Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 26, 2005


Cody and I lay quietly, spooned together on his now very rumpled bed. Our ragged breathing had returned to normal, and our sweat dampened bodies rubbed against each other, as we silently touched, and stroked the others skin, wherever it was within reach. He inhaled a deep breath, held it a minute, then slowly released it with a small sound. I nuzzled into the soft skin at the back of his neck, and pressed my lips there, then quietly asked, "You ok, Cody?" A silent pause followed, then, "I'm really, really, ok, actually...well...maybe, I guess....but...amazed, too!" I kissed the nape of his neck again, then whispered, "You, Cody Barnes, are what is amazing...totally amazing!" He sighed again, and rolled over onto his back, and looked into my eyes. He looked thoughtful, had the look of one who is choosing the words for something he is about to say, so I waited, bending my head to lightly lick the cool skin of his chest. I made tiny tongue flicks across his chest, until I encountered his slightly puffy nipple, and closed my mouth over it, sucking gently. Cody moaned softly, and I felt his fingers in my hair as I continued to suckle his stiff nubbin.

After a minute or so, I felt him tug lightly at my hair, so I lifted my head, releasing his puffy nipple. I looked into his eyes again, and he shook his head slowly from side to side. I cocked an eyebrow, and said, "What...?" He sighed again, and answered, "You, Jase, is what... you...and me....and...all...this..." He trailed off. Worried now, that he was having second thoughts about what had just taken place between us, I looked at him seriously, and started, "Cody, babe, look, I know it's all new for you....and...if I rushed things....well..." Before I finished, he lifted his hand, and placed his finger against my lips, stopping me, and shook his head. He looked into my eyes again, and said, "'s not what you think, Jase...I'm, maybe...cause...well, gave me my dreams...all of them, now...and I'm so totally happy...totally...that it almost scares me, actually." I let that sink in, then, pressed my lips to his forehead, and replied, "Whew, Dude, you had me worried there, thinking I had gone too know..." He reached up and slid his arms around my neck, pulling me down to him, so my face was again nuzzled against his neck. He held me tightly, and said, very softly, "No way, Jason...this....all of this...with you...has been my dream...since....what...maybe like twelve...and!" I exhaled a huge sigh of relief, and lifted my head to kiss his soft lips, then replied, "That is definitely good news, Babe....the bad news I prolly won't ever want to stop...!" He grinned, giggling softly, and said, "Actually, I was gonna mention, uh, already stopped for way too long!" I chuckled, and kissed him again, then said, "Stop, my ass, this is just a slight pause to let you, and your incredible body rest, and be ready for more!" He giggled again, and said, "I'm rested, ok, and, I am SO ready for more...lot's more...of this!" And I yelped slightly, as his hand closed around my cock, squeezing it firmly. I thrust my cock into his grip, and chuckled, saying, "Be careful what you wish for, Cody Barnes!"

Knowing that horny or not, some down time for his newly invaded body was best, so I coaxed him from the bed, and we padded nakedly into his bathroom, and the shower. Cody laughed, and cavorted like a kid on Christmas as we took turns soaping each others bodies, as he giddily told me of his countless fantasies of doing just this with another boy, and how he often picked mental shower partners from his gym class as they all showered together, but separately. I laughed, accusing him of being a shameless hussie. He blushed sweetly, and held up his hands in mock surrender, silently pleading guilty, as charged. I turned his smooth back to me, shuddering slightly as his creamy twin globes filled my view. I dropped to my knees to check carefully over his sweet spot, happy that all appeared well, save for some slight tenderness to my touch. I gently separated his creamy cheeks, and lapped at his pretty pink core, while he leaned on the wall, and groaned the sweetest of sounds. Reluctantly leaving his tender spot alone, I turned him again, and promptly engulfed his rampant erection, my hand moving to fondle his perfect balls as I sucked his sweet meat.

Cody moaned softly, his slim hips flexing, and matching my rhythm, as I moved my head over his throbbing cock, my fingers teasing his balls, and sliding over his soft inner thighs. His fingers tangled into my hair, tugging lightly, as I quickly brought him to the brink, and beyond, reveling in the sensation of his turgid cock swelling inside my mouth, then, exploding yet again, as his incredible nectar flooded over my tongue. I stood then, and kissed him deeply, moving my tongue into his mouth to share his bitter-sweet flavors, my hands firmly kneading his tight little buns.

We rinsed, and got out of the shower, and used big fluffy towels to dry each others body. As Cody stroked my hardness with the soft towel, he moved backward, tugging on my erection, and sat down on the edge of the tub. I stepped between his opened knees, my hardon waving in front of his face, and he grabbed it, and firmly planted his soft lips on the head. He looked up at me then, and smiled that dazzling smile, and said, "This is all mine, and I want it in me...somewhere...all of the time!" I shuddered, as his hand cupped my balls gently, and he slowly slid my entire length inside his warm, wet, mouth, sucking me rapidly to orgasm, my thick load jetting into his incredibly soft mouth in strong spasms.

Back in Cody's room, we were amazed at how much time had seemingly flown by, and fearing the emanate return of his parents, we dressed, and I headed for my own home, my thoughts filled with the wonders that were Cody Barnes. Amazing, he had said, yup, I'll damn sure buy that.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 10

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