Seed and Feed

Published on Jun 11, 2005


Seed & Feed 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

When I was growing up, I thought most of the talk about sex drive was made up. I liked to jerk off and that was good enough for me. Most of the boys who talked so much about "needing to get some," were jerks and I figured they were trying to show off.

When I left Jack's house that night, I was confused and disoriented. I wasn't sure what I thought. I enjoyed it, but the feelings and sensations were so strong I wasn't sure what they were. Some things were so good they almost hurt. My feelings were in that category. Several days later my thoughts began to sort themselves out.

My feelings gravitated toward the pleasurable. Pleasurable isn't exactly the right word. It's too mild and not intense enough. I hadn't realized sexual experiences could be more intense than jerking off. Once I had experienced oral and now anal sex, it wasn't enough. To have a man suck you cock and then to suck him was spectacular. To taste another man's cock, to feel it twitch, and then taste the cock juices was spectacular.

At first it was hard for me to believe a man would do that. Jack and Henry liked it, but I was really surprised when Roger did it. He was so handsome, and loved cock so much. I was flattered he was willing to suck me, but I was more pleased when I deep throated him and felt him react. Cocks don't lie, and Roger liked it. When the precum began to ooze, I knew he was enjoying my efforts.

Roger wasn't shy at all and didn't seem one bit embarrassed to be coaxing the contents of my balls into his mouth. When his cock was in my mouth there was no way to hide his interests.

Next Saturday I went to the Seed & Feed near closing time again. It was a quiet day and Henry was there with one customer, Dwayne Smith. I knew Dwayne's son, Junior and I worked on his farm during haying season. In high School Junior was famous for his monosyllabic conversation. The English teacher, Mrs. Johansson, joked that for Junior, two words were an essay and three words were a novel.

Junior got his conversational skills from his Dad. He was a nice man, a member of the Volunteer Fire Department, but not much of a conversationalist. As the time for closing approached, Dwayne showed no signs of getting ready to leave. I was trying to figure out a way to stay longs without creating suspicion of my motives.

Henry looked at me, then whispered something to Dwayne. Dwayne looked over at me, smiled a bit oddly, then whispered to Henry. Henry came over to me, leaving Dwayne alone at the counter.

"I may be out of line, Jed," he said, "but I have a suspicion you and Dwayne are here for the same reason."

I almost said he misunderstood, but I nodded instead. "That might be right," I replied.

"Well, Dwayne was here first," Henry said, "so he's first in line, but he's never been in a threesome and might like to give it a spin. Are you game?"

"With Mr. Smith?" I asked, somewhat incredulous about the thought of have sex with the father of a schoolmate.

"Dwayne's good in bed," Henry said. "Lots of fun and uninhibited."

Being nineteen and horny carried the day. We walked over to the counter where Dwayne was standing. "Jed's in a playful mood," Henry said. "Let me lock up and we can go to the back room." He went off to lock the doors and turn out the lights leaving me alone with Mr. Smith.

"You won't say anything to Junior, would you?" he asked.

"If you don't say anything to my Dad, I won't talk about it to Junior," I replied.

"Fair enough," he said. Dwayne looked at me hard for maybe thirty seconds. "It was stupid to worry about that, wasn't it?" He smiled.

I smiled. "Yep. I guess it was," I replied. Henry rejoined us and we went to the back room. Dwayne began to strip as soon as we got in the room then went right to the shower. Henry and I were right behind him. Dwayne was short and heavy. I had thought he was fat, but in the close quarters of the shower, I discovered he was 100% solid muscle. He had a gut but it was hard as steel.

"Does he leak much?" Dwayne asked of Henry.

"Like Niagra Falls," Henry replied. A second later Mr. Smith was attached to my cock, sucking like a milking machine. That was fine with me, he was good at it. Dwayne had long, black hair, tied back in a ponytail. His bushy beard was more white than black. The beard cushioned my balls and felt good.

"Jack popped him the other day, so he's full service," Henry said. "I hope he's not disappointed at what I have to offer." Henry was rubbing his cock against my crack. He turned off the water and we dried off. Returning to the office, Henry got in his chair and took a tube of lubricant out of the drawer. He began coating his cock.

"Jed, do you think you can take this us your ass?" Henry asked. He didn't wait for an answer. "Sit on it." I turned my back to him then sat back. I bounced a few times on his cock head. It wouldn't fit. He added more lubricant. Dwayne held a bottle of Jungle Juice to my nose. I took a sniff then it popped in and went deep. Henry's cock was a good size but nothing like Jack's meat.

I felt a wave of pleasure and his cock applied pressure to my prostate. It felt great. Dwayne hooked my legs over Henry's, then spread them apart. This left my cock and balls exposed along with Henry's balls and whatever portion of his cock which wasn't in my ass. Dwayne took a deep sniff then began sucking my cock and balls.

I couldn't believe he was doing that nor could I believe how good it felt. After a while, my weight was too much for Henry, so we got out of the chair. I got on my knees and Henry fucked me doggy style. Right before Henry entered, Dwayne licked my ass and tried to force his tongue into my ass.

Every time Henry pulled out of my ass, Dwayne was there trying to get his tongue in. He seemed to like my ass hole. On one of his rimming expeditions he cried out, "that's it!" Looking over my shoulder, I saw Henry was in his ass. Dwayne forgot my ass. I needed to stretch, so I got up.

Henry was taking deep strokes. He pulled almost all the way out leaving only the tip of his cock head in Dwayne's ass. Then he shoved deep. Dwayne moaned every time. After coating my cock in lube, I tapped Henry on the shoulder, he saw my dripping cock and let me replace him in Dwayne's ass.

When Henry pulled out, Dwayne's ass stayed open. My cock wasn't as long as Henry, but I was quite a bit thicker. That seemed to hit the spot for Dwayne. His moans became more insistent.

"Flip him over," Henry instructed. "With that curved cock of yours, it will drive him crazy." I did as he said, he Henry was right. Dwayne went through the roof. My cock's curve must have been perfect for his ass.

Until then I hadn't really seen Dwayne's equipment. It was massive. His balls were almost the size of apples and held tight to his body in a hairy sack. His cock was thicker than Jack's and reminded me of a can of soup. On his back I could see his face and gauge his reaction to my thrusts. Normally the strong silent type, he made no effort to conceal his obvious pleasure. If I pulled out, he'd whimper and beg for me to fuck him again.

He opened his ass wide and twitched it in invitation, but once I was in, he clamped tight, trying to trap my cock in his steamy hole. As I said, Dwayne was solid muscle, and it was almost as if he was jerking me off with his ass muscles. Once and a while, when I hit the perfect spot, he lost all his muscle tone and turned into a soft, fleshy pillow. I think this happened when I rammed his prostate head on.

"Are you guys in a rush, or do we have the whole afternoon to play?" Henry asked. "If we've got some time, let's slow and make it last."

"I don't want to slow down," Dwayne murmured, "but I would like to breathe some." I pulled out. Henry got three cokes from a small refrigerator and we took a drink. I was thirsty.

After chugging down half a Coke, Dwayne looked at me and most of all at my cock. "Look at that beauty," he exclaimed, while stroking it. "And real juicy too!" I was hard as a rock and he had coaxed a glob of precum which sat quivering on my slit.

"The carpet's new," Henry said. "Don't let it drip on the floor." Dwayne reached over and collected the glob on his finger then licked it. He was hard too and I did the same for him. It seemed only fair. His precum was thick and sweet.

"I like them when they're wide," Dwayne said and he continued to milk my cock. "The piss tube on the under side is nice and big. Do you shoot big loads?"

"I don't really know," I replied. "I've never done any comparative shopping."

Dwayne laughed. "I haven't either, but I'm sure wiling to try it sometime," he said."I shoot buckets full of spunk. A real gully washer. Don't worry. I give warning." My hand could barely fit around his cock. Dwayne looked at my hand. "Damn you've got small hands," he remarked. "Henry, I thought small hands were a sign of a small cock?" Dwayne's hands were like paws with thick, stubby fingers.

"Apparently that old wife's tale isn't true," Henry answered. "Jed's sporting some meat." I didn't know why they were talking about my hands, but that became obvious later. I knew Junior. He was unimaginative and conservative. I assumed Dwayne was the same way. Dwayne was adventurous when it came to man sex. He wanted to try it all.

I found out later he saw a movie featuring fisting and wanted to give it a try. As I said, he was adventurous, but he wasn't foolish. My small hands turned a potentially interesting experience into a real possibility.

Henry went to the toilet and Dwayne told me what he had in mind. I wasn't interested, but I figured what the hell. Henry returned. None of us had tried fisting before, so we were careful. I didn't want to hurt Dwayne. Henry had a tub of lubricant used for cows. Coating my hand in it, I worked a finger into Dwayne's ass. His as was really open already after having been fucked, so it wasn't a problem.

Three fingers went in easily. I pulled out. Putting my thumb inside my other fingers, I pushed in again.

"It's okay, push a little harder," Dwayne said. "Take it easy, but just a little harder." Suddenly my knuckles popped through and my hand was in up to my wrists.

"Damn!" he cried.

"Does it hurt?"

"Some, but nothing too bad," he replied. "Let me get use to it." I waited a minute. When I felt his sphincter relax I formed my hand into a fist and turned it a little.


"Does it hurt?"

"It's okay now. You've got the right idea. Just take it slow," Dwayne said. He lost his erection when I entered him and was sweating like a pig. After another minute or tow his cock began to firm up again. I slipped and other inch or two deeper into his ass, then pulled back. My knuckles were at his prostate, so I rotated my hand and ran them against his nut.

He was hard again by now. About the fourth or fifth time my knuckles rubbed his prostate the small organ got hard as a walnut. His orgasm deserved a place in Ripley's Believe It or Not. Dwayne must have been several pounds lighter after the last spurt. He had a wide slit, and he needed all of it to accommodate the flow.

Henry scooped up some of the man seed and licked it up. He then scooped up more and offered it to me. I took it. I slowly withdrew my hand from Dwayne's ass. Dwayne just lay on the bed, recovering.

"How was it?" Henry asked.

"Well, I might not do it every day, but I'm glad I did it," Dwayne said. "I'm going to have to think about it for a while before I sort things out." I remembered feeling that way about Jack's cock. Dwayne surprised me at being able to speak in completer sentences when talking about sex. It must have inspired him. We returned to the shower to clean up.

Henry worked his cock into my ass again while Dwayne played milking machine. I lasted five minutes. Dwayne took it all and told me I shot a good load. I was so preoccupied by my climax I didn't realize Henry had shot off in my ass. Cum was still dripping from his cock as we dried off.

I as we left, Dwayne hugged and kissed me. That caught me totally by surprise. "Any time you're interested, I'm willing," he said.

The next day I was walking around the neighborhood and went by Jack's house. To be totally truthful, it wasn't entirely by accident that I went by Jack's. Hope springs eternal in the teenager's heart.

Dwayne's pick up was in the driveway. Rollo was on the porch and waved me over. "How you doing?" he asked.

"Good here, and you"

"Just taking the air, Uncle Jack is in the back yard, talking to a friend, go back and say hello," Rollo said. "He likes you."

"You don't like his friend?"

"I like him well enough. He's just not my type," he replied. I wandered to the back. Jack was talking to his friend. It wasn't Dwayne though; it was Junior.

Junior was a slightly enlarged version of his Dad except for his coloring. Junior took after his mother and had dirty blond hair. At nineteen, Junior was already balding and had more hair on his barrel chest than on his head. He always left his shirts half unbuttoned and his chest hair was always on display.

"It's a nice quiet Sunday afternoon," Jack said, "I was hoping it would be a little less quiet and a lot more fun. Take it from me. We all share the same idea of what fun is." As we went to Jack's bedroom, Junior whispered. "You won't tell Dad, will you?" It was instant replay of my conversation with Dwayne and day earlier.

Next: Chapter 5

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