Seduction of Cody Barnes

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 19, 2005


I slept late the next morning, as was my non-working Saturday custom. I awoke slowly, stretching vigorously under the blanket. The more soundly I sleep, the slower I seem to wake fully, and last night, I had slept like the proverbial baby. The incredible events of last night with Cody had effectively eradicated all of the tension I had been harboring as I worked my slow, but sure, seduction of the cutie, and his shy, but positive reaction to my advances had been even more than I had hoped for. I slid a hand down to grip my morning erection, idly stroking the pulsing length, as I reveled in the mental reenactment of the spontaneous hand job I had administered to his cute little dick at the party, and the two blow jobs, at the lake, and later, in the Mustang. Damn, I thought, as I slid my thumb back and forth over my smooth cock head, what a little hottie he is, with his trim, smooth body, and that perfect cock, and balls. Even his cum is sweet, I thought, and copious too, for a fourteen year old freshman. I abandon my aching hardon, and moved to cup my hanging balls, tugging them gently, and thinking that I definitely need more Cody Barnes, and, of course, Little Cody, as well.

I rolled out of bed, and ambled naked into my bathroom, completeing my morning routine, and coming fully alert in a hot shower. I pulled on some shorts, and a tee shirt, and headed to the kitchen for some juice, and coffee. Steaming mug in hand, I wandered outside to the back deck, and dropped into a chair at the umbrella table. I flipped open my cell, and punched in Cody's number, sipping my coffee as it rang in my ear. He picked up on the second ring, his soft, melodic voice filling my head like music as he said, "Hey Jason...hi!" I grinned, feeling my cock give a small twitch at the very sound of his voice, and replied, "Hey yourself, Cody Barnes, how are you this morning, and more important, how is that perfect Little Cody?" He giggled his sweet little noise, and I could almost see his creamy cheeks blushing, as he answered, "I'm good, actually, and, um, Little Cody is, uh, even better, actually!" I chuckled, and mumbled, "Good, that's the way we want things, both of my Cody's happy, at all times!" We chatted briefly, ending by my suggesting a hearty breakfast at a killer coffee shop that I favored. Cody quickly agreed, commenting that for "some reason" he was way more hungry this morning than usual. I arranged to pick him up in about thirty minutes, and rang off, heading back to my room to dress for the day.

I rolled to a stop in front of Cody's house, and he came bounding down the sidewalk, an absolute vision in his white cargo shorts, and bright red polo shirt. His soft hair bounced gently as he walked to the Mustang, and my nose suddenly filled with the memory of his incredible aroma as I watched him. He pulled open the door, and slid that little bubble butt into the seat, and turned to me, grinning widely, and said sweetly, "Hey!" I chuckled, and reached over to fluff his soft hair, answering in kind, "Hey, back!" He giggled, and I dropped the trany in drive, and roared off. We got into the traffic flow, and I dropped my hand onto his creamy thigh, squeezed it gently, and slid it upward into his lap. He yelped, and giggled, as I gave Little Cody a gentle squeeze, saying, "And good morning to you, too, Mr. Perfect." The sweet glow of his blush painted his smooth cheeks, and he squeaked, "Oh jeez, Jase....before breakfast, even!" I chuckled, and gave another squeeze to the responding Little Cody, then said, "This, is what I'd like for breakfast!" He squealed sweetly, and replied, "Nope...I'm food hungry, big time, so, um, dessert, maybe!" I laughed, and nodded, muttering, "Ok, ok, you got a deal, hot-stuff!" He reached down, and lifted my hand back to the steering wheel, and said, "Drive, Mister Senior, you know us young boys need to be fed!" I complied, reluctantly leaving his prize alone for the moment, and steered on to the restaurant.

We parked, and went inside, where we were shown to a booth by the window. We sat, our knees bumping under the table, and perused the menu, then ordered. We sat chatting and grinning, still playing kneesies under the table, until our mammoth breakfast arrived, steaming hot. We dug in ravenously, and rapidly cleaned the plates. I paid the tab, and we headed back to the Mustang, one of our appetites sated for the moment. Back in the car, I again dropped my hand into his lap, searching out his boyhood, and deftly working it to a rapid erection. Cody giggled, blushing sweetly, and gave me a couple of "oh jeez" remarks, but also settled back onto the seat, and opened his smooth legs. I fondled his hard little dick, and asked, "So, freshman Barnes, what would you, and, Little Cody here, like to do now that you have been well fed?" He giggled, thrusting his slim hips upward slightly to add pressure to my grope, and squeaked, "Uh, well actually, my parents went to play golf, which takes pretty much all day, so....if ya want...we back to my house." I grinned, giving the very firm Little Cody a squeeze, and replied, "Excellent suggestion, Cody Barnes, excellent...that is exactly what I'd like to do!" He grinned, giggling sweetly, as he again thrust his hard nail against my hand, and squeaked, "Cool, I bet you're up for some dessert, maybe?" I chuckled, rubbing his sweet meat gently, and replied, "Oh yea, I am, like, totally up for dessert, possibly several helpings, even!" Cody giggled, and nodded his pretty head, as I stepped a bit harder on the accelerator, suddenly finding my sweet tooth aching.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 7

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