Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 20, 2005


I took Cody's eagerness to return to his parent-free house as a good sign, actually, a very good sign. Though still a tad on the shy side, the cutie had shown signs of taking to our new found intimacy like the proverbial duck to water, and I was more than eager to expand as many of his horizons as he showed willingness to explore. In my view, life provides fewer pleasures, if any, more special than a willing and horny young boy, and I fully intended to avail myself of the entire enchilada, God willing, and the creek don't rise.

We managed the somewhat treacherous trek back to Cody's house relatively unscathed, despite my frequent one-handed driving. Somehow, I just couldn't seem to resist fondling that perfect Little Cody at virtually every opportunity, which, I'm sure, would have wrought apoplexy upon my original defensive driving instructor, wherever he may currently be. So sue me, it's all just a simple matter of priorities.

We arrived, and entered the house, Cody quickly doing a whole house run through to validate the absence of his parents, lest their scheduled golf game be interrupted by some divining quirk of fate. He returned to where he had left me in the spacious living room, all smiles, as he announced that the domicile was indeed ours, exclusively, for the next several hours. I remarked on the general attractiveness of the house, which was considerable, and he provided the twenty-five cent tour, ending in his personal corner of the world, to wit, his bedroom.

Judging from the overall elegance of the home, and its contents, it wasn't a huge surprise to learn that Cody's personal digs were ahead of the curve for teenage boy's quarters. An only child, he was apparently doted upon by his parents, and his "room" consisted of a sort of mini-suite, with a small sitting room, replete with sofa and chair, a fairly large screen TV. There was a corner desk which housed his personal computer gear, and a large built in cabinet along a wall that housed the TV, and his elaborate stereo setup. This comfy area gave way to an actual bedroom, the center piece of which was a king sized bed that immediately drew my attention, for some reason. A large dresser filled most of one wall, and there were French doors that opened onto a small furnished patio. Another door led to his private bathroom, and another gave access to a large walk-in closet. As the saying goes, life is a bitch, and then you die. Nice, very nice, indeed!

Cody turned on the Stereo, and some very non-typical-teen music filled the air gently, maybe not quite elevator music, but close. He walked over to me, and took my hand in his, guiding me to the sofa, where we sat, Cody snuggling in close to me, as I slid my arm around his lithe little body.

"I suppose it's a real burden, living in all this squallier." I jested. He giggled sweetly, and replied, "Well, it's a burden, but hey, somebody's gotta do it, right?" I chuckled, and buried my nose into his soft, fragrant hair, deeply inhaling the mouth watering aroma. He lifted his sweet face to look into my eyes, and said softly, "I don't think I properly thanked you for the killer breakfast, Jase." I winked at him, and smiled, replying, "And shame on you for it, too." He giggled, and moved closer, his warm, lush, lips pressing gently on mine, as his tongue stabbed at me. I opened my mouth slightly, and moaned, as his warm tongue invaded my mouth, beginning the ritual dueling with my own. I slid my hand down his back, and tugged at the tucked-in shirt tail, dislodging it from the waist of his shorts, then, slid my hand under the material, running my fingers over the silky soft skin of his bare back, and trialing down over his cute little butt. We broke the kissing briefly, and Cody lifted his arms, letting me slip the shirt over his head. I let my eyes drink in his beauty briefly, then, ran my hand over his satin smooth chest, my fingers lightly grazing his small nipples. Cody moaned softly, and whispered, "Jeez, Jase, I just love how you touch me...all of!" I pressed my lips to his shoulder, and slid my hand lower, to lightly caress his soft tummy, my mouth nibbling across his torso to lap my tongue against his tight little nipple.

He emitted another low groan, and I flicked my tongue at the hardening nub, relishing the feeling of it growing erect, as I sucked at it gently. His hands moved through my hair, and he jutted his chest forward slightly, encouraging me, as I licked across, to suckle the opposite nubbin, receiving the same result. Cody was squirming slightly under my assault of his now fully stiff nipples, and I gently nudged him backward, until he lay on his back on the sofa. My hands went immediately to his belt, and zipper, as I popped it all open, and slid his shorts down his hairless legs, and off, dropping the garment on the floor. He raised his arms above his head, stretching his lithe, lean, body, and I paused, letting my eyes take in his smooth perfection. I gasped slightly, when my eyes centered on his bulging crotch, the small, snow-white briefs so full, and distended, Little Cody fully erect, and pulsing gently within. "God, Cody, you are so damn beautiful, so perfect, I could just sit here and look at you forever." I said, and he smiled that to-die-for smile, and squeaked, "Only look?" I chuckled, and moved my hands over his golden toned torso, reveling in the smoothness of him, and answered, "Well, looking alone is a serious treat, but touching you....yea....that is the ultimate treat." He blushed sweetly, and again flexed his lean body, his rampant boyhood actually visibly throbbing against the straining fabric of his snug briefs, and squeaked, " then....touch me...I'll help ya!"

Nodding my head, I slowly slid my fingertips over his creamy smooth torso, ever so lightly, tracing his swollen nipples, and slightly exposed ribs, as I worked lower, sliding my fingers under the elastic of his briefs. He sighed, and shuddered slightly, his slim hips lifting off the sofa. I hooked the elastic band, and tugged the briefs out, and down, freeing his perfect boy meat, and the snug, hairless ball sack. I worked the briefs off his small feet, and added them to the shirt, and shorts, on the floor, leaving him gloriously naked under my heated gaze. He closed his eyes, and let his legs fall to the sides, opening himself to me. I groaned at his perfection, and put my hands on his toned legs, just above the knee, and slowly slid them upward over his smooth inner thighs. He groaned, and again lifted his butt slightly, as my one hand gently captured his plump little scrotum, and the other gripped his rock hard stalk. I stroked his length slowly, and gently rolled his balls in my fingers, as he groaned deeper, his head rolling slightly on the sofa cushion.

I continued to slowly, and gently, work his turgid cock, and finger his balls, as I leaned forward over him, and licked his hairless underarm. He gasped, and again tugged at my hair, moaning softly, as I licked across his nipples, and invaded the opposite underarm with my tongue. "Jason...Jase....jeez..!" he muttered, and I lapped my way once more over his nipples, then, down, to stab deeply into his cute, concave, navel. He squealed sweetly, apparently a tickle spot, and I retreated, licking my way into his sparse, silky pubes. I stabbed my tongue into the tight little crease of skin where his leg joined his crotch, and licked his inner thigh, then, swabbed the flat of my tongue over his plump ball sac, pushing at the small orbs within. I opened my mouth, and captured a single little nugget, sucking it gently, as Cody moaned, and slammed his fists on the sofa. I released it, and suckled its roommate in the same manner, then maneuvered slightly, and engulfed the entire sac of soft, hairless, skin. He groaned again, and mumbled my name, as I gently sucked his tender nuts, soaking his wrinkled bag with my flowing saliva.

Releasing his tight ball sac, I gripped the base of his granite hard meat in my fingers, pulling it outward from his groin, and swabbed my tongue across the leaking head. I made several passes, my taste buds reacting to his flowing precum, then slowly, ever so slowly, slid his perfect Little Cody inside my mouth, about half an inch at a time. He thrust strongly upward, and I pressed against his flat tummy with my hand, holding him back from thrusting into my mouth. I continued my slow, and teasing, devouring of his entire cock, until my nose was in contact with his few pubic hairs. I felt his spongy head press the back of my throat, and I swallowed several times rapidly, causing his to shudder, and tug at my hair with his fingers. I moved my mouth back up his length, and closed my lips firmly over just the flared head of his cock, and sucked it strongly, hearing him whimper above me, and relishing the sudden ooze of his acrid precum on my tongue. He was rapidly reaching his boiling point now, and wanting to forestall that event for now, I released his drooling boyhood, and stood. I bent down, and scooped the naked, writhing, boy into my arms, and carried him to his bed, and lay him on his back on the mattress. I quickly stripped out of my clothes, and lie down beside him, pulling him into my arms, and kissing his feverish mouth deeply.

We tongue swapped, and let our hands roam all over each others panting bodies, our mutual heat building like a hot summer wildfire. Not even conscious of the maneuvering, we suddenly found ourselves in a classic rendition of the sixty-nine position, each of us grabbing hungrily at the others throbbing erection, and engulfing them fully, mouths, tongues, and lips in full assault, sucking each other as if it were the world's final moments. I firmly gripped the twin globes of flesh that were Cody' delicious little butt cheeks, and sucked his turgid boy cock with a vengeance, while he applied his own natural skills to my drooling tool, bringing me rapidly to the brink of explosion. I increased my suction on his tasty meat, and dug a finger into his warm cleft, probing against his firm little pucker. He tensed slightly, then moaned, and tensed strongly again, and I tensed up right along with him, my balls boiling over. He grunted, and flexed his hips strongly, as his shaft jerked inside my mouth, exploding, and flooding my mouth with his slippery essence, which I happily swallowed as fast as it presented. Mere seconds behind him, my own aching tool erupted, jetting my semen into his soft, warm, mouth in rapid-fire pulses.

Panting, lightly sweating, and exhausted, we separated our heaving bodies, and rolled onto our backs, our hands clutching in the middle, fingers firmly laced together, as we sucked in deep gasps of air. Eventually Cody, somewhat recovered, crawled up to my side, and lay is head against my still heaving chest. He lifted his sweet face to look at me, giggled, and said, "Jeez, just think, Jase, I actually didn't want a senior advisor...jeez!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 8

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