didn't know he was a member," Henry said. "I joined after he died. I was the one who ran into an uncle, though. Uncomfortable at first, but it turned out well. He was a nice guy and we hit it off sexually. He was one of those macho men who needed a cock in the ass to relax."

"Is this your Uncle Bill?" I asked.

"It sure was."

"I would never have guessed that in a million years," I said. He had been a retired, grouchy old man who had run a construction company.

"Hey, Henry!" a voice called out. It was Jack and he had Junior with him. "Do you need any help unpacking?"

"We've got it under control," Henry said. "Junior and Jud might get the ice chest." We went out to the truck. The lodge didn't have electricity, so ice was essential.

"I'm glad you're here," Junior said. "I wasn't sure I'd know many guys here. Have you done anything like this before?"

"Shit no," I said. "Do you think you're going to like it?"

"If it's sex, I'm going to like it," he said. I smiled. "At least there's nothing I've tried yet that I didn't like," he continued. When we got the ice chest into the lodge, Jack and Henry were already naked.

"There are pegs on the wall. Hang your clothes up there," Jack said. I was naked when Rev. Albert arrived. He brought Willy Carter with him. Carter was a music teacher at school and the choir director of the Presbyterian church. They stripped immediately. Willy was a beefy man with ginger hair. Clean shaven, the contrast between is baby face and hairy body was striking.

Jack went right up to Willy and started to play with his cock. Henry went after Junior. Willy didn't have much equipment soft, but he was fine hard. Jack got him hard right off the bat, and he stayed hard for the rest of the weekend.

A man named Dennis came next. I didn't know him, but he was a professor at the local college. He was a tall, well groomed, bearded man. He had a younger, crew cut man with him whom he introduced as Johnny. Johnny was muscular and blond. He shaved his body. They didn't exactly say what Johnny did, but I got the impression he was a coach.

Four men entered next. I was surprised to see Whitey Evans. He ran a tire recapping shop and had been a neighbor when I was growing up. Butch Dunne was with him. He was a mechanic at the Mobil gas station. Whitey was a big guy, but I hadn't guessed he was big everywhere, really big. Butch was scrawny and ugly. He had a lantern jaw and had a cleft pallet. I thought he was a nice guy, but no one took him seriously.

They brought two men with them. One was a small guy, Tommy. He was swishy and had a lisp. Tommy was a florist. The other guy was Duddy Smith. He had been the captain of the football team.

Whitey came over to me. "How are you doing, Jed?" He asked. I said I was fine. "You know the rules?" Whitey was coating his cock with oil and getting hard. It was huge. "Do you think you can take it?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I sure want to try," I replied.

He reached out and stroked my cock. "It looks as if you are interested enough," Whitey remarked. I was already hard. "Has anyone popped you yet?"

"Not tonight." I said.

"Butch, come over here," Whitey called. "This boy needs to be lubricated." Butch came over, he had a long, but very thin cock. The knob was big, but only in comparison to the thin shaft. It was hard and curved to form a crescent. Butch's cock was dripping with lubricant. "Bend over Jud." Whitey ordered.

I expected to feel a finger or two. I got Butch's cock. The knob pinched a split second, and the next thing I knew his pubic hair was ticking my ass.

"Nice and tight, Whitey," butch said. He pulled out, leaving only the knob in my hole. He then rammed it deep.

"Too tight?" Whitey asked.

"I kind of doubt that," Butch said. "I think he can take it. Do you want some cum to ease the way?"

"No, it's early," Whitey said. "Save the first shot for later. Is he ready?" "I think so, He's tight. I'm going to shoot if I stay in much longer," Butch said. He pulled out and Whitey nuzzled his monster in my hole.

"I try to take it easy on a new guy," he said, "but sometimes my cock had a mind of it's own. I'm making no promises." He began to push. He took his time and was gentle. The only problem was size. I had taken Jack's, but White was a good two inches longer and a half inch thicker. It was a club cock. The head was the same size as the shaft, so there was no relief. It was like having a telephone pole shoved into my ass.

I don't know how long it took to get it in. I zoned out. After ten minutes there was only my stretched ass and Whitey's rock hard cock. White knew all the ticks necessary to get his swollen member into my ass. He got me on my hands and knees and took me doggy style. When I resisted, he pressed on the small of my back. That adjusted my position enough to let it slip in another inch or two.

I thought about Dwayne taking my fist. The size of Whitey's cock made fucking into an entirely different experience. I was White's fuck toy. Eventually whitey stopped pushing. It took me a while to realize he was in. I relaxed. I began to rotate my ass and squeeze it. It had been a bit uncomfortable, but it seemed to slip into a groove.

Whitey began to pump. At first he would only withdraw an inch or two, but soon he was taking deeper strokes.

"Look at Jed's take that monster. Damn it's hot," A voice said. I thought of Dwayne twitching on my fist. I had a sense of what he had been feeling. When Whitey pulled out, I felt a void, as if I was only complete when he was in deep. "It's pretty, isn't it Junior?" the voice said. I looked up and saw Junior. He was on his hands and knees. Dennis, the professor was fucking him.

Dennis was slowly pumping. He pulled all the way out. "Twitch that ass if you want me to go in again," Dennis said. Apparently Junior twitched because Dennis thrust forward. He pulled out again.

"Open those ass lips and kiss my cock head," Dennis murmured. " That's it. Open those lips." Dennis and Junior must have inspired Whitey. He pulled way out and then shoved deep. It winded me the first few times he did it.

Dennis pulled away from Junior and another man replaced him. Junior grunted when the new cock rammed him. It took a second for me to realize the new man was Dwayne. I don't think Junior realized his father was in his ass. Junior undulated his ass to better accommodate the new invader then relaxed for a long fuck. After a few more strokes, Junior said, "That's right, That's the spot."

"Glad you like it, son," Dwayne said. Junior reared up and sprayed me with cum. He had an explosive orgasm. It was so good, Whitey shot off too.

I didn't know what to expect. Junior was shocked at first, primarily because he had been afraid his father would find out he was gay. Once he discovered that wasn't a problem, he relaxed. I didn't have much time to think about it. I stood up after Whitey pulled out and stretched.

"I can't believe how stiff I am," I said.

"I can take care of that," Dennis said. He was standing next to me. This was the first time I had a good look at him. He was a good shape, but not buffed. He was tanned all over, so he got in the sun. He was bald, but had a full, beard. His chest was hairy and a treasure trail connected it to his bush. His cock was pretty. He was soft and uncut, so I saw only the big bulge of his cock head in the skin.

There was a bed to the side. I got on my stomach and he straddled me and began to massage my back. It felt good, but soon was even better when his cock began to penetrate my ass. After Whitey anything would be easy, but it hardly seemed Dennis was fucking me. As his arms massaged my back, his cock massaged my prostate.

Somehow his cock rubbed my prostate the right way every time he moved. It was both relaxing and exciting. Dennis was talking about Tantric sex as he worked both my back and ass. Butch came up to us.

"Dennis, do you think I could take your place for a few minutes?" he asked. "Jed got me really close earlier and I'd like to try it again."

"I've got him really mellow," Dennis said. "I don't know if he's tight anymore." He pulled out and Butch took his place. Dennis was relaxing. Butch's cock was like an electric jolt. After the anal massage I was getting fucked again. It was odd. Dennis was a good looking man, handsome, gentle and relaxing. He was friendly rather than sexy. Butch wasn't attractive, but his curved sex organ turned me on.

Butch went in all the way on the first thrust. Then he leaned over me and whispered, "It's nice and juicy inside. Did Whitey and Dennis shoot off in your hole?"

"Whitey did, but I don't think Dennis climaxed. Lots of pre cum though."

"Do you mind if I shoot off?" he asked.

"No, of course not," I replied.

"Some guys don't like a ugly guy like me in their ass," he said. "You're good looking. You can do better."

"Your cock feels good. I like it," I said. "Go for the gold."

"Thanks," he whispered. I guessed he would give me a heavy duty fucking, but he took his time. Butch only shot off after I shot my load. As my cock squirted, he popped. After he withdrew his cock, he licked up all my cum. I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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