Seed and Feed

Published on May 14, 2005


Seed & Feed

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. This is an all new story. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

In the last years of the 19th Century and until the mid 20th Century the Amestown Seed & Feed was the center of the area's social and economic life. For many of the small farmers of the community, this was where they met their friends, where they made deals and re supplied their farms.

Northern New York wasn't a major agricultural area any more and the big warehouses of the company are half empty. The Seed & Feed is still owned by the same family, the Justices. The last of the Justices, Henry, runs the place. He's in his fifties now and still gives credit to farmers who are down on their luck, just the way his father did and his Grand Father before him.

Henry is what is known as a confirmed bachelor. The Justices have had their share of confirmed bachelors though the years. Like many of the men in the area, hunting and fishing seemed to have more allure than settling down with a good woman. Henry's father, who was also called Henry married at 48 and just barely had time to reproduce before old age took its toll on his reproductive system.

I'm Jed Miller and I have all the making of becoming a confirmed bachelor too. I like to hunt and fish and I'm a member of the rescue squad. When I was sixteen, I realized I was gay, but in a small town, no one could know. Like any 19-year-old, I was horny all the time. I certainly had found out every possible way to jerk off, but I wanted more.

Wanting more and finding more are two very different things. I didn't have a clue how to find another gay guy and I certainly didn't have anyone I could ask. We didn't have a bar in town, not to mention a gay bar. I was a computer nerd, so I had access to all the porn anyone could want, but Amestown isn't near anywhere and I couldn't find anyone even in a chat room.

To tell you the truth, I'm not the bravest guy in the world. I didn't have enough nerve to drive a hundred miles to Syracuse and meet up with a guy I'd never met.

One day I overheard one of the guys at the Rescue Squad comment that Henry like to play both sides of the fence. I had worked on a farm for several summers, so I knew Henry. He seemed like a nice guy. I decided to go by and see if there was any way to meet up with him.

I know guys who go out and pick up girls, but I'd never done that and I didn't know what to do. I went to the Seed & Feed late one Saturday morning. He closed at noon on Saturdays. As the farmers need for seed diminished, Henry added sporting supplies to his merchandise along with lawnmowers and leaf blowers. I needed a new rod, so I had a good reason to stop by.

I got there at 11:30 and the place was almost empty. There was a farmer getting some fertilizer and a housewife ordering a load of mulch for her garden. The farmer got want he wanted and Henry told the man at the register to deliver the mulch to Mrs. Ellis' house then go home. "I'll close up the store," he said.

I was looking at the display of fishing rods. We were alone in the store. Henry was working at the counter and looked up from time to time to see if I needed any help. At ten of twelve he wandered over and asked me if I had made a choice. I asked him a few questions and he was well informed and steered me to the best rod for my needs. I noticed it wasn't the most expensive rod there.

I did know how to let him know I was interested, so I scratched my balls. I know that's not the most original approach in the world, but it was the only thing I could think of. Henry didn't seem to notice, so I did it again. He noticed that time and I think he smiled a little.

"I've got to close up, so you finish your shopping while I take care of some things," he said.

"Sorry, I don't mean to hold you up," I said.

"No, take your time, I've got nothing planned for the afternoon, so a few minutes extra won't make any difference," Henry replied. He locked the doors and turned off the lights except over the fishing rod display. He looked over at me a few times and each time I was still scratching. The last time he looked he was smiling. I selected the rod and went to the cash register. He flipped off the light over the display.

"It's a good rod for the money," he said. "Although my Daddy always said, the best things in life are free." Henry cupped his balls with his right hand. I could see though the glass display case. "Modern kids are funny. They all need the newest toys. They've got so much stuff, they don't realize the best toys are attached and free." He cupped his balls again.

"I guess you're right about that," I replied, cupping my equipment.

"How old are you now, Jed? I keep on thinking of you as a kid."

"Nineteen, almost twenty now," I replied.

"Legal," he said.

"Legal for what?" I asked.

He laughed. "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you." He looked me in the eye, then turned and went to his office. I followed.

"Close the door behind you," he said.

"Is it private here?" I asked. My voice wavered a bit. I don't know it that was because I was scared or excited.

"Oh yes. Locked up and closed for the weekend. Are you nervous?"

"I guess I am. This is kind of new to me." I said.

"How new is kind of new?" Henry asked. I didn't know what to say. I surely didn't want to admit I was a virgin. Henry smiled. "You don't need to say anything," he added. "I think I know they lay of the land." He began to unbutton his shirt.

"I usually take a shower and change before I go home. I like to keep the dust and the dirt here, not in my living room," he said. "Would you like to join me?"

"You have a shower here?"

Henry went to a door at the rear of the office and opened it. It was a white tiled bathroom. "Mom was allergic to dust, so Dad added the shower here," he explained. Following Henry into the bath, I started to get undressed. I was dropping my pants when I realized I had a hard on.

I blushed. Glancing at Henry, I saw he was smiling. "There's nothing wrong with getting excited," he said. He slipped his undershorts off exposing his cock. He was at half staff. Henry wasn't a handsome man. He had thinning brown hair and a small mustache. His body was tanned and he had a hairy chest.

"You're uncut," I said.

"Does that bother you?"

"No, I just hadn't thought of that," I replied. I was naked now and he went to the shower and tuned it on.

"Jump in," he ordered. "There's room for two." I got in, the water was hot and the shower was already steamy. I bumped into him and apologized.

"Jed, you've got to stop apologizing. There's nothing wrong with what we're doing." Henry said. "Let me level with you. I like sex and I like sex with men. I'm not much into romance. Plain, old sex is good enough for me."

"I have a feeling it would be good enough for me too," I said. Henry stroked my cock. I almost shot off. He was the first man to touch my cock.

"Damn, you're ripe," Henry exclaimed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Let me finish leveling with you," Henry continued. "I like sex with young guys. Especially if I can break them in. To tell you the truth, there are a lot of guys in Amestown I've helped out that way. Shit, there are some guys I played with in school who've brought their sons to me for training. Have you evre had a cock up your ass?"

"No, not yet,"

"I like the yet part," he said. He dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock whole. His throat was warm and inviting. Henry seemed to have liked my cock head. He concentrated on that. My cock leaks a lot when I get excited, but Henry didn't seem to mind that. He got up, tuned off the water and we dried off.

I leaned over and licked his cock. While I knew I'd like to get sucked, I wasn't too sure about sucking another man. After two licks, I realized it wasn't going to be a problem. We got on the office floor and sixty-nined. I don't think I had ever been as excited in my life. I was also relieved.

I had dreamed and fantasized what sex with a man would be like. Reality doesn't always meet expectations. I thought I would like it, but there was a chance I wouldn't. I went to mass regularly with my family and our Priest seemed to think sex was dirty and disgusting. I though a cock might taste of piss or smell of shit.

There was a slightly musty smell, but I was so turned on, I didn't care. Reality was much better than my fantasies. It was as if I had been waiting my entire life to have a cock in my mouth. I just copied Henry's actions on my cock. He would lick the edge of my cock head and I'd do the same. He would flick his tongue on my slit, or deep throat me, and I copied his actions. He leaked as much slippery stuff form his cock as I did mine. While I liked the taste of my own, I liked his even more.

As a learning experience it couldn't have been any better. I found out what felt good and gave Henry the same pleasure. May years later I realized Henry was the perfect teacher. He was always even handed and fair. He taught by example.

The phone rang. The delivery truck broke down delivering the mulch. Henry had to leave. He gave me his phone number and told me to call him that evening, if I wished. I got dressed and went to my apartment.

I worked for a local computer repair company and had a good salary. After working there a year I went from $12,000.00 a year to $40,000.00. Being a geek in school can be a curse, but it sure helps getting a job afterwards. One of my English teachers told me, I was the only person she knew who understood computers. I loved tinkering and computers just seemed logical to me.

Everything that made me an outsider in high School made me successful in my job. I was fast, knowledgeable and easy to deal with. I looked normal. That can be a problem with computer Geeks. I'm just over six feet tall, with a blond crew cut and a short, but thick, reddish beard. I still have some of my baby fat, but I work out a few times a week, and I'm getting more solid. Oddly I have small feet and hands. The small hands turned out to be good in computer repair.

I also have big balls and a thick, meaty cock. It's not a prizewinner, but it's a good seven inches when it's hard. My body hair and bush are red almost copper colored.

I called Henry at seven and he invited me over. "We've got some unfinished business," he said. "There's a chance an old friend will drop in too, but that won't be a problem. We all share common interests."

I must have been in my car and on the way in two minutes. He lived on the family farm in an area of second growth, so you couldn't see the house from the road. It had been a dairy farm, bu it wasn't big enough to make money today. Sugar Maples lined the drive. Maple Syrup was the main cash crop of the farm now.

The house was pretty and well maintained. I guess it was built in the 1830-40s and it was simple but nice. There was a gingerbread porch added to the side of the house. Henry was sitting on the porch when I drove up.

"I was just having a beer, would you like one?" Henry asked. I said, sure and followed him into the house. The place was filled with antiques and I was impressed. We walked back to the porch and sat.

"I didn't know if you'd come back," Henry stated. "We got into it hot and heavy this afternoon. Some guys get scared away."

"Not me," I said decisively.

"They all come back eventually, some times a month or a year later, but they all come back," Henry said. "I guessed you'd be back tonight."

"Why is that?"

"You got into it," he replied. "You were oozing pre cum by the bucket full. Some men hold back. People look at things, especially sexual things, in a funny way sometimes. Why do they say you're losing your virginity? I think it more like a coming out party. You're opening up your body to feel pleasure and making it available for other's pleasure."

"Sex is the only activity where you let another person inside your body for enjoyment. You've got a good hunk of meat hanging between your legs, but it tastes better than it looks," he continued. "You've got a beautiful cock head. It was like sucking a ripe strawberry. You figured out the lay of the land fast. My cock appreciated it. I could tell you weren't any too sure about it at first, but you came around."

"I guess I should feel guilty about it, but I enjoyed it too much," I said. "I had no idea how good it would feel. It blew my mind."

"If you can let yourself go and just enjoy, life will be easier and damn more fun," he said. "I feel sorry for men who are hold back for Mr. Right. There may never be a Mr. Right."

"Only a Mr. Right now?"

"That's it, Jed," Henry said. "It seems to me we all have a potential for pleasure. I like sex, but I've always felt I've given as much as I've taken. If God hadn't intended for us to play with our cocks, why did he put it in easy reach?" I heard a car dive up.

It was Jack Malone, a grease monkey at the Amestown Exxon station. He was the last man in the world I would have guessed was gay. Jack was a joke around town, noted for being both the dirtiest and ugliest in Amestown. He had a younger guy with him. I knew Jack by sight but didn't really know him.

He usually looked as if he had taken a bath in motor oil, but he had cleaned up for the visit to Henry. His long brown hair was tied in a ponytail, and his beaver-sized beard was actually combed. He said hello and shook hands.

"Henry, this is my nephew Rollo," he said in introduction. "My brother can't do nothin' with him, so he sent him to me. Rollo's Daddy's a good man, but a redneck. I'm a redneck too, but I ain't a narrow redneck. Live and let live is my motto. I figured out Rollo's problem and I brought him here for lessons." Rollo was short and thin, but not bad looking. He looked uneasy.

"This is going to be a good night, Jed is here for the same reason," Henry said. "We can tag team."

"I seen you around town," Jack said, looking at me. "Don't be scared about what they say about me. I'm a nice guy under the oil. I'm not as bad as I look."

I laughed. "You can't be that bad," I said. Jack and Rollo both thought that was very funny.

"I'd hate for you to think I'm horny and ugly, but lets cut the chat, get naked and play!" Jack said. "I'm ready to go, but Rollo's ready to explode." We went to the bedroom and stripped.

I had no interest in Jack until he stripped. He was an entirely different man naked than clothed. He still looked like the missing link, but underneath the shaggy coat of hair he was muscular and toned. His cock was uncut and hung six inches, soft. He had the balls of a goat. Jack was the most masculine man I had ever seen.

Rollo had a lisp and delicate features. He looked feminine and was smooth and hairless except for his thick bush. Rollo was small in every respect but for his genitals. They looked like his uncle's equipment. I don't know if oversized genitals can be classified as a birth defect, but Rollo was hung.

Henry took care of Rollo and Jack took care of me. I didn't expect it, but Jack was good. For the first time in my life I was with someone who thought of sex as a part of life. For Jack the cock was a sensory organ, like ears, nose, or mouth. Sex was as much a part of life as eating good food or listening to music.

Next: Chapter 2

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