Seduction of the Mind

By moc.og@65suxaM

Published on May 1, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. Also the Fictional Characters in this story are property of ME (


Justin woke to light shaking and a soft voice hovering closely to his face. As his eyes parted he focused on the faces that was about and inch away from his. "Justin you need to wake up." spoke Devon lightly. And for the second time sense they'd meet his lips were hovering over Justin's lips. Justin had froze as he gazed into Devon's eyes. His heartbeat was accelerating by the second and his skin was breaking out in a light sweat. His lips swelled as his body responded to the closeness between him and Devon and under his light gray shirt his nipples were hard as rock. Justin swallowed hard and took a risk. He leaned forward slowly and his eye lids closed softly as his tongue darted out quickly to moisten his lips. Justin's body was pumping blood all over and it was effecting him in one area in particular. Justin opened his eyes slowly as he drew near. To see......nothing. Justin's eyes flew open like a eagle in the midst of a hunt. Devon had already moved on and was currently waking Joey and Chris.

As the plane was beginning to descend Everyone was had gathered their belongings and were fastened in there seats. Devon was busy with a last minute phone call over business with the upcoming event with his company. "John, look he's a good friend of mine and he's only doing this event because I asked him too, so make sure he's taking care of on all fronts. I'll make some calls later and get with him and his management OK. The second AC gets there let me know." stated Devon calmly yet firmly. There was a pause in conversation and Devon was obviously listening to the other person speak. "Yes..I going over the list and confirming and requesting all stars and artist myself. When the list is complete I'll fax it to you first and then to the artist themselves as well as there management. All I need from you now is the conformation of the arena." There was a second pause in the conversation as the person on the other end of the phone responded. Yeah...I know..uh huh....uh huh...ok.....lets move that to the Tuesday before the event........yeah but you know we have to confirm that..........the setup crew needs to be busy all this week.......yes the hotel as been reserved for talent only......OK call me back OK.....I'm about to leave the plane is like 5 minutes so call me back in about 30."

As Devon hit the off button and placed the small phone in his side pocket the plane was touching the runway. Devon gathered up all his paper work and placed it in his back pack and placed the bag in his lap. The plane eventually came to a stop and the captain made the usual "Landing announcement" and they began to leave the plane.

"Hey Lance can I borrow your ear to help me go over these papers for a second when you get a chance." said Devon turn to look back at the guys of Nsync who were claiming luggage. "Sure just a second." stated lance as he grabbed a medium sized bag from the

return. He walked over towards Devon who was sitting and pulling out papers. "Ok..just a minute......hello..this Devon." he said once again on his cell phone. Lance glanced of the paper that were part informative and seemed to be part contract. "Ok....Lance I went over it with your a few days ago and you guys' week is clear now....all I need is for you and the rest of the guys is to sign this contract for the event. This gives direction to the Arena, times, dates, and schedules for rehearsal.

I was planning to fax all this but since we meet up I can give it to you now." said Devon handing Lance a pen. The others had slowly gathered around and listened in. They had

plenty of time because this area of the airport was closed off for them. Lanced glanced over the paper quickly.."Well you know we have to talk to our management before we sign anything." Lance stated. searching for his phone. Before his hand even made it to his pockets to search for his phone Devon had thrust his phone into Lances face. "Talk" he stated proud at his pre-preparation. Lance put his ear to the phone, " hello.....yeah....OK....uh huh...all right, thanks..bye." Lance finished his short conversation and handed the phone back to Devon.

"Well it seems like your on your game, Dev." said lance smiling because he knew that Devon hated that abbreviation of his name.

"I always am" said Devon gathering up the papers as they finished signing and he headed for the terminal entrance the others following. "Oh and Lance remember what I did to you the last time you called me Dev." said Devon as he exited the terminal and stepped into a waiting limo. The limo pulled of quickly and road off.

"'ve meet him before...." stated Justin

"Yeah...he's meet you just didn't know" replied Lance.

"Why didn't you tell us." said Joey

"He wanted to play with you guys for a while he said." answered Lance.

"So...Lance what did happen the last time you called him Dev..." questioned JC.

Devon made his way back to the Hotel that was reserved for him and the other celebrities and artist this week. He checked into his room and found that as he expected he was the only one to arrive. He sat in his room and grabbed the phone before it rang.

"Hello....hey John....yep I was waiting for the call...ok were all those things I mentioned to you confirmed........Good.......great. Ok i'll have the desk call me when AC checks in. Yeah I'll fax the list over to you in just a minute I have a few add on's to the list that I need to compile on my computer so give me about 3 minutes......yes 3." Devon went back and forth with his phone conversation. Devon was over at his computer in just a few second typing away. "Ok John...I'm done.....yep that fast.....ok I'll fax it to you now..." he finished as he hung up the phone.

The list stated a few informative facts such as room numbers and other things. 144 Lance 142 Justin 143 Joshua 143 Joey 145 Chris 145 Aaron Carter.....141 Destiny's Child.......139 Frankie Muniz and Justin Berfield......138 David Gallagher and Barry Watson....136 Erik Von Detton......137 (Next Floor) 98*.....room128 127-125 Britney Spears room....116 124 Cast of Matrix 123-118 Cristina 114

(Next Floor) Carson 113 Kid 111 Jonathan Taylor 109 Devon 108 Joshua Jacskon......room107 Andrew 105 Zachery Ty 104 (Next Floor) The cast of 98-90 Cameron Lucy Drew 86 Lucy 85 Wesely 84 Mellisa 82 (Next Floor) 77 76 Lil' 74 74 Boyz to 73-70 69 68 The 79-78

All other vacant rooms on all floors including the prementioned are reserved for managment and team.

Just as the fax was complete the he called the desk and told them to inform him when any of the guest arrived. He headed towards the bathroom and started up the shower he needed and long relaxing shower it may be his last chance to relax for the week.

******* Feed Back:, let me know what you think. Suggestions: Let me know what direction you want the story to go in I'm writing this story as I go so, anything can happen. Or what people should be entered into the story.

Comments: First off...I'll try to keep the updates coming quickly but that only happens if I have motivation to do so. So E-MAIL ME. Also all you Backstreet Boy fans, don't fear they'll be mentioned in the next installment and will appear in the one after that or in three more installments.

Next: Chapter 5

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