Seed and Feed

Published on Jul 4, 2005


Seed & Feed 6

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

The party broke up around three and I went home. I had realized there were that many gay men in town. It was a revelation.

Mr. Burton and I got along well, but I was really surprised when he showed up at my apartment the next morning. Apparently his wife was out of town for the day. He knocked on my door at 9:30 and we were naked a few minutes later. Without the audience, Mr. Burton was much more interested. He went right after my cock and I shot off quickly. He was a master sucker.

After the second squirt of cum, I realized sperm was his interest. When I tried to pull away, he held me tightly, so he would get every drop. Even after I stopped shooting, he'd coax some more cock jelly from my balls. Every time he did this, he moaned.

"That was good," he said after the last drop. "I've never done it with a student before."

"It was okay?"

"It was great," Mr. Burton said, "Did it bother you?"

"I thought it would, but it didn't." I replied, "I'd never seen anything like the ring through your cock. It turned me on. Does it hurt? Does it feel good when you're having sex?"

"It hurt until it healed," he said. "I've never been fucked by a student either."

"Is that an invitation?" I asked. "You'll need to wait some. I've got to recharge." Mr. Burton was willing to wait.

It must have been twenty minutes later when my cock entered his ass. He had a tight hole and my cock head was big. I wanted to stop, but he wouldn't let me. I eventually took him battering ram style. Once I was in, we were still for a while. He must have had a sphincter of steel. A few minutes later he began to rotate his hips.

Except for the iron grip, everything else in his ass was soft and squishy. Mr. Burton shivered when my cock rubbed one particular area, so I worked on that spot.

"Stop it. I can't take it any more!" He moaned. I did as he asked, but it turned out he wasn't sincere about wanting me to stop. I was pumping him and when I hit it again, he whispered, "That's it. That's the spot."

I was excited and rock hard, but since I had shot off earlier, I didn't feel the urge to shoot again. I must have been in Mr. Burton's ass for an hour or so. It would be safe to say the novelty wore off, but the pleasure continued unabated. I enjoyed it, but not as much as Mr. Burton did. He said I wore him out, but he wasn't too serious about that either.

Sex is different when you go at it for more than an hour. The urge to shoot is no longer dominant and I found myself looking for ways to maintain the continuous flow of sensation. I didn't want it to end, so I was careful to pace myself.

While the drive to climax diminished, the potential for having an orgasm was always present for both Mr. Burton and me. The genital connection and probing meant we were playing with fully loaded weapons and the safety was off. At any moment either one of us could have shot.

I found out when I was pumping hard, it was easy to be in control. When the urges began to get intense, I could slow up and hold back. It was the slow periods of casual intercourse that were harder. I would be almost dozing off when my balls would tighten and get ready to give up their load. I managed to stop and cool down each time.

This was the first time I had ever relaxed during sex. Relaxed may not be the best word, but we weren't fucking to shoot off, we were enjoying the sensation. I was use to jerking off quickly when the opportunity presented itself. In my mind, I thought there was a limit before you had an orgasm.

After an hour with Mr. Burton, I realized there was no limit. I was a little worried about him. I now knew my cock could stay up for an hour, but I had no idea what he felt in his ass. I asked him if he were okay.

"Jed, if I have a problem, you'll be the first to know," he said. I shot off about five minutes later and when I squirted him with my cum, he popped. Mr. Burton told me he had to meet someone at lunch, so he got dressed and left. I was tired and fell asleep.

About two in the afternoon my phone rang. It was Mr. Burton again. "How are you doing?" he asked. "I hope you aren't worn out."

"I fine," I said. "To tell you the truth, I'm a lot more than fine. This morning was good." Mr. Burton was silent for a few seconds. "Do you want to come over again?" I asked.

"You can read my mind," he replied. "Are you game?"

"I sure as shit am!"

"I ran into an old friend," Mr. Burton said. "Do you think you would mind if another man joined us?"

I said, "No, that's not a problem." My teacher told me he'd be over in ten or fifteen minutes. It was actually twenty minutes later when I heard a knock at my door. "Are you Jed?" a big man asked. I nodded. "Bertie will be here in a little while. I'm Gussy." I asked him in. At first I didn't recognize him. He seemed slightly familiar, but I wasn't sure if I had seen him around. He was a very solid six two and massive, with a military type haircut. It suddenly clicked. He had been the Marine recruiter at my high school four of five years earlier. I had been too young to be recruitment material, so I hadn't met him, only seen him around the school.

There was another knock on the door and Mr. Burton entered. "I see you've met Jed," he said.

"He'd have been a real catch, if I was still here," Gussy said. "He's got some meat on him."

"You haven't seen the real meat yet," Mr. Burton replied. He was already unbuttoning his shirt. He was ready. We went to my bedroom and stripped. Gussy was good looking in a rugged way, but he got much better looking as he got naked. He was a weight lifter and looked like something out of the men's fitness magazines in the supermarket. He was muscular, tanned and buffed.

I was intimidated by him, but he was after my cock as soon as he saw it. Gussy wasn't shy. Unfortunately he was after my cock so fast, I didn't get a chance to see his equipment. Five minutes later the three of us got on the bed and made a small daisy chain, linked cock to mouth.

Gussy's cock was thin and long. It seemed delicate in comparison to his body. He had a huge, flared knob. It was like sucking a lollipop. He oozed a lot too, so it was tasty. I could deep throat the entire organ easily and Gussy liked that. It was good to be able to deep throat and breathe at the same time. Gussy's body was shaved except for his thick bush. I had my nose sniffing it as my tongue massaged the piss tube on the underside of his cock.

One hand held his balls. A finger strayed and got close to his ass hole. The second it got close, Gussy moaned. I pulled off his cock, licked my finger and deep throated him again, as my finger played with his hole. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but the way to Gussy's was through his ass. I took my time working my finger into his hole.

When I finally stroked his prostate, he was all but jelly. Eventually I had one finger on each side of his prostate, squeezing and kneading it as I sucked. I had never felt so in control of a man before. It was hard to believe the pressure of a single finger on the prostate could do what it did to Gussy. He was like putty.

We had a rest period, then Gussy mounted Bertie. He wasn't a graceful fucker. Gussy just rammed his big head through Mr. Burton's steel sphincter and shoved deep. After a few strokes, Gussy rearranged his position so his hole was wide open. I know an opportunity when I see it, so I lubricated my cock and nudged at his hole.

Much to my surprise, Gussy open his ass and let me in. It was smooth as silk inside the guff Marine. "Shit, that's good!" he cried. I rammed him hard over and over again and it. I would have guessed the gruff Marine would be a top, but I soon realized he was an ass pig. You could say the three of us explored all of the anal possibilities. I fucked them and by the end of the afternoon each had fucked me.

Gussy's cock was a trip. In my ass it was only the knob counted. My sphincter felt no stress from his thin shaft, but the mushroom was everywhere. Gussy liked it all, but every time my cock penetrated his ass again it was great. Gussy and Mr. Burton were obviously friends, but the teacher's cock didn't have the effect on Gussy that mine had.

During a lull in the sex, I asked how they had met.

"Until I met Bertie, I didn't realize opposites attract," Gussy said. "I'd spent most of my life ragging on pointy headed intellectuals. It was odd, but I was attracted to Bertie the minute I met him."

"I disliked Gussy as soon as I saw him," Mr. Burton said. "It's odd, but you can be attracted sexually to a man in spite of your rational feelings. We had a chance meeting at the urinals in the men's room. I checked him out. I was afraid he'd notice, but when I looked at him, he was checking me out too. I stroked my cock a few times then zipped up. I ran into Gussy in the Teachers' lounge a little later. He mentioned he was staying at the Holiday Inn on the edge of town."

"Somehow we ran into each other two or three more times that day. As I walked out of school, Gussy was next to me and said he was going back to his room." Mr. Burton continued. "I followed him to the hotel."

"Until I hooked up with Bertie, I had no idea what sex could be," Gussy said. "I'd bedded several women, but there were no fireworks. The second Bertie's tongue touched my cock, I was heaven. I didn't know sex could be that good."

Mr. Burton smiled. "Gussy is a gung ho kind of guy. He sure made up for lost time that afternoon. We went from an introduction to man sex course to post graduate studies in about two hours."

"I take it you get along well now?" I asked.

"We've got different approaches to life," Gussy said. "Sex we can agree on, the rest is problematic."

"The sex is good enough to make up for the other problems?" I asked.

"It sure as shit is!" Gussy exclaimed. "Although, given how different we are, we share more than I thought when we first met. We're both in positions which make coming out difficult. We can't agree much on political things but on personal ones were fine. We're both hard working men, attached to our jobs. We see eye to eye on that." As we talked, I realized that, in spite of their qualifications, Mr. Burton and Gussy were in love. Neither expected to be in love, but it had happened.

"This talk is nice, but I could really go for your cock in my ass," Gussy said to me. I helped him out. This time I tried Gussy's stance. I opened my ass as I fucked him. Mr. Burton saw the opportunity. It took some work, but he got his cock in me and we managed a double fuck for a good ten minutes. Once he was in, it was really good. We seemed to have the same rhythm.

Mr. Burton was very excited and his cock got hard and stayed hard. I was stretched wide and every one of Mr. Burton's thrusts hit pay dirt. When his organ hit my prostate, it forced me to ram Gussy. I lost control and left that to Mr. Burton. Once we hit our rhythm, it was as if his cock thrust through my ass into Gussy's quivering ass. My cock merged with Mr. Burton's organ.

It was strange to be the genital link between two lovers, but we all enjoyed it. While my cock was making actual contact with Gussy's ass, Mr. Burton was running the show. After a while we traded places. I remained in the middle, but I was fucking Mr. Burton as Gussy fucked me.

This was too much. The combination of Mr. Burton's steel vice sphincter and Gussy's huge knob did me in. The knob rammed my nut and every drop of cum remaining in my balls tried to get into Mr. Burton's ass at the same time. My whole body shivered and shook as the ejaculations erupted. That got Gussy going. Something tickled in my ass. Gussy shot off with such force I could feel it. We all cooled down and they left.

Next: Chapter 7

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