Seduction of My Masseur

By ten.epacsten@96retselmit

Published on Jul 10, 2004



Alex was my masseur. He came into my life five years ago. I was convalescing from back injuries and one day decided that I would like to have a massage to sooth the sore muscles. I looked through the Yellow Pages and found lots of advertisements by masseurs and masseuses, but none of them was available that day. To this day the same problem exists in this city that one has to book a couple of days in advance.

Disappointed, I took up the newspaper and found an ad in the classified section "therapeutic massage". I answered the ad and a woman with a Russian accent answered the phone. She said her husband offered the massage service but was out on a job. She took my telephone number and promised she would get him to return my call soon.

A little later a man called Alex telephoned me and confirmed the appointment for 2pm that afternoon.

Alex came to my house at 2pm sharp, and punctuality was the pattern I observed thereafter. He was a pleasant looking man in his late thirties/early forties, of average height and was solidly built. It was late summer and he wore white tennis shorts and a white T-shirt which showed off his good body and firm, bronzed limbs.

While he was setting up the massage table in the living room I stripped down to my underpants in my bedroom and returned in a bathrobe. As I approached the table I suddenly decided that I would get on the table in the nude. Alex looked a bit surprised when I disrobed completely. So I asked whether he minded my being nude or should I put on my underpants. He smiled shyly and said: "No, I don't mind. It's just that in Australia the men are usually quite uptight about being massaged in the nude. In Russia that is natural."

He started with my head and worked his way down to my feet. As he made long flowing strokes over my torso I was glad of my decision not to wear my underpants. I had had other masseurs before and each time they reached the top of my underpants they would lift their hands to skip the buttocks and go down to my thighs. The interruption was always very noticeable.

With Alex, the sensation was wonderful as his hands kneaded across my lower back, over my buttocks down to my legs. He kneaded my buttocks carefully (something other Australian masseurs never do) and really relaxed the muscles there. He massaged my thighs in three sections: top, outer side and inner side. For my inner thigh he would start from my knee and move upwards towards my buttocks in small circular strokes, which was nice, especially when occasionally he would brush against my scrotum ever so lightly. The first time that happened it was so sexy that I sported an instant erection. That would be repeated five or six times before he worked towards my calves and feet. By then my erection would be almost painful.

Then Alex asked me to turn over. I wondered what he was going to say when he saw my erection, and gingerly turned over. He didn't comment on the erection and simply continued with the massage as though he didn't see it. He started from my feet and worked towards my abdomen. This resulted in more accidental brushing of his hand against my scrotum. I was completely flustered by the stimulation. I wondered what he was going to do next as he moved upwards.

Slowly but surely he moved up around my crotch to my abdomen, ignoring my flagpole. Then he rubbed my stomach in circular motion, occasionally reaching the base of my penis, but didn't touch my penis. From there he moved towards my head.

Eventually the massage ended. Alex asked whether I had enjoyed it. I said: Very much. You must come back again.' He said: Sure. I will give you a discount if you take my massage at least once every two weeks.'

So Alex began a fortnightly massage visit from then on. The experience would be so enjoyable each time that I would look forward to Alex's visit with great anticipation. He was not only a good masseur but quite sweet natured. On the other hand the fact that he never seemed to go beyond the slight brushing of my scrotum frustrated me.

One day before Alex's visit one day I laid a magazine on the coffee table at the spot where he usually set up his massage table; the magazine was open at the centrefold showing a picture of a naked man. As he entered the room I watched his expression. He stopped for a second to look at the picture but didn't say anything. That day nothing unusual happened, much to my disappointment.

Several months passed by and I was resigned to the fact that Alex was never going to satisfy my urges. Then came a surprise.

It was a warm sunny day and I asked him to set up the table in my backyard under the pergola. My backyard was well shielded from the neighbours and so I didn't have to worry about prying eyes. The warm breeze and the sun combined to make me really horny, and my erection from the accidental brushing by Alex's hand against my scrotum was so hard it almost hurt. Lying on my back I watched Alex's face as he worked on my legs. Suddenly he applied two long strokes from my left thigh to the right side of my abdomen, actually rubbing my penis as his hands moved across. I let out a groan of ecstasy and my penis sprung up. He asked, a bit shyly: "Is it OK?" I replied: "Fantastic! Can you do that again?" He smiled and did it again, this time with a bit more oil. That was not all - he wrapped his hand around my penis and massaged it. I was in seventh heaven! Soon after that I ejaculated in hot strong jets which hit my face. Alex handed me a towel to wipe off my semen before proceeding to complete the massage. I drifted into a beautiful sleep for the rest of the massage.

The next session I was practically palpitating with anticipation before Alex arrived. Every stroke seemed to be doubly ecstatic. As soon as his hand reached my scrotum I lifted my buttocks to ease the pressure of my body on my penis. At that moment Alex reached under my abdomen and began to stroke my penis. I let him do that for a couple of minutes and turned over. As he resumed masturbating me I reached over and touched his buttocks. Seeing that he didn't move away I started to stroke his buttocks and thighs. Without a word Alex continued to masturbate me, again with explosive result.

I was quite ready for Alex to raise his fee for such wonderful extras. But he never mentioned it. After a few more sessions I asked whether he did that for his other clients. He said no. The other clients were all straight men (and women), he replied. So I increased my payment voluntarily.

Emboldened by Alex's lack of objection to my touching of his buttocks, one day I reached towards his crotch and touched him. He froze for a moment, and I dropped my hands and apologised for doing something he didn't want to. He said in his typical low-key manner that it was OK. I asked: "Have you ever had sex with another man?" "No," he answered, "I am not gay." I took that as a caution that I should not touch him anymore.

But a couple of sessions later I could resist the temptation and tried again. This time he didn't freeze or say anything. I proceeded to unzip his pants, and still he didn't object. I pulled down his pants and stroked his penis through his briefs, finally relieving him of his briefs all together. All the while he continued to massage me and my penis.

Amazingly, Alex didn't have an erection throughout that first session, no matter how vigorously I stroked his penis. I gave up after he had brought me to orgasm.

The next session the same thing happened, and so I decided to give him a blow-job. That did the trick. His 10cm flaccid penis became a whopping 20cm. I ended up with his semen in my mouth as I also ejaculated so hard my semen hit my forehead.

Over time I developed genuine feelings for Alex as we continued our massage relationship, for he was always so sweet and uncalculating. After our ejaculation he would complete the massage as though it hadn't been interrupted, giving me the full hour. I would always ask him to strip all his clothes off before the massage began, which he complied with. However, Alex would only let me masturbate or fellate him, drawing the line at embracing or kissing him on the mouth. He feared that it would lead to full sex. He didn't want to bring any home to his wife, he said. I never forced him.

Unfortunately the beautiful massage came to an end two year ago, when he decided to move to Queensland for the warmer climate. Down south it rains too much, he said. On his last visit Alex gave me the most wonderful massage I had ever had, and I also gave him a massage on the table in my amateur way. I still remember how beautiful he looked, his skin glowing in the massage oil as I massaged every centimetre of his body. He did let me kiss him very briefly as we stood in a strong embrace before he left.

I stood in my driveway as he drove off, my eyes filled with tears.

There has not been another Alex in my life. I haven't tried to seduce another masseur since then either. Somehow I haven't met another masseur with whom I have felt like doing it.

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