Seed and Feed

Published on Aug 12, 2005


Seed & Feed 10

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Conrad was fun. While he was a boy in a man's body, he also had the sex drive of a man. He didn't have a mean bone in his body, but he was big and this could potentially cause a problem. Fortunately he was obedient and Sam made sure he checked things out with him before he tried anything new. He wasn't supposed to play with anyone without Sam's permission.

Conrad shot off quickly. I was disappointed at first until I discovered he would shoot off easily and often. An orgasm didn't affect his desire for more sex at all. Things had been quiet since Sam got sick and Conrad had a lot of pent up lust. He like to suck and to be sucked, but his strong suit was as a top. That was fine with me.

The first time I took him, I sat on his cock. This was comfortable for me and I could get used to it. Sam like things doggy style, so this was a new position for Conrad. He was almost as big a Whitey, but he was a better fit for me. While his cock head was large, it popped in easily. I just sat there wiggling my ass and doing a little hula dance on his cock. This too was new for him, since Sam liked to be man rammed. Conrad loved it. Apparently sex had been normally a race toward an orgasm for him. He liked my slow and easy approach.

I sat on his cock for a good half hour. We talked and I wiggled my ass any time his cock began to get soft. Conrad shot off twice, but when I tried to get off of his cock he held me in place. He stayed hard and I continued to undulate on his cock. I was skewered and happy. It was both friendly and exciting.

Conrad thought I was pretty. Compared to Sam, I was. My ass was tight too, so his cock was more stimulation by my ass. I was bouncing on his ass when Conrad began to have a third orgasm. It may be my imagination, but I think I felt his cum squirt in my ass.

As we screwed, Reynolds mounted Sonny. Reynolds liked taking Sonny doggy style, but each stroke was slow and deliberate. He was like a steam engine. Reynolds started slowly and built up a good head of steam. He would build up to the point of shooting, then cool it down. This drove Sonny crazy, but he seemed to like it. Reynolds didn't shoot off. He just fucked.

Before I left that night, I fucked Conrad too. Conrad wasn't into being a bottom, but once I got in, he enjoyed it. I had a feeling Sam had told him to bottom for me. Sonny and Conrad fell asleep. I was on the bed, close to being asleep when Reynolds raised my legs and slipped his hard cock into my ass. He was big, but I was both relaxed and stretched after my experience with Conrad.

His cock was hard enough to penetrate, but not rock had and it was almost as if it were padded. He began his slow, steam engine like build up. This was the first time I was relaxed while being fucked. This time Reynolds didn't stop just short of an orgasm. He went all the way. His cock was impressive, but just before he popped, it must have grown a size or two. Both Reynolds and I were surprised at the intensity.

The next day I dropped by the Seed & Feed and talked with Henry. He wasn't too enthusiastic, but said he'd give Conrad a try. I didn't tell Henry how good looking Conrad was. I wanted him to be pleasantly surprised.

Reynolds took Conrad to the Seed & Feed the next day and he started work. I went by the Seed & Feed later in the week and Henry was happy with Conrad. "He's not the brightest bulb in the place, but he can work!" Henry exclaimed. "He's pleasant too. Donny LeBeau could to do the same work at half the speed and with a snarl."

"Well Donny has some competition now. Maybe he'll get with the program."

"No chance. Donny quit this morning. He saw the writing on the wall," Henry said. "I told him he could stay, but Donny told me there was too much work to do. I mentioned he was here to work. Donny just snarled and left. He told me to mail the check. Conrad has a full time job if he wants it."

I took the good news to Reynolds. Sam's health was sinking, but this cheered him. "Did you tell this Henry fellow about Conrad's sexual tastes?" he asked.

"No, I thought it would be best if he got the job for what he can do from 8:00 to 5:00," I said. "I'll tell him about the rest now he has the job." I told Henry a few days later. Henry was surprised. He hadn't guessed.

Sam died a week later. Henry was nice about it and a few weeks later Conrad moved in with Henry. Henry had a room over the garage in the back. Henry found out Conrad had been working for cash and he never was in the Social Security system. Henry got this straightened out and put Conrad on his insurance policy. That was a big plus in Reynold's book. Reynolds and Henry didn't get along particularly well, but after this they got to be friends.

With Henry as his guide, Conrad and Sonny got to know several men. Whitey and Hoss looked on them as younger brothers and took them fishing and hunting. Reynolds talked to Whitey about Sonny. A week later Sonny was working for Whitey. Reynolds had his friend settled.

I liked my work, but having fairly regular sex made my life vastly better. I was shocked when I realized this. Sex wasn't a part of my family's life. Somehow, I hadn't occurred to me that you could have sex on a regular basis. I thought of sex as being like lightening strikes, rare and widely spaced. When I was a teenager, I thought I would meet the right girl, date her two years, get married and then have 2.4 children.

As a card-carrying nerd, my dates were few and far between. I wasn't able to admit to myself I liked men. I wanted to have sex with men, but really didn't know what sex would be like. I assumed it would be different from that with the right girl.

I also assumed sex would be intense, but I didn't have any idea how intense it could be. It hadn't occurred to me sex with men would be both intense and friendly. I guess since we weren't going to get married and have children the pressure was off.

I discovered just how good this could be in a little fishing trip in the river. Whitey had a row boat and Sonny, Conrad, Hoss and I spent a lazy Saturday fishing. The Piquet River was fed by the Adirondacks. The water was cool and clean. A small dam at Amestown created a wide, but shallow spot filled with little, wooded islands. It was surprisingly secluded and peaceful.

Whitey packed a picnic lunch of sandwiches and some beer and we paddled up the river. The boat floated much better if one or two of us were in the water, walking beside the boat. This was fine, since it was a hot day and the water was refreshing. It only took fifteen minutes before we were out of sight of town.

It was late morning, so fishing was bad, but the day was beautiful. It was fun to play in the water like kids again. We were soon naked. I was pushing the boat up stream and Whitey got behind me and gave me a boost in the ass. Whitey obviously had planned ahead, he had non water soluble lubricant coating his cock.

Conrad was in the water too and he goosed Whitey. I didn't know Whitey would take a cock as big as Conrad's. Whitey did and if the massive pole in my ass was any indication, he liked it. I sure did. The rest of the day was spent playing in the water, sucking cock and fucking ass.

It was friendly and low stress, but high pleasure. Everything was on the table. I discovered Conrad's cock in Whitey's ass wasn't a fluke. Whitey didn't mind entertaining on the back porch. His muscular ass was tight but welcoming.

Hoss had a great time. He had been a bit uneasy at the Hunting Camp, by was relaxed now. He liked Sonny and spent a good time in his ass. Sonny worked his corkscrew into Hoss a few times but loved it when Hoss screwed him. All was friendly and pleasant. Hoss wanted to know whose cock felt the best, so we played a game of sexual musical chairs on a small island.

While everyone's cock felt good, I discovered Conrad's knob rammed my nut head on and sent me to the moon. Sonny's corkscrew did a job on Hoss. As game, without emotional attachment, it was possible to concentrate purely on the physical sensation of the cock in your ass.

Even when you are just playing around I noticed the connection between physical pleasure and emotional attachment is close. Both Whitey and Conrad were tops who bottomed socially. They both enjoyed it, but it wasn't their first choice. In the course of our play, it was Whitey's turn to fuck Conrad. Whitey was the only man in the group who was bigger than Conrad and it took some time to get it in.

Half of Whitey's meat was in when he hit pay dirt. Conrad moaned, his ass opened and Whitey's cock vanished. For the next ten minutes, they went at it like dogs in heat. Whitey could do now wrong. Conrad was in his control. He could only respond to every motion of Whitey's organ. Whitey's horse cock not only occupied Conrad's ass, it seemed to penetrate to the core of Conrad's being.

It was like the Vulcan mind meld on Star Trek. They merged, although it would be more correct to say Conrad merged with Whitey's cock. It was a friendly takeover. Conrad's cock began to spurt the white creamy stuff and that was enough to pull Whitey's trigger. Whitey tended to be the strong and silent type, but not this time. We all knew exactly how good it felt.

As we paddled back to town Whitey whispered to me, "I'm sorry, I got carried away. I made a fool of myself."

"I thought getting carried a way is what you're supposed to do in sex?" I replied.

Whitey smiled. "Maybe you're right," he said. "It sure felt good." Conrad and Whitey became good friends. A few years later when Whitey's wife died of breast cancer, Conrad moved into the spare room. That turned out to be a happy relationship for everyone.

That summer was a good year for fishing. A week or two after my trip with Whitey and Hoss I went for a weekend in the mountains with Dwayne and Junior. They had a camp near the head waters of the Piquet River. Dwayne and Junior got along well and I assumed they had worked out the problems in their relationship.

Dwayne was more quiet than usual and when we got near the camp he told me about the plans for the weekend. Junior had gone on line and found several other father-son couples. They were going to meet us at the camp and have a weekend of family fun.

"Why am I coming along," I asked.

"Well, I though a neutral party might be helpful," Junior said.

"I wish you'd told me before," I replied.

Junior and Dwayne laughed. "We figured you'd say no," Dwayne said. "But we know you're a good sport. You'll have a good time." I was annoyed they had tricked me. I was more annoyed they understood me so well. Being a horny bastard can be a bitch.

By the time we got to the camp, I was in a better mood. They offered to take me back to town. I said I stay for a night and if it didn't work out I'd go home. That was fine with them. My cock was doing my thinking for me. The camp was a real, old-fashioned cabin in the woods. No plumbing, a wood stove and no electricity. It was on a pretty site on the side of a mountain overlooking a lake. The day was warm, but the air was dry. It was the perfect Adirondack summer day.

I was unpacking the groceries for the weekend when a Yukon drove up. An older man and two younger men got out of the SUV. "Dwayne?" the older man asked. Dwayne went out to greet the man. He brought them back to the camp.

"Jed, Junior, this is Fred and his nephews Ron and Ed," Dwayne said in introduction. "This is my son, Junior and his friend Jed." We shook hands. Fred was tall and thin. He was dressed in a flannel shirt and slacks. He and his nephews looked as if they had been outfitted by L. L. Bean. I would guess Ron was 23 and was as tall as his uncle, but heavier. Ed was my age, shorter and heavier. Wayne showed them around the camp. The nephews seemed taken back by the primitiveness of the place. Fred liked it.

The nephews were looking at the out house with misgiving when a Ford pick up arrived. A big, bearish man got out of the passenger side, and a younger, but otherwise matching man got out the other side. "Has the party started yet?" the younger man bellowed. "I'm Curtis. This is my dad. Big Curtis." Junior did the introductions this time.

Two vehicles drove up at almost the same time. One was a battered Jeep, the other a Volvo Cross Country. Two identical men got out of the Jeep. They were in their late 20s. Both were balding, with dirty blond hair and handlebar mustaches. "I'm Jack, and this is my brother John," one of the men said.

"Daryl and my other brother Daryl?" Dwayne asked.

The men laughed. "You ain't the first to notice," Jack said. A distinguished older man and a much younger boy from the Volvo joined us.

"Dwayne, Junior?" the older man asked.

Dwayne stepped forward. "You must be Steve and Don?" They shook hands.

"This reminds me of my Grandfather's cottage," the older man, Steve said. "Very charming." Junior showed the new arrivals the camp. The view was universally admired. We wandered down the hill to the lake. A rock ledge formed the edge, and there was a four-foot drop to the water.

"Can you dive off here?" Jack asked.

"Sure. The bottom is a good twelve or fifteen feet down," Junior said.

"Is the water cold?" Don asked.

"Bracing I would bet," his father said. Don stripped off his shirt, dropped his pants and jumped naked into the water. A second or two later Jack and John followed him. Rather to my surprise, Fred and Steve were next. I not much of a diver, so I didn't join them.

The rest of the group didn't seem to be much into swimming, but they did like to get naked. Curtis and Big Curtis were both hairy bears with matching uncut cocks. Ed and Ron looked nothing alike. Ron had a runner's body with a dusting of hair on his chest and a treasure tail to his bush. He was pale and had a long, cut cock. Ed was tanned, hairless and had a wide, short cock and big balls.

"Now Curtis, you go and be nice to our host," Big Curtis said. Curtis went to Dwayne, bent over and started sucking his cock. Big Curtis went over to Ron. "Do you like to suck old men's cock?" he asked.

"Nope. To tell you the truth, I like to fuck old men's asses," Ron said.

"Fair enough," Curtis replied. "Let's see what we have here." He got on his knees and sucked Ron's meat. Junior and I watched for a while, then Ed came over to us and played with our cocks. Fred and Steve got out of the water and came up to the ledge. The rest of the swimmers joined us a few minutes later. We were all naked by now.

"Bracing is one word for the water," Jack said. "Cold as hell is another. The sun feels great." Steve put his arm around Don. Don looked young, but he had fully developed genitals. When you looked close, you could see a beard. Don was a blond and it was hard to see. Fred saw Ed getting hard and his cock immediately responded.

Big Curtis got up and called everyone together.

"Listen up guys," he said. "I think we all share the same interests, but I'd like to know what the limits are. Little Curtis and I are versatile and open minded. We tried just about everything we can think of and were here to see of we can find something new. I don't know about the rest of you." Little Curtis was sitting on the rock. His father was right behind him with his half hard cock resting in his son's shoulder.

"Well, Junior and I fall into the same category," Dwayne said. "We're both free agents who can do what we want, together or apart." he and Junior were both hard.

"Don and I are close, but this is a little experiment for us. Don's a nice boy who does what I tell him," Steve said. "He's free to suck and to be sucked, but his ass is mine." He had one arm around Don. The other hand was stroking his son's cock.

"Well Jack and I are tired of the same cock every night," John said. "We're here for variety. I do have a confession to make. I've never played with anyone other than Jack. I'm really curious." The men laughed at this. The two men were hairy and well hung. Being bald and very hairy made them look like older men than their age.

"Come to Daddy!" Big Curtis exclaimed. Jack and John came over to him.

"My nephews aren't shy at all," Fred said. "They must be the most horny boys to set foot on this earth."

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