See Danny Run

By Taarob

Published on May 5, 2023


This is a work of fiction. I love getting email so if you would like to contact me you can at or if you'd like to see some other things that I've written you can go to my web site at .

From the previous chapter: "Well I guess you wouldn't be here unless you were interested. There's just one thing." I stared at him and waited. He looked back at me with determination. "I make all the decisions about what we do and how we do it. I told Carl that I'd never hurt you and I won't, at least not intentionally and any time you wanna stop all you gotta do is tell me and I'll drive you back here or to your house or....wherever but if you do stay with me you do what I say. Can you handle that?"

"And I say stop and you stop?"

"Instantly......but there's no do-over's. Once you say stop...we're hard feelings but also no coming back. Got it?"

For some reason I started getting hard the minute Jay started talking and you coulda cut steel with it now. I held out my hand. "Deal." He shook it and started the truck.

Authors note. This is violent!!!

See Danny Run 3

We drove in Jay's truck out west of town on the old blacktop road and into farm land. After a couple of miles we were going up a small rise and Jay was looking out at the half harvested fields with concern.

He glanced over at me and said the first words since we had started driving. "I farm. My dad is dead and I do the farming for my mom."

I didn't really know what to say to that and I was nervous so I just said, "That's good."

A little while later we pulled off of the road into a parking area next to a large metal pole building. Jay cut the engine and started to get outta the truck. He just said, "Come."

We went around to the sided of the building where there was a large garage type door only much higher and next to it a regular size door. I was walking behind him watching those broad shoulders and tight jean clad ass. He opened that one with a key and stood aside as I walked in. The building was full of farm equipment, tractors and plows and planters. It smelled of diesel fuel and corn dust. We walked to the other side of the building where there was an enclosed office. He unlocked the door. When I walked in he turned to me and said.

"Stay right there. Take off all of your clothes and throw em on that chair. Everything!" His voice had taken on an edge to it that I probably shouldn't have liked but did. I stripped off everything and stood there on a beatup old piece of carpeting stark naked with a raging hardon.

Jay ignored me and walked over to a large dusty old desk sat down and picked up the telephone. For the next ten minutes he acted like I wasn't there while he called Farm Service and ordered something, talked to the people at the hardware store and called his mom and told her he was working.

Finally he pulled a pair of leather gloves out of a desk drawer and slowly pulled them on. He walked over to me and wrapped his gloved hand around my balls and my cock. I looked at him but he said. "You're only allowed to look at the floor." I dropped my eyes to the dirty shag carpet.

Jay squeezed my nuts hard and then released me and walked around behind me.

"Bend over and spread your cheeks. I wanna see your hole."

I felt really embarrassed. At first when he ignored me I was angry and then I just felt vulnerable but this was humiliating. It wouldn't be so bad if he was naked too.

I bent forward and spread my cheeks. I felt his gloved hand move over my ass as he examined my hole. He flicked his finger at it and I jumped and yelled, "Enng!"

He yelled, "Quit moving!"

"Get over to the sofa!" There was a ratty old green sofa that looked like it had been around for a hundred years and was covered in farm magazines and dirt.

"Kneel down in front of it and lay your chest on the cushions." Somehow he managed to make me feel like this was all just a huge pain in the ass and he was doing me this incredible favor by even talking to me.

He went back over to the desk and took something out of the drawer. Then he came back over and knelt behind me.

"We're gonna keep this simple this time. For one thing I don't have the time to mess with this so I'm just gonna fuck ya."

I don't know why that never occurred to me but somehow it didn't. "Fuck me?"

He said sternly, "You wanna leave?"

"No! It just that I've never done that."

"First of all, shut up I don't want you speaking and second, I don't care if you've never been fucked before."

I could hear him rolling the condom down on his cock and then feel it being pressed to my hole. After a moment he pulled his dick back and I could hear him spitting on it. After that it pressed it forward until it popped in and never let up on the pressure until his cock was all the way inside of me. The pain was beyond believe.

I buried my face in the pillow and screamed as quietly as I could. My ass felt like it was being torn apart and I was getting flashbacks know.

Why didn't I stop him? I don't know. I do know that something felt very right about it but I'm not sure what part of it. Geez, am I totally losing it?

He pulled my arms behind my back and held them while he pounded into my ass. After a few minutes I heard him start to breath heavily and then he crammed it in all the way and collapsed on my back. He stayed there for a minute while he caught his breath and the pulled out abruptly.

He let go of my arms and stood up. "You can get dressed now." I reached back and touched my asshole and then looked at my fingers. Thank God there was no blood. I staggered to my feet and started to pull on my clothes.

He looked over at me and said, "Hey, hurry it up willya I gotta get back here and harvest more of this fucking corn."

He said nothing to me on the ride back to the school. When I got out of his truck he said, "Same time on Thursday." I felt used.....and I kinda liked it. I also wanted him to like me. It woulda really been great if he had said that I did okay or that he enjoyed himself but I got nothing.

The next day was Friday, one of my days for Carl. He has the most intense orgasms. It always feels like he's blasting my head off with those things. The first time I wasn't prepare for it and he shot cum so far back into my throat that I almost gagged but now I can play with what's gonna happen and I love feeling those jets of cum and how they spray against the back of my mouth. He shoots a huge sweet load.

It feels so good to be kneeling there holding his warm balls in my hands while he pumps into my mouth or to move my hands to those powerful legs and feel the muscles tensing and relaxing as he builds to his orgasm.

Sitting in Starbuck's Carl said, "So? What was he like?"

I was pretty sure that when Carl said that he didn't want Jay fucking me over that he didn't mean that his actually fucking me would be a bad thing because, after all, that's kinda what gay guys do.

I said simply, "He fucked me."

Carl looked at me strangely. "That something you wanted?"

"Ahh I dunno. I guess that it's not something I didn't want. I really hadn't thought about it. I was kinda used to the stuff that you and I do and somehow that never occurred to me but it was okay."

Carl gave me a stern look. "Did he force you?"

"No! Carl, I'm big enough that I could pretty much stop him from just doing...whatever."

"Yeah...well you're still a lot smaller than he is."

"Honest, Carl, it was okay. He's different than you but it was fine."

"Different how?"

I sighed and slouched down in my seat and played with my coffee cup. "You and I friends, you know? And he's.....we just don't know each other yet so it's a little strange is all."

Carl smiled. "A little strange is okay, I just don't want him hurting you." Great! Now I'm already lying to my best friend. Well, kinda anyway.

This time my hands were handcuffed to two steel hooks bolted to the wall behind the couch and my feet were tied to a steel bar that made it impossible to bring my legs together. There was one my socks jammed into my mouth and held there with a leather strap that went around my head. What felt like a sweatband held two pads of cloth over my eyes. I was beyond being terrified.

I really never meant for it to go this far but Jay had increased the intensity slowly and he kept saying that all I had to do was say that I didn't want to do something and we'd stop. But every time he said that there was a tone to his voice implying that I'd be a coward if I took that option and one trait that I feel possessed of is bravery, plus the fact that then all the sex would stop.

The other thing that Jay started doing was getting me restrained and then leaving me alone and that somehow is the most terrifying thing of all. I mean, what would happen if I started to choke or something? The thing is that the longer he leaves like this the more that fear fills my mind and right now it's consuming my brain and pounding against the inside of my skull to get out. The smell of diesel fuel is strong and there is no movement of air. I can feel rivulets of sweat running down my body and panic is right there behind my eyes and I have to fight it constantly.

When he first started leaving me he did it for only a couple of minutes at a time and then slowly increased it. Okay! I know that this is sick and I don't know what keeps me coming back but I have this sick feeling that somehow this is gonna kill me. Either he'll go totally fucking bonkers and do it himself or he'll just stay away too long one day and I'll fucking panic and choke on my fucking tongue or something.

When I finally heard a truck I breathed a sigh of relief but then I counted three doors being slammed shut and the thought of other people, maybe people that I knew, seeing me like this almost caused me to throw up but I somehow forced it down because I knew if I didn't it would kill me but I couldn't stop the trembling.

I heard the big outside door open and then close and then a minute later the door to the office opened. There was a gust of even warmer air that was heavy with the smell of heavy equipment and corn and the sound of boots on the floor.

The voice was deep but young. "This him?"

Jay said, "Yeah. You can touch him. Go ahead."

I felt one pair of hands on my back and ass and then another. One pair of hands felt smaller than the other.

"He sure is a beauty!"

Jay laughed. "I can see by your pants that you like em." I heard a chair being moved and then Jay again. "You guys can fuck em if you want." He laughed again. "Long as I get to watch."

"He's shakin, Jay."

"He's scared. Got reason to be too."

A hand grabbed my hair roughly and pulled my head back. I could feel breath on my face. "You scared boy?" He laughed. I tried to say something, to beg to be left alone but nothing could come out but a sound from my throat.

I felt a finger pushing at my hole but there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

"You sure ya don't mind if I fuck em?"

"Wouldn't a offered if I minded."

"Well, long as it's okay." I could hear a belt being opened and then a zipper being pulled down.

Jay got up from his chair and I could here him in his desk. A second later something landed on my back. "Use that."

I could hear a condom being rolled onto what I knew was a cock. And then the finger was back pushing into my hole and it hurt like hell and then he began to twist it and it hurt even more. I was thankful that at least they'd be using a condom.

Jay said, "Want some lube?"

"Nah, I'll just use spit." He slapped my ass hard. "You better hang on boy!" I braced myself as best I could just before he shoved his cock all the way into me without stopping.

The pain was beyond anything I had ever felt I couldn't imagine how big this guy was and as I gasped in agony I found out that I couldn't because I could only breathe through my nose and that was when full panic set in because I couldn't catch my breath. It's amazing the number of things that your body normally does when it's stressed that it can't do when it's tied like I was. All the normal reactions that the body uses to defend itself are impossible.

I'm not sure that they could even tell how much trouble I was in or maybe they did but didn't care because the guy just kept fucking me and after a couple of minutes and when I was near passing out he came and collapsed on my back.

I was sweating heavily as my body heaved and twisted but nobody seemed to be paying any attention. That's when I thought that maybe they didn't really care whether I lived or died. Maybe they intended to kill me. Well that thought only made the panic worse.

The guy finally got off my back and I was barely aware of the other guy getting ready to fuck me. I didn't even try to brace myself because I was more concerned with getting my panic under control and bringing my breathing back in line.

When the second guy pushed into me I relaxed a little because either the first guy stretched me out so much or the second guy was a lot smaller. I still wasn't breathing right but the panic was gone or at least going.

The second guy finished and then Jay said, "Lemme get some of this too and then I'll get some dinner with you guys." And then he was slamming into me. This was the first time that I ever had sex with Jay where he hadn't spoken to me at all and it worried me. I got it into my head that he was gonna kill me and that was the reason that he didn't even bother to talk to me. I mean we had never talked about him letting other people fuck me and as far as I was concerned that was way beyond anything that I had ever agreed to. Why would he let them do that knowing that I was gonna be mad about it.

They finally left and I wondered what time it was. I had gotten there about four o'clock and then he had been gone for a while. I couldn't get a handle on it. Without being able to see it was impossible. Every part of my body ached. My arms, my back, my legs, my ass. I pushed it out of my mind. If I was gonna get thru this I couldn't dwell on that shit. I wanted to cry. I couldn't even think of anyone who gave a damn where I was at. Well, Carl, maybe, but other than him it just wouldn't matter what Jay did to me.

After quite a while I heard what sounded like a truck pulling up outside and then right behind it another vehicle came in fast and I could hear the gravel spraying against the metal walls of the building as it skidded to a stop. Then there was the slamming of doors and yelling by at least two men. I was pretty sure that one of the voices was Jay's but I couldn't make out the other one. Then something slammed into the outside wall near my head so hard that the building shook. It sounded like a fight was going on with a lotta swearing and shit and then it got quiet for a while.

The next thing I heard was the outside door being opened and it sounded like something was being dragged across the floor. Suddenly the door to the office sounded like it was being kicked in and I jumped as it bounced off of the wall. I could hear someone standing behind me breathing heavily actually gasping for breath and I figured that I was probably gonna die.

My blindfold and gag were jerked off and thrown into the corner. I twisted my head around and Carl was standing there, his clothes smeared with blood and his hands bloody and bruised. His face was contorted with the effort of breathing while his legs seemed almost unable to hold him up.

After a minute he seemed better and I started to thank him for rescuing me but in a low threatening voice he said, "Don't say one fucking word!"

He turned back to the door and at first I couldn't see him and when he came back into view he dragged a barely conscious Jay over to the wall and propped him up against it so that he was sitting upright.

Carl stood with his legs shaking badly and grabbed a half a pot of cold coffee and poured it over Jay's head.

Carl yelled at him, "Keys!"

When Jay didn't respond he reached down and squeezed his crotch hard. Jay tried to scream but nothing came out and blood bubbled out of his nose. Carl reached over with both hands and tore open the pocket of his jeans, cash and coins spilled out on the floor along with the keys.

Carl stumbled over to me and unlocked the handcuffs holding me to the wall and then tried to untie the ropes holding my feet to the steel bar but he couldn't seem to get his fingers to work and finally cut them with a pocketknife.

I tried to talk, I felt desperate to thank him but as soon as I started to form the words he screamed, "Shut the fuck up!" This was totally unlike the Carl that I felt I knew and it terrified me as much as what Jay and his friends had.

Jay was beginning to make sounds, nothing that you could call speech but like an attempt. As soon as Carl heard him he grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the couch onto the rug in front of where Jay was lying against the wall.

I couldn't understand what he was doing when he pushed me onto my back. My muscles seemed liked they weren't even part of my body anymore and didn't seem to work at all so I just flopped backwards onto my back.

I looked up at Carl who was kneeling between my legs. He tore open his pants and his hard cock sprang up but then he looked over at Jay and he moved over by him and propped him up better and I suddenly realized that he wanted him to be able to see.

Carl came back to me and lifted my legs up positioned his cock and drove hard into me. While he fucked me I really began to cry. I felt like my soul had been torn away.

Next: Chapter 4

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