Seed and Feed

Published on Jun 20, 2005


Seed & Feed 5

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I was shocked to find Junior with Jack. It hadn't occurred to me that anyone else in my high school class was into men, least of all Junior. I associated being gay with swishy hairdressers and arty types. There wasn't a trace of artiness in Junior's life. Neither Henry nor Jacks were arty either, but somehow I over looked that.

Even then I should have realized there were gay men everywhere, but I was still shocked Junior was into it. Junior was hot to trot by the time we reached Jack's bedroom. When he went to the toilet, Jack clued me in. "I ran into him at the men's room of the Broadway Theater. He was next to me at the urinals and took a nice long look. After he saw my cock, I just let nature take its course. Junior's a fireball when it comes to sex. Really thick, not too long, do you think you can take it?"

"I think I could," I replied not saying I'd taken his father's cock the day before.

"He's never fucked before," Jack said. "I told him I take it."

"Why don't you?"

"I think you'd like it more," he said. Jack looked me in the eye. "I know you'd like it more." When Junior returned he was hard and he dropped to his knees immediately. He tried to suck Jack and me at the same time, but there was too much meat. Junior had been shy and tended to stand in the corners at school events. When sex was involved, he wasn't shy at all.

For Junior sex was pure enjoyment. He saw sex as pleasure and fun. His family, as far as he knew, was straight laced, and they never even mentioned sex. Farm animals did it, and his father seemed to accept that as natural, but neither of his parents ever talked about sex. As a result, Junior had no hangups. If it felt good, he'd do it again. If it didn't, he'd try something else.

Junior accepted sex as natural. He had seen sex in barnyard animals, but this was his introduction to man to man sex. Junior was an only child and his father kept him really busy at the farm. Junior didn't get to associate much with the other guys in school. He had to get home to do chores.

You could tell Dwayne was Junior's father. They had matching cocks, except Junior's was slightly longer and harder. When hard. Junior's cock was so curved it almost hooked. His foreskin was completely pulled back and a steady stream of pre cum drooled from his wide slit.

Jack wanted Junior to lubricate my ass, but he was uneasy about this. "Shit, Junior. You're going to shove your cock in there. A few fingers shouldn't bother you," he exclaimed. Junior saw the logic in that. I got on the bed with my legs spread and Junior gingerly worked some lube into my hole.

He liked that well enough, but Junior really wanted to get his cock into my ass. He got me on the edge of the bed and hoisted my legs to his shoulders. Jack coated Junior's cock with enough lube to ease the Empire State Building into my hole.

Surprisingly, Junior took his time. He nosed his organ into my pucker and pushed gently. "I'm I doing this right?" he asked Jack.

"If it feels good to you and Jed's not complaining, it's right," Jack replied. "Usually taking it slow is good for the first time. I don't know about you. Some guy like to shoot off as fast as possible. I like some quality cock time. A real cum hound wants the cream. I like the feel of my cock in a tight hole. It's like having your cock being massaged by the ass."

"It feels good," Junior said. His head was on the dark side of my sphincter and he was getting deeper."

"Tighten that ass ring, Jed," Jack ordered. "Grab that cock."

"Jesus!" Junior exclaimed. "I'm fucking close! Damn, I just squirted some!"

"Just calm down and ease up," Jack said. "Hold back if you can. Jed's not going anywhere." I realized Junior's cock was more tapered than his father's. He had a big mushroom on an oak tree like cock. It hurt a little when the head popped in, then felt good. In some ways it was a stealth cock. I didn't realize who thick it was until it was really deep.

His curved cock did a job on me. The shave forced his rock hard cock head into my prostate every time he thrust. It didn't stoke or massage my nut; it rammed it. A cock is the ultimate blunt instrument, so it didn't hurt, but I wasn't use to having my prostate used as a punching bag. As he went deeper, my ass stretched wider. I don't know exactly what happened, but I had the sense that as my hole opened wider, my prostate shifted more directly in line with Junior's curved battering ram.

It was a wild experience for me and I lost it. I became the passive receptacle of Junior's cock, involuntarily reacting to each thrust. I was afraid I'd turned onto a mass of sexually excited jelly and had lost any ability to control things. That didn't bother Junior at all.

After his single squirt of a few minutes earlier, Junior seemed to have gotten his second wind. We went at it for a good fifteen minutes before Junior pulled out and popped. My chest and gut were coated in his seed. It was creamy and thick, looking a bit like yogurt.

It was a shock to go from being royally fucked to having a vacant ass in a split second, but Jack took care of that. After my long session with Junior it was an easy penetration. Jack took his time but got me off ten minutes later. He continued to slow fuck me after I shot. Jack unloaded shortly there after.

We all rested then showered. Getting back on the bed we sucked each other for another hour or so. After the intensity of the fuck session is seemed hardly like sex at all. We were just some friends helping each other out. It was more pleasurable than I had thought. I was nursing on Junior's mushroom. I had the entire thing in my mouth and was running my tongue around the tender edge. From time to time I would force my tongue into his wide slit and intercept the pre cum which oozed from it.

I could get pretty deep into the shaft. When I tasted something bitter and a bit salty. I rammed my tongue as deep as I could and blocked the cum, trapping it in the shaft. Junior gasped for breath as my tongue trapped spurt after spurt of his cum. It tickled.

Some escaped and my mouth was filled with his spunk. Even though he had shot off earlier, he had recharged and I swallowed a full load. I had tasted his father's the day before, now I was taking Junior's. It was strange to realize I had eaten the same cum that made Junior.

Jack was sucking me and I felt my balls tighten. I had a slow motion orgasm. I would spurt, calm down then the pressure built up again until the next shot. This didn't bother Jack one bit. He took it all. We rested again and I talked with Jack while Junior alternated sucking our cocks.

"You've graduated to being a full service sex maniac," Jack said. "In record time. Except Junior's going to be giving you a run for your money." He laughed.

"I don't know if that's good," I said.

"Well, it sure as hell is good for me and your friends," Jack replied.

"I feel strange about it," I confessed.

"It was strange for me too, when I started messing around with guys," Jack explained. "It was difficult for me to admit sex was a normal part of life. As far as my folks were concerned, sex was evidence of alien possession. It was hard to admit my cock was a part of my body. It was dirty and anything even vaguely related to it was hidden. They were nice people, but that's the way they were."

"My parents were the same way," I said. "They couldn't talk about it. It was rough for them to admit sex existed."

"My folks are clueless," Junior added. "I don't know how they had me. Dad must be the most up tight man in the county." I didn't say anything.

"It's odd at how up tight we are about sex. When you go to the movies, no amount of violence is acceptable. The country has a shit fit about Clinton getting a blow job, but everything's just fine with a bastard who lies us into a war. How bad can dead and maimed people be compared to a blow job?" Jack mused. "As long as W can prove he's a real man and make lots of money for his campaign contributors, all is well. Who cares if he sends men and women off to be killed and maimed for a lie. W doesn't get blow jobs!"

"I didn't know you were into politics?" Junior said.

"I'm not. I hate liars." Jim retorted. Junior had to get home, so our little party broke up. I went home and slept well. I expected a wave of guilt to overcome me, but after a few days I realized the wave wasn't going to come. All my years of going to Sunday School were for nought. I was guilt free. Man sex was too good to feel anything bad about it.

I had no other encounters for the next week. I was busy at work and was on call for the Rescue Squad for the weekend. There were no big emergencies, but several trips taking patients to the Syracuse Medical Center. I wanted to get by the Seed & Feed but didn't have the time.

I ran into Henry at the grocery store and talked with him in the parking lot. I asked if he didn't mind if I dropped in from time to time.

"No problem at all," Jed he said. "Let me tell you, if you want a solo encounter, Saturday is a bad time."

"Why is that?"

"Well, it's the best time for married guys to be able to get out of the house," he explained. "They can works some play time into the weekend chores. Now if you like group play, it's a good time. Several men like to drop by at closing time. I know some men who'd really like to meet you."

"You do?"

"Oh yes, I sure do," he replied. "Jack told me you're a keeper. You don't seem to mind helping out older guys."

"I hadn't thought of it that way," I said, "don't mind playing with several guys. There are more possibilities."

"That's the way I see it," Henry responded.

"Who drops in?"

"Jed, it's like that ad for Las Vegas, what you do at the Seed & Feed, stays at the Seed & Feed." he said. I understood what he meant. Henry went on his way. I decided to try out the Seed & Feed again next weekend. I wasn't disappointed.

I was disappointed at first when I got there at 11:45 that Saturday. They place had too many customers and some of them weren't likely candidates for Henry's R & R session. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton left. They were followed by Eddy Gustafson, a car dealer and Mr. White, a retired guy. Mr. Burton, my high School English teacher remained as did Rev. Albert, the Congregational Church's Minister.

A few minutes before twelve, Deputy Sherif Whitaker came in. The situation was deteriorating as far as I could tell. I was looking at the fishing rods again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Burton and Rev. Albert go into Henry's office. I hadn't expected that at all.

Henry cut off the lights and locked the door. Whitaker and I were still in the store. The situation was becoming clearer to me. Henry came over to me. "Are you ready to have some fun?" he asked.

"I don't know if I can do it with my teacher," I whispered.

Henry smiled. "He doesn't know if he can do it with you," Henry said. "I know you both and I bet neither of you will have any problem." I followed him to the office. Deputy Whitaker joined us.

"Jed, it's nice to see you with flashing lights," the Deputy said. "Every time I see one of you Rescue Squad guys I, expect to see an accident."

"I'm not sure I've seen you in the daylight," I said. He worked the night shift. We entered the office. Mr. Burton and Rev. Albert were siting on the couch. They rose.

"I don't know if you men know each other," Henry said, "I know you all and can vouch for each of you. I can say nothing any of you like to do or like to have done will be any problem for the others. Rather than waste time in introductions, let's get down and dirty. Introductions will be easier once we know each other better. Is that okay with everyone?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Let's strip."

I was excited, but once we were naked all of us were at least half hard. Whitaker was in his 30s, buffed, muscular, very pale and totally shaved except for a small square of hair at his cock. His tits and uncut cock head were pink. They contrasted with his white body. Rev. Albert was older, darker in coloring with a mat of white, curly hair in his chest. He had close-cropped hair and a bushy mustache. He was uncut and had low hanging balls.

Burton was a complete surprise. In school, he was dapper and almost prissy in dress. He was slight, with a brown, carefully groomed beard. Naked he was a hair ball. He had a swimmer's body, but it was covered in thick brown hair. Each of his tits was pierced, as was his uncut cock. A thick gold ring pierced his slit and emerged from the underside of his cock.

"A nice piece of hardware you have there," Whitaker said. "You must have problems getting on airplanes. Zero gauge?"

"I take it out before I board," he said. "Yes, it's zero gauge." I don't know what got into me, but I dropped to my knees and began sucking the pierced cock. "It's a good attention getter," he added. He sat back into the sofa. I stayed attached to his cock, so this left me on my hands and knees. My ass was open and visible.

"What a pretty hole," Whitaker said. "It's ashamed it's not full. He's young."

"Don't worry about that," Henry said. "He been fully tested and is in working order." I felt something cold at my hole.

Mr. Burton held my head in his hands as I sucked him. "Someone's at the back door and wants to get in," he whispered. A second later Whitaker pushed down on the small of my back as he forced his cock through my sphincter. The head popped in and the rest followed. His cock was thin, so it was easy. It was also very long. It went much deeper than I expected.

As he fucked me, Mr. Burton's cock began to ooze big time. He liked what he was watching. Whitaker liked long strokes, so everyone got a good view. When he got tired, he pulled out and Rev. Albert took his place.

Albert was much thicker and his instrument was more of a challenge. He wasn't as long, but I discovered it was long enough for his cock to reach my prostate. Whitaker's cock was easier to take, but Albert's was more effective sexually. After a few minutes of slow thrusting I began to get into it.

Albert and I made a good couple. I soon realized it was as good for him as it was for me. As we got into it, Henry got into Whitaker. I hadn't guessed the Deputy was a bottom, but he was obviously responding to Henry's deep thrusts.

During a break, Mr. Burton said he wanted to suck me. I got on my back, he straddled my face so I could suck him and he could suck me. In this position I could deep throat him, ring and all. I really wanted Albert's cock in my ass again and fortunately Burton wanted the same thing. He held my legs open, so Albert could get in.

Later that afternoon, I was fucking Mr. Burton and we talked. By that time we had all shot off once or twice so it was relaxed. He told me he'd never been that close to a guy getting fucked, and he wanted a close up view. "How was it?" I asked. "Kind of messy?"

"More like an incredible turn on," Burton said.

Next: Chapter 6

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